h 4 -~ 4 4 4441 J I 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 s- 4 44 i I ~1 4 4 * I A 4 t, 4 t 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 I .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 t] 4 e v41 ~ 4 4 4 4 4 v 4j I J 4 4 4 4 4 fi '4 il 4 t 4 I 4 4J<4 4 f -i 4 441 Il 'I f J ~1 f f 4- i J f 't OEGfiNO WMILY TINES THIRSr wi o IYÈN t§01 1 Uv CUDNEY PEACHES PRIOR'S Raspberry Jam F;A FAN CY Ap ple Sauce YORK CHIIOC,U Leans Crust Mix *~~5 ?NI~ Swift's PREM 20oGz Àma Tin- & , 24 oz Jar 39c Ti ns my pkg 19C 31C Veat Le%-Cg 'DC Pork Tenderloin lb 89c glï Pork Liver thinlysliced lb 25cg (TABLERITE SLICED LOAFg Macaronmi & Cheese 6 oz pkg 25c g- Tablerite Mlinced Ham 8 oz pkg 27Cg WITII FREE $2.5LlBO USBOOSTER" TAPE g gTabïk--riÉe -Pure Pork Sausage lb 59C HEINZ KLetchup il oz btl 2 for 45C IGA - PLUS DEPO)SIT Gingez Ale Ige btl 2 for 25C ASSORTED PLAVOURS, DRINK ÏMIXES Koel Ald 5for 29e INSTANT POWDER MILKO 12 oz tin 43c SKIM MILK 1 lb tin 37c B CANTALOU PESAh e E -t'y Bite Flavô-ur,2godg 44De1ight Rich 2 sîeze 29 Gý ( ORA SPRI-NG-TIME L,11TG 'VT'DATOES 9firmn fresh ..ll. tube 25 Z NO IRSVL E W,- ~ VLNCA~a 9 lu poy bp 51- G NTRIIOU &ECONOMICAL G MclNTOLkH A Pb olb bag 35,c- OFRISCO BRA-ND), WASHIED AN TRIMMED SPUAC ~2 cello tubes 35C 1 QWTIFREE Q2.50 "BO1NUTS" TAPEL, CU DNEY7 'CHI ,E Tomatoes WýITH FREE $5.0 "BOiNUS" TAPE JOHSO'SSUPER H ard GI-18ss WITH llFREE RWNIOOD llfREGULAR 5 Allsweet WIT(H FREE$.0 C olgate Fish & Cai-kps 20 2oz 43e qt tin 99c ",BONUS" TAPE Margarine lb 35C -BON iS-" TAPE giant tube 59c FRZOZEN FOODS 24oz 55c pkg & TURKEY, CHICKEN, BEEF -Morton >8 Ples 0-*3 f or 85C You Save Twe Ways At IGA! Low F%-od Ptlees An4 NOGCA WITH IGA CASH RECEI' Most IGA Custoiers are already enjoying Free Bol TAPES with special weekly Food Featuires, aad c4aimi Fooil Store, and ask for the big, new, Free Gift Catalo ber of the famiy. Compare IGA food guality and price: LSN REQUIRED IPTS AND "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPES nus Gifts for IGA cashreip. Now yon éan get extra BONUS BOOSTER Your Bonlus Gifts twjce as fast at no extra cost. Shop -at your ilearestIA lgue with pages and pages of beautif ni, costly g-ifts suitable for, every mem- es, and be sure you get your Bonuis Booster Tapes with IGA weeklyfatrs -~ ~ - - - - -- by Carol Yeo The log aate moent was 1heîr Mhe urs ee adthe- nam,ýs were ail!hcedadfînally eee off. Yes, ever \oný in 0.H1.S. had bel", talikiinig and plnnngte tnîp for- wveeks and fiýnai1y th-e big mment had,1 arnivedc. It was the 24thi of -May andq Ul te two bljg obuS~s'-ý)ade2d ',th smil- iag, hppy stdentslumlbl redthug Orono, m'any of lihe asSen1geLîs sniil- ed2, as theyr thought of tlie (classes th ol1d be 'missi.,g nd the2 fun t11ey would be havinig on this the O.H.S. annmual school trîp. The first s1toppfing place on our a- geïnda waýs Vo Bell Telephone Com- plany loctedc( at 7,6 Adelaide St. W., Toonowerýe we ruceiv-ed