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Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1957, p. 1

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Bro waies To Receive CDIden Rand Badge~ s."n f-" Piy igStart(ed au' r Rrawaie vry piace ofsca egsainof meigTedyngtatrwih th pstgaeatio wsfirst pr-e- smIoiill'mpar alowad, The speakIer stýated thtat eey Wiesan rwîsrebearsed a aurY of the rea wrld axcet ly id"The Bi wiaeStor" INortb America lad iithar a Socal- ist gaveinament or hms bad ana and(wbd î ept niaun>sm wihl bhave ana again., The .CP. Inyed1gaie. tiionly pioneefing yet bias aray Tsswr asd a ign niad a- ajor eonvb tutaCana_ CmeParcel Ty-ing and Nturei-. dinhfe, sa McDnad As we bavte a large' nuinher of la nd ttak aaint he ons Ihawnastis yar 17 of thami will Ini 41atac- gýin lae Cr s enjy wekncamp at the cottage ea~ves lestaed înttee tusof Me. and Mrs. A. L, H'ooey who camnpa i g i igoas. on, the more Con- ugslterctaefr.Ool ,seevatîve promises get eout of linare et~lter otg o rn -wiýth thair recard. Brw ies rst weekend camp in)Srce lui ari-matCosevatieshave te bgn he said, taken assantiailly the sama stanid on lxisic agricultural issues as 1Also wa ara vey prouid to say thLhe a nl voting wiijth tueni a- that 3 aof aur Brownies wîll receive gaUinst a mdlction eailing for parity thair Go01lden HTand Badge Vhis yeae Pricesý. They zadmi-it, 50 ha stated, tint Iland will h he ta continua trying- while tha price s'pread beatwe whatlfor p'oiinybdgsas o h bas fainer riceiv s a whýVt t 1first time la the Orona Browanie Pack. consuer ha ta-ay, i a grvwie prblm.Yet, both the Liberais at t least 1 lBeowie wil receiv OttÉawa adthbe Tories ab Queen'sir Golde n LAdder badige hi ha jPark make excusas as ta w-hy it was just ecantly b(ean ackaowledged anç ,.t POssibll(,ta investjigate this peie ,,iih shows thba haîf wny mark ofl s-pre-ad. tests passad. * 'But for ýtha bastings, th(e tunle basi W aebe vn efcit at- chagd"Snaaiag ia S'ankcktbewaa ehv en ai1 ef ;i cofupla of . weeks ag'o, Jonb i ýefen- tendance la Brý thus yecr and taker- , laimed Mcoad sai'd bis 1wýe hava sean a grant improvernent party is in favour of parity prices and certairdyV hope the Brownies wiIl' 'dsiethe fact theyv ail v1oted a-1 keep ba;iag encouraged. giinst it. Do-wn la the Windsoi r cra, vI Tawny Owlv. Diefeabaker promised ta set up a eoy -_______________ sîpre, cIs - das.pita the facýt tbailt1bis As a matta-r of fact, said Me. Mac- Toryconterparîts *la thea Ontaia( Leg- Doaald,the Tory agricultueci policy -1sa-nture refuscad on a jjnbtr of occ-as like that of thb Libarals, a,1 ight hastý cons durin~g thbe recent session ta eh descrihed ns a "political teanquil- ctee tli*,s ruy demnnd. (Conitïinueï on page 9) Six OrOno Girls Graduate At C..ITUGraduation Service1 Thare was 'linl Oronjo -UnitLdi Kitchan and Mes. Barbara Church on Suday evening (lMothe's Garmia, leaders. Me. James Rtickcby Day), the Graduation exarcises of gave tha addrass ta, the girls, and the -e Interdenominational yourug- peap- ValIedictory was givea by Miss Anine Vrs org-ani"at'on Canadian