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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1957, p. 1

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-e 'sL~UN"O 0ORNO, ONT., -Jt NE,- 27th 1957 Su on $1.60 per yeat Awards Presemted T rwisOooTksToVcoi~ Junio Conregaion Fonous AtEnroinent CereuââisLDon Lilel lead Hit!er 4151 M rs. J.Kitchen Olaf Kichen OnTuesday vei of last we h te llBrownie pack had aninr" lCubenoydtermiate Brng the mnt eeny. Tawny Owl, Doreen IPst week. Bowmnvife and Cobourgi On1 Sunday afterInoon in the Sun) the past year was prosented to the Wiewjomdte Moshers an-dIbo)thfel before' The Orono seu dany Scýhfool Auditorjim of t1he Orono huc secretary, W .Rdel emmesofthe lýcal ass)ciation of -UntedCïtïrl- th Juîü týtie lnuThepreen9UýIeî adOn TusdyOrono defeatedBow- tIJn itChrcbihte JuCge ga ot h .& Fn.Teprsngn nd rwis anvîile on their home tground1=7 tion~~~~ p1dtrbt t r. icen hoaIra aceb Heat eMGilL Marie Hooey played for-the sIng- The game w anarred with numer- on)rganiized Junior Congregation, and (on beaif of tce Junior Congrega- ing of the Queen. Colleen Flyunnwas ous errs, 1 ett rn n ~~~~~~on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O caay aeatrnn ciiis i ,Ch.lsRidp.std Ojaeenrolled and this suas followed by a Vot, wan Ie. arv-in Ln tr. wams attended by many of-- the parents Kthnwhato cradJnIsng-song around the toadsto.Sre nthe moud for ,ronob ingr- alony with the cildren. Genwo2pene irs. Kitche.n vc trs'eeprsne e Ju d loen the scn yKihWs withn electriu aîuirm ock as an ap s-c tr eepeetdt:Jd cdi The service was held shimiar tc, precýiation ro the children for h-erVaglar ynBaeJanTm-whaioednyfuritteB - thos'e- held every Sunda-y and parentseffortsa makong the Junior Con.. by-lyn, arie H-ooey, Mary Ellen Ti- mnville. In ail Orono picked up ten were given the opfportunity of seeing gregadonr the succers it has Hbee.-n. ie Linda Tyrreil, Carol Gilbank hitýs in the game. the oungterspanicipte i th ser - -Gheyl Cooper, Anne Gilbank, Faye Sie'tler proved the best at bat with the. Mngsrs paC. S. McLaren ated sr- Nicholson, Brenda Mitchell. GaYe three singles la four trips te the plate ce.airan C. n . cLrn aftuetaeT Poced asth HïipW litn, Cathryn Hooey, Troy TUag- Don Mercen followed with txxýo singles chir tis n as ev ery Sunday morning VISgart, Coa! elVaég, Barbara Keast. and a 'home rua in five tips. Dean ,Dvr tisclas eer Sudaymon-:g ondiation licOW umuerway Golden Hands were awvarded ',0 West hit one for one thus having te Thtis work has, in the past been 're .d- Carol Vagg, Linda Tyrreli, Troy Tag- best hitting average for thé gamie. frob M terls o f tie C.GasisT.and O (n jMnday eveningat the Odd4gant, Mary Lynn Bàiley, Gaye Hinton. A score of 12 te 4 favoured Oronie Imm ce ~ rgirs.of eeCoe.wad Hall a g-roup of ex-service Golden Bars wvere présented te Anne on Tuesday -night at the local park menxeplaonrecoridr las fr ilbak, Marie Hooey, Cathryn Hoo- swhen they met Cbur.The tev Th~e younger members of thte Junior the erevtiF of a CenotaLph in Orono. ey, Cheryl Cooper, Mary