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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1957, p. 7

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Animal AcrobàtsI Jack Burgessansd Richard Lilya wera fiying low over an Lce-bound Minnesota laka lnaa ,ilit plane nat long ago whien 1O0-pound timbar Wolf leaped ap, ciamrped its jaw,,- on ana o! tie piane's skis, and braught it grmashing down. The oniy casuaities, fartunate- ty, were the plane and the ambi- Êious Wolf. Most people thouglit it a once-' in-a-li!etime accident, but aq, - mais are iavoived lu sucli leth,1l acrobatics yeac, ater year; and wide variety o! them ice-nid easily be charged with attempted homicide. After shooting a deer, a praud Utahi huater kacit Ta- zan-like over his "kili." The Lot-so-dead creature kicked, hit~ the trigger o! the bunter's gn and shat hlm lu the thîgh. While iii Texas, where everytblag la differant, a freshly-caught cat- fish fioppiýng ,aond in the bo t- tomn of a rowboat sent s bullet itar a stamtled sportsman. Ina'North Dakota, several years ago, a fammner was flying three feet above the groundic dusting bis cropa when a jackmabbit with delusioris a! grandeur' gave a mighty hop, hit the roarl'ng Pro- pelier anid grouuded the plane. Iu Salisbury, Maryland, s motorist submitted on odd acci- dent dlaim to 'the State Farm Éinsurance Company. H1e ciaimned that ir)s parked car had beau severely bitten by a hanse, sud won a $5 settiemant for the Char-les McDouough wa s fi- ing in the St, Lawrence River whea ha hooked s beautifll pike. .After fightiag and liaading the fish, McDonough exuberantly plcked it Up and gave !t a kisa. Not te ha outdoue, the pý)ike kis- ed bsck, biting the fishermnan i the face, Susani Reed,~ an eight-year-old gàIlfram Soiu'thsea5 niad cam-e home anae day with a biack- eye, "A polar bear hi' me," she told lier mothar graveiy. Wheni Iîttie Susan refusad ta change her story, Mrs. Reed iavestigated and disecovered that lier dauigh- ter was baiug quite truthfu1. Seems she bad tried ta pet a polar bear at s local circus and been smaeked withi a heavy paw for lier familiarity. - T'rom 'ý-ORONET Magazine. ILECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH- E lectric toothbrush for the hiome gives yaur teeth the dentist's professional gleam, says The F'l- nanciai Post, Wth siral bris- 1LIes, brush la whiried ila dock- or anticiockwise direction by a smnall motan. But there'.s no danger o! electric shoclç or kbruîing o! mouth tisus elsima the manufacturer. If toa inuchi pressure is applied, brush action stops automsticaiiy. Price lu the U.S.:, $19.95. Extra bmushas: $1.95 éach. HORSE SPLASH -- Leading her horse ta water is no probîemo for Marion Lsehorc. as she and lier maunit, "Lorah/' thriîî au- diences at the Aquafair. LikCe a western film hero, Marion rides thet horse off a 40-foot diviýng boatd. Forest 0f PBloom I set out early in May. Climb- ing for three days from the 3,000- foot-highi plain o! Kathm-randu to the j2,000 feet of the Saone Mani ridge, I first crossed huge' terraced mountain-sIopýz aýston,- ishing examples of the zea.i and patience of thle peasant.., Human ants, long caravans o! Tamnangs in Indlian file - the women wearing numnerous neck.. laces of red b-eads--carried their produce: bamboo baskets (ana inside the other, massive pianks of reddish wood, rectangulIar loads of hand-made fibrous pa- per, enairmtous bunches of greeïi boughs which entireiy hid the