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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1957, p. 7

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Won Tihe Titi.- Bqut Didn't Get t Itwaneeoa the great ironies ef the boxing gamne that Young Billy Stribling ai Macon, Ga., shulud have 'fought Mi1ee Mc- ?Igue ai the Counity Clare and New York the secord tiixie lu the State of New Jersey. Maybe the the fact that the nux-uýp teok place on the eve ai April FoLsý' Day, 1924, lad sornethiug toe do with it. For the fact is that iflie "Georgia, Peadli," with the down o! l9jrear..old youth on bis cheeks, soun.dly whipped Iiglithea.vywevight. champion Mc- ~Tge-but lie dldn't get the What saved tMkTigue lis crawu was the New Jersey law forbid- ding decision bouts; a figli cither euided lu a kuockout, or a "no decision" was declared. ThIe referce, the sparts writers, and the 14,000 fans at the IJ3t1i Regimrnt Armory lu Newarlk were unanimôius lu their apin- ton iliat champion McTigue did iiot wiu one round ûf the twelve. Buit Striblîug could't put the Champ away for keeps. MeTigue, of course, kuew what lie was doing ah the timne. Ever sinice lie took the title fromi Battling Siki the year bei are he'd been holding ou ta it for dear l! e -- takýing no chances. And when lie agreed ta box Striblirg lu Newark, the wily MeTigue figured that with lis experience iu the ring he could &eep lis chu aout o! ftlie way o! a knockout punch for- 12 rounds. It was clever fig-uring, but McTigue almnost out-smnarted hinself out ai tIe chazupionship. In the teuth round Young Strib- ling flaared the champ with a beautiful iglit baud ta the jaw, Mc1Tiguc- staggered ta bis qfeet, arid from ilere .totehieend a! tIe figt ouly Stribling's aver- eagerness kept the champ frain being knocked out. The Georgia yeungster simply lacked the ex.- perience ta put away the mnan hei plaiilly had set up for the, kîil.He rushed MeTigue, swing- Ing wtidy, and the cagy chamnp mnaged ta evade Stribling's yunches or tie him up i Oindhes. One thing Stribliwg dernan- gtrated without a doubt, at leasi. T!hat was that lie had probakly beak-nMeTigue in Georgla sev- oral mnonths previausly, ini their &rst fight. The champion lad Ibrought bis own re!eree witli biI for thei bout, and nearly Ibrought on a sbeatiug when the eeferee called the fight a draw. Aiter the second meeting, it was tle consensus that Striblizig -*ould lick MeTigue auy day o! the wveek. This lie never got a çbance te prove, bawever. Me- Tigue neyer taak a chance witb tita fot-nrLia o 1 nn- PASSER-BY - Fouiback CervGto of iii. itcian soccer team aop- pears ta b. watching the. game as he strilis hy an air.-Actuaiiy he's in the thick af it, driving the bail away during a match against Northerni Ireiand at t4i. Olympic Stadium in Rame, Cer- vao starred offensively as weiI, ieading his teatm to a 1-0 vlc- tor-y during eliminatitins for tihe 1958 worid taurney ta b. play-. ed i Sweden. srnaoth mnuscles rippiîng under the pink skiu, his eyes br-iglit andl his head erect. Stribing simnply autgunnedj the champfion, ime aiter time he broke ioase fromn Mike's c.linches by brute strength, and on other occasaus pulled anid shoved the champ around the rin~g ta get hilm set up for a dlean punch. Stribllng relied rnainly on his kift hand ta ôutbax MeTigue. He stuck his left paw iu the chamnp's face so rnu tirnes, MeTigue nust have thought he h i ni ing gras swal f t-ir iround was the spot. It was liere ,eogia Peach" rip- Swith a right land ia sent the champ the floor, lis lead rapes. Mike was up unt, but le seemned his feet, rd jumnp e d Up, Finishi hirn! Finish But Slribliug, see- n alimasi within hie toa anxiaus. He over MeTigue, bat- against the ropes id rights Swhngin never sean Ieft. but ýor 66 real hers Pet.'- ;hown w~ ic editoriai igrain and knockout 1,low. McTigue rolled with the punches and took samne on bis arms, acting wlth the in- stinct a! the veteran ringm-ran. When the bell rang lie was still ou his feet, but se groggy he started ta walk taward a neutral corner lnstead aof is own. In the llth and 12th rounds Strlblïrng contiuued his aver.