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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1957, p. 1

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,Vèl.20No. 7 OR.ONO, ONT.~ MANCH Sublseription $1.50 per year. Poice Trus.tý,es To Erect Signs 'rd-oB ooîd obnsOs aeil Witb T~ake Firsi From renon 0- .Plann*ig Vork ilImp.,ro-vements O audyvnng acu a~~~ZI~ o~n a presentation by Orono fr-ields, l)Jaydcowns hy deeaing Lakefield The Orone Pol Truistees imet on,11 "1 when airouand torty ladies gathered aIt 6-14 and taking the series, 1 games to X!î,ondaty evenn withl ail miem!bers the home of Mdr. and Mrs. Carl 1. This victory on Saturd y advanced -present. Plans for work inarthe Vil- Biig to wisbi the bride-to-be best the Combines to play with the Tren- lage was discussed lid the Trustees wisbshtnCon t i he first gaine heing -are ith e ninsecktoo(te Vil-Mrs. O., Cowaýn, MissAdryBill- plaiyed in Bownanville on Tuesday. ling wihinthe eekto eterine e.~ings and Mrs. C. fillin-s were the eveîg ~Projects which sh luld be undertke this ~ ahostesses un tisoccasionawdsred The- CoinsadTeon il the uLest> into the living rooni which lay a 3' oult of 5 series and in this The secretary, Mr. H. E. MWilison, wa eautifuil with sprinig fowers.lthe BO'C's have secured fhe io1penling iformedtc the mieetinig that 'the diaf t Pink arrd white str.eamners anjd belis glamle 10-3. Dean i West, p)layling a by-iawýý fromn the Departmnent of M\un-ljdcoae teror adte chair of stiriing gaime of hockey.siedfv icpiMaisbdasytt arv.honour.Shiirley's cosage xvs pink o>f thel Comibines ,ten go)als. Ray It ws the eelng hat hiswoud b an wh-ite carnations. West followed with two and singies Lhandied as soon, as it dlid arrive ini a J A bekatsto ihsi J'ayw ntoKeith W"est, Wally Satmanski spca etn.Fr en" pttern aind a place se;lttinIy in anid Bill B r. At nlo tirne did ~Mr. Bruce Mercer, Orono fire c-hief "Býlue Syniphoniy", als;o a a--a'Tr eaton theaten the Cmie.Offly niet withi the Trustee. requesthg\vas prest¶e to Shirle, whothank- frour penalities wýere hIndldOut in au o ony oprmtea(rinnI e e er;one for thelovel)Y gifts and thie gamle \\ith thr.i'ee goiang to Dy,ýkstraý ýcourse whlich wilI be ield.i joojin tdail to cone anid visit bier i ad onie toa Trenton player.Th ths husdy vein i te roo ' er nlewý borne. three Conet go)als were hb- A. ScoLtt. Iluicp itBuildiingý. rt is expect that --erfifty w%-Ill attend the meelgA dainty lunch ,, laieretadanAtndne tth me55 1in wýhich is lheld rnlonthl in Cm ejyal eein rogt oachs. att'liaengt tBomn ilunlities palrticipalting in the Mu'ttl FÎ.G OMA'vVwe h Cmie o h Aid Plan. A sum iof $rYo .OO as votled RV LTLeil-omnvlesrea re- frthe course. picac(her elt the uW.M.S. ÀAnn v:ersary oi aciainPoga odcrw.frth, esnwso FLIrthecr inread to the firel de- erivice on1 Sundfay il1orn11in g next, P ihand to Iilim the Ariea. In thIis game oltmielnt Mr- H. M. "Mei-er wais ii-iMrh3s.l i~bo pee pi O hc wn - aeWs i sýtructed to have three ýposts pa*intd r ow1leti agadaeof Vic-l - mIs vik sr,ýed phnorsth w wvith letteriing o Fr anpitdora nnd Emrneue{l , 1Coleges, Toron- gascc.Snle ett ai oathean, ýThiese ar-e to he pac at t. e as apoined +y'te Boad olo ehtsvcitoncncsf orhadDanWs.ewckn the chool, at the cornier of Ciuýh b fOvrea 4issionls for servicei igcol tdnsifnt1n1re i wogasperf1ormned somýe out- ndCentretretsanld!1 - acos ro apnan ie in 91.Me]ashoicidrnfomuba raswh sadnghceyfr iecs h he roo Creamey.Ths a 1ric flagugasud,7r.Hw-Iecopetdîy piS1'th ccrd' nhwbet h dfecead hegol thou1ght n lecctaary ývas 1heavy vehiclIes 1t a n gdh iti