Dean Anne Hirst: 1 arn almost, beside mysel!! My nmothen brôughtý up under the rigid con- trol of hler parents, and now they are tryinig ta rua my l! e for m-e. They don"t like m-y boy friend because 1I-met him in, camnp and bis people live acrSss 4*le çounitny. (H1eis stationed iiearby unitil he salis for ser- vice abn-)rad.) "'They inist my mother mnake me follow the silliest ruies! I'm ncearly 18, but I've got no Say in the bouns *I keep. Mothen says I xnust be ia by 11:30, even on week--endýs, and if 'm no0t she t -osa scene ri.ght la front of hlm; you) know no nice,- boy ,ïs goinig ta stand that long. Why can't 1 be as free as 0other girls my age? 111 coulci handle nly mother ail ri gt, for, e g et lang fine until her family steps in.ý But this time I'mo standing oni miy nijgbts. We waat to get married befene lhe leaves, and tboughc Ild be willing ta wvait, l'mi afraid M'I lose hlm if I1 say se, 1He is, a decent cbap -,,ho 15 liked byF ajil my Xiends and their par- ents, and l'mn wild about him. ,,Besides, if ve get marrîed, m-y granidparents would haive tol stop thein Interference. BARBARAe' 1 Idoubt that you cold i n- fluence yaun mothen an this A*i-matter., She bias nat mlet your * rienjd1sý famiiy (which every *parent wantýs ta dô) and even *ý you- do not know whethen he *has wnritten them he is en)- *gaged. Thiey could very nea- Ssona!bly abject to hi's marr- Sing anybody bef are he lias3 *begua tlhe careen be plans Safter bis service en1ds. *What is ciefly botheringê *yaut,trIm afraid, is that you *are being made ta obey. Youý * eek mranriage as the ane *escape from discipline, î ex- *pect. There you are wran. *Discipine is ane af the essen- *tiai pl9nks ln the mrranniageý. 'platfornm, and when it bas, to be self -admrýin-istened A pre- sents a hazard which yau have Needle 9P1ainting 1 Display your artistry wt aiïeedie and thnead! It's rca]ly easy; mainhy autline ai-d single stitcb used for this lovely pan.el ----donc la giowing, truc peacjck ýoIors! Pattera 777: Transfer o! pic- tur 1319%indhes. Cohour chant i1r. easy, fun ta0 folîow. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannat le accepted,, use postal note for Safcty) fn thls pattera ta Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eigbteenth St., New Tan- Onto, Ont. Pint plairly PAT- TER.N NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Two 1FREBe Patterais as aý gift ta aur ,xeaders-pririted ight Ila àaur NEW Laura Wheeler Ncedhe- ýcrft Book for 1957! Dazens o', -other new desigask you.'Il want to ordcr--easy, fascinating hand- wark fon yaursel!, your homie. Be sure ta send 2,5 cents for yaur top-y o! this &book nQw-dorn't tlm ài *not neaiized. When a girl mar- * res she pledges tô try ýtoaca- *just herseif ta ber husband'sq * way of thinking and living; in your ipresea-t emotional- sýtate you,, are nebellhing against m -aking any adjustmrents ta * anybody. Perhaps you do not ka0w that in your province you can- *not marry -without your m-o- *tber's consent until you are 21. SIt vill promote yaur cause --if *youj relax now, and cbeerfuily *,wait unitil youïr soidier camies *homre. If you keep on rebeliing *ançi brea'king rules, your mno- then and youi-grandpareuts * will only put on more Pres- "sure;.they couid make it imi- * possible for ýyou ta. sec hlma *again, you know. Tcll yaunr soidier that if he *heips yau ta do as your mo1-~ *ther asks (inistead a! encour- * ging. outa disobey lier * ules), he will double ti *chance-s for lier approval ta *mairy you Inter. Such an ap- Spe l ~il test bis character; if *lie is ail you, he wl *co-operate -- wbch will end *this futile contraversy and *make cveryane bappier. Think *it aven.. WVORRY IS DESTRUCTIVE "Dean. Anne ïirst: 1I arncon- stantiy an ecige. 