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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1957, p. 8

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NOTICE TO FLUE-CURED TOBACCO GROWERS A vote on a petitione receive4 from a Provisional Coniiittee of Ontario Fluie-Cured Tobacco GrovWers that a proposed flue-cured tobac-- growers' marketig plan ae-pproved will be li on Mond.,IY pril lst, 1957, Poyffing booths 4iil be open frorn 9 a.m. to m at the following places ln the fcllqý0wng counities: COU NTY Durham Norhumberland Unîted Church H lot An offcial voter' listwill1be ffted in each polling boü . fVau are liteti as an eligible grower yo are entitieti and urM to' vote. OnIy one< vote per flue-cured tobaccOfarm may bec regardiess of the nuniber af joint. owners there fiy be andti nty vote per flue-cureti tobacco farm owner inay bel cast regardieý of the nuniber of such fams he may own. Company owned farghave one vote. ONTK[ FR ROUtS AL60~BARD G. F. Perkinx;, Ca mn F. K. B. Stewart, Secretary. No. 2 BEST ACTRESS CAIROL BAKER - "Baby Doll'V (" KATRERINE HEPBUR-N "The Rajlamaker" ------ ------ NANCYf KELL1Y-'The Bad Seed' -.. DEBORAR KER- . "he King and F ------------------------- Noi. 4 BEST SUP1POJtTING ACTRES MýILDRED DU- NNCK - "Baby Doli" EULEEN HECKART -'The Bad~ MERCEDES McCAMBIRIDGE - - -- -- -- - -- --(t-- PATTY McCORMACK - "The Bad Seed" ------------------------ DORTHYMALONE - "Written on th-e Wînd" ------------------(~ N.6 BEST PICTURE "A "undte World 1in 80 Dnyas (-j "Frieaidly Persuasion"--...----- -Gat --- ---- -- ------ -----. "The King ýýa>d J-"--------- -- "The Ton Commaudmnents"-... N-o. 8 BEST ~MOTION PICTURE STORY TIIE RRAYE ONE -Robert Rich (~ ",TUTE EDDIE DUCHIN STORY" - Leoý Katchevr. -------...-.(----) "Fi11Gi SOCI-Y" V'- Edward Berduis, Elwood lîmanl- - "THE PROUID AND TUE BEAU- TI7FUL" -- Joan Paul Sartee ( ---- ) "UMBERIO D"'-Cesare Zavattine BEST ACTOR s DEAN - "Giaut" rTTIC~N T'soint,> .ÂWRECE OIVIER --- II ------- -------- EST PPORZTING ACTOR M1UR-AY - 'Bus Sto' ( ) MO PERKINS - "Frendly TONYQUIN -"Lust for the rave---- --- ------() RT SACK -"Wrlttenuon Wind" ----------------------- RSON-~Armn ------- - - War &Pengce" (- riety No, 10 () t~1~~ Academy Award Sweep- stakes. Thsis lumet an Alcad- emy Ballot. It is your chance to guess hlow the experts will vote oýn the awards,. Mark your choice by1 a check in, tl,(e box opposite the namne yoen think will wili the- Aca- demy- Award in Category listed below. int Prize - Hol1iday Hardtop Oldsniýobile Deposit this eitry at the Royal Theatre, Bowmnanville by midight March 23rd. .. Namoe ------------------------- Address.. .. - - ------------ Phono Ne -o- ------------------- Province-- -------...... No. Il Specia! British Pictuire Cntegory. Listed belo~w are five British Pictures spiectedî by Cana- dinCritics. Place your rmark agaant the picture you think they se'iected as th-e 0out- standing pictut-e of 1956 ~he Lady Killers - Reach ForThe Sky-) Richard The 11 --I-------( j Tenders receîmed .1p toApril lat Mr4 Alima . Bowen], -secty. ClrdTow hip,'jýj School Area SALE ON PRESS-URE SYSTEMNS 3 oly- e 50gphI pumlp with $13400. ~.r. I -new25u .pu"p, with 1gai 1ýtank, reg. 35.W fori 