issioni- igtoD.CalteMBeerMeja.SoyHoern cfcetrd 'Ire parking on the feire taks. Pr a ork,c-peaig itanu-caOfceof eatNrhumr1 lafneg»elahsdprtnt misonw s a >ýise grante J'y the berofJaipane se paiStors in the Ayora lan-ura eith unit. PIrepara- Tirusteus te have twe figî sîstaîîed ra eha ie peiiatnio ini udrwyfr înc .owHg cool Uîe ")$i50 in th<e fire tower to enab le firerel to t vngisrural village ife andilschool chihdren so thait those requar- more safe1y use the toweýýr dr the' th(, estabdsiniig of nw enrea ing their third dose maty reîe!veit As !'eni Ta ouronoý eveaings. hif iens, as w\eillas the beginneprs ;andotes___ The ielhe inforimed the meiet', -À,r. [Howett is in Canadal for. his w\ioho bve rot had aaiy poiionyelitis Thef Durhami Disýtia t B oH Sý oo rig ht hefsetaktoth id _o-4Ls furlough, takiig- post-gr-aduate vaccine ,inoculaitions. T hese0 cliimes loard met in the OrliooH h hl .Ir.A. Alliia ,as not.holdiag walte.. stidies at Eiiimaniual Colee H îibe starte after atradwI on Wedne,,sday evening of last weeký Mr. . C.Fereste iste contact Mr. plans to retura to Japarn this fait. continue unitîl ,school is fiishedl iniwe hydsusdte.arae Fi-ed 'Gri-an-m to see if the tank can. Cornie and hear this young mis- June. grant to the district fîomI the Pr'o- Ibe ~ ~ ~ ~ , reardseta t ilhldwtrsonaasy at the Uniited( Chur-ch on Sun- vince aloag wt revanping the, pria- riere reuired e a tl. day norn4 nex. Dr. Hforner, states that during the cipal's salaries and making a decision R~ . eresêr ~ ut~ resent programmie 662 higla scooel on the rentai fee w-ýhicb they should R. C Forestr pintd, ot tatstudents ia the United Counties blave Ipiay for the use of the Oronio scbool. signs "Wý:tch folr 9hlldren"waci LtP IN Creceived their third dose and 1,4231 OFFER ORONO $5,500 RENT -xhich i hýbeén or.he>streets inear oclNe shave received their f irts .dose. pThee The nmanagemient commntte )report- the sae4ol 1 w re i abad cowsdtonJf -ab e,2 in~a heïr indings-cn - nÏ2 Inthe ren- znd, aise, mîssirîg,. this the sere- Mr 'and Mrs. jas.aMiddetoin spent chiidren iattendanice aIt ciaics to tai0ttelheirOres ec d aad ati Te sa- r tywa stuedto contact the' WedllesdàIy evlning wth M r. and receive thei ist dose. The second c mte ter onndation. th Hre- 'Township linttis matter to e, new Mrs. John wn of Si-xth Lire dose is given four weeks after the o-j,5daoO as a t igbt ýsigns puit uip. Mr. and MVrs. A. E. \'loiton return- fiVst dose, and the third at last Sent oBrd e pay $5,500iastaestrigh H. M. Mercerr wase f ,alani n ed te their farmi on the Sixth Line on rent fots ftr the seod sýho o eunce se the O gerono ~that there was a aeed te fý"A'dfrernTuesdiay after spenrding thte wiatrl enotstererthscod. I shehol or eur n teffoldanreernent the sîde of nny side-,v in the Orene I isplanedte offer peiomnyltis 7hcfhha e oe atieffecitan pai Vilageas iti so wa grwin evr Mrs. Russell Giett, Map>ie (lreve 47ho h prtomitnn -Vilag asthi sd ws gowig oerand Mils. E. Essea-y of Courtice and vaccine for infants and preachoel and capitol expendtures mnade at the ihe walks and contributiag te wvater Mrs. E. Duarews, Oshaawa anad Mrs. cidren at regular Health Unît im. ascheet 4building. Aise iailuded in the I on thern. It Was sugg sted that Les. A1Idred, Orone apeat Moaday muiation clne ssena ufi-'"ommrdto as the signing of a c perhaps a tractor with a biade couild with Mrs. L. Barrabail. ieflt vaccine is availabie. fave year lease whicb ceuld be terni- cit awaý-,y seme eof the sod te aflovi. 