1 ain. one o! a lref amiiy, ail of wý,hom are very close and dean ta anc an- other, but there aiways' scecms ta beý trouble somewhere! A brothcr's daughten has an acci- dent, or a niece is taken il), Eveny time the telephonie rings I expcct bad news It iS cttiag1 me doWAn, "Is there an1y cure for this? A'F4RAID." O-ne of the most devastating *habits iswarng As we look *back,ý f though, we sec bOW mu much energy we havecx * ddin aaticipain- Ug trou- *bles thiat ni e v c r occurred. *There is as somcething ta ' et 1us down if Vwe let it. *E-veny time m-isfotune bas ~attackcd your family yau bave *met it ably and given what aid *oucauld Yaou Ra]ways wii. *Why drain strength by fean- *ing anytbîng? Wc can meet *whateven cames, so i1sn't it *fooiish to get ail upset bef are- *hand? *Faitb la yaurself îis essential, *and strnctb comies as it ls *requircd. Cutîvate sencnity *an d you wîll achieve t *Knowý1eldge is -power, yau knaýw younself ta be able ta stcp n *when heip Is needed so face *each dayv ,itli confid-ence. It *1 is aIl >ai'mtter o!, * nd as youpractice yuwil *succeed iia staying tranqu-il. If your opinions cl eash with your mother's, tell Anne Hirst, aboutý it. She cein exp jain wby parents feel as they do, and bielp youz maintain harmrony in the faiiy. Address ber at. Box 1,-1 23 Elggteenth St., New Tor- onito, Ot. Odds and Ends There is a delicate dividing uine bctween DRESSING W-ELL AND OVER-DRESSING. A f a- shiont expert say-,s: ",cet comr- pietcly dnressed ta go out, tIen look at yoursclf carefu.lly and remove at least ancem. Don't plan a WEDDINt AT HOMVE unless you can be sure of 5 -unclttered -qure feet of space pen uet For added ZEST TO BAKED EGGS, line tb.e bakiag dishes or, miutIla pans with 1 on 2 suces of par-tial-ly-cooked bacon. Oi buttErnng t-he panis. ROLL YOUR P'ASTRY on a sheet of qujitcd aluminuin foi], -- arid baet on tIc same shoot too, This eliminates depan- up work, catche-s any bard-to- sco-un boilovers and gives your bakinig "niew pan" effcctivencss AN VE 41 R s'Ir1 "Whieh I viit deariîe hýuee aiwaYs u. ag-e that taught ber ta be Self- suflcient and ta mnake thie best of hier enviroament, but gave ber very ittie happiness. The death of Mortensen also changed thnings eýntirely for bis family ini Norway. Their financiali position dleterîorated and, in the spnin-lg of 1936, the children wevre moved ta Denmiank. Thene Malene met and, ini th& olwigyear, -married Hans Christian Nielson. "My husband and 1 are f anm- iing pe-ople-," she cxplaincd. "Wei -worký hard, but we have a good, ful Illfe, a comfiortable incoume and aie very happy." MâIrlene's friends and, neigli- bours la the smiall mnilitary tawn of Hî-olbaelç, thirty miles fromi Cop)enhageýn, pay littie attention ta the fact that she is the sister of the glamonousMaiy Mon- roe They 1ilke this neatly dness- cd. frlendly woaanwha lives in a charming, comfnýotable, ma- derp home, wb,7idh sbe runs ,vith mnodel effîýiency. Marlene Nie!so)n saýys very flimly that, she bas neyer wanted ta ga ta the United States;, even- ta visit henr f-amous sister, be- cuse she feels that Denaark "is 9a mare st;able and ratianal place to hive in." 11cr aonlyý, bro- ther is happliy settled lai Ton- onito, Canada. Perhaîps ane, day Mr. and iMn'-. Arthur Miller will iuc ndl disgwi,.ýsing thenselves as ue ordînary fouarists and wil! win-u age ta pay a private -visit to the iess.Thiey'd enJoùy it, for Af wouid seemn, f-romr Malene'a expenience, that Denmairh- le, 1 courtry vwhere even ariyi Monroe cauld walk around wlith- out, beinrg besie-ged by gaping si-ghtseers- -and yet ha wci- cam-e with nndnes-nm Marilyn Monroe' s Haif-Sister Not long ago a littie boy of seve'n took home somne photo- graphs'af Marilyn Monroe. His mother looked at themn with% more than orïdinary interest, then spaid, emphaticailly, "I sho'uld sa muciijli like to rneet her." A natural enough desire, for 38-year..old Mrs. Olava Marlene Nielson is Marilyn's haif-sister. Althoughi so closeiy related, the lives of the two women coid hardly lbe mnore different. Marilyn Monroe, glamiorous, rich, famous, talenited, is the most fêted, admk-ired and publi- cized actress in the wýorld today, Mrs. Nielson, the w,,if e of a Danish baker, miother of four fine sons, is a qutietly,-spoken womnan who shuns publicity of any kind, !ives in a pleasaint farmnhouse near