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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1957, p. 1

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EE ' ES, ORMNO, ONT., APP-IL 2,5th 1957 Many Join Ocono UntJiiteud HARRY F. FRASER- Possible t oar Candidates There p.ssed to test, aftLer many Seekiog Durham Seat w'Ya,,s of suffering ini the esno hu ch OthetrSu d late 1Harry F. Frase&, Moniday lThe prospect for a orcmeli evenîng, r4ebeuary 2,5, 1957, at th1e figh't for the Durham seat jn) the ____age of 69 years. House of Co&nmons lorna up as a l3o-n in the state of Michigan, sý np)ssibility. At the present timne bwo The Baster Sundany morning ser- - ili Chapmnan, Glanda Cowaii--, Jane of the Laute Urt and Mrs. John Fraser, candidates are in the race, John hM. viceat he OonoUnied Curc wa Grleenn-SWoc hty JonesSusan Mda- ho ecame to Ontario with bis parents Jamles )~VP., Lblberal candidate a-ad iaftde by anoaUnityeongcreg a1n. jo-, MrlnMa-jor, Sanldra Mreat an serlyage, Iving at Madoc and Dr. V. P. Vivian, Prý.ogressive Con- The mlanly floral tri>,buctes' lce aJn Taibl, -,Judy Tamblyn, Pauli Teeswater until lie moved tu Long servativ candidate. the cirrh added greatly to theirnamlnadCao ag Sault district, arbg unti 194,1 The Durham C..F. Association ex- -vie of Easter. Flowers were placed ThUe e Rv.JonnKitchen spoke to w'hen owiug tou1Ë halth ha sold is pecetut hold their nomilnation meeting in the edifice in 1loviug arnmry cf lits congragation on tie subject of 1 pirm and anoved te Orono where lie1 early in _May wýhen they will select Mr. and Mirs. Staint.on and -Mr. Hïal-l-' "hat Easter has ý !,.e11 to US." passed peacafully away. ltheir canididate to contast the selat. owellW sricof Easter m s are- I192 lie as uned in ii riage The fourth candidate -would run eced lu the Orionio UiteÀdUýhurcli j1teMis Elizabeth Bruwn, New Park9 under the Socil Credit banner and During thle servie the choil of- Ion Easter Sunay eveneng This peu-who lives te maura hés passing aleng tis possibiiýity was reported in the £ered their anthem i c»y Seek Yersenationpas by the OrneCoir wih tw two c daughLteS, Maio$Port Hope Gude last w-eeký. lu an in- ~the Livinig". Atrio by Ms.A. A. ni wa auIgmntlE'd bhy 1RosMete nîfr. lernh %Webb) Pontypool and - erview at Port 'Hop)e mwith Mr. W. N. -11rýummond jrs. George Carson andiap guest artisi. Te progra of imu- f essea(Airs, awrneAdams) Bw-Chant, Public Works AMinister of the h1rs. Kiclpy a m cp ic ws ude th diecioncfthe manvie and five grand chsidren. British Columbia cabine tbs infor-ý amW randaed.c togns r. .E C. Wor- Te se2rvice, haeld in Qrono -Unitad imalien wa revealeýd. it mwas his op-! n.The chîroffeed any wel Cucl hursday, February os&b inthat there mus every possibilityi Fouitae i- mie te kn ~n s linsiaeypasing wa-,vs conductad by bis paster, Rev.0 of a Sca rdtcniaefor Dur- of Mes wrds to t.he bereaved and the lrl nSocial Creditmetn Chureh on S- i d e b rasferjdan s D ummo, Cal Son andR CV-tribules spoke be-youd ds c thei Whwas held l illrk --aos(! i-e< pofVeh h y eessyouf 'Dther." nnyin awh'ilihe was held bIc hi The inlister outlined SocilCredît transfer were Mrès Carma ia nmn~y friends. ter n rctc tcreluIi aru Mrs. Neil ALlffat. Twive1 0"1",gj Pallbearars were three old neigli-Ho cliedit a dynamic freaentser- and gz,;irs of the V Il 1a 41ig ;r.C . Laren, MIrs. Lloy11d bours: Messrsa. Fred Slmith and Ro- prise party in contrast to the present etemd a course of histrwtou un- JEing andMr Arthur McLare at- bort Siml, Long Si dWm ile, su cale reet pieprisc gmdnite~ ~f M~rsJWi1lînm tendel theedigoMran