1 nated by either _party op a one year -for proper drainage. This matter is notice. This recommrreadation touk theà te e enisdeed hrig he nspcton ~A 1.... A . A i.form ef a muotion and was passed1 to lie o the Village. h ispetin iss lo fary Jpeaks tr tuxiïairy with orl,,y two objecting. to. B.f utlerfo potade uthtjDur*ig the discussion 'on the rentai S.he Ruterfod aietted $out0for thII .#N probIer it was peinted ont by Mr- beatifîctiaa f $75Vilae 0tisyor iis t V r riI d a 'C. 'lamblyn that the OrnePublice ,bnd thfatiteon te Ho Viltui raT elSe- 815 n j'a Schoh Board had felt that $6,500 ýadta h rn iýtýcitlilS- 'hoald be the ycarly rentai and that ciety should be consulted in thLsis at-J puttlag it on a rentai, basis rathaer -1 ter, Soiee w-ork, it was f elt, could be' The March mieetinig of the Evenig Miss Veathairn. than the 4/7th of cests andi capitolv ,dore in the V at H. Cornish s by pos-1 uiir a heid in the Sunday Miss Ventbamr toid us ef sone of where adjustments had te o b niade iibIy planting serne trees. R. C. For- School auditor'uium with an excellentlber experiences, as a mýission)ary eyye!Iiar a aMi.c more satis- rester was autherized te conitac(t the i attendance. Guests were preseat from Iia First of al as a missioian a c ttthaner. IMnir TambtnieP Heortîcultural Society.Necst, Kirby and ladies of theltheir w ork la te strengthen the st ad at he hmeet ith Sth 0 >.H.M1W _ý!ercer spoke of the nieed _for Af>ternoon Auxiir joinied with ils Christian Church iin India. They aÀre no Bongand befor the OoBardcheol siison the develoipmeat road at the te laear Miss Venthaniireturnied mis-, str iving te heip tbem mrise their stan- redluced the rentai figure by $500 toEI Mot f h-ilae irning te2 senay froiniIndia. jdard ef living,.aa uinaof $6,0W. Tis lie said' would s ,tra>v6fing public of the presencie of The President, Olive Millsoa, eP- Dr. McClure trains laboratory tecla- rvetote6500o if the off er wý,as net 1 -lon.I hi, Mr.M L3 s ebeee1temetn with quiet medita- j iciasos they can assist with rout- accepted by t'le IHigh Sciseel Board.17 eenijsulted regarding painting signa tien and prayer. A favorite bymn o f v hc-p.D.Melr a d r as mbly rntalfeothe $6000 figue Ifortuscerer.Miss VenthaTi's wns sang "O Master vanced greatly la bospitet work and w afa rna i ferithe apace-use R. C,. Forreater su.6estedt that the of the Wakinpg Worid". The presdeat now bias a portableXra machille. A bniadingand t e mo vedano-n Main Street of the Village be swept extanded wvords of welcemie te ail high percetaeof i-es are lshith inmeaimentaltefthe00moThiredmid nd- ï,cleail Of the debris left froin the guests attending, the dreaded diseasep T.B. Now it canring cvea ren f 60.hsdi e ~uhr'od eai aIhlbsnescal, be diagnosed wi-th this inew X-ray. receie astiecnderino heia -winiaer. Ini this S. iB. minuteseohI I Alla StrIkechairbasifnthe a-1 ~d et. antthee ~'s area ned an Trasuer' reprt eregivn. liss Veathaintolet us 0f many 0f agement comrittelainintroducing for a eleanup and a mnotion was pass- Teganrdig the Cook Bookte en-br dcte rins aIni Sh hesh>c excd u tth oe r- .dt have the womk done as scion as mnittee in charge decided te distribueteI sang the hymai "Thle Lord is my eue Boad.sepcigsu~le posbl.forns anongat the imemrbers requeat- Sbepherd» ia the oet India. tura othe oir cita iaed ttant potslaseeut tiantti.Tw 9 or 4 aecipes from each, whch lcing Miss Venthanai m hste onate gedbttn ,tetentend gthe expected amuounit wstee gret zbhip had pased a resotutioaa lower- will be, availabie at the Aprîl nmeeting. sonne valuable statentents. When H. iS. Ryanastateitd that the Higla c 'iLg the m-il rate for the Village by a The Cook Book wîli be printed ini Miss Venthlrn was leaviag on her re- Sciiesi had under the eld agreeesa adcto ! 