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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1957, p. 7

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When it Was R eally CoId in Britain Moustaches froze stiff, 'three - lucli icicles hung fromn horses' sioses, trees were split by the ft-ot. .. Those were the sort of things that happened durisg a typicais coid speli in bygose cen- In Decemnber, 1813, thne Thames began ta freeze 80 solidly that a fair was held on it with alil sorts of amusement booths, skit- fie lleYs, music, dancing, eat- iýng, drinking, roystering, even a sheep or ox., roasted whoe on fite icean sold at a 1ýob a slice. But when a sudden1 thaw set in everyone had ta scamrper oiff lte icy mush; saine traders got off with their goods, others bar- ciy got off with their lives. Tfents, booths, roundabouts went lithering downstream, to pile ap on ice-flIoes at the bridge piers. One temporary pub that had leen set up sld away with ninre mien inside yelli'ng their heads off when it caught fire. As it erashed iýnto Blackfriars Bridge 0-hey sanaged te seramble out aver the polar hummocks, but tbinýk ef ail that good, strong beer coirng te a watery grave. That wasn't the only frost fairi on the TXhamies, by any means, John Evelyn, the seventeenth century diarist, actually saw bull baiting, puppet shows, hersej anld eoach races on the ice, and qeoaches plying on it hetween Westminster and the Tempfle. Furthermere, the intense cold brought down a dense f og iwhich ehaked everyene, froz7e litewatr sppl , tthe brew- ers and ether tradosmen eut of work, and caused many acci- The ceuntryside was blasted- le the frozen feg. Mon, cattie, deer, Peultry, wvild birds and tves fîsL perished. Trees split and crashedl, as if from lightning. The ceasts were 5Go arctic that slips couldni't uiove in or eut ef harbou-rRand s'upplies were paralysed. Fuel vas at famine pric-es. Funds hadl 1le be startcd for the peor to Ikecp body and seul together. chrenicler rîecords a knost unedifying spectacle one w~trwhes football was play- ed on the Thaines and ciiir -aine eut to shoot at targots set 'r) onl the ice. Ail the -Pivs, 1oafors and unonriployablos set1 out te cash in on a charity rac- ket. Denning aprens, clutching old epades, hoisting a turnlp on top êIf a pole or rake as distress Sig-î ual, tihey paraded ithe strcets sitouting neurntully, "Al' frozon) Out! We be frozen-out garcn- crs! We'vc e t ne wevrk te do! lI this way thc.yofttn made double a skilled wurir-man's wtage, It was a sad day for them- Vh-n the Sun, shone again and lte ice began t o iet! Invar-iably the suddien thaws C-aused floeds and havec, sweep- lng away hemes and bridges,1 and drowniing people, A coach bowling ever the now looks remantic, on an elid- limne Christmras card, but it mulstl bave bcecs an erdeal, whcn win-. ertravel h,ýd te be done Dver -geads like ouagrmures, anid pas- Old tO SEE ANYTHING STRANGE? Nothing would seemn unusýual about this photo at first glance. As the coption materiai soys, Germoi n tourist Gudron Henkie is showri chatting with a Roi-e, Italy~, service station attendant while her car is checked. But wh at about that New Jersey license plate the Fraulein is sportlng on the rear of her Italian roadster? Moybe sheilikes the color comIbnafion. 'V WPNDER - en-year-old Robert'Strom observes the sun throughi a telescope at his home in the Bronx, N.Y, Amoazed televisi pn audiences have been ati igthe youngsîer as he handi es difficuit problemns an The $64,000 Questiont." De- spite his genius tençlencies, Robertis înterests, like any othi e cy' ,range from ba-se- bail to popular music, The telesco pe la a prize lie won on another' TV show. thlemnse.ives with hefty draughts of a1e4,asd brandyv to defy~ the frest, and at nre stop Mr. Pick- wick's fingers were se sjumb that, jIt took hlm f five minutes to find thLe sixpence te pay fer the li- quor. Untîl the l830Us there were ne buses feor mwnter shopping and visitisg ,witii the city, and when they did arrive they wvere cýrude, iuncomnfortabIe vehicies with cônductors naoted for their insolent bjehavie-ur. Net until 1863 was Landon's, first uinder- ýground railwa,, opened between Paddiington and Farrisgdos, St. 