porter's body The woads and forests aston- ished rme in their - turn., They bristie-d with black, branchiless trunks like, aimost leaf- less, for in 'this raglan there is ~-so littie grass for the, cattle fthat the peasants cut the foliage to feed cows and bu!! alo, just as they, do in Auvergne in the hesrt' a! France. This habit, added to the activity o! the woodeutters, is graduaýlly killing the forest which would mnaintain the soil under the attack of thé violent monsoan rains. As for the iarg- est oak tres they are burned where they stand, their trunks crowued with smolte, for their- ash, is needed ta whiten the paper made on the spot fromn the barlt a! the caphne. The industry la sa laqrge that it has given its name ta th'e people o!-- the dis- trict. No one who has not seen them can imagine the overwheiming splèndour an-d rîchness o! a for- est o! tree rhododendrons - r aie ivor y-yellowv, salmon-pink and mauve - the ltter growing up ta 10,000 feet. Words c anno paint a tree dotted with blood- red flowers standing out against the receding bine slopes tiîng ed with purpie by distance, under the dark indigo oif tbhe sky, whilst beyond shimnpbrs thie satin o! the Himalayan snowýs. - Fromn "Tha Land o! the Sherpas,"' by Ella MaîlHart. ÏVORLD OF ELECTRONS OPENED CENTURY AGO December lth was a centen- ary o! great note in tha world o! science -and indeed la the %vider world too, for on that day in 1857 was born the man who first discovered the existence *and nature o! electrons. Ha was Sir Joseph J. Thomson o! Cam- bridge University. His re- searches set off a series of fur.- ther discoverias and investiga- tions that are still going on, One of Thonisou's studants was a young New Zealander, Ernest Rutherford, who after.- wards became equaliy famnous. He bas a special interest for Canadians ln that he servad for a tlme as Professor o! Physics ut MéGill University. Buther- ford and another great scientific figure, Frederick Soddy, were pioneeIs. in the field o! radio- activîty. Both were knîdghted for their services to science and medicine, Tunney Down For 14 Seconds Refkeree Dave Barry stepped in as Gene Tuinuey slu-mped ta the canvas, badly hurt from Jack Dempsey's tohaddattack. "Go te- a neutral corner, Jack,'> Barry said. -1I stiiy here," snapped Demp- sey, wihth a scowi. Tuuney had failen directly over mny press row seat' and. beard the exchiauga betweein Dempsey anid Barry clearly. The referee had corne up, aria reacdy to start the counit, then realized Dempsey was not maving. .Ve took Jacl, by the arm, but it was a couple of vah.tahie seconds be- fore Dempsey cleared out and the counit cotld be started writeýs Nat Flilcher, America's leading fight au1thority , - Thbis was, o! course, the sevcnth rouànd o! the second Dempsey- Tunney figbt at Chicago, Sept, 22, 1927. For most o!f six rounds, Dempsey was lu tirouble with Tunney. Ha simpiy could not catch Gene and wvas takîng a good iacing whiie trying it. But hiereln the sevenith, the famed killng power la Demnp- sey's f ists! had exploded. Ha hurt Tunay wîth a le! t hook, then a short rigli fggd eu1 brain. A teitible batterinig stack- ed Tuuuey against the ropes, wvhere he tok -As murderous. a left hook as evar seen, then a series o! short rights before go.