When' Terrible Terry rntWild Terry McGovern was a littie poker-faced Irishman with a vile-nt temprer and. murder in els fists. Even his best friends wsprdthat he was ý"rraty," anld that it w'a Ssuicide to argue wth hum. îrn the ring, Terry was savage; practicaliy immune to punish- ment during the heat cf battie. Mie fought like a char-ging bull1, yeith loweredl head, he rippedý, aw,-ay at his terrified victîms un-, iII they either dropped to the Iloor or quit. Ail cf MrGoverr's fiights were umn-al-sized wýýars. But 'the crne that stands out above ail the resýt 'rhen it crmeito sheer wildness and brutality, was his three zound slaughlter of the dlean-rut igh7tweigh-t champion of thle venrd, Frank Erne. It was a non-title bout even! Uhough both ri held world champ,,ionships; T e r r y was 1çeatherweight king. Before a geil-out crow:d at, Madisen Square Garden, New York, on July 16, 1900, McGovern preved ,beyond a shadow of a douibt th-at ,eie was the greatest fighter, pound for pound, in the worid. In fairness te the lightweight champion, hýowever, it miust be, rememnbered that Samn Harris, JlcGovern's shirewd manager, j 1n- gitdthat Ern~e make 128 paunds. Considering that Frank's best fighting weight was 133, the peeling off cf that extra five pouinds weakened Erne consider- ab1y. Because cf his sapped energy., Fra-,nk r-eali.zed he Wvou!d have te try for a quick knork- et. He altered his normna]ly brilliant defensive tactirs to tha)t ef a pureiy offensive slugger, But. it ,vas Terry whOc set the pace and had the btter cf th-e argumrent £rom the very begin- lï1ing. Only once for about a mPlinute in the second rouind, did Erne apipear ta have a chance, and that was When he tried te box McGovern at longc range and gucceeded in ianding a few lef t- hand puniches on Terry's nose - aRnt jw. The littie f ellow was plainly t1rying te test Erne's ~pui-nhing capiabilities prior te bV,9inning the onsiaug-ht which tventuafly brought Inatters to a erîsis. McGovern fuily realizeti bis inability to box with, Erne, Re knew that his only salvation )Éy in fighting aggressively and, fîercely at ail times. He pun- lsheti Erne badly in three roundis of f ast fîghiting, splitting his nose, dltting his inouth and doüing terrible itjury witfh bodty blows. Onily the weight conditions crn lie offered as an excuse for, Erne's defeat, but after the mnan- ner in Whichi McGovern per.- formreti there is absolutely nn doubt about ihs ability te have beaten bis opponent at arýy weighit. Terry neyer allowed Erne te have a moment in whiCh te, sho)w Mis well-knoWn leverness andi *cientce, but. he was on top cf àlm and after hlm at every stage of the gaine, raîning in lIows that were simnply marvel- eu-, in their Power anti irresist- ib1e in thein effect. Erne used bis left hanti wit the best re- guits, but though he Ianded it flush upon the jaw anti in the atomach on several occasions, it hati little or ne effect upon Me- Gaovern, who, in spite cf every blcw that Erne lantiet, kept eharg1ing back, The first round had z;carceiy BLOOD AND SAND - lmpaled'on one cf the z-nraged buI's horns (top photo), Manuel Blasquez, apprentice matador, îs huried high over the animal's head in ai Madrid bull ring. Lower' photo shows Blasquez, left thigh badly gored, after h-e crashed to the sand-covered ground v,,ith the bull stili atacking hlm, Tho. bull fighiter was rescued;' hurried to the hospital. begun n McGovern showeti that he was the _bettèr hitter and the faster figbter. He rushed incessantly, usingý few straigh;It blows, but tiepending prîncipally onr heavy swings which bne im-,et for the head. HIe put Erne uponI the defensive almost imnèdeiate-.i l y anrd trew the blooti froini Frank's nose. McGovern kept on with his relentiess tactirs and twice more pounded his mln dow,ýn until he was virtuallyv helpless. Rather than riskth chance cf having their niai-, in- Jured seriously, Erne's seconds interferet Iby tbroWing in, the spouige, ihiunder the cri- cuistances was proper, writes Georgeý Roberts In The Police Gazette. The lightweight chamr- pion was îinconsolable over his defeat and seemed disinclineti te talk about the flght. To his întîmate frientis he saiti: "McGovern. is a great. fighter, the best the World has ever see, and under the conditions of this match I miust acknowledge hlm my piaster. )' was faï,rly whip-, ped anti that's al there is te it. The fruits of my years cf fight- ing in the ring are jgone, and 1 Ihvebeen defeated by a lad wbo is' certainly - strong and c'lever. Was I weak a the weight? Well, yes, 1 nather ±hink 1 was. Mind you, I don't care te diïscuss or belittle Mc- Govenn's victory. But. ail losers have excuses. 