ci ste'el ;I: ndhpsielks avnil- lsiu e o vur lad had: With eacli I 'f"Rl'ic r" cres ,,riln isr 'HURSDAY, MAY 1Gth, 19.57. IU SCussF Ru irf & PI!ot b 14.qruear c Closed mon. May 20 VICTORIA DA'Y ;NEY CH-OI'CE HALVES eache 2Tin 23C li2s tins5 Mape, Leaf Rea.dy to Eat - SMOKED PICNIC STYLE Pr k Shou#%lde-rs lb 49c," An Outdoor Barbecue Favourite. -MEATY PORK SPARE 49e Ideal for Hamiburgers LEAN MINCED BEEF........... 3 lbs. $1.40 TABLERITE WIENERS......I lb- pkg. 39c WITH FRZEE $5.00"ONS BOOSTERI TAPE Tablerite Smnall Link- pouind PURE PORK SAUSAGE ......... ....... 59c Sluce it thick for frying Thie childrenl love it. Tablerite, approx 2 lb BOLOGNA CIIUBS.................. lb. 33e Ar' (utstandiug- Citruls Valuie - New Crop Valencias Oranges 88'3 oz49 Sween Golden Ear-s Coru-On-The-Ceb 5 f-, r 29c Solid, Crispy, Fr-esh Hleads IIead Lettuce 2 mIze. 2-4's 29a Crisp and Crunchy, Pull Flavour Celirl S5talks 2sie3.c WITIRLEEs2.50 BONUS BOOSTERI TAPIE Firm, lon.ýg, greenl Cucumbers g.od size iqc Spy Apples ib 35e RING SýIZE Fab 3e-jc off reg proce1$1. 25 PICTSWEET LE-MONADE .... 2 6-9z. tins 29e PICTSWEET STRAWBERRIES . ... 15-oz. 33c SEN 6 ICTWEE LAELSFOR FREE 5c oPictsweet i. 4' ~~an ~ beoie Stari" hoop Racer, "Douible - Trip~e Say-"77- vfil i a u jULJVI u J~UIl 21 Air Cadets AirK ro In RXCA.F. Dakota Pe,-cnie Eiger 'Aircrew' By BiE Tamyvlyn Theu villag-r Of (Oroo and New- castle and the surrioundiiing counjtry were carefully "surveyed" from the air lasit Saturday afternioon, Maiy il, aýs twetity-one eager O.II.S. Air Cadets were ait-bornein-ii an R.C.A.F. Dakota. mny)f the boy-s for the first timie. The flight was a conitinu- ation of R.C.A.F. polîcy to pro-vide Cadets iU aircraft faiiaiýrizattion at everyv possible opportunity. The Cadets left Orono for Oshma aiLrjnort about noon lan cars driven by Filit Lieuten~ant Taggart, Mrs. J. Tamblyn, MNr. Ke-ast and MSr. Watt. As the planie from Treniton d1d not arrive unitil abouýtt 2 o'cloc1k the cadets wregive lentyof tinieto observe the aircraft of thie Keniting Aircraft Co., anld piaemodels of the Oshaiwa Flying- Club. When the twin nindD1,oa trimmed in a brigiht "Airfo-re"pik came into view ail eyýes turned 'olsky- wvards. After laniding" the p;Ilo, y ing Officeýr Jonies, and Fl;ight Lieuteni- ant Ta ,ar ,,leted 131,cadets and la aý f ew -minutes tho hosen andc the FligîI-t jLieutenjanjt wrbackla theai edg for Orono. Up in the air the countryV side -,as very beautiful ev-ea at 141 knots ind mor ic han 1009 ft. up. s (,,, famiIîar nIaces Prv spotted, a1d 0Oroowa.I By Connie Tyrreli Add 1tnlcngauaisardu '! te Air Cadets of O.I{.S. as they co'ntinIue to incerease the standing of thleir, Squadron by rdding two iighily- regardd awads to their list of lau- rels. Two boys, -Marshal Keast and Eric Carlefton walked off with top honours this timie. Besides hringing credit to themseives, and to their school thr.ev hiave focuLsed the attention of thec Air Cadet League and the Air Force on our llgh SchoolSquadron. *Because le wsslce for a Sen'- lor Leader's Course, Eric wil re- ceiveý free a seveni week"'s course at teR.C.A:F. station at Camp Borden with a bonus ouf $100. On1ly 100 boys ýin Canpada were chosren for this cour-se and Eric was the third highest of the 25 selei-ted froim Ontario. The pur- pose of this .-our-se is to train boys tu take rsosblt and leadlersbip in air cadet woark wvhie training them as w< Flor their wfl future. On the successful comipletion of a flying c-ourse ont theAeoc Air- cîfMairsliall wilIi- receive a Privaite Pilot's License frcom the Department of Transport. The wjngs oil lis uni- f ormi will then indlicaite hie je a plot able to)fy any singe-engined igblt air-crtf t. OnIy 250 boys in CanadaIci' qlualified for this course. Money to. pay for. his tasotto to Oshawa will corne flomn the collections mlade on Air Cadet Tag Day ld recently. FurtLher proof of th, fine work, be- ing done by our Air Cadets mnay be seen at our annual Cadet In.spection fi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i I ihtftrcrinaco0f and Athetic Nigabt,tobheda 0 tijmes, the ii,ircaft headed Wack to p.mj.ý ,, May 29, at the OrooMui UOsaaanlanded about 5mntsipljak after tk-f.__________________ The second fl$i giht took of Jndater about 30 minutes in the ai, Qcircled botlhNi cAfean roo ter thie landing, thc piloit said SAs the weather 1 eLi-galittle that this -was the fiîst Squadron that rougili and \visiîbility wasl. getting he lhad taken ui wiilhout nt least ,onte poorer the lengith oJ both f lights were case of airsickness. After wvatching shortened frorn what liad been e :- the Dakota take--off the Cadets re- pected. Th1e lnig the secon01d turned home ,wiîth nmemories of a very flight came thru v wthtou jt hp enjoyable afternoon. g HSTHR.AN R.THIS SATURDAY1 O g In Teclinicolo Q, ~~ g and JamesCri "Soli of Frankestein" and "Thee Twer on un_ fiBring the Whole FMiy oO Wj yt e nESA T E KETEsî 1OZ4R--m AII-Tecbnicolor Show "[Iyand Me" With Van Johnson and Piper Laurie ý1T ýMON. TO WD Withi Randolph Scott and MWith Rock Hudson, Maurecîn 'SulivaIIand Marha yer COMING,l NAYMAY 27th, FOR THIREE DAYS More- Thain a Year at the Tivoli, Toronto "OKL AllUMA" GREATEST MUSICAL COMUEDY RIIT EVER EAF II'M 1p.ouid tins E..................$1.49 STA N T 5C. Off 2 oz 15c Off 6 oz. ...... .......$1.39 [TII FREE $.5 "BONI-S" BOOSTERZ TAPE ressing 6 oz jar 35c f fee lb bag 87c FOOD1 SA VER iper 100 f t roil 33c- 16 ozpkg 35c FREE S5.00 BONUTS TAPE 14 oz pkg %949c 10Ooz bÉI44c- ite brs- Oc brs 5fo39 T, LEMON LIME, OANEFRUIT ru~s12 oz tin 33e Chi :ken 3?' lb tin $1 .49 tin 2 for 35c t