I ORGNO W«LYTIMES 'W1'USDAYSAIÎCI 14',1957 LUYR T T K SN day afternoon, March 2nd and was (R1elen) Port Hope, , three Sona.,j Report From Parliament Hill LUCYRUTHTE ,'SON condneted by Rev. John Kitchen of IMelfî!le at home, Gus of Kirby and Orono, who spoke of Mrs. Wilson as Victor of Crooked Creek 'eleven Mrs. Luicy Ruth Wilson pased one of the pioneers of this country to grandchildren and three great grand- Man.y of you will have been readiag trami the University of Toronto, there ,&-*av in Bownanvilie Memorial Hos- mýhom the presençt generation owe so cbildren., The pail bearers - were in the papers tlhat the Minister ùf was one especially delightbful young pftal on Wednesday, February 27th, rmuch. She xiii alvays bre rememaber- Mesaýrs. Richard Wilson, half brother Mines and Technical Surveys, Ho. 'chap in the party and hewn a resi- ,th beloved wife of the late William ed for- her smuiling -aee, cheerful mnan- of -deceasadi, Laverne Hoy, Arthur George Prudham and his f am-ily have dn fth odCato hn si R. Wilson. She had farmed for many ner and friendliness. Thompsori, Reg. Elliotat, Lloyd Glass ýboeen representing Canada~ at a very ill be calied. This personal acquain- years just west of the hanklet of Ken- and Eddlie Couroux. There wera many special ceremony. On Wed'nesday, the tance made the ceremonies much more dal and was oniy sick for a few days, Hier husband, the late William E .! beaitifuli floral tributes to attest th . Pràma Minister paid a great tribute in xteresting. Canada will send a High beiýng in hospital only two days. it Wilson, passed away very suddenly esteeini in -which _Mrs. Wilson was this connection ta the new Comimoni- Conmissioner to this new inidepand- was a great sho-ck toalal who knaw, a f ew years ago, leaving her to car:Iy haid. weafth State of Ghana, formeriy ent stata. hûr henthe head o he pasingon he arinwit he sonMelill. aknow%ýn as tha, Gold Coat, located la ~Ie whn beyhead of er asi~ n te armwit hr sn Mlvlle oAfrica. House Builders May ReceiNe Heip symnpathy ta Meville and ber family. tei s, MNrs. Jo)seph Greenwood (Sarah) f For monst memibers this occasion of the Toronto papers late ilte The funieral service was hèld in wh~o lives about "-,vo miles east of' ' UN M % L. xvas of great interest, butfomewakiftuxiibofcnirbi the Kendlal United Church on Satur- Kendai, Mrs. Williamai Barkweili -- there -%as a personal intçrest as we'll. interest to tiiose contenipiating the * (Initended[ for Last eek) Whlco our Rotary Club i Bowman- ereetion of houses this year.' Un- -*tCong-ratulations to Mrs. L. Thorne ville entertained overseas students fôrtu-nateiy , at tihe tima this is beirvg on her 931-d bîrthday, March 3r-d. Vis- ________________ WitteIi, 1 have been unatie ta clieck àiting for the weakeni to help her cel- . its validity, but is suggested that the dbrte ereMr.andMrs Wifre Eendal schooi on Friday vemin"g, governmnent, throug-h the batiks and March Ltst, sponsoraed by the Kandal Cnl'iMorùtg'agead Housinig Cor-. Roughley, David and Dannie, Grand-, womien's Tnstitute. Mrs. Ned Fostýer poration would be mkn large sm son a1nd -great-grandsonis, Mrs. Edith \nvrdAnesn gad on thla( dies' high prize and Mr. of 111oney availabla to hoit ebudes Fergus<ýon aGeFedArges nýMercer -the -gent's high. Those whý1o have tried t banbn SALES Aumd SERVICEidugtrand great-granidson, al of Piz or1wsc)ewet o 1 fr ueoprpsa i tely wll kn Oshawýa, Miss Laing of Trmo Rev. Nail and Mr. Johnny Thonipsonr. Tick- tha t they have b'een deniad funids, U se d C a royos J ohn K ' ino, clrdohn Satrdayanld s had been sold' on a b eaultifi'l dusty It now appears tiat steps have I Our complète service year Mr. Kitchaaprsentd a plant Of lnar- was the iucky wne of thi~s blanket. been very Iow titis year., 5 this news gurn.