i dU &8OIINO, ONT, UNE l3th 1957 Subocrtpton $1.50 p«r y»Z' Inspector Urges Townshîp' To Sidne ae lghson lHigi sPeed And Tiredùess iDr. R. P. Vivian Wins For on M'y 29thr,' 19157, hr passed y M a k e P u b l c S c o o l S u r v ~ a his ome l78F rn A e.,! lie C ause O f M an y A ccideD ts 4 9 ____Pbli_____________cf(- Jane Hughson iu High sped Aandi dred d1rivers r nev tv s jrt fris OIthyear.Rom t ooOt. lamied for Pmost surnmer gha The Clarlke Twsi ouclmtlations of teTwsi ulm y o thehelt Mr n rs. C. J. a cidents by -the Canaidian i-i hwaY(e Frehe tw 'îow Itpots A elcteda Coservtivereprsenttive iar.aMr Jams, te deeate i n I th e c a r ,u ~ the - e , a ri c e f te l a ii os r O e t e d ? b M fa l d t M es 1 1an1 , w h r h y , s d d p r -H u e n M n a y h to ie ad9on1hee ourdwEln sieas ihthebeiningcf isom t Cnsriatie r f 1949an,?,iiiLe T h e p o p o s e c o n s r u cti n o f h e A i s p e ~ fi c a t n s of t h e b -la w r e I n e r e st d in u sic, h e p l y e d iith e h e el, s a y s h e C e fere n c e w h c h j a rt y a d e g i n s a r o s srh e n a i o n ' li thest f n al r s u its ( u n e f ie'ia 8t Cncsso t Lskrdcmehe big etasshw b te la te 8t i ( hland res Bn j rsget h eUwn oersf d cmeupwthth ires bok orDrlai ese: D. ia r thiis eepesneiby ad- r tyegi easadfelygv fdnvn:o E at,10 rdto the Libera, ÏI in the te a1jseLýe Of a totaltuofn.091..A1lerparties smade servata vea72Itj;DiJPl.nnyr Jamesh, sin- foecumlwthala emnt toesofTomsimprovenss mej>Týunî,s o,v1zim lmet iousto io 14'talent h gains ai, 6726; Ernest Dpent, 00Fhe 194ervatide widen thisin n)u ro edp forththelepconstrucie aiion.a ross the at n TheRod upriteden ad oudi- heClic wnt*;s go ated on7 e l uit rs H lyd nteSn-o hide lyngi h --re(brsadaso"n aitMnsers. n est nSa Credit, 2iiofic Torh. i:oey wesre uthizedfte ekofhliasanthnodl o aySholorhstaunilashr 2-lo ow t neretin, rf4the asth retstdbal Tetoa vt frDuh.mmdln conac th popetyowersalng heJud wthVwofuthe wekstobethm oe 3 h Hi d eath. In (l' fic ir eadraowyade cafor r a biete nse1 ine195wle ofo uaay searecoDrd of 1in, Ca T he T ow nship re!in ag r cn ent toeivedn canorresponpo- 1 ,, enteringt D en , C F ,UcrYtya %a enetien wl road,M.Jnc rm teDprteto d- le a bro teO<cdrt nd onliis n n y ther crowde hodth exp ~ese fthe rbe cf eetdoubr felg-levteanb~ TRoer Mrto apracledth'Tcn-caionreueLiig hepasin caa ode e. 346 pAF. eA..ien jmemerhthySount.o-dinthe- loe t 0»1 h eh niScî retage uf. sThvs a aorknSumjoriy fo me-vetig inDumcam rsts rouun8 î and M rJenie i chrsobohThisalirorrndcndton. tincopre th at e 153 n heeletin f 93.la Qla I A lettheterp was v.ner aonreeived ý freinanMm. C. Services 195e195 3iTnonslspet cfa rpoio 19 7 tefgeinoteh netmt fcs la e hadiethi reues Oeoed6.