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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1957, p. 3

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'iÉiý I MISS SUNBEAM'S CARDU, IS COMINO TO Your Red& While This rMond ,Y"& He's your big chance to have a ride On thîs oxcithig MryG on HIERE'S ALL YOU DO-Thiis 'Weekend save ail the S niboae abe fnrn Sunbeanm -Buns and for each Label Yom re2ceive a Free Ride.Teli ),r or and Friends. Tuesday Sunbeam P eature 1 pkg Sunbeam Weine ýRoils 5f plus I pound Weiners both for RED&WH ROSE BRAND M"A RG% AA 1INE" Niblets Fancy ' orn Welch'a Grape ÎJ uice Maple Leaf Beauty SOA Applefords Wjýx .aper You Cet Fiorsi Qualîty Meats' At Your rWiÎi"te SpeciÙls!f QUAKER T T~ MUFÉET QOFFEEý." 5 OZ 99C 2LBS 53c 14 oz tin food 6 for $1.001 R boutie 33e 3 f.r 33cI er 100ft 2 1 TENDER GëRON ICI mh for 59c EN 3 lb: average lb 34)c FRE-SU.SHNKES Pok bShoulders Picnic Style SWEET. JUICYSNKS ORANGES lIrgè size7V PLUMS Càiforn' Red SELECT QUALITY BANANAS olde R'p cucu BEIRSextra i[,rý SWEET, TENDER, NEW SU 19_AitRROTS. 2oz celI 1ag lb 43c doz 49c Bauyl lb -ge size lb 2 FOR 129cý 23e 29C Sbop WItIIof dsaAt Cornish's Rd&Wht * Or~,*i )mtarlo ____ 1~ ~ Athletie Registration (Contînued frein Page .1) 8:00 p.m. ý,Cldrten froim t'le age oif 43t 6yars bel h charged a wveek- ly- fee of 5ý,j cents ,while children lin thie gioip from G~ to 12 wllbe cha- ed a -f e of $1.00 for the ciiit mnth prograi. Mr. E. fi, Samiuel reportcd oai their interview wii he OronDlo ParkBar anou staed that lt was the intenîiomn of hei Park ýBoard to ptirchase oe nwplayground qupinntfor thei sialer cildren. A report was also. ienon the teninis cour t i t te bhat a iuew surface and bak s tos co~! e arranged thiSyer It waus, also Iearned at the mieeting, thiat ne COrong) Aiaiteur AtfrI~'Iec AssOC"IaIti was t-o assiý5t the Oroino PakBoai4d ith the promotion of ihe spors cday on July let. it was decided by the directors to hold a benofit auec ion n Fiday, July 21st in tUhe Oroo -)Municipal Building0 frthe pua o f raisýing funds to promote thoir actites for the childron of the distr-ict. Any-one hav- iigay article w4ich they ,vould wish to donate to this venture are3 asked to contact Mrs lyîargot Samiuel- or an-y of tedrctrt.Articles xviii ho picked up by the Association- the day bofore the auction. Mr. and Mis. 'Ni. B .7 Hoa r Celebrate Siler Wedding! M.and Mr-s. Wvm. B. Hoar as held at the hom-e of Mr. and ýMyîs. E. R, Ranyon Saý,turday oeinJtune ý8, The party wvas 'a conmplote surprise and nurnbered n, beng Cbohers and_ sisters and fmle of -Mr. and iMrs. HLoar, Bill ndElsie were escored int the ling rooja whtýVletho guests s'at la. darkness unt-Il the arivi f Flsie and Bilý.E- Er-an- aineyacted a s mILaster of coomoies Mvr. Franrk br,a nper the addr-essadthcuiewrpos enlt ed-Iwî ýItbn eauý'ItiuC'doîbe s h ade2 platter and a silver vase Bo the bride and goo f 25 year s re- plied jin a very sial anr A mfockweig was thon put onc by Aren aiey, GlennAln ai Snodlgrass. Jean Allia, J.oyce Tayl,11 Bruce Taylor, Jean Taylor, lVildred Rainoy and Miltonj Rainey. A life history of Elsie and Biih was read byI Mr-s. NeilRany A social chat wa~s beixsg prepared vohich icue sandwiches, cookios and a very nicely derorated wefldingý cake A toastI to the bide and groomU wasi proose bUE.Rainey folbowed , singng "or hey re oll 0Goo S-WIRE WOVEN FARM FÈNCE 1 ».25 A ROb Zog t0" u t 4ifi 1 1 Iapîe Z7 prove( HARTLEY NIH.7 plume 1187 FUNERAL HOME oroo, Ont. I - = ROYAL THfEATRI TIIURSDAY TO) SATURDAY -- JUNE M2, 2OthCENURYFOX presents r o r ER- :R 5bèý-MITCHMU M SPECIAL MATINIE SATU DAY/ 2 02the Malu "Destr7yers 0fo MONDY ndTUES --JUNC 17 - "'Top Secrit Af a' WEDNESDAY and TII WDAY, JÙ E 1fl A ntio.n - ur-sue a d oeturs A p r ofÊ e rursing piofe-ssiaon, b ight wî h soap and J Up. ~ALAMP Um u Sthe Sur Cw orfu9wFwm S-copnd ,shows appir«ximately 9;Gp 0/2 BUY CANADA CE 'AàP J) 10 S~U FRAL~Y~nHLDING NEEDI [R.IpbHarwr rn Vig.r Standard casoline 3! iVigr llgh est 2%c pe I rimalti quantitie.- avaliible at klngs and udy Phene Red and IIEINZ COOKED SPAQ 4 15 02 Tins r 1 ......... 1", 1 1 1", the

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