1 have only one, and that is that 1 undentook te do more than I could do. I onily weighed 1J26½, pounds today, and 1 tiid not have te try very bard te get te this scale, for I, bad littie superfluous flesh to take off, I wlls not in what I considen to be my best condi- tien. McGovern reacheti my jaw otten, but it was the bodýy bljows that really licked mne. "I do net rare te assume,. Ernû's titie and defenti it,"ý said McGoveýrn, "fer I am a feather- wveight aýnti that is gooti enouh just at present. If however, Mc- Fadtien, O'Brien, Gans ojr any cf the -other lighitweîghts wa,,nt te0 fight me I will take any cf them on at 128 pounds, ringsîtie, the samne condiltions that prevaîled t-gt.I weighted exactiy 121 pounis When i got into the ring and Wrnet as strong as have been in other contests. I went &fter Erne froin the start with the idea ef beating hlm dewn, as1 I knew this was ny best stylt.o flghting. Stîli I titi nett expert t(e see the figbt endi se quickiy, and am, Overjoyeti at, the result. Erne is a gamne tel- low and put up a biard fight. HIe did not lcnock m-e downl in tLhe first rounid . I slipped dewn anjd was inot at qiahburt, Erne hit mne whiie I was in that position, but it was an accdent and 1 weuld net be justîfieti in claimin.g aniy foui. I arn going te take a go.ed, long rest neow." FAMILY CONCERN 'eTo-i.morrcw I've get a job on my baýntis, Constable H. Booyens, of Davel, Transvaal, telti bis wfe "Semeone in the town is selingîllicit liquor and i've got te catch hlm,," The next morning, wbile P.C. Booyens was eut hunitinig the illicit liguer seller, bis Wife was caught by another police Constable seling illicit liquor. In court, the next day, she was fineti $15. Don't be a wacky walker - walk safely, always, warns the Canadian Highwvay Safety Con- ference. oose of Ontario èbave donated $1,4,000 towardm two welfare projocts for eques for $7,000 Peach wor-e pre-seted ta the Ontario Association for c1ct; Paul P. Schmnitz, Drector-General of the Moose, as idia payment or an Ontrao Mase Building at the "'child city" ai Mooseheairt, Illinois. 190W4 ~ Vwt Why Grow' Vegetables? We il know' the oltiargu- ment -bout how mucb cheaper it is to buy vegetables at the cor- ner store instead cof grow,ýing thein in our oxvn garden. That May be tru-Le in somre cases but just.-the saine there is one tbing that carnnot be boughit aniywhere and that is real garden fresb- neaýs. Te get top qualit7 hy isý only one wxay. The vgtbe mnust be grown righit. at thei Litchen dean. The reason) is simple. Most vegetables, and esperiaily thin-gs like peas, cr, beanis, car- rots and e'ven spinai-h start te deterierate witbin àa few heurs adler they are picked. No matter how carefully we park, they soon start to !ose som-e cf their gardeni freshnese,-. Because this is se, m,,aniy people even witb tiny gar- diens, try te have a sm-al Plot for' vegetabîes tucked awaY scmewbere. Anti it is lÉterallY amazing bcw many gcod meals can be produceti frein a bit cf "and onily a f ew yards each way. 0f course whene the ganden is smnal, we won't try to growv oun winter's su.pply cf pot1atees, or veny much of the bulky things like crn anti squash. But evenl a 12 foot row cf beaiis, spinach, carrets or beets wil produce a lot. Most cf thiese thing-s can be grown in row-s only a f ew inches apaýrt ai-iwe can, get more eut- o--f t he plot by aiternating rows rif the bigger t[hings like carrots, beýets ai-i beans with sinaller things like lettuce, radish and non.We can alse have tWe crops, enie early anti one late, anti we rail spread out the sow- ingqsos that scmietbing fresh ani ne,-7wiwll allways be, comning 1ry Sometbirig New The gardener who gets the nîcst pleasure anti value out cf his flowers anti vegetables is the explorer type. lIe is not content with just planting the saine thin.gs year after year. True, he clees stick With what he bas found, best ant imost suiteti te