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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1957, p. 7

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'7$u GRLÇN9 * .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIt4O* Something iînLike iu Almost regar'dless of location, Ibere are some f1owers. which wiii grow. For rough spots oir uiopes one can make a rock gar- (eni and grow the special littie plants that arle listed in any seed catalogue. As a rule these tîny rock garden plants like uiiallow and dryîih silis. Màny ef thein origî nally canme from àiountain lopes. For dark shady corners there are things like begonias, lily of thie valley, pansies, and such that wili thrive there. At the oppositle enid of the scale are portulaca, poppies, alyssum and so on thiat delight in the, hottest sunshine, wiii, stand drougcht and are not jparticular at ail whether the soil M rich. There are certain thinga that mnust be in a dry location and others that don't mindc et- ting their feet w7et. There are- 3orme that are exceptionially hardy and blomn after the frost. AndI, there is, of course, a wide rFange in colour an~d height and t1rne of blooing, Any seed catalogue will ist a11 these preferences and differ- enaces and with such information one can go alhead anid fit plants e anly location and aîso create a garderi that will be interesting and fuili of bloom f ror.1 Junie un- «il October. LaWn Needs Attention,' Too! Not even- a hay field will thrive without sone care and for a really good lawn, soft and thick like a piece of broadloomn, thie saine attention xmust be given as with a_ flower bed or a prize patch of vegetab'le. Good seed ie of vital impor- tance. Except for special pur- poses such as putting or bowl-~ ïnig greens, mixtures of several Lne' grasses a7re-- used. Some of îhese grasses corne along quick-. Jy, saine doý besf late in the sea- zon, somne have riçher colour and so on. These are blended together ta produce uiforit'y of texture and clour thorough-. eut tbhe season and for various regians 0f Canada. Seeding ould be done early, before the witieather, or after it ru the lall. Before sowing, (f course, the gr-ound miut be mnade levai and fne, If possible, tif je hst to eultivate_ several times at inter- -vals of a Week or tan days soj that any filed in portions of thec- %round wil gat a chance ta set- fie. This pre-seeding cultivation will1 also encouirage any Weede to sprout and the more of thes*é destroyed haefore the grass goes ïu the aasier the care afterwards., Grass seed prefers a fine rich, vwel l raned, soufl. Sowing is basf dona on a day withouf w1ind and to maka sure the seed goes in evenly, experts s0w both ways, once up and down and onceý aÉ,r6os. SeacI is covered by rak- ing ightly o)ne way only. Tc heep birdls away one may coveýr with 'saie light brush. Iu a mrioth ta six weeks the new lawn is usualy raady for its first mowing. This should be d1oue with a sharp machine wtAhich will cut clean and not pull eut the tender grass. Ani annual applicaion of commercial ferti- lizer, rich iu nitrogan, wiil uis- uzally keep a lawu healthy and able to crovvd out most weeds. Tlhe test eau be ramovad with a spudder or by sprayîing with euie of tfhe chem ical weed killers applied carefully accordling ta dtirections. To build and rnaintain a good tawn requires care but if le more tRhan worth any effort and the mnoderate expense. With'out A Lcentrepiece of fine lawu as fore- &round 'for shrubbery, flower gardens, trees, and the homne it-. self, rio gardan iayouf, no mat- ïer 1how costly, will hea areal esuccess. CHILD' PLAY-Bgy way of proving thoat it's child's- plaa-Io hcndle these new water scooters, unveiled at the Frankfurt, Germany, sprîng1 fair, these