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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1957, p. 7

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Ship's' Ammtn'itlwî i Just Plain Hootch ISarold Waters serveci for Stwenty years in the U.S. Caast. Guerd, and one exporienice he'i ney-er forgot was when lis patrol slip Tucker chased and capturod the wisky runner Conch Belleý off the east coast of Amerîca. The smulggier's hu ,Il was 50 riddled with buliet-boles duing the engag ement that she coldn't be towod inita part, Sa the Tucker's skippe.r decided ta hauil her alongside andi tranship the1 whisky cargo as evidenco,stw ïng it in the machine shop amid- The cî for ail hands ta frîs p lumen -richain ta hand'i the egacks,, full of botties, was haîlod 'with énthusiasmri On the sae aYid-share-alike basis af "bne for the government, and oone for mne" Orly htaîf the 200 sacks of spirit1 ueached the machine' shop.' The qter heif vanisbed behind von- tiletars, stacks, vegetable l-ockers md ilny other hideauts that the Tuicker's officers couldn't see. Whom tatoi of the largo niuY- ber of missing botties, thie skip- per gave the officýers a se';tere dressin-down for thoîr lack o vigilance anti ordored an imme- diate search. But up ta midnight they had founti oniy two sacks ivhich somneone had thrown into a sniall dinghy and forgatton to rimove to a botter hideaut. 'Thet's not a drap in the buckot earnpared tl what's stli loase in this sip!" roareti the alipper. «You'd btter get busy Êrst thing in the imarninig and inti thomn. if you don't turn, up tkat mnissing stuf f by to-mnorrawv zlgît, 'il give you a teste cf hack!" Hack was r-oon-confine- ment, a drastic punishmnent car- rying a feeling of moral stigma for coast guard officers. Waters recorda in a cheerfully see-breézy accouint of lis twonty years with the U.S. Coast Guerd In «Ativenture Unlimiteti" thati the tomiporary hall in the search was a signal for celebretion. Sacks and btties were teken fromn their hiding places and ail hands mot an watch gat glorlous- ly t ig ht, drinking fuiousiy against the dlock. Tt was a nigît «, revelrv and high carnival. Thi ship's gunnery dopart- '7îent - four gunners' mates amd & chief --hed ton secks , (360 btties) hidden iii the Magazine.i It .was a lot of liquor ta lido in a comnprtment alredyfilt with powder, projectiles, TNT and smali armns anmntin, the chief orderet them to dumip the amrmunition. Into emptieti powder tanks and boxes niarked "111gh Explosives - handie with great care!" went quart after quart of whisky which was promptly dîlàwn upon for -their ûwm orivate pr,t shocking han-govers. "We wera sarry-looking buLnch as we form-ý ed in iurching, woaving ranks ta fac(, a wrathfulcptn" Waters seys. The captaîn Ioosed a hod side on thoir "disg-racoful cn duct," threatoncing a general court-mnartial ta any man faund w-,ith liquor in his possession or in any, comparet ta wýhich ho hlad the keys. Turnng- abruptly, ho slammed(-c binta the yeom-an cidcputized ta write up charges. On the impact ai baffle of whisky slipped1 froin the yeomian's waist, down his 1,ant ileg, and crashed on the steel dock, splashing the skip- per's shoes. "Whiie you're w.rit- ing up charges," ho sntapped, "1put yourself down for a generai cout-mrtil!""Ayo, aye, sir," said the luwkikess yeoman. While they stood in ranks in a broiiing sun w; i t h par'ched tongues, splitting hieads, and sick stomrachs, the officers comibedi the ship, filiding boot everywhere, under pillows, ïnattresses, in hamnmoclks, lockeýrs. Despite t-he thorough search, however, the total yield wias dis- aippointing. "! know weýli," bark- ed the skipper, "there's a lot more li-quor yet ta be fountd ..