- ing downr. It wvas ta- be 14 seconds before T1unney came off the floor. That, was Ymy counit sud that is the way it wi remain la1 my his'- tory. Others have argued that Tunney was down km fo nearly "0 seconds. Fourteen ft was, and it probL- al)y was the Most valuable sppce o! time in Tunney's life, DemIp. sey wanted things bis wvay-tbhe aid way -- standing directly1, - over a failen opjponeat and bit- tiug hlm the moment his kuee left the c-anvas. «Referee Barry wanted it ac- cordingc to the ules. Sa Tua-. ney, trying ta clear bished crame tai one knee and waitezd as Bary, five seconds late lu startiug the co'uut, eached nrie Then Gene got up. And thlx -,as not adui& idedesper.- ste? figliter who reached lis feet. The Tunney who came off the f100? was, iustead, a smXart fighter who ranks wvith boxing's ali-timne best as a master o! the scien-ce. Gvene started circii'ng the ring. His legs ïaoved; moved, imoved. iAnd lie lured Dempsey into a mistake. The aid Dempsey wauld have piled into hlm, bath hiands shooting. But the Dempsey who bat thbis fight tried te stalk the circliug Tunney. He followed -Gan's monotonaus cices-anid after a ,vhie found he didnil have the speed te catch lis mari. Tunuey would not gamble. Weakeued, ha wouid have been no match for Dem-psey. Sa lie kept pecking with that Jeft joab sud -moving on thosa beautifuIly conditionad legs o! bis. T'unney lasted the round sud i-, the eightb, ha broke out o! his pecking with a short right chop which put Demrpsay on the floar, Gene Tuuriey, heavyweight champion, was bock in stride again. The rest o! the fight had Tua- uey in command. Dempsey won only three o! tha 10rons Trhere were 104,943 fans at Chicago's Soiçer Fie-id t h at night. Thcy paid a týremarndou,-s $2,658,660 ta witness the battIe. And tha thril from those 14 seconds stiIli carrnes over la mry miemory. .An angry mnotorist, dro'ife bis baby car bock ta the works. «I warit ail the wheeis takea off," 1ha said, "and replaced hy bigger ones. Irn not going ta have if . CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO sa* AGENTS WAt4TEO JFYOUJ are net rmuch of a salesmnan, but cain get alorig witlvfarinera, -you can mnate $80 - $100 per week rep- resenting us la your ceunty. WrIte the ~Manager, Box 328, Milverton. naro Go JNTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sel] exclusive houseware products and appliances wanted by every heuse. holder. These itemns are net 80oId in stores. There la ne competitien Prof. lis up te 500%. Write lmmedilately forý free cler catalogue wlth retail pries2 slsewn, Separate conifidentiai wholf,>- salje price wil 1ýe includled. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawreni-e, 1Montreal. ARTICLëS FOR SALE SCOTCH anci Austia n Pine Seedlingr, seed frornî, selecteci trees. âMurray KecaaCorintb, Ot BUE' Retail at Wholesale Prices! Bave rnmeney. 21 peatcard brins Free Whole- sale Nane lBrand <atalog of Diamonda, ,lewelry, Watches, Appianceýs. Ne c bIi 5tien. Watsonl Sales, Box 67, 'Ne Station, Dept. CA. Brooklyn 3, BABY CHICKs SPRING Bray bred-to-lay poilers for theeal' goed, heavy production egg markets. Get our lit. See the wide cheice breeds, crosses, 'specdal' (Aines In-Cross - extra eggs, 10w tfeed cost; Pilch Whte Rocks-quick growlng, welI rounded brell'ers,) Bray Flatchery, 1 20 Jotin N., Hamilton, Ont. WE predict egg pricea will be better whenî it's tee rate te get early chicits. We predipt a lot lesst chicks will be sold thlt year. T1hs ;s the year te huy and be sure te purchase the right breeda fer the job you want the chicks te- de. Our hast fer eggaA s In Cross seriea 400, a taýrrifïic layer, aise Tweddilé Lay More series 'T-1001 T410, T-120, T413(j Write for full datails. Aise dual purpese breeda, broiler breeds, turkey ponîta. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CKICK HATOIIERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO l'OXFORD" Appruvedi Chieks ive, lay and psy. They are the resuits ot thirty yeara of caraful salectiori and breed- lsjgý rhey hamve to be geedl, because we vfant the very best klnd 0Df cblcks for ouir own ïlocks - big, vigerous wrpd early mtrn.We have fou r pure breeds andi four crosses - Celum1bia Rock, Ltýght Sussex, Wihte Legbesz,ýî L-400 xgor ..l.aCR. PILR. x B.R. - WLx C.R. - R.R. X W.L. Write fer t ree folder. The Oxfo'rd F'arriners' Co.eperallve Produce Cern.1 pany, Llsrnted. 434 Main Street, Woodstock, Onlarie. How0M.,Can t? By Anne Ashley Q.Hew can 1 remove ïedine stains? A. If jodinie las. beensple oni wearîng appar-el, cover, the stains withi white laundry soap and aîo t to remrali n lu cold water for at least cNo hours It con then be laundered in the usual faýshiun and the ttains wi -wash out, Qý oRe coni 1prevent grease froin popplng? A. Sprinkle a ýittle flour in thie frying panâ and àl will stop the spattering at once. ATso tryv inverting a colander over the pan, remnoving it only whený tu rn ing Q. What can be douie te a straw bat that dreops at the briii? A. Sponge wecll with the white of an egg that hias ?een thor-1 oughly beaten. Then place oni a hat stand to dry. fl. ow eau 1 elelin plaster1 statues? A, By usi-ng a thin paste of fuhler's earth and cold water, and spreading- on with -a soft bruzh. Remove thei fuller', earthi with tepid soapsuds anid ýinse lu the samne temperature water. Dry with a sofit cloth. Q. 110w cau I preveut irtigrow- ing teenails? A. Stockings which are too short in the foot are very oiften the cause of ingrowing- toenails. See that both, the stoc-king-s and the shoes are net too short. Q. 110w can 1 reiove clegged Ink fromi steel peus? A. Dip themn in a strong solu- tion of amrinonia water. This softens the ink and it cari be easily wiped off. Q. liow car i sw4ve tl*ne in Jiang- ing wash durisig eold weather? A, Try pinining ail small ar- ticles, such as' handkerchiefs and cellars, tco the tewels and larger pieces before going out ta hang the wash. Q110w eau 1 prevent poach.- ed eggs from stickiug te the i WÈ psy Ur te $5ýýN00 for old booke. Cataloý-gue 25e. Amnerican Book, RBom- 301, 187/? Queen Street East, ýTeronto.b EDUCATïONAL INSTRUCTION SCI40OLS and COLLEGES MISSIONARY-Gulde: Nenprof'it. Bey, Pierini, 148*4 Bleer West, Toronto, WA. 4-"842, Colegiate, Public, Lnugs Basic Enlrgïish, Puâblic Speaking, Stery Wring, Itiquette, JDrenatishs, Tirat Aid, ec EDUCAIONAL SOCIAL DANCING MADE EASY PFOX TROT, 1Bhub a, Ma-mbo alz taught by profeasionals, in easy les- sens, on long play unireakab).e reords. Suitable for Home, Scheels ad Bec. reation Centras, Particulars free. Edu- cational Services lteg'd., Box 17 25, Quebae, Que. EMPLOYMENT WANTED ENGLISH farin manager, sparried, 312, B.A. Agriculture (Camnbridge), expert- anced arable, il livaesteek, large acreage, lbighest raferences, Ilmigrat. ing March.,esapool. H1ughesec/o 52 Jasper Boad, Baaconstlald, Que _bec. TEACHERS WANTIED rEACHER wanted IimxdiatalY fOr ShtnIng Tree Public School. Salary $2.3(00. Fit teen pupils, grades 1- -9. APPLY, tating qaiictos and ainýe et atý inspecter. Mrs, Audrey 1 _ore. Sec.