nflRONO WEEKLY TIMBS TLIURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 IDurham County Progressive Conservativeg gi i PUB IC EETI g" pG .NewCastle Community Ilalli At 8.15 patn.g gFRIDAY APRIL 26TH g - SPEAKERS- John DIEFENDAKER Progressive Consevaive Leaderg Dr. R. P. Vivian fl P.C. Candidate For Durham JOHN DIEFENBAKEIt jThe Public is cordially inviteci to Attend This Meeting OSHIAWA .ýlSHOPPING CENTRE King St. West (No. 2 RigkhWay) EASTER PgÎA R AD E Sunday April 21 m 2. pin. to 4 p... AT THE SHOPPING CENTRE "Air Cadeùt- " Sea adt " Army Cadets " Ontario Reginient Band " General Motors Pipe Band " Oshawa Pipe Band " Bowmanville Training Seiool Band " Parade of 19574 Automobiles " Parade of Antique Automobiles SCorps of 20 [hum Majorettes * irls in Old Fashioned Dress * PJEi, EASTER EGOS FOR ALL TIIE' CIILDR'. _Shop TLrsday Apbril I at $Stereanb PA W. A. Goodfellow Forecasts T3 Major Projecis T ~ For Counties Roads. rarm P TeO J.nRobins FOKD.MXONARCH, SALES A", ames i AI1 Used Cars Our complete service guiarantme year iround drhring pleaure OARVETM MOTORS Phonie 351 Newcas,.ae, Onta$ý Vigor Ui Co. Ltd. Stove Ql2ilcmts er> pi FueL O3 i .cents per gai For Delivery Phoee -i~ )RONO 1567 -or- OSHAWA RA,.541O9 R.te. LOGAN Pliumbots'H.atlag metal Orono. Ont. For~ th* M8ULATEÇ ý kna8.U 19 on"i 8 h.owaI Co. cmpkm * .. . . s ob#chm, oeiar. Z&&doon opp«oet.dy" rco aa Iba*. M..~gg.g.datersu a4ýb» *t 16 zi tau= ould* oeéag, ?%u 1. 1 am 3 S .t. hernies.CitDuo.bih PPYoI*d by e -..q aiu.d re»=<Cà orgahotioman od h.atlrn cmy od a*mnî inas5* o ad! D*, vcv od mauiactuu.4 inCmaodabd mroyeu for y.z ar-4e by SECKIRK ETAIL PROBUOTS LTDý, Bo-, 151, Blrockvllle, Outarloi Easter Events EASTER FUN WEEK' 0 Mon. April 22 to Sat. April 27 3 3-SHOWS EVERY ýDAY 10:3am -2p.m.-4 p.m. g - T arpin's Puppets gTuesday:. g Raisse & Balancin g Comedy Acrobaties Weduesday:- "ERNO" The Musical Clown u gThirrà;4iy E& rId*y:* g Murray's Society Circus Dogs&Ponies Saturdai: Fun on the Trampoline Wîth The Zamies [8th Iuntil 9 p.m. Closed Good FridayI IEN ýc arm urp ubr.b -u yaula i 0 J. (YbnsReeve of AlnvWicl Town,-ship, rýeporited to the Couütý i~acb fro cem cheques, ie wa>s not C(oundlil ses siona Cbilonp "Farmers have done a poorý selling too sure, but said lie thought it a 1) 'd posed oa expendfitures this Yearc job touia people rgrigwhat poicy_ý for such organIizations to pnUb- ancIntdta mns them was tha. it Coýsts to preduice food. In one of the lish aniitemnized statement.i Coiborine-CasýtIeton road( at $25,00O higiest wage -etres ef Ontalio, With Pratt'S Bridge, Ontario Street, C"o Ia laý er peentageý of new, cars theîre RUPac ora oto 3~O and theý tha anw -,I ese, and anil rm-F nirOoio Mîilbroo)k to 7A road at a cost el" ely high,, consumiptàon of alcoolic b ey-Re cisPrm io $35,000. er ages, peopïle there t 2ug 4 cents a quart fuýi milk too mnuchl. Yet thesp There were c other roads, including. peole orkd olya 4O-1our wvee1k, n a, Mareh 29, 1957 a pres- the Gore's Landing road but in the and the farmier, who keptuthe herd c f etiÉon was made to R. E. (Bobby) main the sprinig had held them up ana dairy cows, worked 12-1-1 hour's dilyJ Traiin ont behaif of the office staff theýywen' able to connplete thelst fo~ 6~ ay l he year-,' said the of the Port Hlope Sanitary Manufac- ocf ail of them- th*syar Hon. W. A. GodfeIlow, Minister of turing Com--paýny Limlited. Bob ladi The Ruads Commission Chaiirmni ,Aricultuire for- Ontario in an add- buee" a memnber cf the staff for, the said that the Commission had raised to the mlenlibers of sevenlocl past five years and has been trans teslre fth odgn o- of the Qiltavi aes niona h'~ert nheerTlnt1 an'adn mesur-atelwith the ilates paid in othezrt_ Ton ~J Wrp 't1 Itteries Limiited are building al new .Ill plant in Vancouver for- the produc- 1nvuigipar Toe an, ad d ttngtke. For al tee long "farmiers have bee1n tion of Vitreoýus China plumbin g ieerf G. Tottsnwas geting sMr. so busy operating as, individwuls that fixtures. Tliis plant is expected torb f$80 hswuk rn a they have net takel iet P56 ýi peainb aur,15. Totten's salary te $6,80U a year. ciate the val'ue f4 a united effort." Pob Trawin îias been presently trans- In answer te, a question Mr. Robina. 'Peday in Ontariîo, less than furferred te the Hlead Office of this raid: "No the Comminission did notge. .o~ Comlpany wvhicIh is located at St-ý o-anis.W thut per cent of the land is arable an-idtibs a requestfra as. .teuh ý is beîng taken over rapidIy by our John's, Quebec. After a trýaining was good business te give it." urba-n deveo:paien1ta, lhesaid. Through peflod il) theimehdewilpo-________________ researci an(!xtnson ite farmner .ceed te the Vancouver plant at the cau ba tauglit te growý two biades of end of this year and will be ia charge at least that's whaýt 1 took out of hr&-_ gras ~hee nl oa gewbefore. of the cost accouinting when the plant remarks. Other counties have a 1J grssWer nl negewStants into production. milii rate.»l During the past 15 yeaars said Mr. Bobi was a popular member of the R Mr. Brown: "It iooks te nme like the- GoodfelleW, the population has been Orone Intlermediate Basebail Club -nghiwaýYs' Dep'artmrent is trying te. jrasagat the r-ate cof 12) a daY two years ago. His fane., f ielding of tell us wbalt te do." and soon we -wil<1 ha worrying not the mest difficult catches made hlmn an Craimiman Roybinis:. "The Jldghwvayasý &bout srle but aotiIotn usadn lyr are net trying te tell us what te do._ foo urpiasou n e h i m p r in ltenn la e ._ _ _A ll n told us in hia. ow n co unity -thtai- f eo tefee ou owf peple "irate was eight. After, ail w. can' t ey,- Mr od llow hi t die oble a Comties Te Bjid pect te getay help when.we aw44 t- Say ,1ý o nohin to îs,ýéurae ating other ml rates in haif. d64- union «f our twQa fanm organizations. (Corntiniu. froin page 7) partment pro'naîsed to give fav'oýe 1Whenasked ifl he eould say what net to >raLse to five flll then we consl'deiati-on te development road&,. t.he (Creamn Preducors,"3lar-ktinkg wv*on t vet any help froni the High- If ïw. ean't get the departmait,>teý lBoard did te Justify the deductions WY eateî. aeoe bs e~pmneit roadIs SW t RMeavé J. Brwn, Clarke: '"If' we we dorA f ix those roads ourselves,vwa. ___________________raise te five inillas i there any assur- won't have anar m~i1 rate for anýy 'otâ, ____________________anice they will keep theJÉ word?" er read for fiv. Years."f W Warden Reooton: "T think he wdl The rt was passed.