E~LULJ~I I rÂNNf ~ j "s. t4~UM4f.ZQ~L ':~< - "Dear Anne Hirst: For over 16 years 've beeti married to a mian I practically worshipped, un-. tii bis idiculous jealousy almost destroyed my love. We have teen-age twins and everything else to miake our ives wortb- while, except this one obsessionl of his, The past year hee b-as growu worse; I, cannot chat w,,ith any man I know,, in any circumi- stances, without hearing brisý snidie rernarkýs and seeing bis real auger. it is disgustiu. "I arn a decent woinan, an u- derstanding mother, and bis sus- picions are so insulting thatI1 actually burn with resentrnent. I cannot respect himn any more~ hecause bis mmid is so occupied with this doubt of mie that I feel as if I arn living -with a stranger. I even have thoughit of leaving imn, but I've not biad the he-art to take the girls a-way. He wor- ships them. "A few mnonths ago I met a man wl-o seem-s the exact oppo- site - higb-minded, respetfful, with diguity and integrity that make everybody honor him. He been to dinner with us fre- quently, but I've been alone withi bir n oly once. 1 have felt a growing sympathy between us that I have fouglit but canno"t overcome. . . . Last wýeek we met acidentally and stopped for, tea. It was then h ýe told me he ha3d loved me since we met --a-ini4 Aune Hirst, I eould not help re- ,ponding, "He will do anything I say, and leaves the decisions to rmIe. Whatever shial I do? I feel ter-. ribly sorry for rny husbanid, but after ail, it is bis Own fault. BE RONEST MARGARET.» *To break up a home is a *solen iuudertakiug. It might *prove disastrous for your chul- *dren, and that would destroy *auy bappiness you h-ope for. *You wo-uld 'ne more distraught *and alonie than you ever have *beeri. 1 ~tblnk you owe your bu-s- *baud the truth about wby yo *think of leaving. Once he re-al-. *i7es tbIaat bis yearg of COri- *tinureut suspiicins have driver, Blouse Wardrobe Add fu your wardrobe witb these blouses-a thrifty way f0 have many smart fashions for sprnug!thPree classio, styles , ifb elever littie variations in collars5 atnd pockets. Sew them f01 mix and match with your favorite skirts! Pattiern 4660: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 upper version, 2Y4l' yards 39-incb; anddle 1% ards; lower lc/a yards. This patteru easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has eomplete llustrated instructions. Send FORTY CENTS (stamps you from hlmn, Ihe may be *shreckeci into a fighting effurt o teovercome this jealousy-v *andlhe rmight woin. Discovening *that you thiuk of leaving, lie * may beg for anothier chance; *if 1lie succeeds àlu driviug away bis jeaiousy iustead of YOU, *youk will be happier at boe * with himn, kee-piug your f arn- ily together. H1e îbas- not been *contented, either, y-ou kuow, a arinatorr by jealousy is a *pitable object and suffers more *than'anyvone else can imagine. *The other man w iill respect *your decision, seeing its just- *ice, and you wi11 have thie co- *solation of giviug your bus- *bandl the chance to %wiu yenU *ail over again. I uirge you to *tbink this over before you *dash into court with the in- *tent to join your 1fe witb thtat tf a man you hardly kýnow.;u "DOES HiE LOVIE?»ý "Dear Anne Uirst: I arn 16 and ln love witb a soidier a year older. H1e wants me f0 marrY him i i April, wben hie cornes home for three mioutbs. But lie bas neyer told mie that bie loves Me-, thougli bie bas told ise friends. Also, he's always talk- ing abouýt other girls! "What do you advise mne ta do? 1 advîse you to wait -for a *year or two befor-e you con~- *sent tlo marry anybody. *A. boy of 117 is not maEtuAre *euough t'o get rnarried, and *this lad is especiallY adoles- *cent when bie bas tbe poor * taste to mention othiergil * ta the one he bas asked to b. * bis wife. H1e issb in off, * of course, but that dees neot e excuse him. As hie is teday, I doubt whiether you )could stay *married to bimi for a singl1e *Donj't censuire hlmt-, though, * he bas net said lu so many e words, 'I loýve you." A pro- * posai assumnes that ho islun * love; of course, you miss hear.