-Treas. Shlning T7ree, ont. F:OR SALE BODY SI4OP FOR SALE DOING business for lhree steady employees. Apply Box 221, Ansonville, Ontarie. GRAIN GROWERS DO YOU NEED SEÉD5? SWrBONG, strawed, ruaI resiatait 9Gar- ry oas, igheat ylelding linthIbo n. tarie tests eacii year fer 3 cons ecu- tive years, aise Rodnay. Siimcoe and the autstaxidinù, strong strawed Herta bar- iey _ aise Bs anlt arley, Montealsa, Se-lklrk wheait andi ther standard varietias. Write for price lista and descriptive orderu earIy for the grade sud vari.ety - quirad and specîfy when lo e b hipoed, whîile our goed supply lasta.. An vlaa-v, sis tag on every bag we sali et see-d gralins., We guarantce the punity, gerwmation, quality, pe-digree and satisfaction, Alex M. Stewart & Son, Ltd., Alsas Craig, Ont. Eu Pedigree Seed Housýe-- sow the hast - eut. yield the reot." MEDICAI. FOR relief tmpiles use Certifed Pile Olinent. Tbewitb,- zapplcator, $1.48, Enclose cheque or mneay order, Arrowv Falcon CÇorpany, 4625 Grand Blvd., -Montreal DON'T W.41T - EVERY IUFFERER OF RHjEUMATIC PAINS OR , NEURITIS SHOUWL TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 385Elin fOaw $,3Express PFrepaid STOMACH SUFFERERS TRY "GYNC 4000" MOîNJî'Y BAG)1. AGREENNi GYO"4000- Sclentifically cmosd ad wilil helpaeth stoîmach Irritat1ýi, J>y neutralizing the aclditty whlcb las ettenr espoinsuble for poor- digestion, Aciti Dyspepsla Heartburri, gasalpes, sud indreti other dlscemiforts. Seld ot ieýadîng Drug; Stores, ûe n mntie treat-ient ,$2,50. -Mail erdars C.OD. g>staga extra. Gyno Pro-duta àReg'd,, IWhltes Lane, Stoney Creek, Ont. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment. *f dry aczerma rashes and weeping 5kln robls Posta eczama Salve 1V1ie, otdlsap. point you. Itch'ing. acaling and burn. Ing eczena4 sene, ring1werin, pimplas and foot eczeaswilil respond readily te the sta4nless odorless olntinentr- gardlesof how slubbor» or lwpeles4 they seam. Fa n e.p e rc Sent PostFreo eep fPi PRiCE $3.00 PER JAR c POST'S REMEDIES 2965 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIRS FOR MEN AND WOMEN "LEARN GRAPHOLOGY"! ltandwriting character analy sis. Analyze yeurself, relatives andi friands! M3e lça1g mlnty ainalyvzing strangars! Illustrateti Analy. is Guide 3.0.Freed, $01 Vaughan, Winnipeg 2, Manitoba. MAltE ïmore money talrlqg magasine sul scriptlons, new raflavals,, gifta. Low ratas, high commsissions. For fnli par. ticulara wvrite: Raydon-Phillips NMaga- zine Agency, 585 Portsmouth Aven1ue Kingston, Ontario. PLASTIC F~OAM (Fexible) Sensational ev eraft miaterial. Yen can crealei b6autiful girl itemys or demei nstrate titis material ta vour local hobby grenpsý at a profit. Dpamonstrator-'s kil $1. Postpitid. KIDDER MANUFACTURPING CO. 1 33 Danfcrth Ave, Toronto. Tisese days aiDai people work uniter preâssure, worry more, sîeep leoa. Tis atrain en body andi brain tuakea physicaî filncscasier to lose-hareer to regain. Today'.s tente living, lowered rasistance, overwork, worry-zny of usaee iay affect ntormal kilaey action. Wisen kidneys get oui of order, excss scids and wastes rem4in in tihe sygtesu. Tisen backacise, disturbed rosi, that "tirati-out" iseavy- Iscaded feeling often foîbow. That's tise lime i. take Dodd's Kidney Piill. Dodd's siaulate thse kiducys 10 normal action. Theis yous 'sel better-sboep better-work botter. Ath for Deud's Kidssey Pils mi any êuig coutse. I'4SSE Il -, 1957 OPPORTUffITiUs FOR MEN AND WOMEN BAkRGAINS ln mangazine su2bscriplo Wite for frf»ee Ust. Free pizes o custornera, Kaydonr,-Philllps -Maigaz! Agency, 