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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1957, p. 1

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o Police Trustees Accept Tender To Revamp Fire Agreement On Monday evening the Orono Poi-t brought foýrth sm discussion with. ke Trustees nmet in the Municipal hi esi ,t h rute ret-n iBuilding for the regular monthly corporate 4oth agreements into a mneetixng. At this imeetinig the Board single agreement. At present there laid out their sidewalk program for' is one agiteement which fias stood lfor the pear and opened tenders for the Four years and takes ini properties eonstrution f the walks. AIso during south of the Village boundary. This tbhe course ofeX Vhseeting- the Tr-us- agreemen~t was in foice whien a sec- tees past a notion te revanp one of ,,Idvas 'passed three vears ago. The the twe existing ire agreemtents, onlydiffer-ence hetween the two agree- Vils being the one at the south of thne Itents is the charge for a fire cal! village.~. which in the first is $50.00 and in thel second agreement is $100.00. Th In the correspondence the Trustees Trustees felt that there shouki be .11 received the authority f romn the' d;fference in the charge for attend- Guy gamsky Serving 501b Wolf Cub News' Year As Municipal Cterk ltOooWl u akoee On May lst, 19ý57, Guy Garfield our nmeeting w ýith inspection~ follow%,ed Gamaby of Stratton ebserv .ed bis Sth b:, the Grand Houl, led by Ross Jack- anniversary as Clerk of the Munlici- son. ýaiyof Morley. lst Stars were presented to Býobby The unicipality was incorporated ?Best, EdinBailey and Arnold Wal- in 19Oý3 and at that timne Mr. Gamnsby lace. first took oveLr the Clerk's duties. To- GamoY 1LYcett earned luis Toymnaker day lie is stili holding clown the samne Bde posiionWe played "Guess Who ?" and fol- lowed mih study 'périod. Mr. Gimsby, 73; years of age, is be, Terry Grahamn, Ronnie Best andJ hieved Volbe the dean of district muni" Edwin Bailey gainied their !5kipping cipal officials in lengýth ef service. for their 2nd Star. Mr, Gamisby made his beyhood We sang our Wolf Cul> Creed and home with his uncle, Will Gamnsby at closed with prayer. Orono, 'Ontario. He attended public school at Antioch i-and High Sechool at MR FRD UN N Newc-astle, Ontario. -Northurriber1and and Durham Hah~~ a fire _out_ýide of the Village and g i e--iuda, a beutiui g reiy lae asc af. Unit to have the excavation ou the passed aiuot-on Vto ail agr-ee-1 During the f ail of 189, lsse On Sat dyMuy l8th there pas- a pceem, wvritten esepecially for theoc Cain property on Cehbl'edick Street rents read IL0.0.1 was also point- miother, a sister and four brother were sed aiway quietly one of Orono's old- casion by Mr. J. Rickaby, hy the Ex- filled in. t was thotight that Vhis was ed ouitîa fifty dollars does not burned Vo death in a forest fîre which eOsV residen ts, Susan Tueker Duncan, plovrer Group. Tnen 'both Mrs. Kitchen dangerous o chîdren. The Trustees cover tue cest of the fire department destroyed their home at Stratton. He widow- of Frederick Duncan. The late'ais is. PaÇnan were t1rented are o hire a blldozer o di this aîtendirg a file caîl outside of Vhe went to the Rany River District the i1rs. Duncan Mf~tr thelir niEreage ltli a beautiful pin and earrng set wok.AtVi sm tmeitisVe n- ila -.Ail persons alffetedl by the folloing Mlay, at the age of il. As I armed