-I Quaker i Pep chicken, liver, beef Five Rosles Muffets Dog Food Flour g 15 oince tins 2ofor3l Oo9c5l 6 ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS 10c a pa...ckage CULVERIIOISE DESSERT DessertPER 2Ooztfin 3Or5!:C ~24) 2c APPLEFORDS SAVE ALL WAXED ý"PAPElL"R 1,00 ft roli 27C SOUTHERN CROSS SOLILD T UmN A F *ISHoi 7oz tin2Zfor4 &c 14 amui UNCLE BN'S RIE x 19 SPIRING 'TIME 18 VEAL TIME Buyr The Cuts You Like At R&W SWIFT'S MILK-FED RIB A real treat iii mieat R1IB VEAL OHOPS lb 749c SWIFT'S MILK-FED VEAL Tasty and Tendere SiroiÏn RaS t 1lb 79% e ,IFT'S MIILK-FED VEAL Kauckle bone ont Rump Roast lb 79c FRESH PRODUCE PIRST 0F THIE SEASON! YOUJNG, TENDERg ASPARGUS lIb bunch 1 9c g TARIO FANCY GRADE SPY APPLES 3 lb piolIy bag 35Cg EXTRA 'îjTICY "SUNKIST" LEMONSQ TASTY, MEALY, WHITE NEW POTATOE$' CRISP, TENDER, GREEN PASCAL OELERY jumbo Specially selected lb29,4 K skinless, pound package lb 49e LENTEN CHEESE PARADE Kraft Velveeta.. / lb. pkg. y*'1. 35e Kraft Delux.e slices '/2 lb. pkg-fjqiý5c Kraft Cheez Whiz, 8 Oz- jar.... ~7c Kraft Cracker Barrel cheese, 8 oz. 35c Kraft Cracker Barrel 8 oz. old 39e There. Is A Red& White Store Near You Store Open Until 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays bite jOom Onustariow KENDALNEWS Mïr. and Mrs. E. Cuoxandfa- ily spent tLhe wekn iTroto Mr.IugGeeloEnaal Coliee, Tront,-willbe guest sek Kedlunited Church. It shoe heewil,1a1 odatedne Rev. Sumymerhill conducted the cer- mony. T'he ra1 'rpi unnSoMe of th-e tres aýre in bud ui(i the soring flo'ersareshoingtheir noýses. Bu4n'shil hs b een iin bad shape and the ma'iil hasnl't be Id get U: 11 Tu PnsY i takgoe e * no~ds 1',r anl (s.;.f ce atthe Malc l5thunde the uspics'rfth KenldalWme' nsiut.Wning Ur. and Mrs. Joh c lnye o the two higli pizeswreM.AeaTrot were visito-rs With Mr. and Langstaff and _Mrs. Hiatchier Foster. M 1r. H eirb ReYnolds )in Sundany Mr. 'l'le two ]o\vprizes wntto Mrs. M. RenoIld's father hasn't'b,,eeri very Lu1xon and MrS. Argus Cuirts Argus g(ond these 1ast few dayis ardd hasn't als wo th blnke. benable to be, out of bed since h is illness several wveeks ago. Mr. Frank Miller is ýompileting a two wveek's course at lihe lleformiatory Con!gratulations to those pupils ~in Guelph wvhen hew# returu to'his I troll] the Kendal area %vho won spec- position as guard at the Bowman- ial awards given at the Annuial Cn- [ville Training Sho.menýemient in Orono oni Wedneisday f Mr Jon PttonandRoyof O n ven~g.They were Katlhleen Geach -Mr.Joh Paton nd ov o Or0ofor hi.-est stan4ing in! grade Il and had dinner with. -Mr. andmîYrs. Gar- for proficiency in Eng-lish.Mel landi Cathcart on Sundiay stapieton for pofc >nyinSiec Congratulations to M.Stain Hoy and His tory. PaulMMaknfrro on his marriage to Miss Alice Taylor fîcieacy in Latin nd ýjsusan, Fosteir at, Courtice, on Saturday, Marhel, lth: for lea dei-ship il Ath-leticýs. iORONO TIN 4JHO NOý0W Is The Tirne Fo.r INTERI4-ORmDECORATING1 We can supply your riecds with iBRANDRAM-HENDER SON" i Paints and Vai-nishes I R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 P ~oa~a -~ - ~. Orono, Ont. QUALITY BEEF BONELESS P ot Roast SWIFT'S BROKFIELD PURE PORI Sausage tube of 4 19gc 5lb 33c size stalks I 9e l ROYAL TET ROWMHANVILL,7 TIS TIIURS. TO SAT., - 21-3 Ma e -Saturday. 4pm. THE BIG HAP'PY LOOK AUNE NEW-LOOK PEACETIME ARMY! TAB HU TEe N A (Z< Rgel'i à a ausai)~-~ H6 NLoftY J N POT TCOOFAR DEH/NO'r,0 [ g ~*Y ARNER RO ý JESSIE ROYCE [ANDO j,%MBACKUS HERy jONE\.X Âd Ilded Short and Color Cartoon fiLast co(,mplete shlow 9 3ý0 gNEXT MON. TWED ?2 1- CNTUR FO PREENg VAN JOHINSON JOSEPH COTTEN- RUTH R1OMAN JACK CARSON I 0o aso G\(dult) Cor Last complete show 8:30 F111 out thec Academiy .Award Ballot on page 8 of this nwspaper 11d deposit before mid-njite MAarch 23 You may wiin one cf t1iese pri7es, of-.' 17-jewel WVrt Watch, Marr's Jewellery. Two 6-pýece pla-2ce sett- I ' ings "Silver Rose" Heirloom Sterling Silver. llorwick 1ew4leýrs-. o fiSeabreeze Record Player, Kelly TV. Table Lamp, Re'ilable Fuirni. I] ture. $25.00 certificate on any Frigidaire Appliance, Woodyardc Appliances. $10.00 Enster Býonnet, Milady Shoppe. 1.00 certif. ( a icate, Bruce Miis' Clothing. Full-fashioneýd ïitten Cardigan, Wideman>s Ladies' Wear. Beautiful Easter Pem, Joaa's Beauty ~ S Centre. Elizabeth &rden. Set, $10.00, or equal man's gift, Jury and t Lovil. Thistle Tricycle, MelNultyl,. Year's Pas, t. Royal, Theatre Wi!uIersw ill be annowcd in the Orono i> 1ie s