Lynn Baile., runs came off 13 hits and a nuntber Congregation went te their class-room ,The men after considerable dsuso and Gelden badders fo Judy Vagg, of Coboun-g errons. Don MNallett went where they,, coloured ,wititryn, eîe to proceeýd immcediately with Gaye Hinton, Faye Nicholson, Lindathe distance for Orono with 2 stnike-, Tnade draings and pasted pic lunes the erectonof b te foundaion. Ne)t1 Tyrreil, Mary Lynn Bailey and Troy outs, 2 walks and giving up a total in srap books. The boys were busy having funds oun han te meet the Taggart. of nine bus. 'with a plastic building set and serap financing of this, osýe reseat'dip Gifts were given to the ladies ho Fisher for Cobourg secured four books~. pedj duwn' lantheir own pockets and at drove the one to camp ieoclîy. his i n his four trî»)s to bat. Cra Àn iterstig prg~a ~ws ~ that meeting secum redeogh te Pro- TOpy were: Mrs. L. Hgey, M3s, jp Cornîh'also battd a thousand ith Aiie y ieyongtrs tchira a cud.. u istbe inroided, andiso ne -Tantblyn, fMrs, .J. Major, Mrs, . two bits rto rp.Junior Wesêt wiote in it-,ideal nd .Fr Nicholson, Mils. A. L. Hooey. lsl foý-llowed wrhseteeffective ,ed singing, recýitations and readings. off the nierchants bas made an effer The assistant te Tawn;ty Owl, Miss and timIely hittirg. Groulp songs were a feature of the of a gift of1 cernent. Rita Barr, whoi)s leavi-ng- was pres- To date Don MNallett leads the Orono afternoon, Senior niemibers sang "T'he 1ete ihacsecktb tbterinheatngvrgeid iBooks of the Bible.". Solos were rent- Work on erecting the foundatoentdwhacsmiektb tebtts te atngarge it .dered by Marie Yeo, Dennis Cobb-le- bregant on Wednesday wvhen a group BroWniesmad a Pair of earlngs wère a record of .415. Dean WVest closelpy dtek and Donna Gilbank. Duets were of rmen.proceeded V te lt deig gienbte localR. assctonand f lo Ws wth.40, onMSercer .37,5, by Mailiyn Tauvbly'n and Elaine For- Ldfor 'tne erec lion off Ibis mhnument prese ie yMs. R.tGinashrt Keith Ro West .35, C Jn ohnrishetir9,1 rester, and Ann Arniott and lEleniand began te work ofexaang ThBrnisptoa otplRoWet.2,CmnCrih.20 IMilson. Susant Goode, Bonn ie 1anlo , h planl is ncew ,te proceed inmredi- 1 the story of a boy and girl who did Junior West and Charles Aristron~ ,d ichelCaria gae ecia'ýors'1 -t,,y %-ih he retio of afD n ent like te help their gnandmothor, .250), Gerald Robinson .182, Deug. ar c e1ar, av-ecttin -ad - ~ fafona. ndtebno'ýwnies cone imb the home Simpson 119. Marvin Luain and Hu-la iBriar. Tam-blyn played a pianio soloý, tien, and then, vwhe-n funds Per-mit, te n hwhwÙe cnhî rudito odytV e 'le rcr Ànyn and Carol Gilbank recited the erect the mi structure. iat h,-Yv homer, l aon itnR eVIS',0SIIEDULE'c0ds Ton Commirandanents and CharilesIh IVSDSHIit iBeid, Grant Yeo and Giaf Kthn At Mond-y's metin,.laviEewofi Sandwiches and cookies were serv- Thefooig is the revisedli st «f alr.Kitcen-, leaiving the comntmunity, d and asca halIf heur enjoyed. away and at hme ga «sortif gave redin3s.%r. Wm. itchell takes bis Place as OronineeiteBsbîcl. m ~ ~ UàIà.