- You rmay expect surprise searches f rom now on, plenty of them! At amy hou-,r of the day or n!ighnt!" While the dockç force was given intensive gun dr-ili' the -kipper glowered down fromi the bridge. Demonstrating safoty precautions ta a guan crew, the Chief walked t the breech end saying; "Having mnade ýsure thet the mnuzzie end of the gunt is clear, we now swing open the bretech block sand-"! As ho bent low ta look 'inside, out shot the frst of threo whis- ky botties framn the powdîer chainber. One ht hlm in the foreheed, stunning hlm; the other two erashed on the dock. "1Very interesting, C h i efC" thundered the (,')d Man. "Youi had a f oui bore ail right, fouied -with three bofttes of whisky!" The Chief hotly protestod ?hat sarneono must have djumrped the botties there 'the previaus night and forgotten ta rem'ove them. "Aflter ail, Captain," ho added boldly, "if we were the kind of rascals you thiink us ta bo, youi sho-tuld crodit us with mre intelli- gence t han trying ta hide liquor 1.1 a auni that is right under yeur nase,." "And where else ýmôuld you put your stolen liquor, if 'yciu re the kind af rogues I have- some season ta suspect yau of being'Z" "Down ini the magazine, Cap- taiin" - iwitlt e casuainess that almast took the crew's breath awy"That's where 1 would hido the stuff. That is, if 1 hacd stolon any of it. Why don't you look down there?" jo 'athe others' relief. the skipper just laughoed. Actually, the magazine hnad been searchied by. the gunnery officer and no liquOr found, thanks t« the Cif'lorethought iha thraw- lng overbojard eniough explosives ta provide stoage for it! Whoni the Tuckor have-to off Fart Lauderdale, the Coast Guard base, Waters' anchoring station was -up on 'the f'c'sie. At the command, "Lot go the enchor," down it plunged, up frorn the chain locker came the - alwhîpping tîrougli the hawse-pipe, thoni came the sounid of grindinig glass f rom beilow, and into the sea spiashed brokoni w-ýhisky botties as the cable un- ,coîled. Whisky fumes wreathed up. The fo'c'sle bogan ta smoll like a distlle(-ry. GOOD HEAD -- Three youna-. sters put their heads together with a giant paipier-mnoChe fun- ny mon in Vaego Italy. 'The htvge heacI was used in the town's peLnte airivcmi, Fislie rmen's Luck, One a! the few survivin g bo- liefs stJili helti by twen.tieth- century'fishermren wes reveaied in an American court recentiy whem a traierman was chargeti %with disobeyimg orders. He toiti theý court that when ho reached the dock his slip lhad gone inito the river. HTP was ordered ta go in a tug ta join her but refuseti te do so. The man explainiet: "It is. ai- ways very unlucky for a fisher- inan ta joini his si after she hias once sailed. I simply daren't do it." Se British fiahermeni are furiaus if tley mieet a fiat- footeti man when staring out from home ta reo in a ship. It is a bad amen simd means, fýor example, that tley're not likely ta catch any succulent f lat f ish. WVhite stos are aiso cansidereti unlucky. Thecy are -tlrown out îi found amSg a tramwjer's bal- Equally umiucky is aron stoneo with ra hale w'orn rog 1t, sudh as is frequenly picked up on lie seeshare. Fishermen say that if any cf these are an board, the fish will slip through the. nets. Borne of thle Western Islandis fishermien wouid loist a billy- goat ta the mnastheed, as their boat lay 'the littie jet. ty, tae ersuro, the wdinds they wanted, One cf the greatest mnis!ar- hunesý that can happen t aa trawler is tc base its traw i.- generally through its becoming entangled in a. wreck or other obstacle on the bottom U-,':the ,gea. Once a skipper-ownerwh lied last lis trawl solemnly vowed that it happened becausq lis mate lied spoken ta a cross- eyed woman> while ashare ini Cornwvall. «Had 1 known it in timre, I wauld have saileti on th'at trip witbout e, mate," lie declared, When a gale is blowin-g, rio, body Ls supposed ta whistle in a fishing,-boat. It is thougît to bDe unlueky because of an olti be- lief that whistling is "the devil's In somne Bitish fish'ing vil- lages if a fishermam4 meets a woman an his way ta the hoast, hoe expects ta have e bati catch, if, howevor, hheis a gooti on e, ho lrnust give part o! it ta thatý woman. TEMPERATURE AFFECTS COUYU 0OF STAIUS Why do stars have diffL-rent colors? The clor of a star de- pends very much upôn its tomn- perature. Red stars are, coaler than yella.w aies. Yellowr stars are coaler îuhan white andi white caalor than, blue-white, Sirius, the tiag