'say, oid man, wha.t hap- pened te that parrot of yours?ý" asked Ose neighbour of another. "Oh, 1 married, you know, and atter afew -weeks it just died(-," wvas the repiy. ",Jealausy, I suppase!"' "Net really, it cauldn't stand the campetition. n, astride ýnitC race ing for They Use Snow Instead of Ice Wc raced dawn the juniper siopes (on the north side of the Marble Mountain -. For the ïnaderately tactive v,,isiter te the mauntaîn there are few more wonderful things than the wealth of flowers in summlyer Sumnmer on the TJ'u -Dag is also the seasan et the snow-cut- ters. And if there ls any sound which has for. me the magic quality on lte iountalis, ,t is thre distant tinkiee of beilsisthe nighit, soundin-g far da\m,,n in the farest below thle Refutge. As the beIllsco-ne nearer, lte( watcher wili sce, if hie gees to a windew, a lise et donkeys a-nd mules comingsei up the rend. A faint dust riscs from their heoves and shoui h sci.ntillant ,ight ot, the moon. The spruces isne the wyhike frezen statues, and their ehadows lie bitue on the granity nth. Nwthe caravain is passing the Refuge. The bouls sound strong-iy as lte 'twe drivers an Lite lending mules ride past. Be- hind tem [lite tethereci dankeys follew. And new the tInJtJ of belis lessens, urtil once. , gaîn- it fafis faintly on the car alnd finaliy vanishes inta the night. The snew-cutters ride on far another hour, thon nount the screos to the snow-pit inî the hoiiew under Ziz've clif s. There they Lunstring their axes and start thoir labour. Cubes of hard nové snow alre cut and stared in panniers lined with foît and cev- ered with spru-ice baughs. Each animral islodd it a paninier on bath sides, and before the eastern skies have reddenod with dawmn the erayas is oncçe &annin m eniveme-nb on the jaurncy seven thaiusaind foot down.wards ta BuLrsa, Ttc snow-cutters 'eave the frezen silence etf tie snow,ý-pit, and w,,1iin five hours arc sweat- ing mn ttc 901 stade heat et the town1-. Il mnust ho a hard lite, de- manding fortitud e and immes stamnina, bath etwfit ttc An- atalian pensant possesses in abunclance. Ttc 550nw is sold in Bursa for the equivalent ofiî per- I'iîaps a penny a pound, and es- ters the ice-boxes of thae town te cool the butter and fruit of the population, The profession of s-now-cutter is an anciont and eoe honoured calling. It is aise the appanage of a few familles enly. 1 amn told that the lnow-cuttors in some cases-,stili pessess 'imas"or royal ,lettors ef appointment frei "lite Sultasate, dating bock as far as the reign of Suleimnan the Magniflcent. The prof ession o)f nwctin uBursa was for centuries restricted by edict ta these familles, and passed doewn frem father te son. Ev-)n in ancient turnes the Su),- tan's--0 was quarricd froin, the saine sneýw-pit as the c-ut- tors use teday, and prebably car- riedl on the backs of the ances- tors ef the saine donkeys. Once in Bursa a special rurnner ser- vice o'Lf oot herses bo-re" thie snow te the port et Mudanyna. And from Mudianya fast ,sailing vessols, wham neose had the power ta delayune the pýain of the mperial dispiensure car- ried the precieuis and porishabbe cargo te the -wals et the Seragîîo in Constantinople, Tt is curieus to roflect that the sherbots -which tte Sultan emj- P l'Yed te siake his imperial thirst were coled with sflow frôm the B>ithynian 'Olympuis that had probabiy taken three days te accompiish its Journey. AGENTS WANTID OILS, GREASES, PIT And Coloidal Graphite Additives. Dealers wanted te solite,0Fermera, Fleet Owners and! Service Stations, Write Warco Grease & 011 limted, IF YOD are net much of a salesman, but cen get sleng ith fermrera, you cen make $80 - $100 per week rep- rýesent ing usin yotur county. Wriid ibis Manager, Box 328, Milverton, OnterÎo, GO iNTO BUSINESS for yourseIf. Sel exclusive hoiisewal'O productsasndf appliances wanted by Lvery bouse- bolder. These items are net seld Ili stores. There la nriompiiettios Prof- its isp to 500%, Write lmmcdiately for freococler catalogue with yretail prices sbown. Separate confideistial whale- sale price will bu inclucled. -Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Monitrealý ARTICLES FOR SALE BUY- Retaillet Whoiesale Prices! Save mioneyv. 