% . ,hi --R,i le a1j'-f A,>thletic Recreational Prograni Commences Orono Park, JuIy 2 fo lite Nursýery class (3 Vo6 years> Thte OooAthiletic Assoiation an rd a fea for $1,'n00 foritefu t erni hýeld a successfui Benefil Auction on et' ;FfouLr week_.s for1 chlildren 7 te 15 Building when articles e'of vnldTiuida e If'is 'ekw ntI1ure wer'e auctioned anid soldte',,) the som,,e sxycitildrenreleV take itigliest bidder. Tite Auclien was pro- part laiite progrnm. Many mre are, m-oted te funthen ian gofbVite extpý-ected Vo rolw1hen lit-e pen activilies eft'hie org-anization. Ibgin-s titis TLiecdahy. IM.Jack Raid offered hîseics Tie ncetinlprogranu illEICon asý auctionieer and sold tiere majoril'tinn titrougitout lthe mnýtitof JuIy> et' te doniated articles for a, total suîi five dýays a week-. Tire chuildinen wt'lk ýamouit et' a f ow dollars ,oVer-$200,00. cnreaeaI te Or 0ono (uieia Items offered ranged from booeks, gus Building every mrlaa. aine andi sstove, crifbs, and'funnitune tVo boots in.' case et' nain ii hoid thein exer- a nd disites. cises linthebulig Fair weatherC C On Tuesday, July 2nid, te childrea lii oe Vitegnoup leave te buýIilng et' lthe anea will tura tein attention Jsetyae ieto iepr.Ga- )te the Orono Comm-unity Par'k wit-ene ss i n bela oeratienp frontr in the Oroo Atitietic Asscociation pro-. o'cloek until noon. gromnet' recreatienal aliliswl hin fuifl swing. Titis y-ean Mrsn, Mar- The agend'a for Vite citildren sWill vaLutn las heen ohtai-ned as VitPinlud uma-rous crafts sucli aa supenvisor with assistanc re Ja igr aai piasticinie and paper Aflldred, Gail Cbooper and Mariy ok, al-ong wii sui parts as test- Coehhlbedick. ais, piig -Pe,-19, pii, amitn Tne pnegnam-, as usui, ncludes al! sot'tbaîî, croquet and walen gamos.ý c-hildr'en frem V tite aýo. et'ftiree er te1h twelve yearc and ¶ll1,bgnoupedII ensta it ilde r s la in retage classes. Thene is a suned et'p!Lenty eof act-ivi1ties eve1? moderate chargýe et' 50 cenits a week mernng dù n ie m oet'July. Two Qu«ýalified Teachers To- Join Oron, HighSchool -Staff I1 Tite Oronio Higb Sciteýol-wi'll, ttis piaertsyt'for omtitensîng coming year, have on ils facuity woJthie position et' office manager. n-new mers, Misa I. Wautier, BA.,1 Wýiitir'itstail nad expernie~ Fîandý Mr.,J Ford, -B.A. ToeVonwMlles W'autÂer will ho more thau whe are welifl o for fdt tah h th teahingroesi are repiacing q curi'e ofV o feicitte cp iraci,ýan "z - g rono. Ii hook keeîp>ing at Oiroo.F'untben toi A saiof noey o.leceddurng (Cntnue o pae tgil> Angual 5perts Jlay Te 1Be 0rnc 8:00 p.rn m, Miss Ba-rr has accepted a posit,io 1-ier -duties, MsWautier wlte-acit I H'JNon, sat.,July 2 -Cobo0urg at Orono 2:30 a Toronito area echeol wbi ele Mn.Cte gefrls physical education. I 4~~~~~~~~~u y Port. Hope at, Orono. Augler 'îsfuheighsdeai. MnJln ndaoufTrnond 'ojâz etWed.J, l 10 - Orono at Bowmanvil i .Wuier of To Min.o i n - gauaof heFUni o e rt ofaTnd Vila espdorktCmpstd nnal-Day w ,illM o r., July 1.5 -0ooat Port IHope. daer tof JiivrTt-i YhlinteDooPark cln tidtâ 1 -Oisoa abug.eergauaeo enlcvrc fote in