- * lg hirn say so, but don't miis- judge hlm for bis thouigh-tless- o ness. It is just that he' does't *understand girls; lie 'la'sitbiuk- *ing fac more of his own emio- *tions than eof yours. * What does your f aily say? *You Should discuss theé situ a- *tion witha your parents,, whô * know the lad and eau advise NI-ou btter than. auyone., else. lWhatever youir protilem, wit- ing Anne Ilirst about it wiIl clear it in. your mind a.nd briag lier comforting sympathy and kiud ecounsel. Açdress lher at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth iSt., New Ta7ranteo, Ont. OH, - MAN! - Hold onto your hçts, girls, and get o Iood of this meni's cocktail suit, dis- playedl by mrodel Bill Clurie at ai recent style show. It has a purpie Ccat, with chorcooil flan- net collar. This is worn over ai silver brocade vest and mush- room-ple-ated shirt with lace trim. The trousers care iridescent chorcooil kidskin with purple in- sets ta match Iacket. bOGHOUSE DE LUXE - '"Mitzie" the spainiel makes you think of the oid lady who lived in a shoe as she contemplates her "doghouise" of open-to.ed design,~ wiffh insuiated walls and an attached weIcome- mot. Actually, Mitie's modernistic abode is an insulating blonket, mode at Gen-al Electric's plant, for on Air force' instrument used in trockÎng gunnery torgets. rFor a few, days last week the air bad a really sjpriugishfel ing«. The bîrds tbo ught so too. Biuejays, lef t the shel4ter of thne woods anid fooekte- the bighways. Wbat tbey boped te fiudu thé. roads l do't kr.ow but they were2 certainiy exploriug. Spa- rows swarmed arouud thebu- es, bappily ehirpîug iu bird language, tlefying the juncos and chiekadees. Squirrels were i'Y.,a playful mûod; cottentails out lookziug for foodl. This moning Rusty was terribly noisy. I said to Partuer, "Whaf lu the world is Ruîsty barking at?" Partuer !aughed - "Probably a rabbit. HIe saw one yesterday and d3,idn't know wbat to make ef it. Fn ally tcooJk after it but kept bis distance lu case the rabbit mnigh-t Yýes, fhat's our Rusty - the best watc!h-dog, an d the bestdo wîth children we have ever had, but hasn't Ithe sihetidea about hnin.Mtchie-_Whîte bas f Org otten thle art f00, probably f00 wl-"fd to bother. lie watched a mouse run acro-ss the kit chen floor today- and wasn't even intereusted. The other daIy whený a litt1 i muse practicaliy crossed bis path he dîd manage tocthit. Theni- he let it go agaminaind looked surprised we the mrouse dTisappDeared down a bole. And yet wben 1 catch a mouse *in a trap lie is quite redyf eat if. Would anyou-oe lîke goodmouser? May*ýbe our MiV1tchie gets as confuse)d overmie as we do over weaher forecasts. A mnontily vf arrn magazine camne ouf ifh ijia lngrngveath-ler *forecastwhc said "below nior- mral temperatures are expe-cted for' ail OntariQ." A fe2w days later a tit-a forecast ap- peared inithie daily press which said "average f0o above normal temi-peraturIes may, be epce. But thie ra reports are what gets m ne down. "Ail bighwaý,ys bare an ldrdivlng c ondiionis good,." Se what bappens? 'Yoiu stavt eUt, On a good hlighiway en. route te visit a friend in a near- by City, Except for places wbere mrelting snowbanlçs make the rosdudslsy you get aioug finle, You forget your friend lives ini a sub-diviiioràona graveiled road., But ao re net ikel-,y to forget affer yQu've been. there! The dlean car youi started eut witb k covered lu sls. Gravelly deposits bit your mudfguards and udrcr niage. Sait icdfies a baie lxi yoýu muf f er. Audc then after Yeu reacl borne, ImlraculOusly zafe and scuud, you hear agaiýn that repetiflousî road report-,.- "'higbwlays bare, dligcouid!:- tien1s goodl - at leasýt on roade you are ike1ly t* travýel," adda the news reporter. Now I askc you, how does auny reporter knmow what roads you are likeiy to travel? What of the thou- sands of cornlniters lu and out o', surburbani districts? What of the friendiswh set oufte visit, themi? Wbat of the f arm lanes befor yvou Ibit the bigbway? Wbat of the cou-nty andto - ship roads? So, don't be misled by radlio road reports. hli roads are not hg-as Better- be smart and staqy hon-e il you eau uintil gravel roads have bad a chance to improve. After ail the F'rost govermeut bas given us every encouragemeont to give the car a rest by boostin-g gas- olinietw cents a gallon. The trouble is what We would like to doint alwa.ys possible. You mnay cut out pleasure jauivts but you can't eut out business trips. Aiiywaiy, this 18 tho egrng of -March so we can exp)et un- pleisan wate But whiie it is admà-fittedly bad utnderfoot, th-at springisb feeling lu the air shouldc be encouragiug,. And the days are getting longer e- that alay ielps. Farm-ers have more dayil-,it to g-et extra jobos 'doile anid the wonen-folk turn their thoughf s to housecleaning. Youi can't resust the uirge ne mat ter how b ard lyou try. It could be you d on' t accornplish toc, ruch by sfarting earIy and .you 1mL-y* be ýgladtLo settIe down fo knitting ag-ain. Mo de rit Etiquette. BY Anne Ablîey Q.Does a woman introduce- her husband to another woain as 'M.Robinson"? A. No. The proper fr ol be: rs Tanner, may I intro- duce mny huzsbançl?" A wonian does not use"r" when refer- ring' to or introducing hier hus- band. Q. If a man 15 icacompanyiing a girl who is driving her ownu car, should hie inake an offer to dIo the driving? A. It would be better not. Some wo m en are sensitive about their drivin-g and might think suich an offer reflects oni their ability at the wheel. 