Gis -in Bestu. T1raliiing. The(YG ff Purposa is s~mined nlteepige"TChr A pleasing feature of Vhe servicet laiHeIt, o k eutb, Ka:"ow Coer-was the Nawccstie Junior Choir, un-P a3id serve ohr. der the leadership of her oganis't, Si il rdated o-n Sundnay af Mr. Normian Williams, and wha, notN Sixr tie ys l heau îra o i )edthe singiag but rendered tl*y anana cu~piuau srvcej twa laveiy nnt-hem-s. The locali groups n-ea edrsi, the irls- - Doireanf Tieros and Explorer, with thair JkleaAn etEiaeRi ederalsao bok par-t in tue service, Aariln Qun trl, Shie Vag ; and Thea boys of the senior Young Pao- -.ýai-iln Qanb11 Shi-ly a,, iple's Rible Cla-ss ncted as usiers.r Nojrah WoodI. Pollowiag- the service Tan was ser- Certiýficates were presanted ta tha ed(lta the yoijng peopîadý by the ladies grsby Mves. Carence Penfound, the of the W.A. A gaoodiy number of thie PrashytIerial secretary of C.G.l.T. cnrgta of thbe cburcb su,_pported orkad pins and books by Mlrs. thesvie by thieir presenca. Barbara K'teast, Neil Hooeyt Wion &Sîýlver Medal Contest1t A Silv;er Medal Contes't, und(er the uspices of the Wnes Christian Temiperance Union, wa, held in the Amnday Sehool0 Auditorium of 0Ono lJnited Ghurch on Friday evenin.g, ,May 10 with a good attendance. Rev. Kitchen, chairmnan for the evnnopened the program by the sý4gig of -a hyrnm "When H1eCo- 2-th" and ca]Ied on the following girl tô:ntestants: Baxhara Keast, Linda' lughes, Shirley Sharon, Dianne Gil- btJanie Green'wood, AnneGlrak Gail WilIis, GaraiolbakSandra Catheine Lynch then favoured usI w-it'-h a w,,ell rendered viýolin selection, aiccompanied b-y Mrs. Paynýe. The boy contestants were as foi- iows: Neil Hooey, Craig Hind, Paul Mercer, Ronald Best, Peter Groenl Tlouglat For The Week Those who bring sunshineit[ the lives of others cainuot keep ito Cc enailus Groa, GlCanies Raid. Tiare weee piano) selections by -Mes. Payne, MariinCobbladick, Roc)- aid Gay and Ross Tanm(blyn cc ad a v;ocal solo by Stella Carson accom- pani-ad by JMes. Payaie. The judigas, Mes. Rare, Me. WerTCry, Aie. Munr-oa of Newcastle, lad a dif-1 ficuit task dacidlag tIbe -succassfi candidates as the eomipetitioni was Airs, Rare gave the unanimeuo-s de- cisioi n la favour of Barbaira Keastu ccd Neil Rooey and spoke en-caur- agig ords toalal contestants ta com-pate again as they wece im-pra-ý îng enitime, AAtee theprnte ti of thIle medals, books w,ýec p-re- senited to a(ncicontestant. Me. owe: gave the 'report regard- inig the- Poster Contest. Patlsy Jories, Dianne Gilhar't, Douglas Bar-rabail,ý Mary Jane Fouadi, Carai Todd, wee thetucessulcom-petitors and will rIec'-îe abaoks for their andeavours. Th1ese 5 wce selected from 37 pos- ters. 'Plie presidènt, Mir4 Walshf, ex- prassed wavrds of appreciation ta al wba-h lad aa,,sisted in the progr ' n helpirtg ta muake such a su1ccessfulII eraeî-àng, rlhIe etitiin< closed with the singllng of the Queea, OR~»NO ONT.~MAYer h 195 Ricar iecorStewart Cfe Causes Considerable EretD n CCF.C cdat RichadfletooeStewrt o 528amage T. E. ,ïiay.r's Hm M)oose Jawafonco Moask. 