star is white with e temporaturo of abaut 10,000 de- grees Centiirade. Capela, the brigît star in. the constellation Aurige, is yeliow like the iu~n ant ilas a temperature o! about ~6,000 tiegrees. Somne of the orange stars have temiperaturos of ebcut 4000 degrees. In the' case of a double star t is quite passible for one of the pair ta, have e different tLemperature and theref are be a, ditferent4 clor, from the .ther. SMO KES $1L-Q sends 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES or any other Macdonald Brand Postage lncluded Malt order and ramittance fot OVERSEAS OEI'ARIMEfNT MACDONALD TOBACCO INC. F.O. Boxc 490, Place d'Arme;, Mostreol, Que. Thls offer la sublect t. any chaing6 ln Govermnuat Rglfes IT PAYS TO UISE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS rZIGREE There Have Been Chianges, Not sa many yýars ago garden, corn, for- instance, w'as a luxury in miany Parts of Canada. It. toak too long ta mature. It was not hardy onough except -for the warmoer section of the coun-i try. And whon we did - succeed i growing a fow cobs, the sea- son lasted only a few days. In fiowers and shrubs, too, we wero limited to a fLevwstandard, col- ours, niot very' bright and al! gone in a matter of days. Now, with vast improverments in har-dinis, Nclauring andl quality, we caw h1-ave gardens - amost anywhiero ins Canada, right Up intao leYukoSn and around Great Slave lake if necessary. And wo can have fresh vegetables and bright bloonm from eariy in the Spring untLil even after the first frosts inr the Fali. Spiesiç It Out Tt is foolish to plant ail the g arden on a single afternoon just a s soon as the first. warmn wxeather cornes. A late frost mnay ruin ail tender growth and if il does escape frost, ail the flowors will corne out early or ail the vegetables wiil be ready et tho samo t'ime. With the vegeftables espocially, it is advisablo ta spread sow 'ngs sothat the harvest may be spread out aiso. Experioncod gardoners mnake a regular prac- tice of planting such things as carrots, beots, lettuco, -beais, spinacli, radish, etc., et least thre e times, about two or three weeks apart. To furthet' spread the harvest, thoy will aiso use ,eriy, medium and late varioties. Thore is no good reason why the vegotablo gai-den shouid not yield continually f romi early sumnmer until late feul. And the same goes for mnost annuel fiowers, too. Centrepiee Virutually overy gardon, for,- mrai or *lnfornial is built around e lawvn.' The latter is tho resu centrepiece and the sm-roother and greener it is the better it shows off the fiowers,. shrutbbery and homo. There are a lot of poor lawns in Canada but there shouldn't be, bocause ýprcparing and meaintaining- a respectable one is mot difficult. A few basic points should be kept in mind. First, we mnust rerVîember that grass is a plant like a fiower osr a vegetabie and if we want fine luxuriant deep green growth weiý shouid feed it once ini a while just like we feed aur fiowers and vegotablos, And another even more 'basic point lt to mnake sure that we start with good seed, and suitable seed. If these two points are kept in mmnd the rest is simple because healthy grass from healthy seed wijl pretty well take care of its own problemns. CLASSI-FIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED IF YOU 2arefnt much ofa aeseman, but car, get along with farmers, You cari make 1$80 - $100' per week rep- resenting us in your ùcounty, Write the Manag--er, Box ,28, Mlverton. Ontarto. GO INTO BUSINESS for yauirself. sel] exclusive houseware- product a and appliances wýar1ted by every bouse- holder. These items are not sold 1ri stores. TPere te no comrpetition Prof- Its up ta 500-, Write immjediatelIy for free color catalogue wttbretail prices shw.Separate confidential %whole. sale -price vill be tncluded. fMurray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTOMATIC delftware china asthtrays. Pair prepaid $3501 plus Duty. Send adi for glu., Moore' Import and Export, 1603 De Wolloe Street, Baikersfleld. California, USA BUY Reýtail at Wholesale Prices! Save money. 