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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1957, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THRDY ARH2,15 0,C50 &ÎW TA v.E ÀA RO0c K ET TESa DRIVE OL.DSMOBILESCÎS PAR KLINO SUPER I Front seat, left ide-rîght mmacl4 behind the wheel cof a neovýRocket" Oldsmobile! I t's the cboicest seati i the house! For that's vii'e yolu get Ilhat soid, level-smooth driving 8ensation, the. highway'.hu 'ýng feel of Oldsrnobile's deep-braced Wide-Staincc Chaaaâ.l. ht'g wvii. you'Il sense tii. phenomnenal power oft he hiusky,1, high-compression Rock,,c T-400 Engin. ms your ite <udges the gas peda. And that'o hr/yuf mie to Oldsimohle' nmmble riespnSe as yen pek, cerner, raanoeuye throngh traffic. And for look& ... here's beauty tixat:s dean aand un cJttered-free@h, pure linem thtat live longer., that vil ho ni yi.yearm nov. Se any way you look at it-for power, forUauty, for eomfort, ride, safety t-here's the one that got everythnf;yomi want in your unext car. And what's more. the. pvice is .lv.ys riglit fer a Rockoet. Com n fufr a thriling bft in Tour 6W e. .Our guet . »awaira nlc IRO ifwaitigfor yen vile. ym 5itop lhy for your Rocket test. Ait the ifaà mg actýouot ni uitW jears wih the liqtid es'joy with 0d T-« engmue ami Jtaway Iydç-Matic drive. Jetaway delivers moe of the engin Vs power to the whe61s, cimiatei fuel wasf e. From takt- off to top SPWs, the. flow of power is mtsm4y avi ml*h Snooffi. Andi iinSupa' Ami "tow' ranges, Jetaway giv u nai, âI. braking action for dusent &1 Steep bitte. Gratest 5#omlatic d*ive it Cos E~3IvI~ ~E E im r LU 1111 rin ROY W. NIOHOLS COU ftTIOE 5O-14GMVANVI LLE ia the House of Cornmons and there turn on Wednesday with consjxlerable R eport From Parliarnent Hill undoubitedly will be more joiingi the new's Of restored friendship 'n n fight as the budget debate continues.(dei-standling between the. U.K. anid 1 1 U.S.A., along with, w~e hope, better B udgYet Djis cuss1Qfls Fairn Groups Ask, For .rospects for adanU .tre Marktin Legslaionand information about a short visit Amon the Legsiaton o Canada of Hler Majesty the Queen O pen là orn ons'iii, th e visitorerso ttawa durf and Prince Pilip next fall. A lengýh- (I)p r~ li (1OflIflO lS ng he eekwererepesetatves ier vioit may be expected in 1959 the Farmn Commnodity Marketing when the Queen wiii )be here to open byany' of the parties as the gru,ver50rog the St. Lawvrence Seaway. l'wJhnMdJaesby1. 1Th.y were seeking Vo have the Federal1 By Jhn . JaesM.P. omont wiçh~hou b pai unver-govrament pass legisiation at th Budlget dsuso began 3on Toesa lly to those 70 and over from f ed- session which -'would straighten Out! SCotCh hsyM r day Maeh19'h,ý,,thJ. . acd 1iieriai, funids. It will be recalied that inl s'orne of the doubts and anxieties re- F May Enigrate day,. Mare 19t,!wt J .Maen the rece bugt, the amiount was sulting fromn a Supreme Court deci s- presenting- his part y's views on the raised fromi $4(J o $46, effective ion ini January on Provincial -Market- One of the miost interesting dis- subjeet. Afteýr raniging over a w i .Jly Ist. The COF proposai woulld ing Boards for, various farmi products. eussý-ions of a sidelight nature took areaof rit'cim, e peseteda >m- ase expendtures on old age pen- Arrangemients have been made with ne after- news reinorts from the tion of non confidence regrettinig :ioners from a littie less than $40%J the Provincial authorities along the îScOttish i sland of South tJist. Ap- tha th ecn0omcSOlicy or -he ov- iiii ion o betweeri 600 and 700 mil- same linesad 1t h mmetSte ilrn lsoe 2,500 inhabitants whio lenmnent faiils, despite a large surplus, lions. Federal Departmient of Justice is spePialize in Gaeiic culture. woollens to mieet the needs of the Caniadian Onutario Enters Federal Politicai Field ývorkinig hard analyzifig the situiation a nd Scotch whisky have 'beenl upset ,people and in paticular (a) does noV fromi a legal point of, view. It wvould hecau-se the British Air Miisý-try plans