24ý posicard bringa FPree Whole- sale Naîne Brand' Ciaaog of Dïamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Applianeda. No obigation. Watsen Sales, 1Box 67, Rugby Station,. Dept.CA, Brooklyn 3 New York. Soil To Ordei' Perfect gardien saoi is a rich, well drained loan which nover bakes, fields moisturo. well but dees net becemne muddy. Un- fartunatoly f ew afi us are lucky enough to find that right at the dioor. But se long a-, we have net solid rock it is amiazing ~vitwe cas do. The best mdi cine for any soi!, light or hcavy, is a, liberal applicatIion of aid fashioned barnyard ïimsure. But mnasure is hard te corne by ini these modemr days and it is lia- ble ta be fi'led with woced seeds. And se mest of us vwill have te turn ta samething lse. 'artun- ately there are many, substitutes, commercial et' chemico' ferti- lizer, special soi"- conditioners, sand whore the soui s eavy dla-y lime whe.r it, is saur, and humîus asywhiere. The latter we can make ourselves. it is simrply retted dewn) vegetable refuse, lîko bavesgrass clippings, weeds and even clean garbage. This cas bo dug directl'y into the sali or pilecd in a Cernler, -overýed ,';iths lay Ors ifearth, wavtered accasïinally and allaw- ed ta, rot and thon dug li. Koep I nformnai For most g-ardes layeuts the informai lises are best. This suits the reiativciy small spa ce at the disposai ef nmost Canadin homne oewners and it tends te make the average gardes mare interesting. Thie general pltan is teo have a in the Centre and forgos with the shrubiilbery and fiowers arranged in irregu- lar clumnps ail aiasng the sides and at the back. This is wýhere the height of maturme plants and tiue and col- auir of bloom is important. We don't want small things like alyssum, partuisca, dwarf zin- nias and marigolds hiddes by blgger, tailler plants and we do't want ail the blooin cern- isg os at ose limi-e. The seed catalague lists al these points and aise; tells lus about the colour and whether the varieties are* hardy or tender. With this pro- cise knewledge we Casi plan -P pieasing and practicail2lyeut, have aur fencos and walk-s screened but net aur windows, and aise have somnething in. bleaom tram iearîy spring ul late in the ,,lali Wie wilase knew what we cas safely plant outdaoors oves wbile there is sonme risk af frest and what wie cannot plant safely until a11 dasger of cald weather is ever. In these catalogues. tee, are ilisted flowveris for special places, siopes, dark shaded corners, and things that leven prefer poar sai or racky foothoIds or wlet feetl, Tliey Are Friends Most bîids and certainly ail sang birds aré goed friends ef the gardener. They will help keep dqwn bug-s and eat weed, seeds, and they are beautiful and initerezstin-,g ta have arounid. Shrubs and trees, bird heuses', feeding staions and watering or bathing pools, ail will help te bring wrenis and anaýles ana rabins. But we can do more than this. There are certain brigl-t fiawers that h-ave a special ap- peal for humming birds. There are ail sorts of shrubs with briht and edibie fruit or seeds that wMiinvIte cardinals. Il pays w,.ell te study the special Likes of the birds, to plant things that will pre-duce food and shel- ter in wlnter as weii as ini sumn- ne.. ARTIC LIS FOR SALI DIRTY WINDOWS! Clean tbeni with eeSpraycîean"', the worîd>s fineat spray- typegascene.nugcocnrt te mnake 2½ ýgallon, s$1,0 lostpaid, Literature free. Satisfaction Guaran- teýed. Halfen Leboratoi'ies, Cbippewa Falls, Wisconsin. GOOD FISHING FOR EVERYONE, Get's Trout, Pike, Bass, Walleye, 'Mua- Ides, etc.