Ms.Ocand tree friEndms Messrs. the Liberal aind Progressives, who ririm tbeir professionîDonald MoLareni in Kenora on Sat- PetrCY Lunn, To~m Tabb and Wi-n. were mierei.y "fuddy 'duddies afraid Tb1-7UIQreVlkieCtter,iurday of last mweek. Hoar. of progresa." Ho said eecionmiý o d- ________________________ ________________________ Internent was nmade in the flamily trincs of those parties were driving plot in (igono Cemnetery. Ithe country into state of SV~5i~ On the other hland Social Credit be- A6..x ectCOeW 9,20û, 00 SCgibOOL lieved in a souind nioney Pôlicy based ExpectOver 9200,00UEligile, _ onu omion senso. lie pointed to Alberta and Britishi T o V t n Ju e 1 1iiS. S. No. 16 Co4unbia as exainples of what sound To V t O u e O hIno"dm of merit panalfinaning cçuid ewveH tt's just .19 dnys te the faderai ai- lu rural areas, eue, enumerator does s ,ïayRi.cally from the West- ,ection, but riglit ow Canda realîyithe job, not necessarily a door-to-deor Grou,6 M-ary e S mson- o lias neo votera. caniiass. H1e is appointed by thle con- Grde 65-Marry Lvesinpson Lee De- Blitz Cannai«n 'Fcor Ihe Anary f71,0 sunr toi tueucys returning officar.Grae 5 HaryPWgeunr ý3Ant plnry o 70,000 eumertrs Mo"àm" a14a eodGad o lyPrrn Ady' Bgeing iHeId This Friîday Night 'colleet the anmes of bllose aligible Is provided for printirg the lista.« n,,retmmy erm, BbASmndWg ~to cast ballots June 10. the lisî sLst c lcos aec o ingdvi- e r eIRid db iisn A bltz ecnmpaignilsf being held in 'expeeted tu reac7h a record 9,2000 sin-must be m1ailed te each dwelling Grade 1 - John Simpson, Bôbby Oronlo on Fridiay evening to taise orrnr- - te t ii-si tb -nxdven-and te Liste are nosted in publile, l furds for the Canadian Institute forl umerat'ion ends. ~ighi oeal 1953 tobiled 8 401,691. For ancli general electon, prévieus liaIs cre scra'pped auid new eues cen- About mid-May the printed lista 'il ha 'posted up ilu public places, iu ,4hc lho7sa)ds of pollin.- divisions 4dh make up the 263 constituencies ýei-rO2s the Country. (Two constituenc- ies- are double-emiber ridings-, iak- up te 2(,5 membership of te ~conimn.) After a furtihet period of checking a,2nd fermnai revision, te lista wîlibLe~ in final fora 13 dnys before election- 'day. triu xban polling divisionls, next Sub8ription $1.50 per yeal - Orono Police Trusi'ees To CoInsider Auxiliary Pumper 1TI-e Orono Police Trustees held their reg-udal;r\ Yontýh;ly m»i'ng on) Muday eveniarg la thie Orono Hydre, office wvitli ail meurbers presený.' The cliairman informed the m.-eeýt-1 ing that Mr. Wmi. Riddell, chairmani of the Orono Air Cadets, bad askedi permissien te lield a týug day feor the erganizatien in Orone. This permnis-1 sinwsgranted amd the secrataryl was instructad tet sead a latter to Mr. Ri1ddaIll inib tis respect. Fira Departienýt R. C. Forrastaýr peinitad eut that thie fiatank -in the norîki cf the Vil- luge ldbenrepnired 1a11d we-uld ba ready te fill at the end c h ee.Il asalsc sta'ted t'halif Vhs Trustees wished in poýrtable nauxil11iary puaapaer oouldha emosrtdwe tlie tank was being- fillad. BoIt'Ur. Rutherford an'd Mr. ercer feit thnt an nuxiliary pumrper lad mach matit nuld thnt such a demeonstratien would bewec ed The fire chief wns aked te have suci a ptimper demnon-j 8trated. 