Copenhagen, and bas neyer ieven seen her glamnor- aus sister. on or off the screen., At this, one of the very few inter-viéwvs she has ever granted, Marlene _Nielson showed the only photog-raphis she possessed of Marilyn, and explained that only recenltlyý had she reaiized the success Marilyri had achleved. Talking through an interpreter for she speaiks nio English, Maýr- lene Nielison, saîdÀ how distressed she ha)d been by Marlyn's pre- vidus unhàýappy Jf e an d mar- niages. She. had neyer doubted, thou,-gh-, that Marilynvi was trying výery hard ta find a happy homne and she was delighted ta hrear of her idyllie ma.rriagep to Arthur Marlleeneembers ber fathen uItecearly, though he died trag-ically and while still quite- 11ungin accrash when v.sat- ing the Uniited States to studyý th e possibilties ofemgai. Hians Mortensen was a Non- wvegian farmier of high standing and a leading itizen of Hauge- sand. Mvalene descniib)eshkiim as "ýa God-fecaring, forthright m-ran," who wýas devoted to her monther. Marilyn Mý,onroe,, his lîttle daughter born in Anirca, was only a, baby when hie dîed. And for her bis death imeant the be- ginning of a series of foster hoewith a spp]la an orphan- ev~tottr~eP. Ctôr~ke For the past week Partner it lookcd as if we we're gaiag and I1 h-ave been making daily ta have an canly spring. Frasty trips f rom Haifwayý flouse ta Jnigfit s soon dispeiied that idea. Gingeýýr Farm, gathering up more i lhope no anc had geraniumns of oun belongings each day, stilil or summer annuals planitcd t sartinig, disc'ding aad-burnng. Apparcntiy the aId adiage stili Even at that 1. know we arc bolds good--wait until a! ter tIce keeping f ar more stuif than we 24th o! MAay. That can be doncý snouhd. f knaw, tao, that it1 withi boxcd plants but wîat won't lec very long- before wc, about fruit blassom-s aven wbicb shall want somcethiag on otheri we have no contrai. The warmn tlat bas been destroyed. Tt ai-1 sun cncounaged buds tao swel ways happens tbat way, doesn't and now if Jack Frost bas donc it? aypraetdamage weCcani Ta oun sorrow . he powo ad cxpect a ligblt fruit crap -- -nd fanm is beg;ianing tLo look ne- tInt ihlne just too bad for glected alneady. The grass needs grawers and consumers alik e. cuttiag and swceet racket las But at the moment I am mare practicaiiy taken aven the-fiaw- coacerncd about the 10w pnice er beds. Sweet racket, a favor- o! eggs. For about ten wceks thc ite with bummiring-binds, is a pnice las remaîned statie - 35 ioveiy swect-scented percennial cents ta shippens fan grade A but I suppose it should be cias- Large. This time last year the sed as a weed Ïbecause o! the ipnice was 43 cnsadthat 18 way it spreadjs. Cuttin-lg it down as iow as it sboufld be if there ds'tdo any good. The only is to be any m-argin of profit. way ta keep it under control for thc- pouitry f armner, Since is pull it up by the roots--and we shal soon lep buying cggs I if thene is nio anc araund ta suppose we shauld le glad. But puill t, wbat then? we arc riot, Lcavîng the f armn Every day Partner and I have does't mean lýosin.g sigît o! the taken th eectric kettle and a farmer's vi*ewpointý. Wc raised luc1 in ib swe eg chickcnis, soid eggs, kept caws ta the f arm and tlien about four anshpdmlkfrto ay a dlock we sit down ta a, mast years for uis Cver to for-get. iacnguosaf.0oo1eaTa Probably it is a lcase a! once a mae laransaid sîlver teapot, farmer aliways a farm-er. Per - cups 'witnouthad ile tand aur aps that is why I fnd it bard table is a smnali homlremade a!