a hearity [welcome from M-ir. Carr one of the. leading staff meiiber. W e werýe divided into giroups with ten pupiis ass4gned tLo each guide. The fiiist part of our tour of the builing -,was where the girjls jobs wvere explainedi andl we saw how busy one person couid be with the comipiaints of two thousand customners to listen to. We then travelled by elevator to the long dfistance olifice. As wve walk- ed around the room and listened Vo our guide's explanutions, we wer'e re- minded of school, for- this Comipany heleives tihat a job miust be doue swiftty an~d correctily o please the customer, and, they proved this motto by showius some students at a ttainiâg switchboar-d with their, capa1 ble iinctr.Aote uter- e,,ting and *bliinp fact a7bouLt this Ooiayis that in thtle long dsac romthey have ila mahine Nwi'ch cLy V o the hotel. A lrg replca et' adf:a1t1 ehn wa hnenicounr d bJ ilie tudet rec~ daliugproceure". "We then weut1 te th main faine ud a guide ex-ý p)lined (1thedierntiesa sc ton, ow the icity is ;divided, xhat hap h'«i!I(Iý 1en yoý'u dial1, and Ltee pro- tection usd gainstu firýe. (Ian you inagine whait the buruing of 1 mi frame ould do Vo the lives; of a i thuadtelephioneones The mainteniance centr'e where the Tl,ýtn outafit is and the Radio Rellay T.rgaswr the last part of our touri, Ot one 'cloc(k we ýail filed to the Bell Cafeteia adis îýcussed al te uew thinigs we had learued whilel enjoying the fr-(ee uncheon anudex- amined phmpesitibuteýd by this The buses er again ýUUn travel- lîU lng toghl the busyý str-eets as we journied tL e eUniversity of Tor-1 Waýtt beingi at rauaesshowe,-d!, us arndi(. Thie Imperial Oil Build- ýing was tihe next stop on our itiner- ary Wh 'hhad heen handed out pre-~ \ ously, and i 15 plipils peir guide we, were sýoon w\hizzing to the 20thi forWelooked out over Toronto ani)( theni started down by foot. I'm suýrce everyone agieed it was xorth the wýalk to see, the beautiful rootuse tis ew building which 15 altliougk not thie tallest building the hig-he-s spot ini Toroto. While tourinig the buiilding an abs tact painting of Can- ada symbolizing hier industries was- p)re-ssive p Iart of tis prograin was e. view\edi and the final and very in- description of the large 2-wali miural at the entrance (Df the building. Thet, mural depiets the history of oil an&. (continued on page 5) wTCise 1 folk get~ inost, /1 735 Parliament Bldgs. Torontc> Send literature to Post O)ffce. ______________ Ontario Departmen of ravei 2& Eublicty Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart 'ke ENJOY MOVIES UCNI4ER THE STARS jNORTH ®r 0F HIG 4Ay "7th CAVAIRl With Randtolph 'cott and Barbara Hale'- Next Mon., Tu'ý The Big TechnicolorJ "BHIGH SOnCIEIY" j/ JURMISS BROOKS" 4 WithtEeAre n GALE GORDON Id., Aduit Entertainment Iit-Coniedy withMui Wi"th BING CROSBY, GRÂCE KELLY and FRANK SIN.ATRA 4 v LOHS. WEE4KLY REPORT Varsity Tour, LnhA & eeh C. R.C Sti udiecSysrprView 1