> 104. Strike- More Company, Gaît, Ontario. SPECTACLES FROM $31M0TIN PAIR sýent to test your eyes. Give age, satis- fac tion or mione euded. Salway and Ilow,- adaton, AlUtla. HANDY FOR EVERY HOME 6 ASSORTED laces, braids, emiibroider- tes, etc. Trims for Infants, cildren'zs wear, 'dr-esses, blouses,, lingerie, etc. 30, yards only $,0 Refundable if not delighted.S Joseph, 2962 Lacomylbe, Montréal. BABY CHýKICs GET the mraximrum-, fromn your over- bead, Depends largely on rhoice of breed. There bas always been special breeds for speciallzed production - now more than ever. Keep up te date with complete Ilit f rom SBray Hatchery, 120 john NW, HarM0ntfl INVESTIGATE before yeu buy your 1957 cicks arid turkey poults. Don't buy on price alone. Buy breeding and bu sure and purchese the right breede of cbicks and turkey poults for the job yeuj want tbiem te de, Our special egg breeds, Amnes In Cross Sertes 400, Tweddle Sertes T-100. T-110, T-120, T-130, Shever Wbite Leghornis, Warren Rhode Island uied, White Legh orn X Rhbode Island R ed. Aise) special dual p urpose breeds, Red X Light Sussex, Lght Suissex X Ried, Reced X Rock. Breller chicks, indian River Croess, Ar- bor Acres Whýite'Rcks, Nichols Ne, 12 Cookerels. 4 breeds cof Turkeys. Cata-î logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTI>. FERGUS ONTARIO BOCKS WR psy up te $5,001) forx014 books. Catalogue 254.Ameic Book, Room 301, 1871k ,Queen Street East. Toronto. iCOINS 1 NEED Canladian 54,254, 100 andj 54, dated 1858 te 1908, l'-nisce con- dition, fodr xmy collectioni, Send coins for ap)praiJsal. Referunces. Jack Grif- tia, Hlltop Haven Fan, Woodstock, jOnt. OOMESTIC M-ELP WANTED GIRL for genieral heuseworkla amnal Protestant RestH!omne. Mrs. P. Rich- ards, Box 9c, Çl ilwa, Ontario, HOOUSEKEEPER, youing, plea;sant, per- manrent. For notherless borne, Sena. photo, particulars. Chlld wélJcole, ice happy home. Box 62, Malartic, Que'. EDUCATIONAL INSTRUCTIO SCHOOLS and C0LLEGES MISSIONARY-Guide: Nonprofit. tev. Pierini, 148½, Bloor West, Toronto, W A. 4-4842. Colleglate, Public, Laniguages, Basic Eniglishi, Public Speaklng, Story IrÉrg.Etiquette. raaicrirat EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL DANCING MADE EASY FOXTROT, Ithuniba, hMambo, Wtz tauigbt by profssalorals, tin easy les- isons, on long play ulibreakabie rcrs Suitabîe for Ilomle, Schools endf Ren- reation Centres. Particulars fre. Edue- cational Services Reg'd., Box 1725. Quebuce, Que. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE BUCKEYE Ditcher, Moclel 14, 5½' 1x 14", in runnîniirg order, steel trecks, rubber front -wbeels. Geo. Roth, Gadahbili, Ont. MMi 2 row meounted Cern PFicker for WMMUB, ZE and I.H.C. 400. Useçi 2 seasens, Kutchieson Bres., F oxbo ro, Ont. FOR SALE GUARANTEED Pure Maple Syrup. Finuat quality $5.25 gal. Place orders early snd wlll shlp socon as new crop I i made. Special price on large orders. Geo. SaliSI)ury,, West Brome, Que. CEDAR POLgS AND POSTS ALL sizes sulteble for any type pole berils, hydre, ai bur yard. Gordon Crow, R. %, Hespeler, Ontario. BODY SIHOP FOR SALE DOING business for three stuady emiployeus. Apply Box 2M, Ansonville, Ontario. GARDENING SUPPLIES SPRING Planting B3ulba 9color-s Tutberous Begonias 1iW'; 20 ýnmed Gladioli 1' 3 colora Gloxinas; 4 Regal Lilies; 3 large flowerlng Dalias, 3 Poin Dahlias. Any lot delivered $1. Sausby. 