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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1957, p. 8

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E- THURSDAY. MAY 3Uth, 1957 oooWNEKLYTUl ORONOWEEKLY TIMES a- ~eodCas Mail. Post 0f fiee De artmeint. Ottawa I~u 'e. .A. Forreqiter Publisher. R. CQ Forester Day 0f Decision Thre dry of decision, Jue lUth, is but eïeven days away, a day xhnc:ti7ens of this great ctountry of ours have a cherishe-d duty to, pefonin - -- thW of electng a goveraing bodly for the next four yeurs for Canada. Locaiiy there auinber o)ver 2Q,000~ voteis in Dur-hai County ýwich is an incr-ease of 1«0 voters since the last Federal election. Less tiar haif the votis of the Durham riding voted in the last FedeJt ai eleàitioni whichi is a deplorable condition i a demnocratie oucurtry. It bas been estalished that one third of the couintries voters do0 not casrt their ballot aid Durhami riding ils even belowv this mýark waicjh is c(onsidered a rýevl>,ia)g condition. Lr Durhami we have for this election four cndi]dates represen- tiag four national parties thus g ,iing thce eletors a wide lcoice of rnen a nd 1 1esiraThe choicefor the actiebeecor rests between the LIbera, Coaervative, Linoperatixe Commnonelh Federatrion or Socil;(3îeit party w ,t e c r.îg capale canidates in the loal camqupigo. {owvr if over hauf thevotuis do rot exece tdirsfran- c- L ten gl at enI is berg lost inla a rprrttixe chuie and is etaing a pattrn and trend which could esilybecomi a d(tri- 1ruent ";-ac i lI ICM t L thsafty aid securîy of Our couty wiad ids pqopl.Tre responibhlty to cast a -ballot rests -wth every- one and tis rsosiiiyensures otur most cherished freedoros u1hcne in Canada havie, oe the past, been favoured with. May it beo'ta vey nl a rhami and throughout the coua- try accopt their responsibiiDties on June lUth for their owa%- interests and for the ensuing that Canada remains a nation of freeon--an island o-f peace. BalI Interests Many With sinumier corenes its seasonal activities and ail age groups turn the*ir atteiîon to whatever recreationai mieets their desîre. Locally,baeal and wofhai play a great part in providing summier aotivities for a hort of players, both boys and pirls, and for the speetator fan. This year e teans are out ini force and m-oszt of themi have aiready seesr acton. Orono has over the vears been r-oted forI itas part Pcfvi"un and this is te be agéie tue for the susmr of 157. A% lon on Lhe local! aorw~il bring rnuch initerest for the supporting fans Lin tth - Orno Memioriai Parký. j - Dimcndà,WeII DrJiK An SilTetigfor Water Wfi n g1we cs basis.$40pe foot and p. NwWell >!achine i mported from United States. Faat Sric.Guirai/oafl work. FremIVi it. 6 inch hole. pIgneldWell Unlts PHONE EMBPIR.',e -3445 29, McGILL ST. TORONTO, ONT. a4r ftîiirrtfit!r sh' d prompt you to cail upon u ini me of sorro-w. We stress s1m-h1e beautiful ser-vices that p o r soling to the bereaved, Phoe- é1 8 7 FINEALHOME . rone Ouit. Phone 1182 A mv£-y y i t ~ j: ~'-h) -' Oi.iii&rie casgive yoii f tcaiiem"-t. a1ekut- t Professi.aal DirectK A. F. NeKUNZIE, M.». ?EYDIcIÂN mmd SUEUON Oms. aoeu: 10 &A4* Dia.; 4M:m0t.