- - y,, D' l&eoyl 1"0JA s gow Aeu S s b RE Ny VeBRHDYPRY HEINZ Kewtchup ýýâij lj in iloz2z.for 45C oRoNo CREAMERY Butter first Grade, CATELIS COOKED Spaghetti 28 oz Vegetable Soup 28 oz tin lZEDPATH Cranulated Sugar OGILjjVIE, WHIITE OR C-HOCOLATE Cake Mix 3 pkgsý STOKELY'S "ONVPOD'" Peas 15 oztUns tUE RIVE Corn Syrup 2 lb - EXIP Jave 32oz z lIb 61c 2he 2 for 37c'; 5 lb bag 58C 10 16 bag $115i 95sc 3for 49cý 23c Others Cream CornP.20 oz3 f Or 4 9 ci 5hrèdded Wheat 2 pkgs 3%51 T-he- Difference Between A and EB shows How ý-You iSaNe at A-OrPieTta oa fOhr Red and WhiteA- irPiý oa oiofOhs aRed & White Ptire Peanut Butter, 6 oz. jar ..-29e R & W ange Pekoe Tea Bags, 10e Off, 65 bags 59e Anniversar R &.W, Evaporated Mlilk, 16 oz. tait tin, 3 for . 41c ,--W Toilet Tissue - Super' Soft 2 for ...25 SR P EC A L R WInstant Coff eCe2 oz jar ...49e &, M7, off - Freshly Ground, Ib.....87 Premitm QuNai MeatS Fruits & Vegetables MEATY Exra Juicy - California - Sunkst MEATYORANGES Iagge 5ize dOZ 7290 Ro39C WTE.LO ach q99 LEHVIP, are iz CTET1 PA'ýLM GARDEN, SELECT U,ýJT lb 43c OXATOES cele pkcv 250 ï - -. ,-1 b- a 9 6 OZ 29c CUCUMBERS *ach 210 NUTRITIOUS - TASTY COLE SLAW 8 oz pkg 15o NEFR-ESH, PRN CARROTS 2ô oz. cello 2 for 2ge Cornish's Red & White Ocon-> )ntarie THnuRDAY, MA&Y 3otâ, i957_______ 4 DuJrham Canidates (Continued fr>m page 2) ito y i month. There will be long tÀerra Juan1si in, elainut;"ii benefits tas- THURS. fered ron on jo toanother, iý anational heaith plan, like the onzes EC nwin oeaii r EXCELum~i and A!berta. CUMMBI S fs. GUYMADISON FEUIAFARR Orono Wrns KATHRY N GR ODener -- i Il 8-WIRE WOVEN FARMN FENCE BUY CANADA CEMENT 1%25.AR D .2SB5 GDeliveimed ~RoIPbHaerdware e i I BY PEOPLE A C NRYis n ade b isreouss u forle th-Iere were anypele 0-t istepolfCanad wo av made t'his coun-try bo, their courage, in -tY, itli zgence and thrift. Canadla can maintainisoiin in th,,e world onlyý, through tecotnudw r anddevotion of its cit-izens. Posessonof hemostabidnnauare THE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITID MONTREAL GAYANOOIE HAMILTON BRANTFOIRD Ilit MnADE Dutch Lunch - Shjell S ALAMI LB 69c Cluib stairted their season of play l the Oro)no Pýark on Tuesday evnLrigO o)f this week when they mieet v,,th the entry fo Port Hope. Playing monst of the regulars of jas t year the local club canme up with a 4-1win. pver the Port Hope club. The locala 1 should rie power a.t the plate and fýor the first gamne of the sealsonsow1 ed plenty of f oni-.I John 'Mallett -was the starin,-g piteh er for Orono and pitchedî the first five innings being relieved b'Y Xih1 West. Keillh di.splayed lun this gm plenty of speed, mo(reý than that Cof l'ast year. Jolhn Setier in 'hisusa formu helci the foÈt behind the hm plate. Don -Mercer ad arr-a-nCorh were the 'big 'hitters of thegae Don Mereer hitting. a tr,:ilescrdtÔ of the four* runs for Orono. Hjom'egameisofte roone- ~ndaeBasebail teainill H pae tePark aev opa. evening Accident On Righway 115 Takes One Life1 Onr e »rzon wa stat~ iId -rm a heap of rubble whch tun o tme -,as -a late model Car e- arLy f Thursday norning on Higehway11 south of Tricky's corner at the ver head railw-ay bridge. A secondt pe-ro in the car,. eseaped death iiteac- cident xwhichinovdatnsptad the aiutomrrobi'e. 44 '4 '4 '4 -4 i s s e 44 N s s 4' '4 4 44 s 4> s . .............................. ýý : 1 s s 44 44 4' '4 '4 4' s s N r s -t 44 -4 44 '4 4 '4 '4 44 a 'l' 8 ÏORONTO À YÀ