~ C<'~U~ I-HRST a*d ~ ~ 4d1~O'IkYLJ L~'fAA<~6f5iUL ~ ',. -r-- ~ "DeL4r Annau Hirst: Please, help -me! A couple (f lady rFla- tives were good tam1e as a chld> ç-vhTen they lived in zanather i, ty unid took mne for schoal ,vacP- Lions, etc. I appreciate it, 2and( dôn't want ta hurt tiiem, but riow they live mn my town Ard). have taken over rrxy hlf e conn- - Pletely! My husband and 1 ca'- flot moewtattc;they expect us taü be vstigthein or briniging ,,them tb aur hou-s, e con- tinua1ly. We don't have a Sun- 3,ay ta cali aur own -- and thiey go along with us on our> vaca- Lions, practically demaiiding this. "'Now my husband lias- re- belied. He says lie is tîred of al this, and that; w're toa yioung1 tO be chumzniiig with ithem. They're in theïr 6O's, we're, in our 30's. Haw can l teltem t seemns sa me.a-n! If oniy tley'd be satisfiec with every ther Sunday, it wauld lielp; I've Sug- gested that, but I flt guilty. This is the anly argun-ient, lbe- lween ny husband and mne. "Our vacation is flot t)OofIn ojff, and my hdisband insists ilie is not ,ûin'e ta take thein with u1s. How can I get out of it and keep peace al around? Samne- L-imes 1 feel they have a rape around rmy neck and just keep Pulling! "ýWe also have my parents ta watcli over and try ta keep happy; iey liave na car, ither, but tliey don't demnand and cling ta us the way these twa relatives da. If youj can hep even a l ittie. I'd be more thanl gaeu. A WORRIED WIFE.' ABNORMAL, UNFAIR *This situation is ail wronag; *it is neither normal nor f air. J~it sho.uld not have continuýed *after your marriage, fajr week- ~end,-, holidays and vacatiïons *1 belong ta you and YOur *Spouse. By incling othems ~in your leisuire, Yau hv *cheated youiýrselves 1of price- Niewest Crochet A liandsLome .ýùt for imodemn andtraitinahoimes! Simple fltcro'chet, with K stitcli 1sets off he der dsigaso ef'fectiv- Maechair or buf'fet set, scarf ends! Pa-,ttern 593:Cardec -ions for cliairback 12 x 16 mcli- es, a1frmrest 6½ý x 12 la1 No. 50 notton, Send THIRTY -FIVE CENTS i(stamps c'annot be acceptedl; lse postal note for safety) ta ar "Wheje, Box 1, 123 Eiltceeth SSt, -N\-v, Toronto, Ont. Print pany PATTERN- UBR your NAME and ADDRESS. Our gift tô you -- two v.ian- derful patterns foryorif yanr borne-- printed in aur Laura Wheeler Nee.lecraf t Book . Plus dozens of other riew dasi1cns ta ayder -go rhet, knitting, embroidery,irani- ýirns, noveities. Send 25 cents foar your eapy of this book NOW --withl gif t patteras printed la 't. ISSUE 16 -- 195'7 Scouples neced. Alsa, you *should have been - mingling * wih yur wn rieds.The *two clderily ilalies sha 0Uld * aveP -ltivatled -cante rarY *friends af theiý,r awn, and *f ound outiEtýs foir heir time- *and energy. * Iarn aae that your li,îs- * a-ndI dijd not reelilng aa T' Thïtme ta maýke a bre-ak is *ý long pasut duie. *The rcasons 1ýyau wlillgive * hee eatives are yau owni *choice: * Perhiapos "'OUcan teil tlieîi * vacation which aouid prove * tao strenuaus for their par- *e ticipatian, or you are spend- *ing it wîth friends, or your * usband's comiplete relaxation *~deandsa different qchedul(-. *You will have tao open the, *way ta living by yourseives. * After yaur return, you can *make sýilar excuses for not 1.eing iem reguiarly: ya)u *have met new friends who are * congeniial, your social life lias *grown ma-ire active, etc. 0f *course, you Dol nt neglect *them entirely, b';t as time *passes, you will find it eaqier >' ta, evade tiis constant visiting *baek and f arth. * It isn't going ta be e~,but *can lie done. veý m~yaur *f felngaCult. Il is proper *that you be- grateful f or your * friendsý' past hospitality, bujt *titat does nat impiy that yau *must spend tlie reýt Cof your li f e praýing your gratitude.: *Be tha-nkfui tliat yaur hus- *band vant', a life of his own > and witl lus vwif e, whoseý chefi >, interest is keeping hee bus- *band l.ppy in h'ý awn way. MOM WOTJLD RIVIARRY "De-ar Arnc 'fHirst; I an un- decîded a bout marrying an aid friend of my deceased h1u3band..