(~Ž~ BIRDSEYE, OOD £iMIDSEY}( $0OLE FI LETS lb pkg FRENO FRIES 2fr BIIIDSEY HACKFrI1LLETS GlOVERlýNMENT/ INSPECTED F0 YOUR PRZOTECTION SWIFT'S, Prime Rbs PEAMý'EALEýD. - HALVES CRI/OVAC Cottýage ls SWIFT'S PRÈMIUMNI RInd less acon lb YOUNG AND TENDER ProrkL r sUted VAÀCUUMFPA. Porlk Tâurkey Loaf 4è 1l.pkig. FILETS 29c 4.5e I ORANGE JUICE ý2 for 9z.pkg. - lb. pkg. 05C BIIRDSEYE CHIOKEN, BEEF, TURKEY PIES lb 57C lb 59e pkg 79e lb 25C ~oz >9C McCormick'c Jersey Cream Sodas, ,1-lb. Pkg............ ......... --- -----------35C Johnsoit's Glade - Air Freshener ,- Spray, Tina..... ---------- ---- -------- -98e Wisk Detergent, 16 oz. tin.........----43C Lux, New -4c off large pkg........3---- - 6c 8c off giant pkg........- --69C * INGERSOLL, 5c Off Pack Cheese Spread 5c off 8 oz jar 29c. Ogilvie Chocolate, 7c. off 3 coupons Breeze. blue or white, 7c off worth - 21ce elwosed Free tea towel Cake M Detergent 16ý'oî 4c giant 71c Lts 5lb bag 47c FRg8H PRODUCE NEW BRUý SWIC le9 ilI FLIAVORZFUL uniY Oranges~ 110 size doz 49e OINTAR1O GROWN NO. 1 iot House Cucumbers, each 21C TENDED, FLAVORFUL Califorula Broccoli Ige heai 25e Tsea For Canada Weelk New Bluie Packhag-e - New Brown Label - 10 Free Bags S ALADA TEA BsAG There Is A Réd & -March 2çth to 3O h S pkg'of 9O1.09 White Store Near You StOrQpen Until 9 p.m. Fridays an-d Saturdays Cornish's Rod-& jj Orene, OutawI i 6 oz. Un 37c 27c 8 z.pkg, 2 for 65c ests annomuced recenitly the arrivali in Sault Ste. Marie of A. A. Russeili who was trýansfrred therve for South-l erni Ontarilo t o assume duties as mn agemnt f oreste-r. yjwh ws placed in charge of the pse hi knots. Kýirkwiod Forest IManagemnent Unit ear-lier this ye(ýar.î Some of the girls s1( istAid Kýts andi th A graduate of the University o lsdwith Praîyer and cITý Toronto in thie forestry faculty,th new anagmentofficer started withi the deatetiin the Midhurst Nur-1 scery li !1948 then 1transferreti to the TeBone tre PIrovincial Forestry alt Oroiin I 9,54. ig it1teFaryRig pliu 'ýýbi. lieba s-,on ir sýcrap books. sedth-e psiio f ass-istant super-!i iiitendIent atutthe ,Southern On1tario Tw ne rcuts el brani. Mr. Russell received pimary lTests.i-l, Troy,, Tagg art andc and high Chol education1 in Toron)Ito. passei tei bakets.L Emiydiin or-estry with the de-,paseti er kiting. Ari partmýen)t since his graduationi, M 'r. as e iDm e RuslJntenids to mov.e ils-'wife at iyRoom 'Test. three chiild2iinto) the Sault as soon as Sm lerBone possiblle, - ____hx otekos Heiher ,lRebekah Lodg Eerynefifd, Th, Heaonr Reekaifh :rlodge of':DieCaýen cers a on the eveningr of "iVfarch 26th Nwitht'tb heunda 1 tnaiyvintig Sisýters front oùther the aainCne; L isin the district, obeciveof e Cac ( Log othr sse 1, Floree o'rser thajn evýer be: Mý'oore aýnd Mrs. M. Rainecy, issemblyt offic ers and Bro. Ed. Youa-gimani, Gr,,e tet y a beautifu LI'odge Marshali. ,birthay cik eeaa Tl-,e d1r ee stLaCf f 'o 1ea the r Lo tige co ,u', V flneiotw ndrtheê leaders'hip of Bro. VertiÎe !pa e grenicadies and.i I Wilson, conferr-etithe degree on 2 tos.Ti lvl ckN candidates. ister anVelmcafWatson The, table fin the baýnquet liilwas Cooer anidoatdb 5.e, 'iRfON.0a.O. N\OW Is Tt TI1N SH(gù âe Time Far INTERIOR DECORATI iWec O RAI :an Liupply yo-iur needs wi r4 D RArd-HE ?ND E RS t~nt& and ne VarIl-es R. E.LOGAN PrIp f3TIURSDAY to SATURDAY M'- 11ARCITM 'J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A op_____________ eiý _______ BOR a NEXT MQNDAY TO '4THElD5!D R» -RO. WARNER E PROS. NANCY KILLY .i,,,.g.i.~W>~.MÇRVYY T, Last coxuplete sh* :25 Wateh aext week'sý paper for Sweepstakes win'e BIRDSEYE STRAWBERRIES 15 oz 4.3c 4' 'N 'N N amamonnummm BIRDSEYE GRïEEN BEANS 10 oz ~zr - -- Brownie-Cuide J TheL Girl Guide meetina day niýght opened with ins acouplr)e of an1nouIncen made Asingin g arne "T Mýice iva joyed fte TI ig on Tues- spection and N nents werG ' bree Blind ilwhic-h. al )resand Barrabail, N Nary Found owdtheir le m--eeting laps. their meet- They then tips to work 2passed on Judy Vagg unda Tyrrel mne Gibank nt, also her ng song and ' a large ex- ' bu bespent sides by ' pink earna- ' -as muade by ' and Maudle Sister FWsie s et âmew"" l