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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1957, p. 2

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WLM,1T 1 TIWRSDAY, MAY 3aoU¾ 19b7 ~4r. Jamespohited o T 'ýîss mntcSxing through with the differ- ,,re -it ~ucss. Take xbu wassecetdue thrýough tne transacticon. A -~an exauilpie, the price has been stab- 58 cent a pound level bas been main- ýt-wasdeceedthaft this seheâne was ernenent bought up and held the pri-Ce whiich works better than. parity i-tthe best foritfs country. A du-- by st6ring the surplus. When butteriprices. 4krnt approach was worked out in production was 1)w during the winter w4nto i#wfh the Federati<>n of the governuient then, placed the NEW PLAN Agriculture anid the Fariners' Union, ainournts held in ïtorage on the ebse nt e ptt rc Thsplan prevents stock 1bas thrýough ma-rket." p% yt which could f<ork effectu- uver production, or a reduced prie jypouc otli diargin. If a vrice drops the govern- This buying was donc through me -aiiy wing Etpreoduce co-nrol. on met steps in - rc spot and $200 million revolving fund. Mo e nt en pedaon ncn jgevefrts the items ini question received for, the sale of butter M'as nïethon with the dumping ofaicul *esnm beeoing a disastêr p4roduet, restored to this fund with the g-overu-_ He referred to irresponsible state- RE'S Dê0N E A. GOO1kD JOB! VOTE FOR x kf ou can depend on him to stay on the job to help you! He's proved it! vote Liberal O.ý.JUne ioth jE -EL!aE CT JOHNNYJ AMES Durham Liberal Association Dam muW1 Bring on the hills? An easy, easy pressure of the toe, and up you go ... the grade just doesn't exist that eau inake a '57 Chevrolet falter. Coine on in and sample the lift, the incredible liveliness, the big reserve of safety power that Chevy's super- efficient V's and 6 deliver! It's a wonderful feeling!1 But, then, nobody in the low-priced field builds such tireless and resource- flui engines. I i -tural surpluses fromx the Sctates. Hie! of you and would tbiink what waàs ]et on a cost plus basis." that auy dxiaýtic move to upset agri- I equnte return for their produce. Thfr. cultural trade m-ith the U.S. woùld I Js Our polie-Y. We will supportl~a resuit iu Canadian faruiers suffering. PRICE SUPPORT lation advocated by the farmers> or- The overail pOlicy 0< the Liberal "h Ccinservative party feels that ganivation. Amuits MusI be annr>u-- govennnient regard'ing imsmigration the dumping in Canada of surplus ced in advance eaeh season so w. , bas reached a new high. We ho¶pe àt U S agricultural produets is wrocng. programs eau ha adjusted W rieao wiIl be higher tlxis year. Imii-aiioni We believe in price support. Weal' In the United Kingdom theLau2 is one of the greatest helps to the know this cannot ba impliemented I government irxplenientted a fixeâ uIL farmii-ers because every new mouth W 'without the full co-operatiîon of the fgutâranteed price mnarket for BrtïsU, feed is a new opening for Ou~r Pro- faj mers and ýfarn .ýe ticeupport nmust farmers in .1947. Four yeuirs after- ducts from homi .e market. Industry he flexible. Our fariners are buying Jwards the London Economnist note&. is grow,-ng. kt provides wvages to buy in a protected market and selling in that this legislation had heen sces food ai theimore it expands, the bet- a free unaiket. They cannot con-rpete' fui? and stability had. been given t. ter it is for the farimers, jin this squeeze," .Dr. Vivian stated agriculture. Mr. Jaýmes also spokle of Faiinily j "The fariners are the backbone of The 00F will promo-cte a Lhet1tr, Allowances, Old Ae Pnsin0 c Canad. If the Progressive-Conser-' a <lf hoghgvr!leta± easPensions, designed to put, vatives wi the election we w1 ae o o arnes aeeres money in poekets where needed, Idum-ping sto'pped, Canada for Cn businessmen, houscowives, chit4reu-, DR. R. p VIVIAN adians, a fair and flexible price sup- h ik h iahe n h In DR. R P VVIANport. Wýe %ill. develop export miarkets. Dr. Vivian, the Progrcssive-Con-1 We 'will sec that farne lads acquireý KENNETH TOMS servative candidate wvas the next farmni id." Kennieth Tomis, the- Sojcial Credýt 3peaike.poiyfo(-rc~'tit candidate, said that Vhis meeitigu, ha djjeekped g fr aual oethe RNS DNT-sponîsored by the FarmersC' Unio,ja has e,ýelop(I radullyoverthe ERNET DNT -CCF was a fine exanmple of democracy a-, uyears. H1e charged, tha.t agriulture "The g-reatest g-ood for the graes ts best. 11e described the formatiia- had mnet with uces in r'"eet year., numnber is the purpose of legisiation and eperation of Social Credit groups_. :nsieo the Liberal governmerint, iii the belief of the CCF, Ens i tl flvn i rts ouii n-ot because Of i t. Dnt1CP andidt blind m eing amazed by the acconipflish- riculture is the greatest issue of this mients of the Social Credit gvrr Dr. Vivian explainel that miuch Of election. Ttit must be returned to its ettee i his Port Hope medical practice a' propei place as one of Canadla's "n rural areais where patients; dis- greatest industries." "Social Credit believes the, fariner- ucussed the problein of "makiag a deserves a fair wagçe. The f are- dollar and keeping, somne of it". "Tt fidfills a vital need. Food > isi- should have the same protection sa 1portant. You mîusit have a decent the working mian. Parners d j ainiers have told hhiii e saî.d,standard of livingo hefn CP aeunmlyietis1ac b that they cannolt make eouht'--ive fanmers prie sul)port. aiyfamr.Adequate markets imust be J make it wox'thwýhile for their souns to, policies and progranis are design7ted Vo) provided. There should be isrua ay on the farn. WhaV can We do, prices, fixed in - uaranteed prices, for farm baoses. The'Social Crcedik. t epourselves in this f ield? Par-I and other termis, are confusing. The pa-ty will comie to grips withfas J mers receive only 17 per cent of the'issue can be lost in the interpretation. pjroblemes" national incomie. When I wvas firs-t Farniers kinow about pice support noV b oniore(d by Durhamn by being elected ser'ving the purpose. McKenzin Kin.- "We believe food and gouod will arce- a provincial represenitative I was the stated, 'If farimfers are asked for ceil- the keys te world peace. Wlhen a Sc Jfirst Conservative Vto geV in f rom dthe lng prices during wvartinie, they are ial Credit goverinent is elected thex,ýý oLiberal strýonghiold of Port Hope. 1 eiititled to, floor prices after the' will ha 01<1 Age pensions of $100 asý ei stated then thiat 1 would rpeetail There was no ceiling on mjanujfajctured for farmiers, protection against dlulylp'- _________________________products in industî'y. Contr»acts wvere (continueà on page .1) ORNO0'iI Plumbing Fixl Y8HOP~ tures Accessories and Repaire Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning, B.-H. Paints & Varnishes 1R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phome 11816 Orono, Ont. U j Vigor QlC .Ltd. Stevre UN 2-1epis per gai Fuel QI 171 6 cents pe gai Fer Doliv.ry Phl --OfflAWA RA. &4tM tw *1W iÏ ptwm mi 1-- - s ' N.v~, Omar-,

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