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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1957, p. 8

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t Lestr Pe rson i tdbetween the deiedÀtion-ewith ail Nations to foster secitY O LA $S IFI E (Centniued froim page 4) France or ïsrael. These latter couûin- and wefl-being.Today sucéh plan s - ,zurity by cutting down on tfhe odefeýnre itries, lhe laimed, pay c'redit to thue Korea are in dïstance only at the end<l IEL? WANTED 'of the country, The udet elf fots of Canada in the crisis. -No of the Main Streýet. Worni for ýgenerald housew,,ork, to bas provided for Canaedans social pohicy would be genuine unlesitwas i zstaihility and social, securi±y, one cof peace and the Canadlian pol 1ic Y P.1 nlyCnaa le aigdfi iei The speaker referred to the critica) vas certainly just that. elywt e mrcnfinsoe hn rn 71 - ~evlonintslat utua n hethe action of a UJ.S. Senate Sub- Msiddie East and stated thait the Cart Lester Pearson stadted thiat thecoMmmtteeItreto nteca-NTC .idian policy had been a source of Libeliral Party mwas heing criticized acter of a Oýaiadijm, diplommat. First A mneeting of Duriham amen ~onroers i th Huse Te < rý1fr allowi'ng Canada to be a satellite1 ruinons in this wýtrheard in 1951 (Coty Co-oper2,tive, Orono, il sîton aittha Caadashold avetethe United States. This, h, ,idiiwhieh were found to be unsuppoetedbeed nteOfelw'HaOrj ,gonie down the line with the United was nlot '-o. lu the U-N. Canada 1,,d %wen inve3tigated by the. Forcsp LDe- coo usdy pi @t t8pi Xirigdom ain te -move of BritaînvOted agaitst thie U.S. move to partaient at Ottawa. Tiis was bhought'f ) usaA)i Gha . Fr-ance and I neig~. ~ snto srael for the beliee4 thi over bust again camne up reenlyMr to diseuse plans and financing of, ýCanal zone. Mr. Pearson statcd tjjt wa:3 tmjuutified. 'rhe Canadlllan dele- Pearson attacked the meas ) f allow- Yo-ur new Co-OP building. This isa an it mas distressing to go agafinet thir1 gatien aiso did ftheir very bee ohv ing the Information eut at Washing- important mreeting. Please- plan ta niotiier eountry in thijs <afyir but it addw yUN.rslto h ton and stated that Canada had sont attend. a-ci 'was f oit that they couki take ne other "~wO-rs of the 1ý,iergency Force, how- a tf ot,"oayt asigo vourse than. to wrk with the U.N., ev(,r in this they tost. MMr. Pearson 'bat if definite assurance ceuld flot AUCTION SALE 'which had an .obligation to stop the said thJra t he U.N. bnci in the NMiddle W ash cegton ling4Canrda ou ae. The .undiersigned 'has received i1- ,fighting. Canada liaciexerteci every Eaast (dependeci too niueh on h4pes Washlngton that Canada. would havest ,effort to end the fighting wluich ccid expectations and aissumrptions. tta stop 'the tra.nsfe-r of lns-on trutos ra , .Lctt ia have spread over the warid and with sus-nurbe nstrem(-,)rlem hoseae stonlym . no r at <> sideBof dnle aey, -Force, the danger lbad been roedizeci that C'anada must have a - ~Peseta aainscadwlelibulc uta 1 :0pm .for the tirne. dependent National PoIicy but an in ea- wih he.sharpo Saturday, Apr'l 2e, farut Dhere il a sic, ne sigil Of ci.4un- terdependent International poiciy Machinery and furni,ture. _________________________________ Ternis cash. No rese-rve. ......J. Reidi Auctioneer. AUIOiN SALE * a ~ 180 HEAD * *ý* nM I Th ýe r a le.Annue s l i E I VIl VU0L Uu ou rseve at tihe Durhiamq ojt Sale Arena, Orono o)n Thursday, -Ap- ri] 18. Sale, ta start pro0inptly at 2:00 lBetween Orouo and Newca-t1e on Highway No. 35P. yu attbuheaslaBe . Cattle, p(l at ndthia important J. ReidAuctioneer ~~é AUCTION SALEj Itih es 2galê -ta iclde ~ _(j The rundersigned a rciedî- Vgor fi et41 c per gaIn-txicue lot 19-20, B.F., Clarke Township, 2 '-'i miles esat of Newcastle, on the Lake- b . . <TI -shore Road, ta oeilb>" Pullie Miction 1 T VE01,o your convenîence1 on Wednecday~, Ail 17 at 1;00, i mall quantities avr aiable at the Station sharp, Rqisteired HIolstein GattIe, Tradtor. Tra&xor Equimetand Open Eveulags and Summisys Dairy &iuipmn. ___ - J. ;h No re id A ioe er R gies oný mre to bproudof Not jt the'f way ft oAus, u the way i- t's put togpeh( r - -the, liner mteiaswrk- mans-hip aýnci finishing foudhes. Not just its friskier, smoother perfor mance, but the deep-downT souncines that's special te Chevrolet in the low-price fieldi. Try it out -and youý'll see it's Sw,,-eetSaooth andi Sassy. You nanmye it. The new. '57 Chevrolet has more af t. . . inside, outçaýide and under- eieath that Body by Fisher. There's a fluer :ridIe, smoother performnance and a'sweeter way of geig. For theýre's a finer balance, a more solid