20. h Tutes tJuly and rendy for' disposaI te every- tura te Canada, in ber far-ewýell the paid a surn of $15,000 tewvards cap- Ï weas, stated, had seught a redatieti of e1 ne wiho desireis te purchase 0 ue tmain desire tbey asked wa.- that ital expenditures ia thae OLno ehl- 13.5 naîis which amourited te a littie Eileen B'iliags, la charge- Of the shrol pa o e fida inanad tais h ethdioiae aa ever $2000. j devetilna1, emmenced with a hyia India and tbcy would pi-ny for us. ber o h mreet hc Arrangemlata ae te be nmade t Bnah h esa of Jesus". Scrip-Se tte utpray forthe been unertakeq a the bidng- He tour the Village streets ivitha the turie was mec. y Alma Itchel. hrchIla Indïa for the churchi l like' said that; the H~ colhdgn Townýship road superiiatendleit aS Elleen iread commnento "heChi-1 -, ',lnkd rondth wrl ai loww ieth tsee rnothuli Oy t Lt" tt tht 'vthout wnetrk aso"Swhethreaoestnet they wouL d soon as possible lu erder that a pr>o-lleen,o(f e an r a tega t kst irk. b la he si Lotencjovey ef ullI graa o wrk aybe tatedferths jLet, Ente üwulcl be justante A vote of thanlks ,as extenIded te sharie of the Cost. yeain of wo-as ue seling of th r'-Sna.1 auc5a tw is Vntam byBarbaý,il-a Crmn Alex MGcgrwa"s Of the oirdûioilr givuar or1-S erma(21nen as. Rien et uc oo othouh.paoa picaie etesekr tthe hud netb epctdt "Sabrinaf Fair" SageciToniglit Anid 1Friday B 11y Orono Players TIurisecond anualprQdcten by il-MrlnCobbiedîck the Orono Payme takea tethe localAbo- Normnan Ricjaaby stage this Thursday , and Friday, Paul D'Argeasen - Victor Auger Mari-c 2 mi 29 la the Township T h paý isbeing directed by Hall, 1ono. These players, hbo il Marget Samiuci. 1956 won mnucb acclaim wýith "Dear Proceeda frein this two nighat Yen,- Ruth"', their iiial production, are ture, m0hich drw its first curtain presening another outstandling pi-ayvto In-t 8:30 pan, go teamds the ahich bas mret with success as a Orono Amateur Athloe Association move and as a Breadcw production. for the promotion of sports and re- "SabriïanFair" labthe try of acratUon for the chilfien of the dia- young lady, who haýi-ngived with, trict. ber chauffer father onr a large Long Admison pe- performance 716 Island Esntate, leaves thc confines of cns the estate te face the preblemia of theý nvorl The play la biled as a romnantie A~ asrSt t2O Rn comcdy iii fouriacta ain Sabrina be- 1 pr n' StsT72ac0mn ingbauiu and charmling is con- FrOoo ibSho frotcdix thher romanteic poblema an or.The Badof the Qi-euePublic Te rmePlayers bave been iii cho nlaan effort toesetahlish a geal remearingfoi- the past twiO ena fee for thle District B1igh sehe-lol months a a uring the pnst twýo ,which uses pai ef., the Oronlo Schothr weera i- pacticahl!y m î1,i a had HI. H.Mthl submnit bis aipmaîs- nlighitly ha inhaorder that they ai figure e Dth)em. Mi-. 1Mitchell ce- might br&n to tie Orono stage a cemeded uhat the local Boni-d cel eaac ed pîay. ,shoaalcd charge a i-cnt of $7,150. The Distict hghSchool at their recent 'ih e'~tofstas or heperor- metng fferd a sum of 15,500 as anar as fohlows: entai for tac 'building,. -T'he Orono MaudaLriarabee- Mr uhrodIBadonuWedesdayeve"ning 0of List 1u11 Naî c l(1KSalok - Reta Bair wekdofred tô take a wsbon am 0of LhuaL be - Jîim Poliard (1O0frtri etd h room.