- ta rememrber tai put th-e mîlk ffihat was farm-eriy tused, fist bottles out at niglt. And if I as a stand ta wash tbe crearni fanrget I can't say ta -Paýtiner - sýeparatar aad later thec milking "You migît bning niie a can a! machine. We little thought its rilik from thc baran gt. fi-nal purpose wol be taý act And I wouldn'tl have tao put as a table for afternooaa tea, dur- tokens la the canri ther! InFhelSt dqyS C OLaur cu-- Ah wdll, this transition per- pancy a! thc farm. Tea aven, vwe lad is bouvid ta be a littie diffi- ,work until aftcr five and theri cult. We Can't cxpect anything we head fan 'home. But al 15 else. Na doulot as tb7vweeks go nat ;NTr-1 at home ither. The, by wc shaîl probably get a bet- televisïan bas gaone temnpera- ter perspective 'o! tIce advaa- mental. Samyetimes a î picture tares and disadvantages result- caes ote 1 U-s-eeca aDàsaie- Lng fnam he move we -have nmade, times it'cLesn't. My watch je Alre-ady we havre fôouad out tjiat alîsa. pratestig agaiast the evea we, have very nice eigîhboun. tenuore o! ts Ilife beiag disturb- On anc side o! us a yôufig Scot- cd anid so refuses ta function. t s,i couple wha are expectiag But a)ur major problem b as ,their firstý baby în three weeks. been Rus-ty . e thoug01t wc On tIc athen side a Pailish ex- cudkcep hlmr but that doesn't farmen, bis wif c and _itI girl Se em p ýossible. There sem ta They spend evcy spare miynute "b e a dga vrylo. Dg latheinrden Teyarc veny that have béeca eltraiacd fra'ýin !iendly anid hlfu Rigît a, p- puppyhood ta stay wîtbia poisitE, thene is a dactair and lis 5bôunîids. On the f arn Rusty famil1y, He bas anl office at the stayed wiithin baunda to-bt ouse. Quite a comfotiag bhis boadary çvas a bundneýd thaught ta 'know there is a doc- aqcre. cc & ele -Lloose t'on se0 hndy, Baek a! us lis an hef ruas ike a deer, so h. la tîed amataeur gardene-r sa we shail up more than he sîoiruild le. Our have the joy of seý-ing beautifui neighbour tels us tînt he how1rs flowcrs wiîthout laakiag a! ter niost of tic turne wb.n -wo are them. Which is juste as weilî or awy t thefarm. Under Suai ths c 2 S jjur 4gardeo hand codiiosta keep Rusty viculd does't lok toc. promlisin.g. But hea, lasureUiher to us no)r tîcre are-,plenty o! Young asi ta lm And Sc tbIý1eAfternoon trees plus plun and bakbr -we are t'aking Rusty ta a neýW aloag tic fecnce so we shah, at hmoe - 8svery lovely haine lathave a ;ýlittie shade and w,,herc he wiU have not OflC but grccaery, ýesPeCiRUy es just lc- two huadred acre'es!tù rua anround yo>n4 th* trees there ig agoplf Lna an aDaata n ppy ta course with aie gre s rs play wlth. 1 eer saw WL-1i> I rnost peýOPIe have been worrying about tie cool weathcn. For several days ISSVU - 1957 Modern Etiquette, by Roberta Lee Q.When should one ip the porter on a train-at the begin- ning, during, or at the end 01 the journey? A.* At the end of the journefy. Q. Is it ail right, when enter- taining dinner guests, to use a folded napkin to brush crumbs5 off the table? A. This is quite all riglit. Q. Whien the first course at a dinner party is crabmeat, served either i a tomato or o)n a let- tuce leaf, is the correct impIe- ment to use a salad fork or an oyster fork? A. An oyster fork is Lsed if the crabmeat is served inaa cocktail glass, and a salad fork is used if it is served oni a plate. Loveliest Lines! PRINTED PATTERN 4792 The "miefiis' new Printed Pattern, 1ashions Lte very loveliest. linos for your -Figure! Gracefuil dress with scoop neck, high empire bodice,, smoothI Aite and flaring, silhouette. Little aira-and pemrf ect caoverup! Printed Pattera 4792,7 iVssesF' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 13, 20. Siz* 16 drcss, baiera 4l% yards 3,5- Printed dfirections on each pat- ted part. Easie-r, (laster, aci-. ate. Send FORTY VENTS (400> (stamùps cannat be accepted, us* ipostal note for safety> flor this. pattern. Please prirtpliy SIZE, NAMNE, ADDRESS, STYI* Send orden tô ANNE- ADAM% Box 1, 123 Eigbteenth St., New' Tono)ntô, Ont. r rf r- r- r r r r r r r K r r r- r r- r r 4 r r r K r r '-r r r r r K 1' r r r r r r r r K r 4 r BLONDE FATE - Jan Sterinq sgyt lh. fpte f ail MallYw J, ý,Iondes - xcept ýrace kellïy - z tu b. cat '-b bad-girl rolet. Jan's graduated în her la**e fflm, "Saughter on Tenth Av*- nue'- - ah'. ploy3a onex-bad LITHE AND LOVELY -- Beauty like thiis doesn't growv on trees, but this shcsdy ock :n ci ptrk mnakes a perfect senting for beatiful Susan Harrison, who's on. ber way ta Hollywood stairdom-. A native of the Bronx, the former woitress has o astorf raie in movie "Sweet SmeII of Suiccess'