*a0pm DL IL 1. TÂGGAILT VTMIMMÂRT slu5SUm vemébuwy. meiase, IdsIub nad âf*uaukeue - *5p«, PHONE Uun Accommi-odation for on e uderiy tS'F' EDr SECTIN i layat the resýt homeii. P0n ron&ý 1771. acWOOLLE'7NS HEISP ANTED The Kiiiby W.A. are 0.i ld Peon ntere--st in teachirf or FOR SALE woo 0ienis for the - return new a-;sti g in AthI 7ticprg met Part of house 14Mx4' to be/iov- b kt.AnYoýne Iw shing t ýyta-ke ad- Pa k dnri n o of Jul ,ý 9 a.-M. - ed- Resnal.L. Stanley Capma ateof this o rnia, do()so by 1 :4 on. Api' te ueLunn, O-ro-no, Ontario. -h avirg their wooll 'ns a the KryBx5~ rn.a-p j Tf~~~~~nited Church, T?ýusday everrnu, ________________ Junýe-6th. at FOR SLEWORK 1WANTED j od ulin AEthn TENDERS Wish)hus e wok fro o lorno 1 41 . hts for sal. P nn A pplications to ,f il vacan y on th- d W S b - vweek,, a-C iTJited Ccunties' Court of revis ApyMtr. Sch,?e!îaker, Phone '_,cau-jed by the t-esignation of/ e 12,a -C AIJCTION SALE j urham County, Rural Repre enta- 12,Ooo -h nesigned 'has red Ive of the court,7 Ivill be received by stuctontosilbypblc u the undersigîied 4ntil 12 ilon Mon-1 PLANTS FOR SALE the Stock, implemients anid,Olre fur-dY ue Uh o.nCek.\~ n f Fiowor and n itureý, the property of J. H, Davey, Nou eid& uhmpealan'ts. 1 mile west of Leskard, on Thursday bugO~ W* . aml'en pIhone 1406, Oroflo. June 6th at 1i pan. ncludedi in thebc dl- sale ;lill be 1 purebred scotch Short-_________________ ho'-n Heifer, 3 Hostein. 4 Pefod,, FFAL 5 Shorthorn Cws(ý3 cows with caif NOTICE TO RATEPA ERS at foot), M.M. B.F Tractor with '25- TOWNSHIP 0F Ç ARKEA F ; - laili lstfor 27r-n, rrtk-f and 2-fur- Pashigte ps iee A FLGrle ewatle Roroatchet-, for Aevta- shîp of Clka owhmpseý o î,tti A, nal. is tor.CockhuttTractor cui1iiator, u ainlay seei a-, uîc. o c"pi ponm"s Cockshn,ý,tt 7-ft. Grin B indler, Co 1)-JOfi 1tice rno -lhn r 2Rn . bp 3hut Powr Moer,7 ft. newv, M-H Harw.Landi roller. Cockshutt H-ay 24 HouR EXPERT SERVICS Lod ,) 3ckshtt side-deiivery r-ake. Ail pa:rtm guarante.*d M.HMaueSpreaderý. RbertreMtme MA. 3-38s3 Waon lat bottom, rack. Viking hm TELEVISION SERVICE CO. m--ermil S-ates. FannIing Mill. Vik- Bwavle nai ingz Cream niSeparator. J3arn Timuberr,_________________ IGurney Eecic Stove. Frigidaire El- ecti-ic ST 1ables, Chairs, Bedroonii furniture. Tools etc. etc î TmsCash. Ted Jackso, Auctioneer Iia itu Buy Better 11ybrs for bettryed - Plant P iste Hybrids for 1957 511 YEARS 0F SERVICE Dealrst w ee&ý Bowmanville <Cniudfro>m pagO1)- Insurance service Es"pi Es1 ont.A-- eu ~Just a Fellêr . and initiative, the 'ean Or stlch SEýisEeycaao ns Who £j1 fi rTîtily.sace is represented in twnvnie ficshad been ,estab- ri twu Siia.? Hsediiithe Counities ajnd districts1 off office.oThe Ontario,. The- Ontario