youngster-s stage a race on the Main River. The scooters, steered by hanidiebars, which also contain the gas lever, are designer! to travet in çircles if the. skipper should fou l f Fortuines ln Stamps A postage stamp is not just somnethinig to stick oni an envel- opa. If off an represents ant in- vestmarnt; somnetimas a fortune! A manracently left as a part of' his estata tan books of Amreni- gean co memorative stamps ac- cummulated over a period of some 30 yeaa - the type of stumpa, aniyonie van buy. The.y wara val- ued at, 30,000. A " wh invastmnt, they might ae calied. Their value in- creases with the yeurs. Mauy who start stamp collections as a hobby wId up with a good in- vestine t. Stam Only *f collecto, 12,000,0 The Po, a $2,000 ping tc, colé As a partmea of ifs c0 of doli et amp firet fl< o'f stam, This cc wha t a paper" that wî is ara big business, naf Sthe post office, but ta' re, of whom thene ara 00 in the United States. t Office Departinant doas ,000 annuaI business sup- ,ommremorativpe sta.màs ýcors. maffer of fnef, the de- ît hue a sfamp collection wuv orhmany nmillions.< ,rs ini a little publicizad exhîbit ion room au the or If includes ona set peS alane wvorfh $2,000,000! nmprises e eushoots of ne kuowu us the "'bine stamps - that is, stamps ne printed on au experi- HONOI WRITER - lin a new series pof four stamps, Portugal honors one of the immortals of Portuqueîse iterature, Joao Bap- tista de Almeida Garrett, who lived from 1790 ta 1854. The one-escudo stdmnp, s h o w n above,lis dark sepia. The others are in violet, green and red. blue" papan uýupp6sed ient curling. The expati- 77us fot considered a suc- owever, and wus prompt- oflnued. The Post Office mnufhue the only couaec- Êf ull sheets in zxistence. âe most fabulous rarity lu Sft as stampe, the de- ýnt has naf ona - oufly a Ira pniof s for exhibitioni es. That je the historic air-mail stnmp of 19 ured au airpiana -- up- mistake was not dliscov- util the firet sheaf 0f 100 ýsued. This original and ýheet wus purchasad by a rgton man for $24 -- ifs alue. Ha promnptly solcI if &tamp denier for $15.000, leler solcI if ta Hatty Is son, Col. Edward Green, 0000, valua of thase stumps lhue with the years. Oue uhona. y sold for $4,000, A "cen- e block» from the 'origin'al weut for $25,000. A "plate of four is valued ut $30,= 'ha "Plate block'" is com- of the four tumpe lu the which curnied the cariai ýr of the sheet. ue but of no spacial le the sheet, of two-canit luinwhich caverai are ýd "5 cents. When theý or-, * 2 ents" imprint was ta be imperfect on, thase niar <ýtarns, fthe "2 ce nts" usieed orbiuri ed off theý wird ý l, tâliýg thfie ew imprese the engraver replacedj it with a",5" Înstead oýf a "2." Thousande of these sheata. Were issued fo post offices al over the co uutry. N,,ot beïng a rarity, they havQ rno value f0 coliertors. It is tha commiyemorativa, or memorial stamrps, which atfrucf most coliectors today. The Phila- felic Division,ý of tuel Pozt Office has 2,600 standing orders for new issues. If is teasy f0, under- stand why. The "Graf Zep-,pelin" air-mnail !Issue of 1930 je off greut value toduy. A set of three sheets re - cenfly broughf $a,000. If genaralIY tukes 15 fa 20 yaare for a special issue sfamP' fa attuin hîgh value. M,,uch depend,' aiso on quuntity issued. The Alexander Grahama Bell 10-cenit rtump caries of 1940, for instance, would yiald $1,40o on a $100 in- vestrment. Some 12 ta 15 special issues are pintad eaah year, When a new stamp saies is issued, Îf je pluced on sale first in a salacted city. For one day if avaîIa)nie only in that place, This ijetif great intareet ta colactorswh maka a specialty of collacting "first-da-y covars" - that îs,co- )inemorative envelopes on wihich the stanip