107 Bellefair, Toronto, FRUIT trees, strziwberry plants, espars- guarbroses, bedge lataheade trucs. Low mnail order pricus. Cata- logue free, Norfolk NNurseýry, Simrcee, Ontario. GRAINGR ER CLINTLAND CATS SOW 1 in 1957 O.A.C.'s Iblest yieldInr oat ini 19541955. Registere No. 1 quai- ity seod Onta4ro grown that will re- register available fromn H. R. McRimln, Quality Seeds. DRESDEN, Ontario. DO YOU NEED SEED? STROJNG, sttrawed, ruai resistant Gar- ry oas, highiest yie1ling n the On- tarie tests eacb year for 3 consecu- tive year., aise Rodney. Simcwoe and lhe outstanding strong strawed Herta Da- Iey also Biant Barle ',v Montcalmi, S«lkirhk wbeat and other tndr jvenellies. Write for, price listailnd deýscriptive lit erature. Place orders early forth grade and vaiety re- qjuired and 'specify whien to be sbipoed. MEDrCAL 0000 RESIJLTI -- EVERY SUFFERER FROM RH~EUMATIC PAïNS OR NEURI SKOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEfi?. MUNRO'S ORUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawe $1,25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE IIANISH the tormenlt sf dry trezem rashes and weeping a;kin troubles. Pocst's Eczema Salve v,111 lot disap. point you. Itcbing, scaling asic!barn- Ing eczema; acne, ringworm, pimiplec and fooýt eczemna willlrespend readUi3y to the staîinless odorles: ointment re.- gardiless of how stublborni or hopeleas- they seemr. sent post Free Da Recelpt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair AVýenue 15sf TORON TO OPPORTUflITîEs FOR MEN AND tNOMEN AGENTS Watd To handle high ï îyCosnietica, Send for Free Ini- ,",a 1t ion.ý Barry Cosmetics, Beauty Product.¶ for the Distrýibutor, 203 E.f 37th Street, New Yiorkç, 16, 'N. MAIL Order Business! Miase rmney Ln a "Collective Mail Order Business'ê ith repeat income. Ordars corne di- rect te you with a big profit on every sale. Only $i,00. Include this acid foi' samnpie circulars. CollFective Enter. p)rises, P.0. Box 179, Muirry 11111Stationt -New Yo#k 16, N.Y. PLASTIC FOAM (lexible)Sestna new craft mnaterial-.lieu can create beautiful gift itemns or demionstrate this material te your, local hobby, groupayjs mit a profit. Demonstrtor's kit $1. Postpaid. KlIDDER MA1NUFACTURINCQ C0. 138 Danfortb Ave, Toronto. 5PECIAL! I Yôur name and address oni 3 Uine rubbes' stamep. $2.00 postpald, te Canada lmmediatelyý. Daniel S, Batiser,- son, 103 Maca1rley, Buffalo 20, New York. VVE pay y ou ta adairess enlvelopes et home. $50 weekly possil'e. Informa- tioni 25 cents. ShepIpard Agencles 285-A Spence, Winnipeg, Manitoba. THE NEW 1957 HOFFCO 5 HORSE power direct drive çchaln sâ\w iz now available. Dealers requlred lA somle areas 0f Quebec and Ontario, Write: Precision Parts Ltd.,' 755 Firat Avenue, Lachine. Quebec. BE A HAIRDRESSER JCOIN CANADA'S LEA0ING SCHOOL Great Oppornnty Leaýî a lrdressing Pinatdignified profession; goorl wa;ges. Thousanda of sucesfuil iMarvel ,Graduates Amferica's Greatest systemn lustrated catalog Free Write or Caîl MARVEL 1HAirZRLRSSING SCHOOLS 3.58 Bloor t. W.,Trot Branches: 44 King St. WV., Beý,miltois 72 Rideau St,, O (itawà PATENTS FETHIERSTONIIAUGHJ & Coin p a nlye Patent A'torneys, Est;Ablisbed 1890ý 600 UniiverslïtyAv, Toronto, Paýtentt qun~ptrics. PERSONAL -ADUTLTS Onl)i1y! Frcee atalogue Books, Jokes, Tricks, lynic Surpplies. Novelty Fun Centre, 230A Parliament St,, Toronjto. Plusse tate ange. $1,00 TRIAL offer. Twýenty-llvec, deluxe3 persona], requirenients. Letest catalogue Includecd. The Medlico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q- Toronto Ont. ISSUE 13 -1957 ISEICIN tablets touen acordnget.. dietos i o olway eindue sleeF OP' quiet ghe nerves when tonse, $1,00 BLACKNIEADS Don't ,ciueeze Blackheads -,nci leae uglv scr, - diqsolve theni with PFEROXINÉE POWID-ER, Simple -- Sefe - Sure. Cleansea the pores deef down' giving yor 3km vitnslty and C, rm. 1Ar your Drgit. Ieut saatePrice' PERQXINE POWDER SMOKES I sends 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES or aniy ather Macdonald Brand Postage included Mail order and remuttaonce io, OVERSEAS OEPARWE?4?l MACDONALD TOBACCOINX. P.O. Box 490, pI<ce d'Armses, Montreal, Que. Ihsoffer ih aubiesta a ny Slwnqe CLASSIFIED ADVERTI$INO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Q N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s'~ -~ N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N ~ N 4 -~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 5' N N N N N N.

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