construction, sa that great Chevrolet 6 or V8 engine can "get with it" more efllciently, delivering up te 245* -L.p. (and se quiely). Chevrolet, you ~~'Only aihorizped Okvrolet deoler: know, w'on the famious Manuifacturer's Trophy as thp beat performing car at D-aytona Beach competitive trials,. There's more luxury, too, more ta ho just plain proud of. For there's more attention to detail. In Chevrolet, body paniels fit ,snulgly. The chrome triai is ron to stay. In- teriors have the smartness ai the custom touch. Everywhe4Lreý you look la a Chevy, you finci the ob\ious mnarks of extra care, evea ta a quiet 'Limousine "click," wien you close those big soi doors! Came, on in! Get a close-up of al there îs ta enjoy la this exciting ChevroIet! *Opionalc textrn .St. V0hp i~.eIr anc / -i l int laaUbte W t .f"q -f The new '57 Chevralet Bal Air Sport Sedan, alil the reason ;n the worl'd fo hold yaur hecid higher! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE "Month month, silice its minro- duction, Canadians have bouglit more 951, Chevrolets than anfy othier car!" display thia famous tràdemark c-2457D ROY W. NIOHOLS QOWMANVI LLE QOURTICE )SECTION- COMING EVENT Kixrby Unijtec,(1ithrc Sundnly Seh lars ntn a special Easter Ser-s "Co~sand Fine Linen" at 7:4.5 ï on Sunday, April 21. Supporit the Sunday School ýç TEACHER NWANTED Teacher waited for S.S.No Ciarke Union. Schjoul hasj ail Dmed A-IplY t Mr. H. N. Scott, E No. 2, Orono, Ont. FOR SALE One Fes -O-humner, with gallon tank andi ail controls. Phione 1188, Orono, Ont, FOR SALE MaLple Syruip for Sale. Phone Be an y 17r111. A A A -4 -4,. Ar' 'A- -A 4-4 -A 'A /4 r' A-' -A -A ORONO PHONE 1R16 IFIRST MORTGAGE LOANSj ILeroy lHamiltonI IREAI, ESTATE BROZIKER EAVLU RESTPUHIN IIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 33 R 12 j ORONO - NT, Eavstroughzng FREE ESTINIATES Harvey Partneî i I j TYRONE MA. 3-2240 *> ~eou.oÙ.icI(.~o. J A. F. -McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and STIRGEONZ Office Hus 2.00 to.010 p.m.; 6:30 to 8:00 >.. Sundays and MWednesdays b>" appointment onfly PHONE 1471 - ORONO0 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETER1I4ARY SURGEON Voterinary, giedicines, bloblogical. and ihfltrumeinta ethiCally dlspensed. th- LEGAL PHIONE 129 iEngraying, Goldleafing enB&y direct and rBave coammls« CONTRACTORS FOR________ FARM nd IIIJSEREAL MSATE FOR SALE WIRING proportion 8.1<1,Rebted Fre Eetiiate Matnged a"d AppraIsed APPLIANCE SALES j3 PromPt and Guâanateed Ropaire ie Bou ~t* nmàw, t. ail kïnds of EleetricaX F4uipauent phoft 2m -, " i Applianme Two blocks iorth of Tr aUic V' 1Lt Mo*rr 9-'«& 7. WýpyH4tp 'j Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barri*.ter and Solicitor BOWMÂNVILLE,, ONT. Phones: OfIeMA 3488 HIomne -MA 3-MS JOAHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister, Notary Public 33Tempéiraiice St., Bowmaarvine Phone MA 384292 JACK REID Orono's Ucchs., AuctIo3eer and Valu&Wo Specalize ini Farni and Furniture Sales Cônsuit me for term and dates FOR SALE OATS--R'egistered No. 1 Ro-dnýy,' Garry, Be-aver, Larain. Certified ,Ahegwýveit Sïce These cats woni twelve prizes indluding two fhrst-s ati Central Ontario Spri-ng Show. J. W. Boyd, Phione 3-r-18, Orono. FOR SALE Large size Canning Pressure Coolc. er. Nearýly new. $15.ýDO. Apply Mrs. J. C. Gamey, Orono. 214 HOUR EXPERT SERVICE Ail parts guaranted,î Phone MA. 3-3883 TELEVISION SERVICE CO. BownauvIe~Onta-io Hamiltons losurance Servce Ever-y T lass of Insur- ance is represented iii our office. The follow- ing are somne of the main coverages We can offer-: Automobile, Life, Accident and Sicknems, Plate Glass, Liability, j Liîvestock, Boiler, Wirnd, Polio, Hlail, Fidehity Bonds ýetc. TED JACKSON Auc.tioneer and Valuator Condscts Auction Salesý of ail dg». and at reasonahie rates Comimuricate with hlm at INAt Perry, Ontarie,' or sec hie Cerý .A. E. Morton, et Orono, for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pensin Plans; Educatiooaî Poýlcees- Protection andi Savinigs Plana fl o. Chbuldren tand Aus Moyrtgage L.. FE. LYCETT IlSTAFFORD BRos. 11714 'îuiu~n~nomsUiI Phono Whi'tby 552 818 Duindas st. E, Whitby FINE QUALri.Y ON UM E NTS AND MARKERS Lot un ereet a hanid&ome, die nified mo0nument over tii. re3t.. fnx Place of your loved Ornes 1 t,15 nOt exPensive, And soelag s tuaiset tribut. Wil give J yen endelsm cemfq>rt. The RUITr GI> a N COMPAI Phone Turner 5-5216 P-0. Box 62 Mo oretsH,, Ovnta r 0190NO 'Wf£KLY TIMES !ITHRSDAY, AfltIt , 8.fl Phone Î5 r 18 AI ýmc:w PMNÈ 1-061s', OP.ONÛ, ONT. Profesional Dîrectory 1 f- 1 à Orono Electric

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