near Millbroek ani arden b,; the 1957 Graduating Class of the Ege -issl tention of the Board V'hveVschange which in te coame intforce ini tiers ,vas no railwaý-ýy here at tint Uil before moing Vo Orono in 1924. daimT »~aie~t~ wnth section eof CwhiSttSoï clSepternerr aue o be notifi of VCetime he lad to acore by bout frMil s ana' radaens r prepared for- a sdw which could canuge prior Vo ti-ns date. The e i Kenora, as'dsta of some two hua- ànd Mus. Kirk were among th eaenr Mter greatflthancks w->ere e--"-ospizî tie layed sometime in he uue ob ocagel i v oaa- 2dred miles, aft(er the ie broke up settiers of Hope Tawnshp, learig nressedbyboti leaders, hs..g o.Jak This walk would be on th-e wss sdenalfe.iu Vhla kes aad rivers. chatis kuwn ias Vie SParle farmn oncoVmicued ith coloured MIes of ier Parents M-r. ý0f VieSreetanI onet it he the 8th lins oýf Hoipe. Shýe wsbornr, ________________ -walk n Staion Sreet.During lis early years .in Vhsdis- on Vhs eLockhart farm crostVe ioad: li cussng Vhe purclise op thetrCt hea worksd as labourer, Tw o 'glà sroflo DOylngS ftec4n I A conmphiiint w ec)edcucr- raLe àuxi-uLa'y pumiper for the timber, rond buiding and helped eýut 1 ersd by ier fine handjwork, 1 i g a dog b ing a c ild. A letter w s O o o File L D ear tm,-e n-, Vhs B oardf rig t-of- wva y for t Vle C .N . I ail wy l L eft o m u thVe deceased ar e vL" os Rc ýauthor-izef, to be wiitter, Vo hs w e dis à mwouli e aDistble Vo wa ü .orwhen i1V went througth in 1900 andd Cnrence Y. Duncan, Orono (Adelide asking tathe dog be tied up and a couiple of months ilu order chat a jol Mrs. Lornie Cnan, Garden Hill, (Hat- A mwa trds A t C om bines -reierin- y-l e -iie) Nitrs, V. Wilson, Grua, Aies ; trin o the b4n gveaig true picture of the finances of hseHes sered for over thirty years on M .H inbry otel diogs running iat large which Iinex-Board oudbe deteriaed. The sec- VsStetVn ,School Board. lie ih auiter , K . Ansery, pre<l ea e. hrda vnigo as sk n il um istane inthe Vllag of rono. j reary as ased V preare fr th bee a fanuerhaetmbegnansn, mriersaremoud eaegrndeiidrenami'markd theoffiiai eund-p fo Vhspubli. LaVie netmeeting hs e ceipts andI expend- plmntdner, and a store-keeper twet-w rn rneidrn esnfrte BwavleO oaot omn' la coaneetion wiVh sodwakS Cou-irrs for h Orono FireDepart- at diferent imes overc the years Te n eaL sereascntdCmineHceyCu. n u dre d ipay case ia atruction it Awas decided tint thre jrent Vu date. ft wns the feeling that Tefnrlsrr ,ý,scnatdCmieHce -lb n uPde walik along the soutli aide 9f Par-kian expenldltu1re of $ý584.00 for Vhs e lias been a mieniber of the La- by lier pastor, the Rev,. John -Kiichen nand fifty- attended a i-tosl, enioyable Bownv*beh.Bo 'Stret,ýbeidethebank shuldeoud trcw 1aeyeas 5che- dependent Order of ForesVers for 56 from i te Brl Funerai Parilours, banquetad <ance which was îeld ilaiBowanvifrlte raised. This portion of walk vhich is 1ulîe out if lins. t was etiasdtnta rL Orono.tVe Orono OdeiosHaIl.Dur'ng VuRoss 1Hawe greatly trnveiled ices over aud it -was over $600 lo ad alrndAy be pn u Mr. aad Mrs. Garsby were iarrietI banth, Wooangga nau liters m,'4ha- Vhs snng w te moa t iae olavyer etogisI the feeling of Vhe Board that VsIofVe. 