uppears with the posf- -mark of the city of issue. These envelopes are printad' by commiercial dealers. Collec- tors seud these ta h postinaster thiena with nemJtitance coveri>njg postage for return mailing on t.he firsf day af sale. The depart- ment hans betwean 300,000 and- 400,000 requests of this Iincd. A collectioni of '4fret-dîay cov-~ aýre" le among the fabulous dils- play in the dapartmrenf's exhii- bition room, Also to ha sean, is the famnous Columnbian Expo,ýsi- tion issue of 1893, cnunrgthe only $1, $2, $3, $4, and $5 stamips rver issuad lu the cameseries. Today only $1 and $5 sfamps are prinfed îii these higli de- nominations. Bafore.,the days of postageý s;tamps, monay for postage waS,ý collected uand thea amount sfamp- ecI or wrlttan on the envelope. If was not until Juily 1. 1847, that adhesive postage stamr.pi were available." Prepaid postage in the form of stamrpze wag not inade obligatory until 1856. Ta- day the Post Office Departmaint issues more than 21,000,000,000 stamps yeariy, iàt & face value ouf about $800,000,000. Not ouly does if seIl stamrps, Lut aiea a "basf seller" bookle't aleI"Postage Stamnps of fhe United States, ut 75 cents - a verituble Baedevker for the col- lactor. By Jasephine RipIe'y irn, The Chrisian Science Moni- tor. How Can 1. By Annie Ashley Q.How cars I prevent acci- dents f rom scissors, when smnall erhîldren are around? A. Keep a cork or an, empty spool ovar the point of tlie scissors ta avoid accidents. Q. JIow an 1 skin boiled po- taioes, easily? A. When praparing potatoes for boiling, irnstead 0f Peeling the whole potato, juet peel a narrow strip autirely arounid the middle of each potato,ý lengthwise. When cooked, the skins wil)I slip off easily 0 0 direoIng S U a S. ew0y teindu 0 Sleop or quiet the nervea when tetnse. SI.00 AUl D rg St esa qr Adeas d e, Le sf.5 issUE 14 mental f0 pre' meut v cees, bh ly discc Departr tion of 0f TÉ 'United partmt few d3 purposr 24-cen' Tt picti side, dc The wred ut was isý only SI Washiri face.vy foa a The à Green's for $10 The soared revautl ter liný sheetv bilovk" prised coarneî label AGENTS WANTED G 1ITO BSIN4ESS for yourself. 5.11 exýclusive honseware products and appliances wanted by every house- holder. These Itemis are noýt sold In s;tores. There le no competition. I'rOf- itt ,Up to 500./. Write irmnediately for free colar Cat2ogue with retail price& rhown. Separate confldential whole- sale price willb. Included. Murry Sale s, 3822 St. Lawrence, Monltreal, OILS, GREASES, PA~INTS Ami Colloidal Graphite Additives, Dealers wanted ta seli tu Farmaers, Fleet Ownersarsd Servle Statl»ns. Write Warco Grease PdOit01o lit*d, Toronto 3, Onitarlo, ARTICLES FOR SALE BýUV RetaUi at Wholesale Prices! Save rnoney.ý 20 post.card bringS Free WbOle- sale Nains Brand Catalog of Dlanio)ndS, Jewelry, Watches, Appliances. No obligationi. Watsont Sales, Box e7, Rugby Station, Deg.. CA, Brooklyn 3. New York. DIRTY-WINDOWVS! Clean thein wfth "Sprayclean", the. world's flpest spray- type glas$ cleaner. Enough cancentrate te make !, gLallon, $1.00 postpald. Literature free,'Stisfaction Guaraïl- teed. Halfen Labor*tortes, 'Chppewg palis, Wjscmslii. Get's Trout 32k. Basa, Walleye, Mlus. 1<1., etc., 10é. Str1ke-Mýore Coempany, Gaît, Ontario. îPECTACLES 1FROM $3.00. TEN< PAIR enrt ta test your eyes. Give age, satis- iaction or money refunded. Sa1way ani Rowe. Cardstani, Alta. HA*4DY FOR EVERY HOMEW 8i ASSORTED laces, bralds, embroider- les, etc. Trima for Infants, cbfldren'5, wear, dresses, blouses,. lingerie, etc. 30 yards only $1.00. Refundable If net delightedl.