ý jMy two son _1ive witl ime; onie will soan have aliame of hirs awn, and the other anc 's so Pop- ular that I exna.pýct he'Il bEk snatched Up lin a year Or twa. They are grandbys and 1 woud flot do anythîng ta dis- turb their hapincss. "Do youq think my boys will understand liow rmuch I want a hif-e qf my own? My liusband and I had a wonderful mxarriag-e, and I do miss the coampain!oanship of a man -my own a1ge. But if tlie boys abject, I1 oudntgo aliead. If I remiarry, thAe man will mave ini witli me and m-y sans.lLONELVY." *1 wish I couid have pýrinted1 *your wliale letter. You h-ave *beeni a wonderful fý-rind ta *your sans, mare h1ike a con- * empor-ary than an eider, and *yau liave mnade a fine lu e for *ail of you, You Say thleya- *mire tle ie an wlia wats ta * marr.y yau, and lie is con- * enial ndunclrstandiîng. * Wien yon tel' the boys, be *sure ta ad.that iïfftiey da nat * ike the idea, yauoLi iil not * mairry anybady. Bu(-t I expýiect *they wiii tell yot go aed * andwelcme te manî warmiy. Wentwo, people marry, it shold e theam of each ta keep the other hiappky. Asý-y other rposbLties sh o id camen second ta that supreme esre intime cff emblarrasnent or confusion1 of dUqties, a-sk Anne Hîrst!'s av~.AddIress lier At Box, 1, 123 ,Eighteenth 1,t., New Taranito, Ont. -'l jutst cannot sec,"ý said a ewiýy-wed wivýfe ta lier husý,baýnd, atliey gazeC ina afurnfiture s;hop %window, "b-cw tlieý ma-ke ai!LIthat furtnitur1e out of thoseý rikylittie walinuts." "Oht erif you'd told nie you wemre Jbmnging a friend, I'd haveà cGooked inner.", DROKÉN DUBBLES-Someone's always takinig theq,1 cut' of life and actre's- Tao Strong, above, is no exception~. In ci New Voik rehearsal z,.e demnortrates how a girltotkes a bubble both on te!,evision, Ta see how the "bubble bath" wilIIlook ar, the screen, lost #ver up the bottarn haif of the picture. Sunsliine... brigit, warm, beautiful syunshiae. Is there any- thing tiat contributes more ta iperson's, outlook and weli- being- especîally if you are out in k But that's the trouble, there i, sa 'nuchL tado indoors, and because the graund is stili very wvet we don't have any real excuse for ,getting outside ta work, Na excuse at ail, sa there is only one thing ta dlo, just ge!t outside if we wanit ita and enjoy ino 'natter wa.Rîglit n~,befacre the weeds start ta graw, is a ga time for making disovrie -and I thiak 1 made a ,iscovery,, yesterda.y. 1 amn net 5ure bout I appear ta have four geraniumns thatL have, survived thie vinter, The staiks are rotted but caing ,-Up from the roots theme are smnal healthy branches witl i çstnrS ailitl lavsTh'ey a re on t ice souith side of the hanse wl protected frm north - west windls. If they are. geraninrins i is on iccontofetgood luck and m is -ma.naýgo ement. Last fill 1 cldd not cican up tisparticullar bed sce c latsgot ief't *here. Othr iscover'ies I made weme not sa )pleasing. The rlbt reaiiy wv ent taIowmn anmy thmnbs.They eV'rn, aibbied b)ranichesý frim the cedars. We nerhave dncanythiag la t elayo peeninbut I supee e ha have ta if we aagaing ta have so many un- v-anted 1iivestock 'aronnd l.It Is- 'healthy shm!iubs lainthe f ail and f7ind tlim about hiftheir puoper siîze in the spiag. But tethe 'poor 'Little rlbt hav e ta ive too - but I wisl1 thywouil take ta thecwoods or feed on wild shirls.; Th(- nice ,wether iast weeký brougî,it u u,ýý,l quota ofvisit- ors. Ia fact we lad a very busy, week. One day Il took aý visior on _an e-X-)Ior)lg frip aou .twýentLy miles from Luce. I woni- dem liow mainy of us mriss tic loveiy waiks and drives that lie clos e ta pppuiated areas. How mnany do you know? if you 'IVa-t a nice dirive where_7 do you go? We are oniy now beginnAing tfind ôur way arourad ta tie beanty spats that lie just lie- yond th ic -hwa.yý. Tie village we Pvisited iS.lssthnegiteen. mniles ýfroin Tarointo.W&, drove dlown a concession road abôut a couple- ai miles and fuda lovely country district %with aý numaber. of bi-eautifui homes set among trees an 1ladscaped 'lots. Wien the fioworc ar& out arnd tic trees in leaf we shahl cer- tainily be making a return 'st We tliaught it -was <juite a find. Tien we roamed around £ chu7ch-yard 1:Éonging teý a nies ald C41Lnrch hli aln a hliiover- looking a river. Tiere we found pienty of history inscribed on the, aid g2ey tombstones sacred (we hope) ta thc e imary 01 the early pianeers af that dis- trict. We spent t heWhife af- ternaaa just browsing