the Oscbs, bas an excellent To Lit liiliisrîilîhg Jiý,- ut c'nimecingat Ju y t9 TOrntO nd ha sonbposastadctebackgroubacgrou ithit twý T L stIn usril ro etis ngModa, ul ttcoiienina:Mo.,Juy22 - rno a t Cobourg. work Yn modem n uages.HNer spen .schoiarships teis red-ît Mr. Frd. adaInteriediate Basebal Thuers, Jusy 25 - Orono at Boi an. b1a xelntbcgon paln hr u..e-epnne onThe Trustees insîruced te seon- along WIthraecsfor tecide.Te. uy3 Bwnnil Ooo theWgaex fîenîîyacThscbrounduie îseesiedin It 'Che Orono Police Trustees imet o h!Inifac U' 0-BMaeat0-n)That Mr. inFodeIs qifi.ed in. mh- 5nayevening in thei r-egular se ss- tary te aigain write the ClnilThere Wilbe pnizes for the winnIng Wed, July 31i - OrnoatPot oe wl tea bi sbjctl the nwut ierct hldigFcrdicàtes fe utihe Ro- sin olownga or f heVilaeCoch ulnsand Vt ateth-of 1con)testants. lan now ro atted. o.,Agst -Cobourg at Oroiie.provedDprmto d ctinai"nsrat- oPusclaTrno -wvben theyispce the sidew alk pro-1 Transprtine esttbl ishinig a bus sto etcniii is speaking Fefe- gramand ther pendigpojnt,. The'im Orono. b-i ' v 'îret, whîle teaching Frencl in the Duning th1e pat "Lo'ais 1-e bas aiewlycostucio mt it te ýpontd ut ytbecha'irman Clarke AnU Newycastle De s îsno.Thsmîo a ared'endrco fth eot Menn Trustees' apoe ihthe cost be- utb Miss ar'eîà à cLUessflie choir, a group whOb pcilz ing about $175X Oleus than tre bud adt adterfeV h h& ine- unithe ast ea Mis Wauir n"a cpli"singing. geV~~!M ef$000.Toauoto hesd- dag evefr unaye tein fr t q4J. !=cg2. wîîtah encb in a Irdso h r ~i~t aiGoi walk pregram 'suas WR760tth nce on- remae of ite er wasais te S I xtension, 5VztîxtnOrono School. 'ný aphy and some Englih at Vie Oroln 1roposala sc roofhisheeywrla adition ilrisrex. tractor, (Mr. G: Winter, with an'adtie teafne-1tmat the0oiinnguofoVite etreets Prierte PAing teciege Mu s Wau".peLitat he Glee Club Wilce ex- tinal amount of $25.0U for true ne. _aofth ilg oidcs h rute h oucl fCakeTwnhp Thr r obeoi w cese e a tite ersepnec n adda n xr.cniclratv, ioval. Tite sidewalk programà ferl IL was noted thalthtiere is cliii wonrk iitenihoroef $45000', and the Villaeof Newcastle ed a ente the extension of 401as iVr-liebsieaf ieldi. Hrese a a(nLinued on page 1) -ro ýfdjoint !meetin aNewcastie on Mon- oeeds througbNewastl ndte 1957 bas beencopetd O mtono S .-hefon and day evening when 1heY dIscussed the 'Townshîpi of Clarke other than tli te be done along station sreet and il. SM. Mererthe soecretiy D ecnla xelino a- y41thog1uclo f40 n 15l h oui-j~ 1 I dicin n oe vne.Tti astc teConie'Egier n hv he twonicplte.Tbe main-con- Weslcorner of the ,,,Townshî.,Tie,elL.v er e g t ~ o been ~ ~ f reduslu entben beM me ihtieTutescnen er fteCenîwsthe iunder- treao cesses aýre at Newcvastie and, te1î, cecure trucs te tawfli onnse- ag drainageon Cob IIÀland rnpaWr cure t0,s o h Tws-ip yaler; ngthe culve L on tu, west Side Of adoepsesrcc r o cn iesotto etavAeadbt Thie Tr-usteesin, rspected tweloca- Ir ecounies rond by Ire Tammry HLstutdotiibiiwa.wilecoeef.Thewiliebeen ethP errh IIT pi tiens wrhere buildiing peits arebe A detailed ma of the rorth of the A tentaive agreement was neacb- threudno vracs,'vaee _________________ ing sogli. n Vt e of ising a VillagewaVs cubeiht ed by the chair- edlYte W 0bdces wbicb iA Vobeteasma.Teetiga o r:sult 1 eu S;-.