2ý, postcard brilngs, Free Whole. sale Namne Brand Caialoig of Dianionds, Jew;elry, Watches, Appliances. No Obligation. Wtson SalÀes, Box 67, Rugby Station, Dept. CA, Broolyýn 3. New York. LAIE Bautiful, sheer nylon hase, thirds. 6 pair for $1.00 postpaid, ic. for w,ýork. A free gifi wlith each order. Cupld Roberts, Huntsville, Arkansas. GoOD FISHING FOR VEYOE Get's Trout, Pike, Bass, Walleye, Mua- ides, etc., 10f. Strike-More C9inpanY, Galt, Ontario. K-ANDY FOR EVERY HOME C- ASSORTED laces, braide, embroider, tes, etc. Trima for Infants, chidren'g.' wvear, dtresses, blouses,. lingerie, etc. 30 yards aniy $1.00. Refundable if not delighted. S, Josephi, 2962 Laconlibe, PABY CKICKS PEOPLE are hein g mare particular about the chieks they buy and they -should be because tisere is as much difference i cics as there es in seed. Yeou dan't see the difference in day aid chlcks any more thani you can, see the difference ,in seed whýIen you put fit te the groiuidj. But it shows Up interi the yield yau get and theý numiber of eggs yau gather. It showvs xp too in the amounit of mniûey you make. Send for Catalogue, givlng f ull informnation about aur Special -'Egg Breeds Dua Purpose and Broille Breeds and Four Breeds of Turkeys. TWEDDLE CIIICIÇ HATCHRERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTAR1IO ýSATISFIED with 240 eggs per lien per year, at lowý feed cost? There are pu1. jets that take that i their stride. Buy âour chicks for the best-pay mar- kets. liroilers? Chicks for those g00,d m1arkets too.' Asic us. Bray Htchery, 120 John N., Hamnilon, Ont. TURKEYZ Brilers. We offer A. O. Smith turkey poults ta turkey broller growers at extremely 10w prices. Get aur prices before ordering, Also Broad Blreasted Brne Thompeon Large WhtBelteville, -Non-Sexed, Hans, Toms. Catalogue. TWEIIDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, FERGUS ONTARIO BOCKS WE psy up ta $5,000 for oid books. Catalogue25f. Amaericali Book, Room 301, 187½ý Queen Street Fast, ToroAto. OOMESTiC HELP WANTEP CýAPABLE girl, fond of chtldren. mrs. Brakeley, 52 Roseinount, Montreal 6, Westinounit. GIRL for general housework in Small Protestant Rest Homne. Mvrs. ZP. Rich' ards, Box 9, C11tppawa, Otro EDUCATIONAI. INSTRUCTiON SCHOOLS and COLLEGES MISSIONARY-Gulda: Nonproflt, Rev, Pierini, 1W à IBlOor VIest, Toronto, WA. 4-4842. Colaegiate, Public, Languages, Basic Engltsh, Publie Speaktesg, Story Wring, Etiquette, Dramnatica, Firsi Aid, etc. EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL DANCING MADE EASY FOXTROT, Rhumba, ambo, Waltz, taughit by professionals, In. ea Sy les- sons, on long play unbreakabie 1records. Suttable for Homre, Schools and Rec- reation Centres. Particulars, free. Edu- cational Services R~eg'd., Box 1725, Quebec, Que. FOR SALE2 BODY SHOP FOR SALE DOING business for ilirea steady amployees. Apply !Box 221, Ansonville, Ontario. GARDENING SUPPLIE SPRING Planting Bulbe -- 9 colora Tuberous Begonias 11,"; 20 namied Gladioli1W 3 colore Gloxinas; 4 Rega1 i hes; î large flowering Dahlias; 3 Pomn Dahlias. Any lot delivere4 $1. Sausby, 107 Beflefair, Toronto, FRUIT trees, trawberry plants, aspara- gus, lh, roses, hedge plants, shade trees. Low miail oyçler prices. G ata. logue free. Norfolk Nursery, Slnmcoe,. Ontario. GRAIN GROWVEPS CLINTLAND OATS 0W i 1957 O.A.C.>,s highest yielding coat in 1954-1955. Rtegtstered No. 1 qua,- ity seed Ontario grown that, will re- register avallable fromi H. IL, McKm, Quallty Seede, DRESDEN, Ontario, DO YOU NEED SEED? STRONG, te, ruet resistanit Gar- ry oas, highest yIeýdiî,g I the On- tario tests eaçïh year for 3 consecu- tive Years, aiso Rodney. Simcoe, and the outstandIing strong stwed Heana ur. iey aIea, Brant Barley, tvlor.tcalrri Sel-kirk w,ýheat and other standard varlettes. Write for price lista and desripive litratrePlace onrders -'-4 4. FOR relief framo piles use" rt, e Pile Olntment. Tube with aPppilator #L.48. Enclose cheque or money order, Arrow Falcon Company, 4625 Gran4 BldMontreal. HIGK1.Y RECOMMENDED - EVERY SUIFERER 0F R1EIMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MONRO'S DRUG STORÈ, 