0f course, if the womnan suggests that hie drive, then it is ail right. Q. Should asparagus be eatein with the fingers? A. No. It is ill-bred. to take up this dripping veg-etable with the fingers. It is properly eateni with the fork. Q. Should Bridge prizes be, wrapped or Ieft OPenl? A. it is muich better to wrap themn-atCraet;ve1'y' Q. At a party recently, somne of tiie guests bronght presents;. Wasn', t Itpolite ta put these gifts aside and open them la1ter, rather than ýtao pen thlem and emnbarrass those who brought none? A, This would show a cor- plete jack of appreciatiïon of the- thoughltfulness of the givers, just to coddle the chagcrin of Speaking of- knitting.. there was a littIle item i n a newspaper last w.eek that intrigued mne. A minister in a church ln England is encourag-ing wornien to bring their knitting! H1e says iît helps thern te concentrate. Well neow, isn't that sornething? NMaybe the cleric preach-es extra long, ser- m-ons. Even so ,. I was interested because I like, to knit ait meetings -- but If have neyer tried takiug It to church. The queýstion ariss ý - ïis t or is it net, bad m-anners te knit whdte listening to a speaker? I weould Say itdepends on the knitter. The Eniglîsh ecne elaixis it helps concentration. That azgain depends on. the kulitting anfd the knitter. A fancy pattern calls for practicalJy unidivided atten- tion. And you ca't concentrate on both the knitting and -what the speaker is saying, 0On the other hand easy kniitting, really helps. If the speaker is good yen- probably for-get to knit anyway. If the speaker is boring- having some(thi-ng tIo do wîth yoýur hands keeps youi from getting fgetty mnd noticing how bard the seats are. Sc, whether you can listen anid krnit is ,qu!ite a questin. Somei can, somec caf't P-rsoûnally I an happýier in m mmïid if miyvhands aýre occurpied. But at one convention I1eeie quite a joit we a W.I. execu- tive saidi "it was a-n affron1t te a s-peaker foýr vwonito kniit durîng ,an ddesl And there was 1 cauti 1in the ar-,t! But wî-th no initention of beng, dis- It mnigbt be a good dceb)at('for your local W.11. the -,mpty-lhanded. Alw-,ays, open any glfts youi receive iMMe- diately. Q. If somecone tells a joke that you have already heard, shoulà. youi stop hinm? A. Only if you are his sole listener. Q. If lettuce, parsley or -water- cress is placed around an item of food tu garnish î_, may tutu properly be eaten? A. Yes, if you wish to eat il and it is a part of your individ1- ual serving. But you should not mar the appearance of a ' erv- ing- dish byv plucking Out some of its garni sh. Q. Is one obligated to senda wedding gift ta. a friend wvho i3 miarrying for the second tinxe, if one Sent g-ift for the first mnar-~ niage? A. If the friend is a- widow who is marrying ag-ain, 1 think it woulid be niee to send her an- tothier gif t. If, however, she il a divorcee, it's up to you. Theî7e is nio obligation. For Boys & Girls (nij4uý.WkcLIV- - Embroidery adds the gay f ash-. ion fouch to these young sum- mer piaysuits. Easy sewing for you! Kittens and ru.les,, for 2irls, doggie trin for lîttie boys! Pat- ternu883: Pattern, em-.broidery3 transfers, directions for child- ren's sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 included. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENT5 (sfamnps cannot be accepted usi postal notec for safety) foribhis pattemu to LAURA %WHEELER Box 1, 123 Eighýlteentli St., Nev Toronto, Ont. Print plaiuly PAT. TERN NUMBERI, your NAME and ADDRESS. Our gifft a youj-two wownder- fui patterns for yourself, youi home--prinfed in our Laýurà Wbeeler Needlecraqrft -Book Plus dozeus of other niew de- sigis fa order-crochet,knt ting, emb Lroidery, iron-ons, nov- elties. Send 25 cents for youi copy of this book NOýW-wi gift patterns -pni,ýnted in -in! Gilles Banihe, bjshQp of Monaco, ha baptizing Prîncess Coroline, of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Mon-oco, in Monaco'% hetd by ber Swiss nurse, Margaret Stohi. The ceremcony waa I ýdolîte P. CttýZ