-Slow don te give e ohenc--------ii 50 es ely,, 5Ùfidr n et allto cutig ow te rae wer hed n Trono nd elow chncofenif ie s nlya ibeaos-------n 113 70Monay e l -I b e ,- o f h e ( j c c -d e r :i n d1 : n i t s n -. these cf TLownhip roa d tn on-e rooinîc a ndpedntsuvePakdinUitd hrci.Inenet ndissstan.Yo'l njy eu nplaeenen.........23 itith82"3fgue, ýfh p o hae onie Mip somea isa%.te futue e aterfatsme-wainhefail pot n heOrnomoeandwil urivUne nd-ibCa2ri5a- agate the nit ar c ndt ios a eti C n . r . lu o hnes>.efer d lie " " y "' ' rmijef D erred-- ------- ------- ----o en ------- -----ho trilr.Areuetisaie elemaeiners te ew îpshuldhae l Foonoore P ar lsPays aV.R. Vivianth havth t ile r predoLe lan- edotn fi'd ndpoedte rs 7 Pý resî~, n- ný- C fnnid O lilolfon -tokfu wa12 fin)dg f Gt1he dsrli eel wu 'o H e a theGreat akejîits ginth wt amaoit f 9oferthhe o IM jorti came 1te5D. Ivia ùe . ........--------------- --ici25 1 1eciation eeiihillM% a de 1r Tor etn g lesao ffsetgoti hs1 m iin h tnadbae-fri4llro a ndPr Vp.M.uiis" deleatin c Mesrs P.Hinon o Thrsdy eenigi hf ls risweki mms i rsets 1eigtu heCneraie patTmeiui frJhn Jam s camefron OIa-es repesntng heten-aer cetle iz, ahuda e ndbadinss teyhI4P thleQ 's-e. ie gah, 1 I t cdw,3 ý e ék esn ri t he enOrnon wel ontol bili ay iite O-ver co C obýün fýe or g cl;ýlirangf O I ~ ~ îiiVeAmuisadatisrte ieoegre hr, M O la > C aceee rY scodwek i po s heor, ouno Baqs;e 1 t hCenc rpletd Kned-sare ntie m:n -eb----i elehl unn -eee- Th----l--ees fom tr apdt<lascit rfesr cfl< ~ si~oea~fud home a d home ga-me e , d d ti id ateio e at lUs. Tle A hltc ar e ara g f r l<was a aI r p cal p ae f a Q enb nv mst, Kigson t Mm y u a afeuorI ar ~' s e i s w t h e C b u i r a n n t e i g . T r y C n t o e l l t d t h q i n e t o h e n a g r - w e c x t o , s nl c r ityh,,- w s l a m e i a d t a h ' l e r e u e 9 2 5 1 o m ud t r c e -ginelealt U refiL n e baale th scornes O oo e k ie edinte i to hmlvres Vopro eî tes ue civ.0 H n edn 5pcap h etbrg~ na~o a d c m e P e ' ate he anl a lorg o, Mnxa-,mugthe. floe i ir eodPayfu y M.Jn Gmb isofee olm sud e itetd veut rtI-l ot Hp n aebsscesratnddPbi a ii eel. ~rcao's hurling by Rslth Kenn dy1Bn7 oe t HopeDuntR, 19 ,th-en aTmTini-' fwheme 'e studted cInssics ansi rcec",1 a T h e l o c l a , o n a t r d a u i h t, m a e l ti e V ir ~ C s o u r s u g e d a b a d r u s e. m u e d a t e î y c f au d e d w lg r ,tb a f e T iil -IIe r t e e_ t s . e a sý e r vJ a e d u oh n _ ý j st v " e eCi r î sa p p t l n a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stedyma- m V Viel vctny udwihhse un leon tre im ws e..Mr. FanesLunfor ha bencf apd vaia<iory -a d t . r o w o tery ce p- ýt h f o I- ire V rm d ti g is 4 d. T ns w s c om-si e n -ag ýed t p e vi e i le r re a - er p en oti n a p o g a m m . ha r- VIe opon em ity of -t ac ing a w ik s Iowigtrth H wo11.