335 Elgin.,Oîtawq. $1.25 Express Prepaid COLDS GETTING YOU DOWN? GOLD mlsery and that stuffed-up feel. ing disappear like magic! Get qulck relief Irom thVe symptoma 0cf Head Colds, Sinus and rncits ut use, Shackleton Compound ami thse Easy. to.use Inhaler. Gomplete $5.00 Pýoat, fi.Positve Money Bacit Guarantýe* f usai deltghted with thse resulte. Wrttel Shackleton, I1177 Caledonis Road, Toi-ý 10, Ontarto, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISP the torment of dr7y eczema. rashes and weepin?, sldn trouble. Posi s 'Eczemna Salve wll not disap-. point yau. Iiching, s;caling and bures- ig eczemsa; acne, rinigwori, pmpe and foot eLczemna wLil respond reaily, Ito thse tainileeïs odorlees otlAnept ne- gardless af how siubborn or hopelesa ihey saem. Sen] Post Free on Recelpt ofPre PRiCE U3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES '1863 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPOPRTUIITIES FOR MEN AND WOMIEN BARGAINS la ma9gezine subecniptiona. Write for free liai. Free prizes teoaur eustomers. Kayvdon-Piips VMagazinc Agency, 585 Poitsmnouth Avenuie, Kings- tan, OtrÔ MAKE miore mnoney taklng magazine subeciptions, ulew reniewals, gis, Love raies, higis conmmissions. F4or fulI) par- ticulars vwnlte: Kay*don-Philitps Maga- zine Agenicy, 585 Portsrnouth Avenue Kingston, Ontario, PLASTIC FO(A7M (Flexible) Sensational new crafti mgienial. You cao create beautiful gif t items or demoostrate, ilis material ta your local hobby groupa ai a profit. Demontratar's kit $1. Postpaid. KIDDER MAIÇUFACTURING CO. 138 Danfortls Ave, Toronto. WR psay you tLa address envelopes at home. $50 weehly possible. Informia- tion 25 cen-ts. Sheppard Agendacs 285-A Spenca, Winntpeg, Manitoba. THE NEW 1957 HOFFCO b HORSE paver direct drive chain soW Is ï-0w iaalable. Dealers required In came- areas af Quebec and Ontario. Write: Precision Parts Ltd., 755 Firet Aven-ue, Lachinp, Quebec. BE A HAIRDRESSER SOIN CANADAS LEADING SCHGOOI Great Opportunlty Learn Mardressing Pleasani dligniffied profession; goad wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Gftaduates Amaerica's Greatest Systrns Ulsrtdcatalog lýree Write or Cail MAVE AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Blcor St. W., Toronto BI'blscbes: 44 King St. W,, Hamnilton 72 ideao st.,, Ottava; PATENITS FETHERSTONHAUCIH & Cons p àaY)y, Patent Attorneys. Estsblished 1894 600 Ijntvérslty Ave,. Tarante. Patenrtg ail cousntries, PERSONAL SPECIAL OFFER! Dress Up statlonery, checks, packages, etc, Threa lineanm iand address cushioned rubiser s;tamp M, 25 currency. Ravis, 3110 N. Fizhugh, alas 4, Texas, $L00 TRIAL offer. I'wentyfilve deluxe personal requirements. I4test catalogue 1lneluded. The Mýedico Agoncy. Box 22, Terminal "Q" To;roisto Ont. HOW TO REDUCE A, NEW idWes. A new way. Al.nazïnsg recuits, Wite for details. Box 139-r', Donalda, ia. HYGENIC supplies for mn. Our con. tldential price lils sent ta you by m,,al! les plain envalope Firat lass Mail. LsA- clude naine, age anid addresc, send to RAINBOW SALES 171 Harbord Street, Toronto. STAMPE WANTED for Cash: Old Postage -Stamps, Stemp Collections and Ac- cuniulatilons. Aisa OId Buttons and4 Strings of Buttons. Write Box 07, Milton, Oiartlo, TEACHERS WANTEO, TrEAC-HER wanted lmmedlately fov Shnng Tree- Pubic Scisool. Salary *2,300. Fiteen pupils, grades 1 . -APPLY, statlng qujalificatIons a( imeme af last inspactor, Mrs, Audrey -Moorc. 1;ee.-Treas, Shling Tracý, Oet.- ISSUE 12 - 1957 The- U.S. Departiiient of Agri-. culture lias made a 'il non-prýofit, childcare institiu.tionls eligibie tc, takie part in its s;pecial mils, program The liet ;Ileds ïnur- sery schjooi s, chîldcare c-entres, settiement houses, s u li m ie r camnps and similrF non-profit, 's N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N -4- 'N N 't N N N N N -.4 't N N A 4- N N N N N. N N N N N 't N N '.4 N N N -s N N N N '-i N 'I N 't N N 't N N .4* N N N N N N N N N N 't N 't N -.4 N N '-'4 z N j; N N y N N N N N 't N N -4' N -s N "4 5' N N 'S S 't N N N S N N N N N N N N 't

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