4120.00. UXrsue tmwt 35 gai. tan ., Used'd el pump. Sum'p p ,oi uixei-s, table sa-w frame for $ .0, ýa -steel wagon and team wagon. Ha-rvey Part-ner, Trone, Ont. Pho--ne MUA. 3-2240 CAR 0F THAýNKS With sincere thanks to Dr. Me7 Kenzie, staffof Bowrnanvîlle-I SKenzie, sta f ofBowmnanville osi pitai, Rev. Mr. Kitceni, C ý?adian Legion aiï neighbours anýdfail our friends wlio se kindly set ards, cig- arettes, made phone calis isiiSts, gave transportâtien and to 4r. and _Mrs. Re-.g Sut ýufor thj very generous basvet To and everyone, our sincere thanks. . a-e Sýid and Ray 1Hugh- CAR 0F TUANKS turity o thlk ni nany frie s, the W.C,T, t "ieW.A., the venlng Auxiliary, lI ehkh a ogrg- tion of StL. onsC for their kindness ila emembe gmedri my recent il ess. special thanks teDr. A. F. _Me ouzie for his kind- ness. . :a-P Mrs. Jolhn Armsýtrong.' OI-ý-(N-At ewc-wastie, Ont., on Tuesdlay, ac fh197Ma.0 Rýsting at he Baow nm Home, Orono,0Ont., riday Mardi ý 2, 195 _ lam. o to the Orono United iChurc-,fo evieat 2 p.m. I1ntermat roo enetry DaBilting AllouHst or rein jeinrg yejur presert e l FlydNicï son 11'ýr Ph a r2 ro DISECTrION (fl<AOWEEýKLY ÉIMEb 1'THURSJIAY, 21ARCH U A Ielk n i anifaicturer lefin- ORNOWEEKLY TIMLS i~ o4hl eegis4toiîet 0 LASGIFIE I ries has o)pen angs in yo esurround- Secnd nusMai Pnt ffie Dparmot. ttaa ns~Wite r fulIÈi!is and free .&uthorized a eodCaqïal aifc ea catalogueawatqda.,00Deloimier COAIING EVENT gFouinder. R. A. Forrester Publisher. R. C. Forrester Àpt 9 Ste otreal. StiSa-eoithc 4anly Easterii So wudask vpat yours eW gC O!IING EVE n iesday, Apil 2>titso w r1nay - Ic mne you '0 st. SaVÀ ' A nu E' ~ o ~SA BRIN FA' four act ro- £Easter Tea a îd a .'1asant atr SaurIna Fair' T ern s 'ronfO ý omantiec coiedy 'esented by the 11o0,11s vst acf'dtis~t 01Oroo Iav ris dn ThuLrsday, March i this paper. gSabrina cornes to town net wek. a to y tt-'sndin1g Lllthîhuo!î eus Zh4ndii>.arh2tint 0n Thursday, March 28th and Fni- v~ and assure youx.Se"f orf a111hYigh Towrflihfp Hall at Orono. COING EVENT day March '29th Sabrina Fair wili be amiusing evening. I uitain time 8:a0 p.m. Tickets 75c. Corne to ,the Eveni'ng Auxiliary presented by theO (rono PIa-yrI- meeting Tursday, March 21, whon g Th mebers of the eatre re-ct cnb euedfo n'A«INSL Miss Dor 'hy Pearson olf Central In- g )earsing ev-ery night. to bring to the mei-Se o the eas-t or. at the Oronoý The un er-signedi han received in-diwllegetsakrdes public an evening of good entertain- Wel Tms l ek r r Mrs. structiojjs rom Mrs. J. Veenhof, LotI of the ,c-mmunity are iîvited tD at- gg , nint. Behind the scenes InanY h()urs 1E. Greernr. Lanicaster, New%,ton- U,3, ~DArlington T, wahip, 2 con-ý tend id hear :Ks outstaiding g re beînag spent preparing sceneryvie'M.Dnu, Sixthi Line;t cessions so0 th and 1½ mile speake~ - Q-dcollecting properies f or a lag ohanstons Drug ýýtoi¶, Newcastle;I Courtide to se'I by PubU e- tion at' estate on Long Island Soiual-, NI""Mr' red Graham and Mrý. Wm. Reid, 1:00 p.. a- n on rday, Mai-ch TENDERS Yoks plaer, thoet h do fothuvrng owand i qupietcrtird er nreageo ppluh Yok hr u oratomd~at Xirby; mr. John llobbs, Orono3, 1957, ýaiua b machineri. mlk Tenders calleý foi- transportation Support the