- auxiaus ways-. It was plain that MeTigue was glassy-eyed, armi weary, ready for' the fluisher. Yet he rnanaged ta lat eut the twe -rounds, and saved his title, When the figlit was over, if Mc. Tigue didn.'t realize he'd met his master ,at leat the crowd dd Stribling was accorded a stand- ing ovation. The Georgla youngster was seceuided, as usual, by bis fa- ther, "Pa" Stribflng, While "Ma" Stribling, hîs frairer, occupied a rings' e chair baek of hus cor- ner. ThéNid's first request aiter the. fight was for a piece of can- dy. Stribling neyer id win the charnionship.-By Arthur Beru ln The Police Gazette,. Separatlng Pair SpiNt Furniture Receutly 9a huslanid whe had been barred by a court 01rder2 frarn enterinig lis home, pend- ing a divorce petitian, sauglit permission ta- go there in orcler tu attcnd te his budgerigars - "one af his passions in life." Divorce judges must saine- Urnes -pray for the wisdom -of Solornon. They *ofj.ten have ta decide not anly *on th~e custody ai t hec blîdren aif estraiiged couples, and family pets, bu,, aiso such varied abjects as raz- rs, toy trains -- even a metar- mower! Que judge scratched bis head lu bewilderment wheu asked ta make an order conceruing a husband's false teeth. The-y had, the man claimed, been uulaw- fully detained by bis wife. Pets are frequently the sub- ject o! such legal decisiaus. In Las Anigeles a judge awarded the custody af a collie dag ta a niineteen-year-old wife, He P ipulated, however, that lier husband should >e allowed rea- sanable accesç to the daog iromi Urne ta time. Oueaoaitheoddest ai such. cases cencernied a Maltese ter- rier belongiug ta & Hollywood danser whû etan di*r-rc. în 1948. She was given the custody o! It anid was annoyed wlien tIce, judge ruled that lier former husband should be allowèd tô vec the animal occasîonally. The judge wouldn't listen ta lier ar- gu~ment that lier ex-liusbauid dranl too ucli nd wo uld teacli thc dag bad habitsÇf Atter their divorce lu Des Moinles, Iowa, aCile Couple ceuldn't agree as ta who -should have the car. The judge decided for them. The husbaud should drive it at nigbt, the wife by day. Aud in another couLrt,, when a separatiug couple quarrelled over anu item o! furnâire, the judge ordered it te be sawn lui hiîf! Al thcugh a Chicago husband claimed that bis mnarriage had brokçe. up because his wife " lu love with the televi- sian," it was she wha was É,warded the custody o! the set But the judge said there would be no alimany. Suing for divorce in PKedmrout, California, a Wi!e said hler bus- baud thauglit . too much ai his mnodel railway, and asked if shE might have the trains, When an Indiar wifie peition- ed for divorce on the ground that lier husband stayed up ail night with liii model ralway, she asked for the custody af aIl their property, The huiband didn't deny the charg-e but or- gued that she had no riglit ta The -jugeevntaly gre * * CLASSzIFIED AOVERTISINS AGENT WANTED DEN IYOJR OWN DS1 MNor women, can wori your own thêurs, and niake prfltz up te 500% selling ex.clusive houseware products and appliances. Na eompetition , fot availabit In std6es, and they ara Xeceety 4ýn every homie, Wl'te t once for free colour catalogue, show- Ing retal prices plus eondidentlsl whoI, sale prlce Ilst. Miurray 8ales, 1112 St Lawr-ence Blvd,, Moteal. ARTICLES FORSALI #UMSET Elastice bof Coating, wïll nejt Craelt or Bflster, 45 Gallb,p Barrels, $L35 ralon. Custom er Pays~ Freight. Gunset Wqo:flng Products, IZustsRdt, Onlt. GUof atlexkoconch shel ! rtlstle, deoaie inusual. Minihnum 5st,'ftve ILiches, $1. e*.ch. Beachicornbers, Box 17Crichtou Stetien, 3,obtle, A1sbana, OWN part of the Gulf of Mexicol Malq oyou In souventr~ bottie. $1. each. ec, obr Box 11,7 Ciehto Station, iMobile, Al.bama, VsJ. *BABY CHICKS IT'S up f0 you - for markets - It's sp te: us te have the chicks te pro. ",,ce on, themn. Elga. Meat, We have a. wide choice. Pullets, chicks, cock- erels. Somae startecl. gray l4tchery, 120 John N., Hlamilton, 'YOU can't go wrong wlth Tweddle speclallzed cliieks. By the breeds for your needs. W. have specisi breeds for mnaximum egg production on the miiinum e mount of feed. Speclal dual purpose breeds, good for bo9i egga and meat. Speciai meat breeds for, brollers. Alse Turkey Poults, 3 breeds. Low prices for Jiune. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CnICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO GARDENING 5SUPPLIES SENATOR Dunilopj, Harvest King Straw- berry plants, $2 -1w0; $12 -1,00)0. Mervyn Brusso, Southiampton, Ontario. FOR Soli Improvement, fishineg hait, garbage çlspossl, rais. earthworms, In- struction bookiet 33c, Cireular free. El. bon Hiumus Worms, Boi 207, lngersoil, Ontario. FOR SALE FRUIT farn, Vlneland ares; 15 acres, al sand, natural drainage; planted 700 peaeh irees, varlous eges, variettes; sweet and sour cherries, 6070 trees, each, ail bearlng; strawberr1es, pr-unes, pears, ther fruits; l½,-storey home; ail convenlences, barn. Othier bulid. tliga. R. A. Bichan, Vlneland $ta,, Ont. "Desert Rats" Now Hunt For 011 Men who fought with Mýonty't trîumphant Eighth Army are back i n the Westerni Desert, ex-. pIoring their aid, battlefield,%. They believe that, beneath the i8,00-square-mlile expanse o rock, sand and scrub lie huge qilantities of preclous black 011. -Trsyýactlne is aes-w process, It is also dangerous, For these veteran Desert Rats frequently eilcolInt lethal' obstacles left from the tierce battles that once hlazed açross the desert. Bedouin tribesmen, have !ni niumerous cases pilfered the British Arrny fenced in inany m-inefleids alter the war. Mort than teLn years later these mniues sermain active. Prespecting recently, amnid amid the Afica Korps' one-timne defensive posts, two veterans of Alamnein, Ronaki Maclean and Victor Townsiey, sturnb1ed on unicharted mninefieldsq, Nosing gently forward one of their jeeps suddenly blew up as a anadmine explodled beneath it. No one, was hurt and Lady Luck has so far preserved these Mnen. During their desert probes they have hit c5n somne strange relies of the desert war.Pu- Îlng apart the wreckage of a Ger-man aircraft, they found a wrsetwatch fastened round askeleton's arm. Sooxx elgneers wilI be driv.- ing their diamnond-tipped steel rods ;into t*he rock beds beneath the blistering, sands. These ex- ,desert' warriors niid the comn- panies emrploying themn firmrly belieVfý thlat the fabulously rich oïl beds r,1 Persia extends be- neath the Red Sea and under the Western Desert. .;f Such s'ources do exist,' they WHi be tapped oil, lifp &blood of industry, will be brougbt 2,000 mnilecs nearer British shres. Soi, --Dad, mray 1 havetw dollars? Father -- Son, dlo you know Son -nf co si dol hat' AND RELIE VI A119AY' SEDICIN tablefs directions kla osofe FOR SALE W'AîAGE snd Serve Station. Stock sud equIpment. Business estsbished 34 yetars, modern rest rooma Large mod. orn brick home. 011 rbeated. Excellent 1location. Good opportunlty. K e n Bigford, Mallorytown, Ont. ONE hundred acres, bouse and bars 4W' by 46', water ln stable, îlmplpen &hed. And cquantlty of -tuber. 0004 luger bush. 'Apply te: Fred C. NoII, Burkr Fails, Ontl. USED pairts for ?Massey-Harrls 82, iyve, 70, Dr. C. Case 10201-15-30 Internationzl Tractors., Don-Perris, Bu.rgessvllle, Ont, SURPLU3 EQUIPMFNT ONE Cederapids 10 x 36 Jaw crusher. On. Cedarapids 186>, 30 Rol1 CrUsherý 4Mounted iu tandem with discharge couveyor. Sereens used oùly ue mionth. Cruahers AI condition. Price "ff00. One Laplante Choate Tract or scraer 12 eu. yds. AI condition. Price $5,000. One LIffle Giant ¾t cu. ycl. Crane, draglne, pulashovel aid hoveL.Pràie. One 6" Jaeger Sure Prime water p um>p wlth engin. on t zand. Price Wiii finance. AU pyrices f.o.b. Wind- sor yard aud ücen b. inspe-cted there. CENTRAL STONE& AGGEEGATE 1101 Howrd Ave Windsor, Ont. Suh P:.. PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE 0009 RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAlM AND NEURITIS MUNRO'S ORUG STORI 335Elinl, ouv $11.5 Exprers Prepcid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE RAN15P the formient of dryecezema lases and weeping skin troubles. ?ost'a Sezemna salve wil net dlsap. tont you. Itclng, scalinp and bure. n~ eczema; scule, ringwOrmo, pimplesl sdfoot ecxema w]lll respond readlly to the ataixilesa odorless otnitment r.