>Singl o u te swni Wt worus uVefosV, mn vne er ta park pronjLacr, Mrs. y-ou ae robid.Th drcarnsfort irs kenuhenstinactxiiia or Unvesiy.It s rsut f drag"t -te Bmzzy ercer Crad HinCs, Wyne wnt infront7-6. issecouatrs wee Lunowîo ue'i 'Carletomi. Botir Ralpb Kennedy aud ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, frescn te tg e " , ys ns c ai nde, i a i oimum in - j le ias b e n te n c u di, m e ej ai n t t e < d isi n c âw su - Te n a eon sa e u ie O-ao l ie fitr btecu s soedW ee 12 er t Vie O o e Ar euis ap lctoW innyte dsrb te a d n dpSy rev u n 19 6ie sr--d ns anitr ratc fla . Uds" veveining, o Vut' Vins 8-8. Or-euebcametVo bat inrst lu tee r ig 10isaonVIeCounul ofle Cnadia Bartira two ears coure cf oV 1ý1 s e Oronn tafteÈn nondu smatl Die '-e - frame int Oono ha puttu Virefinalsetener wiînf uzy Mr-cer-asels fAssciatioeandfor eeIsud irai Istio or tiree ears ateofGade 1 Ernergaerncy s atuetionon versiéuctionndrin-gvnaieU verit B r Oi£1 : a s u e c e s f u i li n n e a n d h o i -, e g m e Î ý n ' f t' S 'g . fA m ee eibeoc f Vf oe tM a s - o n O n depr o - g od o detl i a s iL a w S d î c olcu la ndn rs uiy e, 1- 18 MrCaletnRvsa is nej VIidt e emle Bildn sfJ lne 93,ais, neiswt teCbre rnîares ,-gA umerof a major poliThe tenisgors ________as_______________in_____________bc_______P_____ s- Victory rrom PrtrtoCekadistributions cfn tnreiriproduete witl And H ope enaey meeting B0111 acf some n 1150 Àztop ouu ,vt1mn dsimu f 'vss il soidin pStore gaisfaue iebaivt cr h cdïn ý i'tîntr-sprovnlees p--oteies nd offic ers q.' p-,1ap t;y rot b g ,A3 a a c ff u n t e L a -.7 r y i l L ec f TV i - O n tn dn1 ,1Ho glPr o d u c e r a A s s o -e p 1Tie Oor o n edate asebi counters. - iast-i Mlle u om meeting bave a To Op-en In Ors 1 on ' heaof Sh rt 9l.uîq af V18ire eventir on uesday nigt c-)ire wintrelie cmiai nd v;Àtefourti ' T)Y e emergeancsy meetin," Mm.we uo w ave annveHagecfa2nderave -tino stre wil le c-pu someVms - Tir Pot Hpe lublel tie l a lits hi b s ,n l ridues Ridie Mai- prs th e m eeng e il r -as i zed V of vket, tee l tl hg oth e ut<ns iut4l Veb~~ Inseakiýu t Mn.:1;,Kae iity , :ua ftrneet-iddOceCin oVHp rd eue t-ir Cm t 'leaended Ontai a nceProc-in s iee s bmosetheob -vis en w coný-t -) e m. ent-s re '-eetlcolle-~ ~ voatbilîgjutsu loelsan hed p ve etht kf h £ c0ond rua Vsgan. r o-eas ,cfdve ing'n ater trans-0 plics ieVlne Ooo ew'4llsry, Jfa7ýîot- -ba, î. anti Gena h e n. i eom ml- eanshgi eeecef :dsoe anef2ot oe' tr o t nn An asebly'0panVo '1as- "Tis sle f eu emp- f uriuitr M. n i . Kye m idwae Th ig -)es t c ary d cau U V i' we alt agdat'l T s mse praton aud , i s ,r- eue cjfeV'msth iii - l Ur idgs e ý e, w o n a h ton e- i uta cn ss--vto (Oorrtduucedon page five'ý-e x- Mria.ions, aMm.re sn a, h"wdll'en-eultr teaMm Mcniasred Cinilu rn, Vsepst -atak upridnenOr'c.t s - s- 't,' -"t- 't s- -, tek -> - s-,' - 't-