around amnid beautiful and historie sur- roundîngs ýyet oftea w)ýithin uouiIdk.of the trafiic on a very busy highway. We real-ly had a woaderfnl time and we %were giad ta realize that in spite of the number of sprhgwy that arec being built it is still pasiletafind beatysots sucli a short wayv off ther beateni track.lý At, home, ifc we want taget, bDack ta the grim probiems of the day we have oniy ta tumn on the rarlio or teilevsion and .istýen to news of gnided ms siemisguided foreiga paiey, earthqnakes, floods,ý fires, bliz- zacd rdiand raffic -mishap. A far ryfromn the peaceful pursuit af farmiag. In fact 'we sometimes waader îf peaceful firmin1g is possible ainy more. And the-n yesterday aiong came tw yngbrothiers wý,ho were an- ious ta buy JnLr tractor and power implemnt.They we-re such nice boys ancd so niousC ta stam-t falýrming ïon the-ir own. There waS somneting about thin I71that restored arf aith la the fuiture forý farm b oy s w1i0 renly waajt ta wor.k and mak good. riThey were naqt the tý ype to go avou nd laooking for saine- th,,ing for nothiag. Tliey expect- icd ta pay for what tbey got and wvereý quitle reluctanit1ta accept as a if t kw e tmas tat Part- nier was throwing ina on t',e deal. We lad a fýeeing t hose boys hlave vwliat it takes 1110 we are confidirt that, barring ac- cidents or disýaster seasans, these young felaows wÎii corme aut an top). They deserve ta anyvwayý. Jist ta know them gavýelus a nice, happy feeling. Well, the birds around Lere :,re becomning -ýmare numecrous ,very day. A. while aga I was uimast sure I hecard an anaole. And ye'ýterday a litt-e screech ow.ýl came ta rest con a bare bra.ai of the chiestaut tree near the fliouse-. Is there anything, I wondIer, quite so - -ationless as ashingowi. Once lie lad found a percli tN-re wasn'ta sound or mavè,,meat fromth ,i',,nty littie creature. Tin colour end shape lie looked jtnst like a natural liump keiong,ýing ,,tathe ,ranclh af tlie tree. Naw I must get this columa typed anid ready for tic. prîniter te.f are any of the familyj ar- rive. Yesterday aur tri'o fraiU. Oaýkvillewas liere and no douit the quartette from Ta.ranta will be liere soon. At present with only Dave being able ta navi- gate on lis own tie. chlîdren are easily liandled. A year friom now... wehl, I guess a year frorm now wil tell the story! Modern Etiquette. by Roberta Lee 0 0 Q. Our dauiglter lias just in-. lormied us of hier secret miar- niage two months ago. 'Would ft be proper for us te annouince the marrlage at this Urne? A. it wiu!d i e qiiite praper for, you ta' mail out announce- ments of the mnarriag-e. Q. Jiust why is the weddlng ring placed on the finger first, the en-igagem-cent ring over it? A. The reason is a practical! one. The wedding ring, being a plain band, does rot require mucli cleaning and in mranyi- stances is neyer taken ,l ff. Wliereas the engagemeat 'ýring itaken off'constantly. Q. Mlien a husband and wlf e are calling on friends, which one should suggest leaving? A. It is quite proper far eitlier cane ta make tic first mnove, mereiy by asking thre other, "Doy't you think wýe lad b,,Letter lie laig W.ardrobe Wcn --d PRINTED PATTERN ~N~J 4654 Sew-easy undress ti. 'be as a jumper wil h its smari blouse - fashions that double your wardrabe! If's aur new PRINTED Ptea-especiaIJv designied ta flatter V~sharter, fuller figure! Prin-ted Patterni 46541: Lalf Sizes 14, 6½, B'/a,201/,2'. and 241,?. Size 11,3 sun.dress, yards 39-ineli; bol ¾yard. 35-inch. Printed directions an caci pat- teïo part. Easîer, fasýter, accuir- Sead FORT)ý CENTS (40e4) (sLamrps cannat lie accepted; us" postal note for safetyý) for this jattern. Please prinit plair21I ,IZE, NAME, ADDRESS and c3TYLE NUMIBER. Send arder ta ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenthi Street Neii ý,'rcnto, Ont. SAD YOUNG POOCHES-You'd neyer guess it, but the se moroseo çiogs ywsre prize winnhers at the Paris Agricultural Show recenfty. Caged up after the show, the -dogs obviously think it'S a hedk of cr way ta be treated after a fine performance. a utcç-htidhoo" awaits MarY Pot Ryan. She'3 aiready the pet of the Harri and s4e ha. tus i rrived home from the hospital with her mother. Her e~ age from thre. týo ibirteen.