58e Portsmouth Avenue, Kïn POOL your Frlends! Your letters4 mailed froin Niagara Fals area2 each, 7 for $L0i0. Bathersen Macanilmey, Buffalo 20, New York BE A IAIRDRESSER MON CANAOAIS LEADING SCHOC Great OpportunIty Learu Hairdress*r Pleasant digiF(ed professioi güo wae.Theusanda of auccesaful Miarvel Graduates Arnerlca'a Grèatest Systemr lllustraýted' catalog Free WrIfte or Cal] MARVEL HAIRDRLESSING EHO '58 Bloor St. W., Toronte Branches: 41 King St. W., Harnilton 72 Bldeau,. st., ottâa PATENTS 1FBT1HERSTONHAUJGÏH& CoinP paIl P-atenit Att-rneys-. stablished i- 600, University Ave.'Toronto. PatEêý !IYGENIC supplles, for ment. Our c( fidenitial price list sent te You bY nm Inl plain envelope Flrst Class Maýl. Oude naine, age and addre3ss, sede RAINBOW SALES 171 Harbord Stre Teront(e. HOW TO REDIJCE 4ÎNEW Idea. A new way. Arnazi i'esuîts, Wrîie fr deta1iS. Box 130 Donalda, Ata. $L0TRIAL elfer. Twentyfve delu personal requirements. Latest (catalog Included. The Medico Agency, Box Trerminai "Q' Toronto Ont. 'PALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN wanted. If yen are ck injgon farmers or If yenl cani farmfe±s cblcks or turkey pouits c) mun1icate witb uis. We are lookinigf a liye wire salernian teoeiol top qv ity chicks for egg, productionf brellera and for dual purpose, ai turkecy poults. Libdtra1 commIssi paid. leeIdealers, farinrs or a' eue selffing farinera maoke ideai chi saleslent. Send for fui] d1etails. B No. 153, 12.3 Elhteentb, St.. New 'J' onto, Ont, STAMPS WANTED for Cash: 011d Poste Stamps, Stampir Collections and , 4-uin.latlons. AseOld,,.Bttonsa Stinga cýf BujttonsWrite Boxy i itoOntario. SWINE REGïSTEREDJ Lancluace bojara for sa At present 'there la a litter sired Mieddlemuiý1r Selld 101h and from. W wlck 1Hybrid Sheila. Only 5 boars1 for sale eut 0f the origilla1l iti Basare i3 months celd and are eaeh, Apply Wanut Ridge Farms, L, Martin & Son., Wallaceburg, Ont, IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SEPICN foMto tken acordimg1 Idirection$; is a sofe way to induce der; orquiet the nefoeswhen t.aje. $),.0 Aip rog Sores or Lutin,1Ld., T.nbtc MOXON'S LINIMENT! Sffld in CANADA. fer qver 50 yea G oodI for Mai or Beast send $1.00 for 5ýoz. Bottie, Postpai MOXON LINIMENT CO. MT. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN~ U.S.A. Don't squeeze Bl1ackheads and leave uigl3 ,cars - dissolve them %wjth EOXN 'O WPEII, Simpfle - Sal e- Surc Cleanses the pores deep d'own. givin, yotir skidn vtality spd chamin. At youi Druggist. Resoîts guaranteed. Price PEROXINE PQWDEI Il t' a JN FOR CAN MIUITARY Pl $1L2 sends 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES or auy other Macdonald Brand Postage incîuded Mail order and remnittonce to: OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT MACDONALD TOBACCO INC. PO. Box 490, Place d'Arms, moutreal, Que. ThIs offer lu sobleçt tb *ny change lin Govemmont Reculoitons. N 45' N N N N N -s N N N N Sa, N N N g', N N il N N s N OL N N a N N N N N S N N N N N N N N N N N on- N sali N la. N te set, N N iug N I-F, N N N ix, N bu. N 22~ N N s' N ail- sali N nu- for N ual- N for - N be loB ny. N Ick N 10E * N or~ N N N - ~- N sge N Ac.. N sud ' N i37, - Si N N sle. N ar- N [att N sar. N 175. N = N N I N N - N N N N N ld N N s N Il N N N N I s I N y N s N g N N t N '-s N N k 4' -5', 45 N - N N N N -4 S N N N - N -4 N N N N N '1 -'i N -'I N N N N N N N 4, -4 N N

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