0.0fr new equipmn, A ugust 19ý04 and will eelebrate band' ,-n a vou'ie ym, Th &ad,along witi esndto. s th~e cplayer Busine3ssmen of 1in jLordof awads whee presnsoi- terthedhesen 1,a ie fors raisig of hs wnk wasthe oly so-vrh-auling of tbe puipe a, I swtheir Si3rd wvediding- aaaiversary tis Ph-eaeswregndon fUe yes. h waksuaisatf ,iýoi-Anterscto f walK t9 "ha. al1-1 eareT,,j.,ere granThson---------ýe nora pesented tir LVfitPlpv imi., fou cilden1 &11.ves, %, L sh Jropnywas aïu prsltsn. 0tIS 1Lova.rnDon- conrrctedtVils yenr la along -thesisunparncr.'oli, i inan vLawa s~~t id.~fColhledik Strelat.frcm1 rIs.George I.uckhart. (Florenroe) alIDuncan!, OttaimaFred nGar- IMain Vo Ghur<lh Street. Bef orseany IlTrube esi v fVe-Mrs. Calvinýu ,Un o(rp f lFor,' 111 e Urn Gare 11,J la Vui t be duine ou ths wak hp urchLse f hs ulay pumpr Faes Fred and F ank ý>fS 'tt-atton Wilsoni, Paris, O nýtar'o, Allen Ranz- Wor, sr, ovpwteDOe-' -r' h ohitOoc n even grnndchiidren and Vbgra erry Montreai m:eet witlipersons concernied. A n"-wheh -ey fait wouid lbe an 555eV,ý -u-------- __ oei nsfo th e ber of repair jobs were aine inentioned s'eealy nnfigiig far irsofeigs rinVe eghur» r- to be dons thils year. The ce>nstriue ,>ion . Is i il o h rste ohveTln0agmr latives amifriends. ~of thre two wlks was estimlated '-'ths auxiiary puns-iper- purchasell laVe Tl-t Graenr S521.60. Ia epening tenders for Vie this sumnmer previavngSuada are nv <ostrUctioflof sidewalks a ire Vil-iabile. 1V was peiated o-.ut thsat an Displail Frî.. at aemi ie aa lug Ve rutes acetc Vs aceasing ,number of Tow,ý,nshîipprop- JsixTae >WeGrp est tender, $3,20 per square yard1, xia ae sig igedfolfrepr- veytin i aw l e inesfo 'uiit y 'ivr. Grdon Wnes eta rmVsOooFirce Depar- Veana rsatto fdnigThe Orono PeeWees asebaili eamr The Board authorized the z ninImntly zhs memibers of Vie Orono Sehool enter îlaV e hssw -gcfil Lakesho"Jre ,Df thes shooting gley oaBoiw- o acn. h lrn aga aMiner Leangue S)hedjule and take part niavile evove aa Psto CUb" On0 otionof S, 3. Rutie2rford and fag-e from ti res years inito their laVe with f iveo, erteni.This division foir Vie sureof $2.00 for oiusR .Foese Vh seetr wa Vssilore Vhs ca' for V-ils of Vthe Minr; aesoe-egu s oDnce a week. fyaief rueMeereomadn a-îa hae0ee orîemsetee The Ghirmtàri vas autorZ ed V l a l etefrVse-TeVait cr sVo b 15ea ain tVhs PeeWee diviin seek sures work osàlngSato fcen-aingadexmt nuihig f pîsb of colourina hs sttigf the ersetrd r rnNw Street hs yer byVthse, tcutrl :a.sta ge an "i i aryofgaoru1cate MLape roe Bwnvle 'Socîety o assist In batfigVsjcsue.T e eireno.i col otHp uCbug Tan A s ïeft h tre aenOa J~FredDncnihspstýme of eeks atIhave The OooPesshv supa ~ w - eplesig sd steraii"gsho, V hve a otnigg roupVostart "r 0jYM ark 5ÛU 'ears L>t Service h rormwiicnss t eplyfr h en .Tir rel 1i tap and 1m-usical oeeynuear o lclPeesregetaubro Theiconcert is be-in.g h in Vie tvwecnl 2 andI 25 borys hav.e bs un F or ntarj-o Far!n rs . 1 1 u1 iayan si- og ut for patcsand lsSatur-j ___________________rd______yMî, -I sudJune 1,t.daymrigae. IThie follow;iug -is 'Vhs PaeWe se-hed- Fifty yanrs ut srvceVuVh ari-ï,r utue t hse aig inqut .a dilae A speciae istorcal Cisndidates 'Speakwm nvlaNwcsi ers of On-itarro wil'libe rarksd l>o.;a a spelal program a t Vils year's Anr- rr utrl xeSio Vrug VsA l L. ua oedpea ~~ ua Coferance uvie4tninpat 0yars ) a e aVe AtDiaCIIsweCk PeGo~a~Bwen Branich ofthVe Ontario Dep)ai1trent o ,..grasnnfrVedirto ewatea otHop -AgicuIure. La addition o ail these of VeCtheae th or puigcnddtsfrJue8-Cbur VOoo -vserving iý i, hs ~ncnlarge 1 ist)rlr ef VtArclua Dra igi hs -er eîfderlJn 9-NwcsltMpsGroe imber ut former-memrbers fo Vie Representatime Servicený h Agi;culiturai srsn3atv Srie The Agr iutura Rersaaieo lusa 'e Iug LV eka Juei- cowmanileatPortHp have been r i. .sriel nal wnusbrhV icsokudrVsnouosi tJn 3-Gbugu ewcasl Visýitie-iv ( ,ý r 3 inpiaio at vsonofD. À i FrersvnonPr Hp auow. vil 27ti will featarsan dlt> s >y- .