-s J ins xace r. GergeCouina ,a ptrsaiong is report the np- ArUguret -Bael Robinsýon Iprasersetthepre'seit day vaue of DaîdLarrhc DnStapie)Wth bikiagnt 7,ti)wthrpae Grtcn-CaolnJo1ncs jment valLue i $c64"ù0O0. Saria e~chld-JoAna Ruther-l The prs-eat day value atta ibuted to ford thepoution ofYthe ouilding used by F 11cid -Or-ie Chatterton the Higli School was set at $000 A yaig wma -joan Cook Fnom this Ue appraiser coapuld hos A youag hiany - Paul Rutherford 1 (eoutjiued on Page 5) Durhýýam Ju'nior Farmers Wid Agrico Trophy AtSe air -ibh - Keii Bragg, lJurhiam 711; 5th - On Wednesday, lVIrch 2oth, iE tY,- I W.ert _MÇtchoii Lennox and A&L Ou ir b o 's from se%-en Cotinfies naine- dington 7À08 and John Sanderson, Dur- [y: Durýhamïi, Lemiox and Acddington', lhm 708; 7th - fllroid Ylo1e, Northumberland, Ontarîo, Peter-boro, Duraium 7(Y3; 8th - Ron Neale, O.I~ prince Udward! and Victor ia took tario, 69S_ 9th- James Coombes ' Dar- part in the See-d Judging Competition ham 6ý97; 10th- Lorne 'lnk, Durhaa ut the Central Ontario Spring' Show 69ý6 and Glenni Prescott, Durham, 6CG; ait P.eterbo--uh. 'Each Couihty was',12th - Jack 1.ittle, Victoria 695. It untitAed to enter ten boys 'With the will be noted that e ighit Durham boy three higla scoring boys comnprising wmere in the first eleveni. each teau, The three w'inning team memberm The heatifu>tl Agrico Trophy, don- each received a cash prize and a ated by the Agriculturai Chemicals, bushel of registered Gàrry oats. One Port Hope, wais-won by Durhiam bushel %vas aiso gliven for the higb4 County. Lur-ham County's boys have ;boy iný-_.a h class, but the three wiun. m-on thLcs Qiite Seed Judg-ing Co-rn-li ning memibers had already received petition tety-seven consecutive similar prize se wvere not eligible for years. The team score this year was another bas1ael. 2156 out of ai possible score of 2250. Lennox and Adaingtoni was second Prize Winners in Iaad-vidtual CIassaqm sviih 20961, followed hy Prince Ed- Oats- Ron Neals, Ontario Cty. %vard thî'rd with 2056 and Ontario. Wheat- Peter Welsh, Princê Edwrd fourth -with 2ü39. Barley,Loe VaniLuvan, Len. & AýL. The three team mermembers for Dur- -Redi Clover - Harold Yellowlees, Dur. amwere Harold Foffat, Oronio; Ho- AIfalft -Bihj Creighton, Leni. & AiA& bert Allun, Bowmanville and Kenneth Weeds- John S'aderson, Durham,. Bragg, Bwa le The standing and Forag-e Seeds- David Oliver, Lennox. icrsfor the first, twelve boys were: and Addington. st Peter Welsh, Prince tdward, E. A. Sum3mers,, who coached tket 73C0 2n-d-Iairold Moffat, Durhani, Durham boys, la justiy proud of tltÎj 726: 3rd . Robert Allhn, Duirlam, 719;~ excellent standing. Oro.yno Hydro Adop-ta Pension Plan For Hydro Manager The Orono Hydro Commllission amoiiunted! to $1142.49. After paying, on t on Mondaiy eveing whîen te ail bilIls the Commission had a bl carne k) an agreement on the mana- ance Of $2601.0. se'a'aýrY which imet withi the Lp-. oinwspse uhrzn The anaeassaarfa a ethe manager te negotiatte a joint The- safr 157ad 958 Cqt - eee t for pole use witb htle Or- nencng~in te yard 1958.eady in- oo Telephone Cornpany. This agree-. Cieasemen!ts Of f10o.O0 wWl be paidm1ent wortsetuetoa poly o cned. umtIl .a _,xim-um of $3650.00 is reach- ing- a rentfothusofolson ~d.Ais i cowetio wth heman Ibv one body and used by the oter a~r 'enionan lsuahePlan il It wo-uli aise set up ami t eguIatss "0 he Sncribed. This is to go into saïdrswhcvol b efca iffect on April lsýt, 19.57 and will coatto51cncrnd ~he Hydr'Coma ission a. SUrroS, l r asrcev ifor 1.J t pan heni wNil .i pa nthl sumof $9.2te M-. Dent. Iheehimanpoin,,ted lte the 13th' ci~ ~~~t ihwsacdttetheloa unisi f sm o $1281.40 t wiaich was received last vear. i t on for the i *o-gad>Liront th overhead(' 'ý 'ý set un n bu-, afta auý s hie thoý oudbe

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