$. Joseph, 2962 1,acomble, Montreal. BABY CIICICS BýREDto-lY pullets - peclal breeds for egg, broiler, heavy qneat inarkets. Keep abreast of tr-ends. Get complets Baýt. Wlde Choice including Amnes In- Cross , PilicbWhite Rocks. BraY IHatch.' ery, 120 John N., Hamîflton, ,A COMBINATION that la bard ta beat. Top Quality Chicks at rock bottoin prives. Send for our latest Catalogue and Prièb List and ask about our Special Egg Breeda, Ames Ilu-Cross, Serles 400, Tweddlq Serles T-100, T-110, T-120, T-130, ShaV' Whte LeKhorn, Warren Rhode Island lied, White Leg- horn -x Rhode Island Red, Callforria Grey x White Leghorn. Dfual Puirpose, Aines In-Cross Sertes 500, Llgbt Sus-. sex x Red, Red x Light Sussex Red -4, Columbian Rock, C:olumbian iock x 'Red, Red x Barred Rock. lst ~Gener- ation Broler Chlcks, Arbor Acres White Rîock, Indian River Cross. TwTkey PouIts, Bronze, Tilompson, A. O., Smith.ý Special priee on A. O. Smith, $50.00 par bundredd. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CIIICI< I$TClE1IUES LTD, rERGUS ONTARIO I NEED Canadian 50e, 254, 10e and 5, dated 1858 -ta 1908, lu uic. con- dition, for my collection. Sesid coins for appraïsal. References. Jack Grif. fin, H-1lltop Havep Yarsn, Woodstock, bOMETIC ILWANT,-ED =I, for ~eetai bousework lu amal! ,Protestant Rest FH#me. Mrs, P. *wds, Box 9. Cipp5a. Ostaro. SCKOOL& and COLLEGES upSSONA'lt~tide:Nonprafit. Rev. ~eii 4½Bior et Toronto, MWA. ~*482. Cllelate Pgb{cLang.uages;, -sic Englis, public SpekinL 'tory etc. fSDUCATIONAL FOXTUOT, Rbuimba, Mamibo, Waltz, taligbt y professionala, in easy les. sons, on, long plaY unbreakable recarda. Sultable for Homne, Scilols and Rec.- reation Centres. Particulars free, Edlu- tational Services Re«'4. BON 1725 Qu~elec, Quie., FOR SALE BUCKEYE DItcher, Modiel 14, 5W z W4, ln ruuning order, teel trackre rubiier front wbeeLs. Oeo. Rloth, GadshtllU, Ont. FOR SALE BODY SHOP FOR SALE ]DOING business for tiree rteady employees. Apply Box 221, Ausonville, GARVENINO SUPPLIES 'FRUIT trees, strzwberry plants, aspara- gus, hlrubs, roses, bedge plants, shade trees, Law mail order prive.Cata-. logu ve free, N.orfolk Nursery, Slsncoe, HEDGE argaa,30lchas $4.50 per 10. Catalogue ýon request Cramepr Nursenles, Wita FoX, k:a MiAKEw~e'ri Kitchenî, Dining room, Lawn cuttinga, sud leaves, buy that new car Qn becomne profitable business. Kean, Ladaula, Texas. S.P1îRING Pîantiug Bndlbs -9colora Tuberous Bagoulas1W';20 usmed Gladioil " 3 colora lozinas; 4 Ragal Lllles~ large floweriu1f Dalias; 3 Pai DImia.Auy lot deliveredi $l. Ssy, ',07l Baflef air, Toronito. GRAIN GROWERS CLINTLAND OATS SOW iu 1957 0.A.C. s higbest yieî1ding oat ln 1954-1955. Reglstered No. 1 quai- ,,y seed Ontarlo grownl tbSt wlll ne- negiter available from. 11. R. McKim, Quality Seeds, DRESDEN, Outania, ,MEVîCAL FOLKS Past Fifty! New strength froi Ego Henb Tes or Money bavk. Alil Canadian Herba. $1.0 PostPaid. Unicon xSalas, Box 56: Buffalo 22, N>w York, TRY iTI EVERY SUIFFERER OF RIIEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Eigin, Ottawa $1,25Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH thes tomrenýt cfdry ecseia rashies and weeping skin trouibles. post,.s Eczema Salve wlll not disap. point yau. tching, scaling and bure. luig eczema; acue. riugwormn, phinplaq2 sund foot eczaiua wWl respond readily to tbe stailiesa odoniess oliment r.- gardlesa o)f bow stibborn or bopelets they seenu. Sent post Frc on RocelIt of prîee PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POSTS REMEDIES 2865 S-. ClaIr Avenue estd TORONTO OPPORTUMIIU5FOR MES AND WOMEN CAR burnlng oit, gas? Loslng pep? Get ring valve treatinent wblle *riv- liug' $5. finforaio.syalîwouod, 735 W, Broadway, eais 4Flarida. AgentsWatd HIAI1tCUTTING at hbOul-e iseasy! 