- jluewol 06otls Vspa oha onJms M. iea;D.Ju 7-Prt YHope-aà Maple Grume J. aggrt aadina 'eputy 7M inisVerTn1reirondr oHn.Nlo omnvîLîe atCobZ Vini m;Ens et C;at ent VuulRareenatv l Fonens i-e Wtl Ve oopraio u teTosSoia Cedt Vto MlcloJue 0 MpIroe t1ewas1 sonel- past ante esent, wDllUh -m rveVsithoeVeO tal e- Tepoiis tVh ierlgxea un 5- rn u w aril "o enaae eeitdVe amdsbtiLni2 s watl tConr ,armennofAgrcutur rhoug -1reTlya idîetyM1 aeïJu 2 î;peGr;, t ot oe j ', , UI p evceV h amr IL FrO isesi oug e wr: . Vlt xpaie Ve ne 7- apeGrv a Pr Hp TflOUgtt~~ lue Munros, etationed a11Mo rr isbug, A Y apcsu h gcutrlLn 9-Bwindea ra Du a Cut; ,S amra PriSupr rt nV h eaV tal uy1-Bwavlea al rv l»_111-n1 Vo do, sÏ-ithiu-1Vo loveA-1 sure hm Voiob fo. ~ voo laShnoe;F. C Hat at Git rie plns mmiar Vîse l us luJul 4 Necasls t B au111 Th la.3;ese tLiý fJf Watexloïo; pantI dA. c e ae t i ennie n",e. Z g tG M pl roe V t>o n2;(Centinued oV - - ge S>e si1ntinue -,D o ag [o oe aut o1 lengus champion club, BowmniLinvile-Dean W-est rsec( 0renuo. MnerchanVs of The BwavileOooCo aie nd sinn presideut, Dr. Ted Mann, was Vhe most points dul master of ceramenonies. Others at Vhe head table were Mrs. Mann, Mr. and TiheVma Mrs. Willianm .Arnmstrong, Mr and Vie dehielous t 1"rs. F'rank Jamnipson, BjuwÀnianvîlle; dan;uing was en Mî.andi Mrs. Hesper Dean, Vhsl Mayor Ransberry's or( f Bowmvnanville andI Mrs. Nelson, Os, hs..sti borne, Mr. and Mvrs. Ail> West, Bol> Ti, asth W tchairman of tVie Bwm ied ân Vilea cor'O -i mnageien conimiteeRe n John Kitchen, Oronro, and Ed Yon- e a enY oC, man, Pontypoel, Vhsguest speaker. iag -je 'Amnie The Lakeshore Lague Trophy wcas League chamvpi fressntsd by Danse Found, Orons o ejoint season, 'Unha-ppy -toýbacco rweswho q --e or o -a vantes a change la hs meticof ut Pr ecent mVi s[i a se":1n their crop htad their opp)or- pla d ovoe Vuniy V voe rcenty fr nnswTa Handle 1957 Crop sy.steýn ifut producer-coatrolle--cd nmarket- Tha ew Marketing Boaid ,vil1b'- ing, thus snig Vie rule ufthVe 23se up a"ýs1noua as possible niai À s ex-r yeanr oltI Otario Flue-cureà TobaccopeedVhasfcinl rgnql MreigBoard compr>sel ut grow- Vo hancHe Vils year's cyrup tiogh î; ,- ara and buyers. regular aeos cto-Ales Th oefor Durhnam C uay won WhiAetVe oM Iplangumranesd tr) iiIat Guuwhere 2 otdfor-a-, frnrfi ui change, and 16 Vo rema with Vhs a ei amrfr cltanua- ber ut acres of obacco allocated Vu voetakea at Castîtone ïaslare- jscîsme vwiîî ecourge ore tarinis cerse where fve voted for cage àau laboucir psand wlloperate Oi antI~~ 16agist mr comatîIvebsmdeas.o percen'ge utOntaoiitoi c o i nuronnc M n iiy Byrswr eprsea gruwn Vedonl Th ey mre 14 cas kdupb te ol& mur d ms Ac Vi-ieMe oI oeet C p-t10 amInm rVh f11c.ot ne te au rtd esseueun fries Vu Raturas FaourChangDer t ikep, ourjteu oa"eo goving diato- -aU1flfli Aial rr eè orrpusg nour ed and1me 92e per f cnntva. 'qU-ecto'e togi V imos ttrhee-e. s i. 'N 4 s 'N 'S s s s 'N r r 15 r 'N s p r dolomb6 âÉmmlhý V-1 16 ýv Imm

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