'Mr. Mercer pointed eut Vtha an auxiliary, if purchased, would Al- ways he nvails-beIfif a break11dovlu should occur with the fire englue. S. B. Rutherford furtliered stup,.Ort cf an auxilinry which could be used te puxnp water f rom any claVeraI or streamq. R. C. Forre-stet stnated that susit equiîpineat wou'ld improve fi,*ght- iug fires lintte township Aitere some 75 ownera lad sigaed an agreementi weith Orono Police Trust(ees, for firel protection. Thae- hairman poiuted t'thle' fart timat the gaýs masýks' aow used by ie Oronio Fire Depaimeat warapr )ioving costly as it cost over $8.00 terpae the calnnîsters after Vwentymiua cf use. Furthar thea mn:sks are ealy! oýernîng thle Village roads and ha'd at that time suýggestatd the prcedure te- 'fellOw. lie .ttathat any vrend woufld hava te b'e rîmed 'befo-e uchip Îsta- me. Al.. Gorïesggsedtalalç rends ilaleVlae be primad and follIowitng Iisha eudinspect the ronds L- te ee ciwre ready fer chPR. C. Forraster,spk- ciin fosten.-rstees a't the meeting, pointed eout ulIa fo)r the pa î*iifou years the Village rendshadbcee prîmed with cil and that fIthe Trustees faIt i wnvs limie that-ci-soan sllhould'ibe douIe whichouid cut ai 111r- taance ,oc andgive a mo e r- ,rnanen'l sur£a'e. --Mr . Gorie statued tétaI the ronýds whlcli were chip atoned ýin the Villag(,e! reLa xP lln shapeand rsembaay pavemenit. conitaict th-e Ceunty Rond Egier t ebbain permission toe eecI Or o no sigas Son the couuty rond norti fd tne 'Village. A dsuso foilowed On the d'ean- in-- of nxain street and it wns the. tqo pe of tZé Trustee£s that the jnivid- i busineàs m'en wouid heip lu keap- ing the stret free of debris. It was. pointe,(] out that IlascIyear at certain trnes te treet "vas xnssy with de.- bris lltrdfren od 'toend. H. M. Marcer was authrizad tc bave f111 drawn to vwiden the. rond ini fronut cf Mr. George fluai-opa. lThe Horticultural Sociewty prop>ose, is was, said te plant abrubs in Vite V, provld- ing the section cf rend is comipleted. S. B. Rutherford lu te conatact Mi. 124. , Waddl! cl çerÇniinglthe Pd lnir's By-law an'd if ail is salisfiictory ltae Trustees are teineet te CoýunIcýi in regular sc-s,5on te ceek the passing of this by-l(aw. 171 wns poin'ited out ti~aaiga' Plucs Mrs. Titaresa Merlini, Peech., lte Blind. Th ita caapaign fs being fUlUOOIIUtj t- ilk n ic)U IIY iot ' protie ' 'heMunicipal BtiuliTg tbea eot- t spcisonad( botit in Newcastle and Or-' again, gases. Il wnssÈctatedVint a plaîad as aIse limes beau thýe openinig la ulrbn n i-ens te formai ravisica, caoby the ions lJub cf N'wcusit thosa missed in hylthe Leonmerhtionf have selfcnnre xge ntwns con- cf Rowe Avenue north 4 froni taio n hae V ge iithinuraason hale Cm ec rdigA aOon iegr udsudB siderably lasa coall1y to rechaerge anld streat. This latter prejeet, ile was be- lia,- oge namea and add esa may b ene C D rgi Abo In Scouts he bea u id aniz d teBon -agvýPr0eti)botagaintis ail gases lieved, made n decidadinprvna' list, ninesali adreSeS nay e Coour Harourduct Vhse auvas whDéh will cove Vthe land samoka. As the pre'sent maSka ara Work lias yet te be doneue o ltae corrýectad and perso'as may challenge santire towa. A Girl Guàde and a Boyu wb guedcilrby i Wsrend. tramass lready on te lista. decided te havea ndmotrte f If lbere bavýe been nny challenge, Undaer the enmnand cf Captalai1 Sceut, as a Unit, wýill cau ail you-th Ve diffarent types cf maslrs aleng Itvas repored Vo 't, e me ti tn the revision officers will aotify thbose,,Hairy Tuft, a Nova Scotian, the Sid- home la support of tha Iiistltute and with the auxîl.inry pumrper. two open cellier feundations :iithe chiallei]ged nnd VIsa deal wiîb the trOy M, a sandsucker, docked at Ce ours r nVs etr îlVillage on te Cain proparîy werc nater nI n heering caverai dnys' bourg Thuirsduy 10 Ittait dredging eppreciated. Sidewalkis hazar-douis and tint cidran could ha- inter. Tl la up te Vite chailerienr te operations. LIeu, ArthturMceLaren, second