'Tb* Home Barbelr" shows how. 48 P 85 ilus., $1. Ilome services publisb- ing Co., 6,15 JLo. ienunore, Los Ange!e,1 eluoria. THE NEW 1-97 HOFFCO B IIORSE power dlinet drive ehaîn saw is naw avallable. t>eaiers required lu saine areas of Qnebec and Ontai. Write: Pr-ecisioný Parts Ltd,, '155 Flrst Avenue, La(cuine, Quebec. BE A HA1RDRESSER Great Opportunlty Learu lIlairdressing pleasantt dignified profession, g001 -wage24 Thous.ands of SaucceSsful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest 5ysteni nillustrated e'atlaiog reo Wite orCal MAXVEL HAIRDRLSSIN(> SCHOOLS ,58 Blogr St. W..,'Torront4 Brancher': K4Iing St, W., Barnuitoksi 72 Rideau t., ottaW& MELN AND WOMEN HOMEWORKERS wanted. No selliing gor mai, order. $700 monith possible. De- tala5100. Satisfaction Gurafted,. Re-bert Hayes, lia Undenbuli Ave,, Higà I~lNSY Makgo p0oetufflties t » o pi d . C n t n n t l E n t e r p r is e s , 2 4 1 NofhSt., BostoeinMas 3PECALI Yornaine Fand eddress fon ,3 line rubber stamp, $2100 postpaid, te Canada hlmmediately. anelS. Bather- zon, !03 macamnley, Buffale 20. New York. wE pay you ta address anvalopes 't homie. $50 weekly possible. Informa,- tioni 25 cents, ýheppard Agencies 215-A Spenice, Winnipeg, M1anitoba. PATENTS FETHERSTOJNHAIJGH & Coin P a n y, Patent Attorneys. Etabilshed 1890 m0 University Ave., Toronto, Patente ilcountries. 100TRIAL offer. Txenty-fivs deluxe personal.requiremrents. Latest catalogue incuded.The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terrninîa « "'Toronito Onit. Jokes, Trie k s HyglaniC Supplies. .Novelty, lun Centre, 230A Prnannent St., Toronto. Pllease stats age. SWINE THE tbrea bhigh prIced ln plg sowvs just receivsd from Scctland are o)utstaï)(1- Ing. On. blas farrowed wt a litter of4 eeven fine pigs. These are froin the sow that sold for,$3,400 and ber Iter mate sod for $5,400 in scotland. W. knloow finis entirely new blooc i lna wiil h welcomed ln Canada. Only a, linnited nuniber of tlhis new blood Uîne will b. offered for sale. W. aIsO have wean'lings, four and six montb old sows and boars, serviceable boars snd guaranteed Iiinlg9s0ws, AI! f rom lmy- ported stocL .Catalogue. JFElIGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO $1± seis400 EXPQRT CIGARETTES or any other Mccdouiald Brand Postage included Mail order vrid remittaince ion OVERSEAS DIPARTMINT MACDONALD TOBACCO tNC. P.O. Box 490, Pies. d'Armies, Menirecl, Que, TMsg goe16 tesuélea' 1te ny ,hafico N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N ~N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N s, N N N N N N N N N s N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N s 'N N N N s, 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N For AUl Thot is Best in Oceon Trovel- CUNARD'S' *SYLVANJA - CARINTHIA - IVERNIA - SAXONIA * LESS THANq 6 bAXS e from MONTREAL : ENGLAND,_SCOTLAND * Direct saiags from : tMONTREAI. and QUEBEC tb FRANCE CARlNTItIA *Apr. 18; May !0, 31;Jule 21: JuÎy 12, * Aug. 2 Z3:Sept. 13; Oct. 4, 25; NOV. 15. * Apr. 26; May I7; lune '1, 28; July 19; eAug.9,30; Sep. 20; Oct. 11;1'Nov. 1,22. C 'IVERNIA * Apr. 27; May 22; June 14, Juil 5, 26; e Aug. 16; Sot 6, 27; Qit. 18; %Iov. 8.29. : une 14:July 526 Aug. 16,~; *Sept 6, 27; OCLI8; * ,aIdeftoyage tram Mentreal * to Lverpool on Jute 2.4 Seo Your Local Agen- N. On. C.e Sorvo Yeu Better Cuniard's great new luxury liners provide fast and frequent Atlan~tic cnossings. Aboard axiy of these magnificent 22,000-ton ships you enjoy fthe finast of modern accommodation, superb service, unexceiled c uisine Ind eutertainment t'oplease evoery taste. Speciaily <esigued for the Canadiani service, Cuuard's "BIG 4" set the highest standards of occan travel available today. j3 Goîting Thre'sHITFu A- Cor. Bey A Welliugtou Stte., Toronito, Ont., EM. 2-1481 N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N f s N N N

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