hîs own partieular garden, anti tempera- nient but bie alse mal-es dÀefin- ite practice cf atiing somnetbing i.ew each spring. Before he conz- p)etes bis seeti enter, be scans the pages cf the catalogue anti eelects at, least one flow anti one vegetable he bhas neyer tnieti before. In this wîay he atits ,$resb interest eacb season anti >ecoines acquainteti with somne valuable fintis beth llmong flowens anti vegetables. It is pos- sible, cf course, te have a satis- factery anti sbowy gartien With the olti favorites anti stantibys, like npsturtiums, alyssuin amid petunias anti zinnias among the 11foxvers anti peas, carrets, beans, beets, corn, lettuce anti radisb in the vegetable garden. But, by confining ourselves te these alone, we are, missing a lot of pleasure anti a lot cf fine mieals. Thene are atl east 25 different vegetables that can be gi-ewn in, almost any gartien in Can- ada anti pnobably a hundreti ±k'wers, Power Saves Backs In reýcent yeai's, as~ suburban -gari1emiu have become larger and sinal otorizeti equipinent mere efficient anti fool-preof, there hias been an enormous increase in the use cf powver gardrýn equip- ment, Power mowers, smial gardien tractors are xnot at al expensive anti they eliminate a lot cf tedieus hanti work. As well they are interesting te tinker wiïth anti operate. Equipped With these, one can loek after an acre or so, cf lawn anti haîf ani acne of vegetable garden anti CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS1NG AGENTS WANTEU Seil exclusive houaeware products and appliances wanted by every bhouse,- holder. These item1s are 'lot soid la, sitores. There Is neo coiPetittIon. Prof- its up to 60O. rite immiwediate.ly for, free color cata logue withl retail prilces" shown. Separate conrfidential whole- sale price wvill be Includied. Murray Sales, 3822L St. Lawvrence, Montreai.- OILS, GREASES, PAINTÏs And Colloidal Graphite Additives. Dealers want eo to seni to Farmers, Fleet Ownecrs anid Service Stationsi, Write Warco Greasrc & 0il11 umlted, Toronto 3, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE DIRTY 1WI'NDOW1S! dean them wh "Spraycleani", the world's finest spraY- type lass ,ianer. Enoughcnetre to rmake 1½ g allon, $1.0 postpaid. Literature free. Satiisfaction Guaran- teed. Halfen Laboratories, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. SPECTACLES FROM $3.00. TEN PAIRS sent te test your eyes. Give age, satis- cacio o mney refunded. Sala ac R eCrdaton, Alta, BABY CHiCKs STARTED chicks, Puilets. Prompt spmn.There are jBray chicks for aDI! rkts Let us tell you the breed, cross, or m-_crossý. Ask for ist. Bray Hatrhery, 120 John N., H-amnilton. YOU cýan't get blood fromn a turnIp, nior the best egg production froni hineat cor dual - purpose breeds., Our catalogue tells you the best breeds to buy for your particular purpose. Write for it today, ,,tudy it, compare prices. We have egg, broiler, and dual purpose- breeds, turkey pouits. Started chicks, and older pullets. TWEDDLE CHIICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO COINS 1 NEED Canadlian 50,,, 25<, 10< anId 5e, dated 1858 to 1908, ia aire con- dition, for imy cletinQend colas for apasl Rfrne.Jack Grif- fin, Hllltop Haven Farm, Wo'>'odstock, Ont. FREE- 5 GENUiNE FOREIGN COINS Let us know your wants. Start Collect- ing Genuine cins -with our coin col- lectors Xit only $4.95-SPECIAL PACK- ETS 290 -49e - 98<ý - Coin folder and 8 coins 980. Ail coin Publicati nai Whitman Supplies. International CoiD Co., 227 Victoria St., Toronto. FARM MACHËNERY FOR SA<.E BUCKEYE Ditriier, Model 14, 5½' x' 14"1, in running order, steel trackýs. rubber froint wheels. Ge 0. ROUI, Gadalîl, Ont. FOR SALE FARM: 3 lots, good land, good build- lags, Flydro, telephione, mruch good lake front. N'ear village. If InLterested, write: Emil Culin, Arnatein, Ont. For Sale: Poulitry equipment, Colony liouses, Range shelters, Incubators, Coal brooder stoves,' New Kitson egg cleaner. Trhomas Shea, Oakvilie R.I., Ontario. THIS way for, Stock, Farmys, BusInesses, Beekeseping Equiipmlent: supers, extrac- tors and etc. John Gillespie, froker, Mouint Forest, Ontario, 110 ACRES raturai drained, square, dlay "Gam, Most productive ia Ottawa Valley. beside cheese factory, achool, churclies. Caries fifty head of cattle, 36 mlking. Beatty