0 To Contest D urbar Ipassed away suddienly at his frm - ndy farao ir boe nti home atb o 'll nWdnsathle homie of M3% and Mis. Earl Tay ____ May lst. lor in Oihe south of the Village but Ernest Dent, manager of the Or- New Bnwumaviele st A log timle reàiden of he Hajdge- tii-e threat of serjous damage was',no yr-IctrCmisonwas Ville dsrit M.Ste, hbomle- averted by the Orono Fire Depart- theunanimm ou hie ntthe DNum Ofieilio !I Yteaded in 197 and was actiîelyun- ment.THe cli wliich was turned in County C.C.P Comneton hAld ini '" ",c IoOpe NaIZU27i gae nfrigon the usamle fnarm short1- ly fter thiree oiack cashe from OMca Ma addt unilbs etrmetin 1949 whenlhe a neighbourtMe. Burgess. At the a, My 10h, a theiccanidat mvdto iooea.timie of theu outbreak no on(, was home"ntuecio.Fur--p Bar in182 narOrooOnt, heTayorboue.~moe as h-no minatons werercivdby L'he opningrafits fine lnew paýst office Bornà 182 ma mnsW.ý t t.c Taloý h(use.Sirke -asoMondCAyieMay27, at two o'clock in Stwat asma - d n 90 to HUn-sered oming out of the house by \vï.ý---~- . feronwen h Hn. o ritt Btenaieof Oao., Mrs. ïBurgeýs Vwo qikyphonin WntrsMîser of Pulic .Work Mr. Stewart has nlways been keen- he aiarm. the Faderai ,oe1mn 1il r ly intLerested in local affairs nd has Tefrehchsatditefon ug i hM ,ýaitdi h t frot fromi Ottawa for the opening ce h5redbs Col']ml-uiîin nyayrüoom of the hlomne was sonbrouh monhes. includfing micip!al counicil, under contrai with a mniniimunof The newpotficisalge Atte ieafhs et h eae amg.Very littie wate-r had to) be Ps fiei aýn Atdlieo lAdmlh u e ued bpthat thefie fs tedin ba tta date building, even more ma<I. tamara bswie rs . tear f s~ ibut thnegMeonttre i bnthan the new Post otfice in tireci Mýoose Jaw,, a daugliter, M1ary (Mirs. chesterfal d chair in the front room. ,Of Osb'aWa, It i-s situated on the c, J O'wen Telfer) of îMoose Jaw, a son,'Fn n y h iete rn ieler of Cbhurch and TemprneS Mleo h swl uoeDepartment arrived, began ta break opposite the Town Hall. it hae; sister (Mrs.J. W. Bal) of London, otaoî h niewl u a spacious brighit and weillappoi,,t Ont. Tèn'e brothers. Rohert of Ofrano, s',onexiitîguished. Agatin at this fire interlor for postal servkep in r Cecil-o---ew We the use of gas and smiokeý masks etinwt i sacon'venientîy- n Ciei fNw etistrr,.andchirn played an important par, n h suc- arraniged Customs Office. five grathdchildren.t Tbe funerai service conducted by ces fth eaet This impression building isan ?-i, by Rev. R. Morris, was heldï at the O'set to theaperneoth twn Jonies Funeral Parlours, Moose Jaw%,.1Orouo W A. To Ibid ad o a tieans ce o the aw'- Intement Ras avenMemrialA ~Preciation Of the efforts of ther Strawberry rFestivai mnember of Parlismencit, j. M. Jr~~ The palIbearers wr asr.C. toardsbann t Deobald, S. C. Chiaîmberini, L. o- The May meeting of the Woma É.- The present ponto, cew miani W.Hîî,T Ask-ew and A ssociation wýas held on' Thuesday cne tedt a pubIk iciray Rh.Couzens.