vice- ortapeintei.Tu urd- prove bia case,. Owned and' opernted by Vhe Mc-- prasidaut th~~e ewasl Club, la On motion by H. M. Merce'r and S. tiens are cf ine use and do ut limes. incareofte a a 1t sss- .Ruherford'w théý 'Trustees Local judîges are la charge of te Namara Construction Compay, te i'c ii-ge ther Oca nvu em¶berasfiaret-tedeB. rsdeal cn. u f111 witliwater7. Il was decided teu revision and tey ill appoint abou ide- sen -ier l a frt Vthnefr ue r Orono malbarcf r Var for sdaî ofst yelt. havaete" Daipairat of Heaiti in- 1,000 rsviaing officars acrosCanada norniag Vakidg on bunkecaibot} Vo încflsynr vestigale and podanuthority tu 1cureuVieor.pi-ceeeding on the $54,000 dredgng ----It îsianticipalad te have ae walk con- 11aý ientlej . Ao diffryote ravsc poaur pcontract. Cdr aeDir 6 tructed ounlte west portion of Coi-hv tt_ il a plie intrai-sas. Thepra, Vite auai Sîatîing orneD500eyards otaide bedick street, and possibly te wast I D~~ flIt1l~~~ Portion of Park Street nlong sida the IU aunfOe ai-Ie wii 'e isew raisng 0 lte herber, site will dredge Vt ca iraeh ice 0f %1k lii ak of 'Commerce. Tt l is i ,dn a May 23, lInlîhose ni-ans, inyoïi(--lefI ual epproacheS as' weli as con1tinuuiigentica cf VIe Truistees te have lte eÊw<naç,u w-,d of ieîs e elevt npîîg'îecanlm ocksides. I yiUd yUJ S doyfb the ing an ou o stehbs uai bi est imted tn wVietna Cedur Dale Dairy anaouncad on prepared in ci-derat ia nvalk nay be, Ifiatinsandby tàiagn ualfia ta cuV-adis omletd ema150Tusdayyita cenmncig lVly dt ortt sctonoffhaich tret ouit isierenSfoIetisticFbae! alco1 oVt ne.00cbcyrsc sn a u ite p ricae cf standard ilk wI \ould baconsiý,truiclad lteain ltae future. litltia lae .,than moni,1e wak te awaýit ele-Lor o the saihava b0eab- u rnd. fSite ndil eparata21 cents a quart, inuinerease of enae 24 h e r a daydringwi i t e hecent from i tepraseal 20) cent figule. Mi-. S. B. Rtefodreportad on Vt pnn flt rn esn h H-omno milk will continue le sali aeth lita aaudliene, ldwtt iaTonlip oeigcfte1,a h ya st ilii carry nad diacharge fouladn 21 cent price. l'est week concarning su-niag vî- h nWendy, ay s J thr se t ion î",tda.aga ýronds witit clip ,atone. Atfi-i'-yars titt-erute oocerh - j TteSideyM a alele nruy Mir. J. C. Tabylpoinîed outI Vint1jmeetinjg Vie c e 1st ssugt and 'nlt eekedpir1 ornme 520 cubic yards or 850 tons cf CaducDaýis' Dnity las baan Salling 1te have lterondslute(.VillÏý(ageclp- is btt li'tisis ýnet t<ftcasa ttis yncr. iary,,interesting nnd and sut in bier holds. Onice ioaI-lstandard ai ilkbelew VL'ite piice of nny sloaed"tiis yrnt as litay aitVîtjFiitrmn ilfd li ie West _ed sha 'will stea, n mbthe dea p ,waters 1cf tlite Newýcnýstleanad Bowmýanvi1le- hey were iready Ifor, sucIt a surfa-e. - tra n ann ve anr becailleana- oVte lake and depesitli1er ioe dins.T ecrea-se cf eue centIl w-piitdeu yM.Rtarod dfrthe ao at ylt e - Ente 'essage. Rutit Allia lad in 1lîrougit ports in-the betlmof the brings the local pi-ice ini lina wýýih tVitlM. Gorrie, MuiciLýpal 1EnIginleer castie Sportsmian Cuband te Ont- prayer and iyma "Jeýus' Christ is"iloids. During Vtils opeanien, bucy- lIssedae. anld M'i-. Totteni, Counity Rond Engin'1waClub .Il la uiierstoodthalVýiLte riseai todny" closedi lte orshiip set-' nucýy is rnairiained by ait--filledVanks'--r r.eita h nctn.Ma)la,, lu r pnigtej ai- vice.