ésrudcissi ta Mr. Tornie from Mr'Us. Kit- .Tickets are being soid on a blue xiii be -very wlom.Thera'is n dri ing pl ffs re - c enand im(e'. rs atchier Fos- blanket, W-hih is jit as beautiful ind(icationi that otharýt credit restri- drivîng fflea-sure ter, calied on SUI!daýv \ith a lp;lnt of :apd xiii ha drawn on -M\arcli5h ,tions xiii ha ioosened at thelmoment I df-fdis " MS. Thnrn le. . Mil-j when aote achre par-ty mii be uls additional signis of business, ton Robinson a nid Us. W mi. 3Jc so n h eid in he K ndai schooi r oam. siaLkeiin g put iii an app arane. à,%called on Monday. MrJis. F. Stoker spent two days in WaiNvr 0f Interest On U. K. Loan o e a ra sovrry t o hear t1i M i y lýlook H osp ital la st w eek and nonucad a e w iagr e m a r i th the1 is iiMinister of FinanceeHarrisian- Phone 3251 Nwa~e ~a; ~ ebei uBwavlesia andl recaived a check-up ait the Toronto United Kingdomcocannga a -hope hp( wiii soon ha felin{g better. Geneý,ai Hospital and the report a of over ai billion dôoliars. -Arne ~ uhaparty xva afjoyed in tha satis actory. m.enits hav-e inow hean mad to waive - -- --- '- "~- ~ ~ '"the paymnt- of intreat sand principal savoni tinies ~r' the life Of the agreemient, pr.ovidand the U.S.A. taikes the same action each yîear. The most intar-esting part of tiisanone nient wa lhat ail back inteacind princ,,iipal xi be paid annuaily in the years foiiowing thaý end of the praýsant R"equired for EPARMENr 0 NATIONAL DEFENCE, COBOURG T hLreponiba fr ithe safe-guýiardin.g of pir-operty- te prevnt damgaby J'ire, sabotalge, theft 0or pilfer.age-. Furthier detaits o qulifications requirad ara available ot (0f s, Naioýnal Empoioyment Offices and thie Cpt obourg. 1ýe'ication fërms availabie at Post Offices and National Empioyment Ser-vice, shouid be submuitted immediateiy ta Cii Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto "., Ontario. 0 - e=Dý=10tOfO:O o = o:= C=O<- INE i M O RLD FKI AGeoeral motors Value RO.Y W. NJICHOLS COURTICE Vigof Oîl Co. Ltd. Stove ,Oil 21 cents per gai FuelOi 1 3é,cents per ga ' For Delivery Phone ORONO 1567 -or- OSHIAWA RA. 5-1109 R*E. LOGAN Sheet Mtal Orono, Ont. For the . ,,o<> tf INSULATED isaiit yourseif in 3 hoursl Cornes cozuplete . . . needs no bricks. mortar. foundation. Supported at rof andt floors. Non-corrosive stainless steel flue wlth alum. inum outside casing. Fits 1, 2 and 3 storey Ï homes. Custom-built; approved. by recoqt- nized research organiz.atïons and heating authorities. The Selkirk Chimney saves heat, savea - mnoney. and eliminates fire hazard! De- veloped and manufactured in Canada aind provea foi, yearsl Made by SELKIRK METAL PRODIJOTS L!D.. I t BtnùoW"M A N V 1L LE sehedu1e of payments, nameW l ba yea:r 2001, Mention o~f this new ter, tury broughit many of us to are - zation that there weren't too mar,7y- ye-ars left in, this one. One speak~r Harold Wineh a British Colum~I,ý. CCF merrber, suggested that Cana- shoulAd wipe out the entire debt tu tb'U United Kingdom. Additional Troops To Suez Area General Burns' request for addj-- ûional Canadian trooýps for the Uie Nations Emergency Force inths Middle East brought responsq foe the Minister responsihde thIis ~k Mr. Campney annovineed tha t app? ox- imately 105 officers and mnen equippe*'" wvith scout cars and otherne equipment w-ould be transported Zu the area in the near future by airlift From ail reports, the Ca'nadiann-ýý W4:ho are in charge of Al administra- tive Positions have been -doing ar,~ rific job under dif-ficui:t conditîor?ý, They now has-e takeon over fronitm Israeii in the Gaza strip, a imuch mr~ dfiuttask beca1us;e ismore hih- ly Pppulated, miainly by Arab refzi-- gees wo maybe someýwhat hostfiete western ltroops. Health Insurance Seems Assurece After meetings i11 Ottawa recen-tty- it nov' appears a certainty that hs- tario will have fbo-spital insurance b h 1I'19. One deterrinig factor is that o~ 3.additionui province must indicate-ia interesýt and ap~a before the a- _tionaýl sulhememy bed*ome effectiva>~ The-re are mnany rumors flying about Ottawa that Manýýtitob)a may also cme into the scherne, although nothing - dL- iifinite lhas been announcýed. When and if one another pr-oviuoes, does agree,stp can th)en be -a~ 1 'o ge(t the niacbhiniery rworking inr those proÇvince'(s which h ave ag-'ree-'L. 4 Lt -wilI flot be difficuiit in provàinoeunL tsdlhemes, but the others xvN-Iil v 'large administrative tasks ta ou- plete. -ee, at the momnent, prse t look particular-ly good fr iestblishmierit.