- afternoon in the Sunday School rooli, - 0 - with the president, Mrs. J. Kitchen, Er nes t D.ent ns alyad lxwt h Local Basebali News in the chair,. _____The meeting opened by ail repaat-chia fram the g-athering of Sixty- suit that in 1949 Oats and Bariey~ in1h, ..Mta n ign h five, beifig Messes, Elrnestr Dent, Ro)y încluded. In last weeks issue it was; an- iirs. Bi,-lias ltatheSpeial W At Armstraa, Otto Bragg 1 ua Mr- Dent painted ont w:ih pri~ rnaunced that the Orono Seniior Base- teesn.Nichais. -None Of the noiies tahs aetedem ftesb hall 'Club went iinta action an the l8th Duriag thbe business, it wais imoved p)osedtecoceo et.'le "0'i aiss'aa c rae cpaZ-z af ~ -n Ma.T aewas inicorrtect. b r.H li n eoddb II peho cetne r. T'hese dreams are now r jealities.. TheOroa cub hic ba no hd Sada behel latheFaî. ent sajid that lie had alwavýys had an Food As Aý Weapon a nuber f pecties a theloca Ltwas nmaved Jiy Mes. M. J. Tam -ïwad desýire to ser-ve in a g-reater Thdipstoofaresndfss dimnd wig it atonl 1Bw bilyn and secanded hyIlrs. Hoar that public caipacity, and that this desire production miust be solved reg-arrjIesae, manv'ille on the holidae, May 2t we have a straw#vberry festival, the ha1be bu'deagte1eresonj fbadmae o af e-e a4 comnigat 10:-,- the _rst 1 ameate ta be announced later. -wban ei hewas a lmemb0er of the CC P--parity pri&cs tuened ow Y b ta ha Played in Orano comes on the The trjeasýurer, Mrs. Carniiszh, -e- pYainedhaoup i ths ay4otheex- I natoal foôisho ly setup îe following iWde d~yMay 2,2 at 6:30 poet-1ed a banik baance of $281,O5. pa'ndttintseasthCPWrdfadb4çbulbeetub The ,pposit' - for - th- m1Ms.Hoaey, carfieýsplonding-saeLý-- ad been caled- Iprc ical Ialists' l helieved, ta .eurtail the de'fence speudý will b none other Irnte Rowgane.1tary reported sendîng fv-cars addo gooders' and 'rcposby their mig. 1He adv'eated feeding the hu- ville squiad. receivng a card of Vansfeam Mr. crt(,H ttd httercr ry people aof the world, to win tha - and Mes. E. White and Mr. and Mrrs.sne had provecd that their idealistic: peace and defeat' Comnmunîsmy. Tba Orono PeeWaee basebalpa-.RyTnat ideas lad lbrought resuits,. Menmbers You canunot wIn~ a hungry man -y ers found inucli pleasura on Saturda*'y! Mr. Billings who was the delegate of the party were mien aad woniep putting a gun in bis haad, he cn~ m nigof last week whein tbeir ta the Oshawa Prasbytery meeting at dedjicatedt h as fhmne.Yucno i ec yakr& caach Mr. E. Grabamn Promalted a Nawcastle, April 25th, eepaeted high-- rights and batteemient. In 1922 the peo)ple ta ac(.epithi Bitshwa- gýame between tbe twolocal teams3. lgt rmMs idaa drs CCP lad advocated unatnploymient in- the U.S.A. way, or theu Canadl(ian wae For the event there was well over and- Mrs. Tarblyn -gave a m-lessage surance. It -was not until 1940 atter of life, but you can win by Shou-a9,ý twenty lyoys w,,ho ail torok an active feam Conference Brauich wih she years of pressure tînt legisiation for them am Christian way of lif part in the gamne. jLt is the intentionî had atteaded. unenmploy;ment insurance was intra- on helpîig one aniother. ta hld these Satueday unornîniiig IMis. C. Duncan gave the davotionali duced hy the Liberals. Beiýevinag thintCd t ne- 8- workouts during the summier months miessage, hae