- gardless of bow atubborn Gr hopelesa they eenm, Sent Poat Fret en Rectipt of Fric* PRICE $3.0OPER JAR POS'S REMEDIES 2865 st. Clir Avenue Eàzt MEN AND WOMEN EARN -more' 1Book-ke.epinig,Sasan shlp, Shorthand, Typewritinig, etc. Les.- sons 51c. Ask for Ire. circular Nor. 311 Canadlan Correspondence Coursees, 1200 Bey Street, Toronto, SAVE MON',EY on eurnifture for your home. Our location means a saving to you. W. ship ali classes of ho-Lse fur- -ishlngs and McClary appliances aeày. where In Ontario. Authorized KROEIE- LE'R dealer. inqir.y iuvited. Kobe PFur riture Co., New Hasmburg, Ont. 'E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAAASLAN SCOI Great Opporunlty Learn Maîrdressi-if pleasatit dlgifled profeeson; good wages. Thousanda ýf surcemsfui Marvel Craduates& * Ainericaau (reatest Sâ4, 'niusrmen e4 atloz i Write or Cal MABVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOGIAS M,8 Bloor St. W., Torontoj Branches: 44 King st. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa TeACIIERS WANTEU ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL MALU COMMENCING salairy $4145 wIvth annual incrementz of $275 per aunum f0 maxi- mum $5535 plus $100J per aninuffi for each rpeclal certificate use-d and an addition $300 fo)r BA, Deg;ree. Moderrx4-room a5choofl, progressie Northern Ontaio town. Blouse available gt reasonable rentai. Duties commence 8ept. ApplIcaut expected organiseensd direct school athletlcs -and teach grades 1 and G. Give full personal particulars@ Ind name 0of praent Inspecter. Puibllc Sehool floard. Box 4,smûooh Rock FaXIs, Ont. 13L ACK iisE ADI)S Dont s uà Blaclcbeadi and leave ugly scar, -= e tslvcien with PEROXINE PGWDER. Simple - Safe - Surs, Cleanses ihe p ores dee p dpwn, giving slnvtalit-Y and chann. At Ylus Mggisti.Resuli, uaranteed. Prie. PEROXIIPOWDER s e Patent Attorneys, Estabiished I8M., .00 Unilverstty Ave., Toronto. PstenIS alcountries. $1.00 TRLAL offer. Twenty-llve çeluxe7z e ergoua requirementsf. Latest cata. Que iuéclu d. The 34.dico Agent«' Unx 21, Terminal "Q» Toronto. 0-r. PET STOCK BUDGIES WANTED HIGHEST cash prices pald foýr eny l uantlty ,sex, age, colour of hcalt Y rd. se éhlppIng boxes sapplieti transportation pald. -Write, gl%71ug i41 p articulars to Viobin <Canada) Lmtd St. Thomasa, Ontarïo. SWINE JUST recelved aiàother îrmportation a 18 bred sows- sud 2 high priced boars of eutlrely different blood Uinte. T-lie two new bears Keir-Mtnistar 111Ih. sud kýeir-Trubaliïr 2nd. When yol .want the beat ln Landrace 2;Ad ew blood lines, we have thersi. Weanliug, four rnontb old, six month old -ow,5 and boars, guerans-teed in plg sows. servIceable boars f rom the best mi. ported blood Unes. Catalogue. FERGIrS LANDRACE SWINE FARYl FERGUS ONT.AITO l say up for sotue time, Now la ibe Timie to get started witht top qua-Uty Landrace breeding stock, W. haveà some of the best at reasonable 1rca al frorniimported stock. Just recelve a recent importation of entlrely -new bloo>d Unes. -Weanlng, four mouth 014 sows and boars, guarantead In Plg sows. Caýtalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM, B.R. No. 3 ,Hoiland Centre. Ont. ISSUE 24 - 1957 SAPES Proteet yeur BOOKtS OdndCASH ?r-7om eIRE and THIEVES. VW. bave 2a stz@ aind type of Saf. or Cabinet for any purplose. 'lîslt uso r write forpre etc. te Dept W jej.TÂ LURLI MITED TORONTO SAFE WORK5' E L RJ it, Produts mited Dept, "E', Brantford, censldo Large new ciyreemirn, tub aa;d shOwer cmbafim;Ktchenette >.,pafmeffs;Simmous U.autyresk led- ding; Conaectinq brna valablinl.. divoidually Controlled Air condltloning dnd ii.aflsg Uts.h Television AvailQe bl ilUnits; Prvat, Wlaesitad SBech, Shmffebo*rd; PFree Golf To Guests'; icetiegt Bay and Gulf Fisflilmg aad swlasimiag. 4Amplt privoee pairking.Co t HueKtel Srie EARLY RESERVATI ONS ADViSED LIDO BEACH ON THE MEXICO M N N N -4 54 N -i -4 N N s- -4 t-. s 5-. N 55 55 .5 5. 55 N M 55 -s -4 s, N -4 N N '.5 t-' s, N N N N 55 N s

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