Oronio Athietic, Assoc- l oi tie perforaCs akReid Auctioneer tween No. 9, f(ckhiart's Sc and- ______No. 8, AnitiociiSchiool. foi1 1957-58.1 21 HOU1R EXPIERT SE ICE ianiitous I Insurance ServiceI i Every dass of Insur-t ance ïs represented in Iour office. The follow- ing are some of the main c-overages we cau of fer;' fAutomobile, Life, Accident and Siekues, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Durglary, OI15B Rail, Fidelity Bonds etc, ORONO PHONE IR16 P IRST 'MORTGAGE LOANS Lercy Hamiton IREAL, ESTCAT-E BROKER AD CALL US FOIR EST.IMATES HARRY E. LYCETT f]m 3,3ne R 12 j ORONO - ONT. eooeooc.o..o.< e.Oe,4 I /1 DLL2II~~/I j [Iuwln~-HeatIII~I Are You ProtecteFEETIAS Agaip, Fire Loss?Havyrte I .I41. OronnElactrir Prof.. sional Directory A. F. IMCKENZIE, M.D. PIJYSICI-AN anid S--RGEON Of fice rows,: 2:00 te 4:00 p.mi.; 6:.» to 8:00 p.M. Sundays and Wedntesdays by appointnient fonly PHONE 1471l - ORN DR. R. J. TAGGART V=EI'RNARY SUJRGEON Yeterinary, mnedieimes, biologicala and instruments ethically dispenftd. cyme interelin,-/he Leader- ILe lat Orolio YVolf Cub Park, t latou %/ ith Garolyn Jfns uson as ~sabe. a-C SEEDIFor, SAL lioiney ats/egis dtreated,in ~c'r acs.$19D peebushel, at Llhe farm, Oraoeh wy Phone Chas. A. Glenney, 0ropn ý18. tM FOR SALE Lots, Lindustriai Sites, close ta 11b, school and business stetion. .Mor-tgage nioney avaiable. Litnsof Farrns and Homnes re- quested for waiting clients. W. C. EVA,,NS. BRQO<ER jPhone 33-17, Orono , Ont. FOR SAL5 A quantit. of ha Oat Strawv IlH. Davey ph 36r6 Orono b- ORONO, ONT. LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. .Barrimter and Solicitor BOWMAýNVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MLA 28-5518 JOHN REGANq, B.A. Barrister, Notary Public 33 Temperance St, Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 JACK REID Orono's ieb.. Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in 'Farm and Furniture Sales - Consuit me for terma and dates Phone 5 r 18 4-%rn TED JACKSON Aiietioneer and Valuator Conduets Miction Sales Qof &U îIm and at reasonable rate, LConuunicate ivith hini at PSe Perry, Ontario, or see his Cltk, AX B. Morton, at Orono~, for date.. LIFE 1IN'SURAN%#*,iCE Pension Plans; Educational PUcea, Protection and Savizigs Plame fe Children and Adults; Mortgag e.b surancee Plans. F. E.LYCETT Oro,DOnt. Phono 1714, STAFFORD BROS. iMonumeital Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Duindas St. E., Whith7 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lot ur- erect a handsome, dlig.. fnified monument over the rest- Sig place of your loved oneam It'S net expensi'e. And oingr this lat tribut. willi give J you endelss Comfwrt The RUTTER GP 'XI" COMPAI Phonos, Turnier 5-5216 F.O. Fox 62 Plort HQp, otardo 1>110-E î~aEngraving, Goldleafing -CONTR-ACTORS -OR -Buy direct and Bave cenimimO. FARM and 110118E --REA4L'ES'Tý,TEFOR' SALE WIRING Properties -Solxa, entei Froe Estirnates Maged and Appralzed APILIANCE SALES Y .M. ALL1SU.N Prompt and Gxaranted Repaira lâ aaeBôe t sudandAppliances v-" Iur *0 q0Mforq -WatugxHêqrl fTwo bWocha wtb of Traffic lâgtgf p s ADDRESS OTono Town Hull Centrelon F- i /-, PHONE 1"~14

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