provide adequately for old age and The debate will be interrupted sev- appear alm.ost certain, from the re- to0 sef up a $45 million rocket rne other pensioners, (b) does not pro- eral dînes by goverment legisiationi ception accorded by inembers of the. on the îislanid and take over their pose a reduction in the persontal !in- during each week and may not even cabinet, that the fetieral governmeat;farming lý ands. In the se of Co ni - corne tax, (c) does not assure thebe coronded by the timri the Ilouse Ido its tm-ost to mieet their de-'iflons here, one membher Scot A. E. provinces a larger share of the rer- prorogues fortihe forthcomning elec- miands although there are sonie com- MeEchrnfromNi\ova Scotia, urg-ed enues fromn federal1-provincial fields tien. lJnder the niew ruies, oniy e4ight plications of jurisdiction in work- the Canradian Gýoveraceent and allV of taxation; and (d) ignorýes tedsof dbaeon the budgettks ing out dletails. More ii be heardl of Scots across C inada teo et vigýor- prolilenis and needs Of agr'(iulure. Ipae befor e ail aniendmenits are dis- this particular probliem laVer. Among ously this prouo1sed imove. There have CCF Prepose $75 Old Âge pension pos;ed of, Because ouf the Provýinc-ialthie isitors was Mlýr. .Ed., Ruthvýen of a1s o been indica tions that the South 1-He was folowed by Colin Cam-reron! !Legisature of Ontario siting at the Port Ho1(pe, repres;entingý the Veget- rsita, nif tii, u 0 find a itable (CCF) Nanaîmuo, speaking for- their saetmter a ena e e bl rwr.sot to settie down withouit inter- part lutheabsnceof r. oldellvelopmient in, national politics which whp althoughin ousnceof hoIr , asgadaly acreepjiag into the Ottawa Prime 1inister Flies Vo Bermulda ference in Canada or on ant island off roV recovered su, tîntl V1etura scene. P1remnier Frost, on several oc- On Monday, March 25, the prime the coast of Newfoundland. ti) the bus. r.9aern ovd a csonhas ij1j,ýete bitter denun11cia- minirjster Le jw to Bermiuda for talks aub-mendent egretiag thatthe i' fOtw policies into the On- with Prjime Minlister Macmillan of May "Pull The Plug" govrnmnthadno inresedth ai trio s-esîons, as haveseea of his the United Kinigdomi. As you have With June Election age pension to an arnMount com1inebau- foioes Until t!isý week, the cabini- beeni readinig, Mi-. Macmillan already IV looks now as though Parliamient urate with hn nael the i-os t nmem1bers at Ottawa have f1s 1 -ý--1lot seenifhad four days discussion with Presi- will continue until the week Mf April n1ational prodnuct since 19419, wh!ic-h fit to refute sonie of Premiier Frost's dent Eisenihower of the U.,S.A. dur- 10th when the P.M. may "pull the woldesl ora en~ln f ppox-argumns h iitro utci hch the -M0ldle East situation p1g as they say in parliarnentary xriately $e75 a mionths ¶This figure ls Hon. Stiiart Gatrson oif Mannitoba was given hrog iin.U- crlswi- the election on either the hihs hchhsbe p% o-1asVthe first Vo take a crack at himj doubtedly, Mr. St. Laurent wias Vo re- June 10 or 17. FOKD.wMONARCII SALES Anmd SERVICE A 1 Used Cars Our complete service guarantees year round driving pleastire vCAR VETH MO' Phone 3251 Ne'i TORSk ivCastie, Ontari -e-- Vigor011 Coe> IZtd. stove OilILets per gal1 t ne,,"cnt per gai o',eieyPhone ORONC.,i67 .-6- SAWA RA. 5-1109 R.e. LOGAN Plumblusg*Ieatint Sheet ea Orono, Ont. For the INOIJLATED Insattlt yourseUlluin3 hoursI coui.m complet* . . . needs no brlcksi anortac. loimdatlon. Supported ut roof andflioos.. Ncesp..aoro 4ainiestaat*etl iu ii. wbaluni. inuni outatde cawing. FiUL .2 and 3S mloy home%,. Cuw.en-built: appoed by recoq. niubd remarch organiens fidheatinq aeAtholti.. The SeIkLrk Chlmney aves heat. qc-fes Money, ara5 elinatez lire hazard! De- anop d .n anuiactur&d in Caadci and pr"e fr yearsî Made by SELK(R METAL PRODUOTS LD Bo 51 rrnckviPPe,01nt. s ,1 - 1 ý .-e. - 1 'l 1. 1 1 ............ 4ext ondîayu T4Golden Fece" James Bann.lrman, an exctitlg sory of 1f.iein a tumber camp.

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