stables., ikes miachlaery included. B1rooder. hen and pig bouses. Tenant cottage. Comnfort- able twelve-roomi brick home, double garage, good wells, hydro, telephone, spacioujs lawn, shade trees. We con- ider sacrifice for $18,500. Write Box 156, 123 ighteenth Street, New Tov- ~orle, Ontario GARDENiNG SUPPLIES ,HEDGE Caragana, 30 inches $4.50 per 100. Catalogue on request., Cramer N,ýurseries, Wbite Fox, Sask, LIVESTOCI< CAPTAIN FURY 410, chestaut saddle. bred stallion et public service. B3eauitiful. erhestaut fJlly by Fury, a show prospect,- for sale, J. W. Ufnderw,ýood, Ridgetown,, Ontario. READ THIS - EverY sufferer of Riscu- mais Palns or Neuritîs should try Dlxonls Remedy. MUNROS DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin$.2Exrs tpl Ottawa POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry erzema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post s Bczemsi Salve vil] not dissp- point you. ltching scallag and he-ir Mag eczemna; scne. ringworma, pimples and foot eczemna will respond read.iy to thte stainless odorless ointment re- gardless of bow rétuhborn, or hopeIes they see.- Sent post Free ont Receipt et Prîce PRiCE $1.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue £st TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN JOBtS plentifu h-ere! High pay, good woring conditions. San Franciaco classi- fied Job Opportunitles, $1.00. Waite, 4309 Ulloa, San Francisco 16, California. IPECIAL! ! Your namne and address) on 3 line rubber stamp» $2 00 postpaid, to Canada immnediately1-. Daniel S. Bather- son, 103 M4cainle,,v Buffalo 20, New York . SHEL.LCRAFT A FASCINATING and 1nexpensive hobby. Ma ke tdistinctive jew,,elry, jiovelties, e t c.,for yoÛrself, as gifts or OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN KNOW every tree, jola the C. de D. U0<e.per lesson. Write ODUTDOORk. iNTE-RESTS, Goodiwcod, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN C-ANADA'S LEADiNG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Leara Hairdressing P!eagat dlinied profession, good wae.Thousanda of succesaful.ï M1arvýel Graduates A;ýmerica's Greteat Systemr llustratedJ cataloig Free 'Write or Cail MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCIIOOLS 3583 Bloor st. VW., To'ronto Branches; 441 King St.W., Hamiltonl 12 Rideau St., Otw PATENTS ÎETHElRSTONHAUGI- & Com ps n Y, Patent Attorneys. Estabiished 189W 6,00 Uniiiversîty Ave., Toronto, Patenti all countries. PERSONAL *1.0 TIL offer. Twenty-îive dlx persnal equremets.Lateat cataloglue includedL . he Medico Agency. Bo% 22, Terminal "Q' Toronto Ont. ADULTS Oniy' Free catalogue BOOks. Jokes, Tricka, HTygienic Supplies, ,Novelty Fun Centre, 230A P'arliameniý St., Toronto. Please; state age. SWINE LIE to h 'e a 1Hog lBreeder? Cet the, beat start wvith Landrace swine. AM sales- Landrace outsells othier bireed.1 b.y 'many dollars The Landrace costsý less to miîse and you get more bacon. We have weanflings, four mlonth old, six, month olil sowa and boars. guar- aniteed la, pig sowvs, serviceable boars, alU from imjport-ed stock. Catalogue, FERGUS LAilI.eACË SWEINE FARMI FERGUS ONTARIO WVANTED McLýAUJGHLIN, maodel T. Fordi. Oldsmo.- bile, Pakr, Maxçwc-l or aniy otheu early automobile. Box 157., 123 - A8th St., New Toronto. FOR LITTLE LADIES - Pretty and practical, the polkca-dotted cot- ton jumper modeled' by the littie lady, above, requirei littie or no ironing. IWýs teamed with a white argandy-ahnd-Iace bodice that bas a blouse effect. Black velvet bows accent the puffedi steeves, and beit 'us a bow-tied piece of black velvet. ISSUE 16 - 19510 5 SOICIN toblts îok.ui ccording te dîic>mlos i;a o afe woy l inducest*Q1 or quiet the nervgs whon teiâ;c. $1OG00 AIlrbg Steeor*îAdieuitti., Tropte. SmO ftKES FOR CANADIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL servinig with the Unifed Nations Emergency Force in the Middle Eus t $10sends 400 EXPORK CIGARETES or ainy other Macdonaild Brand Postage includedi Mail order anid remitance to: OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT MACDONALD T'8A(CO INC. P.O. Box 490, Place d'Armt Montreci, Que. This offer us sublect to any change In Gvemnmenteuote. > 'weý N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N *N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N