subject 'Forgiveness.' ",Woodswvorth w,ýas la favor o f aId the idealistists. dreamiers and àdhr along withi a praticepaeiod once a Hyman "Guide us Heavenly Father, age pensions lan 1926i and wrote W. L. 1 gwCVers to gaPt t Ugsdne e -s0ê week. Guide" wvas sung, following this Me.MaknzeKigabu tenatter. Ithe, supporýt of the ridiag ila the cai lnterecst in the g-roup is1-oýt Duncan gave a miost ias.pir-iing m-IL-la 1947 after a petîtian fram, a qa-paigal for the C.C.F. as he oy obere te "outig sage fro-m a sermon givanP by Dr.ý G.temlio Cadaswsprend The C.C.P. cnddaeclýained tmkï 'ste byclobserventeformning of 1tl iiio iaînýwspeele Cr, idgeoa and closed the devotianl 1ta parl;imenit akigfo(r pensions for the C.C.P. party wa-s the only part la mwhc 7,jjene nthe Mqrwih rayer and Hyan. eeyn vr65 frei o hemans ta fiteplasaesTeG. Lakehoreeauetbi h next Mrs. Hlarold Allini, caai-ducted a dis- test, M. J. Coldwell called for tlie ce-jsvaisdopoeteLbrasu. mnoatb. cussian on "!S Hommakng mpa - oal of the means test. TaIli ot ffer ntin.The C.C.P. are th01c- The Orana Ban-tamis aithougb lotltanlt,a' Istn br, Mrs. 'J..C. Tamý- ws eavdfrths gd 0Idîyprytaafaanatratv - numnbering quite as mapny are for-- blyn, spoke onouse activitbies aad a0'Ver por'id>-,,iLt re ' igand trainiîng for the coming base- Mrs. Watt on 'Home and Chjîdriea' Maril n estrang, daughter of n of the papi e bail seasoýn. Tuis teain is enteed l aa what thinigs are essentia t aformlýer CCPcadiaegaeun ad- Tbe- are i n~ this elerties* the linor Lakeýsharý e lague with Six sinHan.Mr.Ali lse b des owrld c-prto.-n e ptsLt!dthat thley maký helpfuil thaughts beought eut by,-the ances ack ta 1929 wben Me. Wood- an the ,1fatriî by enls îîrg aS Uibl Ail boys are invitad te play bal speakersi. wrh1rpoe ta1cee A1eeicli Rr e proposed parî A this yýear under the spoa'sorsblip of There ,vere tweaty ladie.s present. fifteea year-s of con-,tinairsu rabyprce.Wa aee,ha saîd1, a Nati" theOrnoAmter thete Asoil Lnc ws eredand a social timeû the C.C.F. the Legisiatura la Ottawa jHacîýtb Planr not a ho-odge H tia. famlily allowances thuis pital Plani, The-e 15La das;Pe ate 11~ giving familles a fair chance. Among ha, stated, to ra urbinflation, iasPrý ohrsci4l 1agisaion, which Mcl housigta el,iminate profitaeeriag, Det la-md ee avoated hy the- rec.tify unifa;irtaxatio1 nd -1d a 13 C hildrea Batîlsed A t emlyiinnt practice legislation and need for, a ruly Nationial i à Bt DaàSe vi e a central National Bankig systei. iM. Dent refrired ta vrGeý- M other' D. a y 'erv'. Mr. Dent poirlted ta the Regina »e.o4goolers; who work ührough Qr wswords af Isiah ta Hezekiab found Mae fasiit o0!19awhich caud ile forv aicetioranastecr,5 ce, Od*e an Mother's Day sawa capacity con- lain 2d Book of Kiags,20th ch'tpter, theCý.pe s-rmsro awethiBoad. ner servic e organ-izatin, souds anê'c gregationý, in Orono United Churcel1 5th verse: "Wht have fteC'CF pesrttscmeht eholsH ait hthaeudliet~ a d w ith chairs in the is is , n o 0th n ou e "th y seen ffect in 1943. Ir, 1947 the C .C . ., h a (Io th)sa ne ort e p ïe i n u h - - - - --_e - ý_ L- , . - _ - - 1-.