Deprtnent oM umg are some of the Agrculureassumied fulil eslonsi- mi oeae eC! bility for the DistiCt Reprles enta-tives offer: rgesweca an nAssistant Depty ,tMinister ffr 'as)pit in charge of the woýrk. Later, ie--,,e'iwee called AgriculItural Automobile, Life, Accident ad Ra eetaivsand in 19s 18 heAg._ Sickuess, Plate Glass, Liahility, n uitua1Relprirentative Branch le 'hw.H si was forined withitin te Dprm oýf Agriculture. In 1951i the pre.sent, LiYestock, Boier, Wimi. Poli%, Extesionliradh ws fomedin-Hall, FideIity Boitdu etc. Coi ora ing var ous pec ali ed e -O R O N O PHO N E 1R i S Prmits ;Int-rodluctioru in 190Y7 un - -i h rsent, th e histor-y of the E- iMOTAE ON tnonBranch has ben)neofp r,-I jor onceas bs hen th traning for '*6 kind of fuel oil jor oflcrnshas beenl the tann ird laieîspg1v~ ougfapuim and burner service fhcit L yH mlo peop thrughJunio)r Prer andieLeo H nui 4-H Clubrs. The frtfo)ur jjnio >Ovenoyy REAL ESTATE BROKER Du ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r haPaa edlse aadtd ri _______________Li'___ Onaro r oe;2100 -HClbOrOnO Ph. 1,481b t I1 ~ t Tal senioýrexein work thre Agiýî AND motedthe seI of býetter seed, ne cultralRepesetaties aveproAVESTROUGIIING feeding and breeling, sou coase vation -,and iIli d use and îmoreef i Suus ue ! CALL USFOR ESTIMATff eut- faîmngmntjaadto or rem#oýeli youir pre ét one RAR E bYCETT1 couageen toai tyes fCaon act Phone 33 R 122 ars hevsered n te frce oriy'ORONO ONT. iaizd ericste ntri Dpat Phone ir12 Orono_ men o~Agimulureestahishd a Fo0 ie and Septic 'Ta-As Extn~in Banc ofwhih te A orandavailap nor form pa;. Ti rand aio n TL. e ~m'Eoois c c,~ h : 1 t; t1ie~~~~F FF -SdV;ta~ x;~so ee~~~E SExenT 1rServ-A., -' Proteetieu Mdsvuffl Rou &f aurauc-e Plans. F. E. LYCEIT Orono, Ont hoo11 STAFFORD 13R0& 'Monumenital Works IPh... Whitby 552 318 Dunyl, St.-EB, WUitby a FINE QUALTf y MONUME~NTS AND MARKERS Let us ereet a baiid8oie, fd1. ufied m uioauIIt oe the rest. î75; piate of rour lovded S. i' nt expmf5tve. And meeng Malest trîbLt. wilI vive yonduels o mfort. The ftUTER Gr COMPAI Phone Turner 5-5216 P.O. %X 62 Port HROPe, Ontail. Orow Eectric monumentsGaerku PIWNE 129 j~gaig odef~ CONTRACTORS FOR 'B" dire«candIpave FARMamiHUUSE REA~L ETATE FOR SALE WIRLNG ft,1entedI Frec si;c ~ êu ~~z OROO. OU?. - e 'r 4, e- fl f 4 4- ; r 4 t 1' f C Mr üm TKURSDAY, MAY à0thA957- Lawrence C.MaoBA -Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office IMA 3-5688 Home MÂ &4M0 JOHN REGAN, Bit, Barrister, Notary Pékfi 3TeutpoeeSt., Bowu.avin& Phone MA 3-32»Z JACK REID Oroeo's UCCtaab. Auctiomeer and Valuat., SPedialize ini Fanamai FurmdtureSais (ConsuIt me for te'm and dates *Phone 5 rl18 - Ors TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Comdueh AuchiOa Salem et au Esh ad at reaa.uabl. rate0l Conaicste with hima ai Pa Perr, Ontari0, or see hi@ CIetk A. E. Mort.,, at Ore. ~,for dat. LIFE INSURANCE

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