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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1957, p. 4

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- -..---_______________ 2M EVICEATED1 o1 on vrg TW~u1 1V wholo AftVYS haif lb sideBao lb pikg 79(, TABLERIT-E SMALL, LINK P-ure Pork Sa-usage WITHl FREE $590 "BONUS BOSTE5R" TAP-E lb 590 PICTSWEE'1 Green Peas 12 oz pkg 19c, PICTSWEET FREINCH PRIES, 2 9-oz,. pkgs. 37e CLOSED Good Friday, April'19 Open Thursday and Saturday Nights ]GA FANCY Fruit Cocktail 20 oz tin 27c- SW'IFTl PlRMIUM, Sakls Sin e , Rdy te eat As Whole or SI DDk Haif SWIFT PREMIUM BONELESS S MOK EDH AMa whole or 7 centre c uts Q0 it haif lb 7:1C- or suices lb O gWITH FREE $2.50 "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPE OFANCY SLICED NIA Pin»eapîple 20 oz tin35 g 'wITH FRZEE ý2.o"BONUS BOOSTER" TAPE NIBLETS FANCY VACUU-M PA,ýCK Kernel Corn 2 Tn35 C, tWITH FREE $2.50 "BONUS BOO(-STER" TAPE SHIIRRIFF'S LsuPoders 2 pkgs 2Z9 WITH FREE $2.50 "BONUIS BOOSTER" TAPE HUNT'S CHOICE15 Tomfatoes 2 Tins:37e OSNO'W WHIITE HEADS, OUTSTANDING VALU0 FOR RE IEAL ASTER COMBINATION 0F "AMUS, YAMS, g FORTHE DEAL ANI) PINE PPLE g Nn app les size 1121.ç eacb 250 gYaans the aristocrat et sweet pAtatoes3 lbs 29c OCRISP AND CRUNCHY - FULL Jumbo EDsiz'e O Celer-~ Stalks 2 size 36's25 g SOLII> P RESH 1HEADS f gLettace 2 size 24's 29c QJUIcy, FRlESII FLIAVOUREAU NAVEELS SSunklst Oranfges size 110 dcý z 49e o WITH FREE $l 2.50 "BONUS BOOSTEW' TAPE f oc:> = =>c o O = =O o DOLE FAN>CY PINEAPPLE JUICE FANCY ItONEY POID STOIKELYS PrEAS HUINTf'S FA'NCY TOMATO 4 JUICE C) 20o 27c I 31 c 8oz tin 27e PEAR '1IAPE 1 / -1 ouil MAPE LAF RM......$1.5i IGA -- Plus deposit l ar otles GINGER ALE, 2 Iag )bttles .... 9-5c FLOUTR, 7 lb. Bag........5c PILLBURYChcmlate Fudge, Orange, White, 17,à7 CAIKE M-NIXES;Z, 3 17-ozý. pkgs. . $1.00 EASTà,ER LILIES AT BARGAIN PRICES SOc a Boom 3t. 5 Bloonms per Plant r By Madelon Allen A gnoup oi twelve students a O.S., interested in teachinig, wer-e treated to an 'unexpectedi surprise on _Monday, April 15, ,-theii Mr. E. Neli- gan, Science Master fit the Peter- boroughi Teachers' Colege paid a visit to the school. Duplication Explained, By, Business '%presentaIire: By Coetnie Tyrrel Seeinýýg is beI'eving! Toý have some- one expflain (especially Vo a girl) hw a~ duplicator works would be a most- difficult task. The ton Ibrass ak ..S, therefore camie up wlth a solution. with sufficieit iniformationt to make A representative of the Gestener thezin realizew-hat a benefit elemertary Comipany, Mr. G. Duttoni, was inVited: and secondary teaching careers; could Vo O.H.S. last Tuesday, with the pur- prove Vo ho in the future. lus talk c-on- Pose Of exPlainlingý to Grade 1l Coen-' sisted of information r-egard;ng en- mierdiaistudlenitsthe operation of tïia tering and prorgressinlg through the, machine.1 techng field.- Mr. Dutton'-, free de-monstration There are three different cuvw introduced students to the business ta o may take at Peterborough, sice tn ge ba uýI- e.-ss man and i VM samie manner as- teoe yuar cOuLrse witli a grade thir- FiW(,llt eused wV'ith a inew employee2. tee Sydin, atwoyear course wh oiW igté HsehAd gr elnve standing, and cra n- mIw1 e tl hsec dn sre orqau éhgradclii e ex'plectced to type a stencil an"d sa-vcecors, iequi-sth grade XH o peate the dup1"ater under the sup- mers at sumnier seool and tîwo yeau 1s AmýOnogfheman pinsVs e of prevîlous teahin.i Acdtion . jo lýaYpons el- their profesionai training, student Im maere during his denmntratoo teachers at Peterborough have the waS the fact that overyping on one opporitunîity of en.-joyinig an ab)undane seclcnb orce ypthn of extra-curriculÉar activities. th n e iht xld.A ti usunl-y junior emlployees wodo thïeL sor of wor more experienced girl Mr. Nellgan cosed his discusson gradùally appreciate the im-portan(ce by giviag each of the înter'ested stu- of a cl el ut stencil. dents a bock containing ail the inl- To keep up with mpetiors u hi formiation 0on their Courses and Onuad- sanie field Mr. Dutton also p'ointed vancemient to hïgher standing ia the out the ways in wh-ich his odt teachirg profession.- was thriUty and convenient. IGood Frïday & Easter Sunday Oromo UnIted Churcb SGood Fîa Service At 11.00 a.m.J I (SACAMENTOF THE LORD'S SUPPfkR) E aster Services: REGUILAR MORNING WORSHIP AT Il ô'CLOCK SSpecial Services 0f Easter Music By the Choir at 7.30 p-m* A Hearty Invatation To Ail To These Servicest -_ di un, W'ith and THIS THURS. TO SAT. Ali Technieoltr Show For A Cowrd' Fred M.ýacMýurray Jeffrey Hunter "Four ids In Town" With George Nader and Julie Adams NEXT MON., TUES. Arid WEI). - IVATINEE MNON. AT 2 1Mystery Dramna at Its Best; i cnil The M'an WYhod Knet-%w Toro Much Dirùeted hy With JAMES STEWART AL'FRED HITCHCOCK andc DORIS D)AY i I TfIMTURSD)AY, APRIL 18, 1957 ~OH.. WEEKeLY REPO11"RT Teachers College Masier Fpelrs(ous A s- Ioterest Aroused In Professional Career PU'"ÙBLIC NMEETING Town-ship of Clarke The elector-S and ratepayers and (or) ail persaýns affected in I he present Township of Clarke School Area are herewith heing- ,ultified that the Municipal Counci;l of the Township o« Clarke sh;all consider and deal with by-Iaws Vo wthdraw formier 'School Sections Numbers One, Eight, and Nine from the Townï- ship of, Clarke School -Area at an opven meeting toic be held iii Te wnship Hall, Orono, ont April 25th 1957, at 8:30pm. E. S.T. il. E. MLSOClerk

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