- c ii ed, called for the ïincuIt d'ng of politi a l f e d s the ibemls ou- interesu- nitais seiNice xvas, the large nunduer of bpiis Thi,,eteen yaung c ouplas wtl their cîliidrea linied th.e front of the church~ whea the time camie for the Sacra- ment of Bap,ýt-isin. The choir sang an Antha-ii, "Mother's Lova", -while Mes;- dames 'Car-son an(! Rickaby beauti-- fuflly r-enderad a duat, "A Day of Mteeo. lse Thle (day being not oaly Mte' Dayý but the begiaining.- of Christian Pamiiy week, the iniaisterý, the Re\-. John Kitchan, took for bis subJect la lis sermon: ',Thea Homec - Life's Basic Inistitutioni," and in bis message i- phasizad thcee points -- fiest, the Home as the bcckground of'Char-ac-ý tee, second, the Home as the back- I ground oDf Morale, and. third, t'ha Hoeme as the backg-roundofhesia Living-; and ha concluded wýith the ain- phasis tint the Homeý-, too, is the background of the Nation and is an outpost of National secueity. Ris textu -rhose baptised at this marninig's service 'ware: Steven Hnrold Alleni, SOnIf, e anid Mirs. Douglas A Allenl; KaeLila Bell, daugîIter, of -Me. andMe. aid Bi;Cheryl Lase Coriaish, diaughter of Mr. andl MeIs. Carmnan Corniish; El-len Mlýarie Heard, daýug-ht,,e of Mr. cnd Mrs. Haeld lanHeard; Thomaiýs Martyni M'IacDoniald, son, of Mejý. aaid Mes. K.- W. MaeDonald; Ly-,na Da-reen Lwey daughter of Mr. and Mes.Gado H-artwell Lowa-ry; David Waý yn-,e Phasey, son of - Mr. adMes. LDavid Phasey; Catharýine Paye Sterens, daughtar ofMii-.andMes. D. Stevens; William Spey, selon f M r. aid Mes.arl B. Spry; Jýnice EDaine, Vagg, diaughter of 'Mr. and Meus. F. C. V 4I-; Teresa Anie Wa-st, diaugh- tee of Mn anid Mrs. Albert DeanI WKest; Sus;ia Maria West, daugi,-terý of- Me. and Mers. Ronald West; Doniald Keith Wood, son of Mc-,. and Mi-S. Keith Wood. B.OC.s To Hold Banquet In OJdfellw's Hall, May 21?3rn year the BwavleOaoCmieto fteeeig H ck Cub are to hoid a Baniquet oin Thursday evning, May 23rd. % uwing the ecorse ofth- e ibg~ The evet is ta take plae in the Or- , the L aesho 're Hoc'cy T r My wglJ no O ddfe lo ws H a l w he n it is x- be p e e te ct he Co n C lubn~ pected that about 150 ivill be present wi h tis year took tophonoýurs - s to ri g t aclose the 1956-57 hockey the lange by Winrng te ca p n- 1 eamon for te Cub. shîpj from Lakefie'ýld. A furlier res-~- A ui-key diqner is to lie served by Ieation w,ibeTl-e-M.; tnerxta tbe Ladces of the KirbyUnited ChurchwPllaye Aad . tis annue me with- entertainment for the eve-tning wI emd ttebnut takinig the f ormi of a speaker f rom the Tkeots are no-w on sale for thjat OnIitario Hockey Association. Follow- avent and anyonýe wishing ta a ing the speaker a dance wilIbheld 1uo-ay d'o so. Tickets are availabie ~o~u land the Club invites al persons, as 3Mr. Hesper Dean. VL l Na.i 4 o- b' DonldMac Donald Spîeaks A t CCF Ccnve-en tilo-n In Oroan o ntaroC(...pry pk ta thie ~onFriay venngof hast week de- raithtthe C.CP at a the 3 CIR(l)NO, ONT., MAY !(')th 1957 Suhlerhkînn Sl-Fdln&r eeaxý-, -À

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