~~~Th 'l iasdsc l lp Ianew pries of M1 cents for s 1tan- 1G t Vie.i aesin e tVhssnasaeer ardfilhesed M-. embynGa s ii ie poin'led eut taha l ad writ-'tuani-y Ibis year te V1iialown -maite -Ay Van g'ceWha s amucl i noy1d Tti, stn J taite adukrdr mlsi r anby ssiltaen te lieTowvnaiip last yenr con- Fihem ho tiravel the sLrearas A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýj redng"bl aa oy gvnin Cobourg frabu i e'wpricas citniged ia Oshawa, (otn~ ae4 I wek dmrig wict VneGeo-rge Port Hope end Lindsay. aise a deligilful piano aso by Judyrigivictîn Taniblyn. j cTuy 10,g f Margaret street, Cobour Hggnes odSces F g r k tn C u o p e e Mary Rutherford, with the nid cf supervise prtos g omes ol uc slF u e Sk in Cb C m l t s n mnap, prespated n clapIer cf thte' study 'bock on "New 'Roads for But-i a Metnou baga ima". This proved mccl iýntereslii. epartmfent Netiiog Carp fu MetgSuh bn ha Successful Y ear In O ronq Mary slated tint te Burmese people w~L tDAjj (Intended for Last Week)___ were a very lovable race nnd te in ,3Rai IWS A1UceLakLe ~On Vornday avening tle Durhir mlajorily of Vieni wei- well eduiceted. Cut H-Producers As ',-T he Clubite eleclion cf officers,~fi ntIer - - Couuy Hog AsociaTienOrone Figure Skating amlIe being are t e. Sie'as ldVtalarureee ar Emhyrisftitipa-anet faainametngaI9 i xMi- Iireld titeir anniuel meeting Monday ev- cent ar hita n 9p cent Landsanad Forestsa re ia- ihan Hall whicit wcs ntîanded 'Dy sx- gs wleOithE. Neilsoalrsdit HrE 'jj_ ara BudisV. The missions bave takea tlig ag e n la the Iy log pioduýers fi-rn Cavan nnd ienta i te ddfel'lows Hall wt ieiel r.E 'd cver moi-alhan juast the spiritutal shellow waters off BewdleY, Rica Sout Monaghan Townsh4pýs. sema iftewas n ni- i resiewnt he't 1dice; is R. Ta;rs. tFi-esey, fneada cf lte people. They hava lakea Lake, ii inte liqpes of idding te Mr. McIanis, presideuit cf tlie O-C vnigwapatlrviwngltajand lMrs. G. -Simpa, secratary. it ever te egricultural needa, nmedicýai lake cf carp -'whi6h show eviderit signa 1tario 1g Prd ýcesAssociain yaaetvteeici fiesadwsdecidmed ut te meeting Vo have neada, ara giving fi-asx-ray and im'edi- of becomiilag a past. tegai pakrfrVt vnag.e 3igmcigpcue.nboard cf du-adorsanad Mirs. D. To-- cines foi- iepresy. Tiers is, b etter The nets, soeaof thena 200 feati111e opi dealV witit cu oullilrîe of hse Tite treasurer repoited receipîs cf rnant, MI-S. S. Bartabal .Mr. C. Tyr- medicai standards for nil. ýlong ae stnked out îia a V shape, Hcg Producers ergenizalion and âlta ovar $100i000 wiVl a balance en lnnd raIl, Mrs. R. Gilrbnrt ad Mus. A. L, Gladys Bi-own favoured with n1 witiçit forces Vhe fiai t iter ntai îaimnisnd activiVies. He -ti-esaed the o 400.TemeigwsfrhrHeywr pone ottsps. jmedley of Easteri music o-n tVite pantaly euclesed Pon e ic ihontild ag )iiiformsed talthey lad costumeslin Daisy Iceze naving ltai-e is ne escape. trdi h au fao* 50o piclures cf faiilier acen,,sa Id.- a.'it f-t w;wok fMybyleDptretcLasanFo-todluVevaecfiond$0.. firs t-w wek-.sby he DpartiLiof Lndsand or-Enterlaiiumient for Via evening was naund oiülOrono. The piclurea were .1 an y-ýear, te fias" nernlw asbalg iAici ia flte-Amst succesasful yeer was fte- plied by Mra. Wm. Arinalrag. w tertespaWflv- ths Ie idn fie otdwlhea it hie e-îes howi,% of filmas'by Mr.a. Wm, Lunh aesarednii soia 'aîfrrlun o deepar water to g~it For som l im-e paIcarphaebeIing part iin figur ktnga I interest slowi'ng members frors the- her ajyebring'ii te imeeting otherfat iiIlnma sg-veapolaa rn u.AeeMyles w-i for Armstrong. Tlese Ufis were cfloa te a close. Inspection cf caltes' will ba mnade ite lamiprey saIs. Thes fial was allag-, hs 1957-58 season be tic club pro. first les carnivai hld l i-eueii, spor-t edly im-por1tef frie Eurrope. _M-a. J. C. Tamblyn presided fo)r ing avents and local wveddlingS. o

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