-the oepion that the prepcoed pasq here areting oete ve-thuedtlinfor te devetienal. ~etni e Mn H.Rowete Uild anitîch itâd bee upc pliel bi telsubmted te ie Deparîment of Higit n coc ,yie wstftNewyese 'hg Auxî!iiary of the W ashi lm'Iovte bouse facing SainSre uVt eaîet t iiwy.Cranwy.shouid be rmvd Vo tce eost bonuadanyTusday, juane ntb t 8.15si nulhe Hcvmci At ie xay My Saar rleuds triangle betwýeen 1rncsP ndSato ares flndnw ed a]it e JCner asepe'e esrth f ieVilgewaroeedps Uie Cuci Wdaa cielren. i" a sn ndEraDvilra theTrstes ecnienel itl n a-1nn cAy thaud 0- Inacticmicd La niAiy éuoft'401 ard 1.i la s faitlUmes up with Ve.teei-tawllo ivth a quietmedtaton n ngin Vie dvoto a eacoe diionitacfet be ndded te h al cres eedseitdon te maUliaI sontt beun taffie o n 11.5 awiihN. a tuhlb h dcw n1olecýs ,-ý,(mhuh yLeieeting1 "Fer Vie Baauty of te Eartit"ws arraAnolcabytekV lot late triangle seVitalthe bouse ih the greanursection loengbla h sane traun"!ansI on 401 would sieuld a e ed iover ensI Vo thelsung.a Mt eoud ie st frîhr l of bit Plicinily o ' cf c OrnoCeesr. OnDnt bue blteget ente 401 at lte tvn r iee narclu'btter ac-i MIinutes, îl al raue' e td o 'was~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wiiiediil5fi~apri .Mra ieVlaeî eac&tv eae tiogi te changes are being proposed b- the Dor-a ilMrris i e ieAxlav~<,~h î~î~~ e9a setone'Viepopry9fMn. ïy, igr aV uurc, pbilning i'n lie suîi f liutei llae.S'uciïa Hibas Gtt-ehr hr.I a nn-Ptr.aitl.ledda ieaeof, Cpowes. e PeScenyWsattnze ecn rcdr l rectVraficovemmo., accepd-( tco.ila Vo be agln nter ndJfr.X eiI ý e hat TiecapanwAus autitenzed lapiete c:e tansfer),trets hhlre uedy b iiden at-til Mr. J.T.Brovnree e 'VieTown1- mein iht husa, Ju'Y'1 togne c(meds)oun ye W t Vitl e bav M. C Wed ulgras iûo Vte . . Ft'astr uggsld $teding .Vit ilage scitoL. Tht e Cshpouane brogb forth Vitesub- and Cars aree a, eth m an-Wl>,llhruhbsdaisern oepo roauds pirte Decons u aysesstudb ae ea uaeparîmnent ipea se ecaie ei t iepoeto o ieaeconer aI 6p.m. Groupa iand 2 nn are1pie anArouhl nedM;iswonde VpesAsSunday. Tite To vWnitipindutrieolalocaii'iginerontpicn.roake irs ceuse ad grupa e-d u ui wrki rsVWer-, aedpapas 'whict is itis'soîn mens et'arakig beler povi-su00endinglitaVillae et Newcstle Ron Spenatadet s aseVObe ~ rssgetdVtll~~sesaIten401 ad115 junctio)n and Mn. B-roWsed what consenont aedessert. ag rr n t i k nwt cotcedt av etin oedte apoci etanpeeÙl'wn hs imn tirVie direction of or einEnddite ae GsniFown rrnangemens fA O Ummr esi, Tt esr e'alt f p)rier t itsd te, ecpec'ial-y -_ ti e ns cerig Vite vailabiLy Got'in-tireugit trafic mb ite Village Of hhtitolli ny agi eu ent "'ixhcs ceuild e mlaeu o % l eU - i ' wa yiciityet'(aueioCeinelry. dutraîsites and if thes ee me mNewcasË, tle I as aise noted that be ajrnngd. ilassnad At a nuimaendaenseiosEleaB.aliseclsuriobtisdna ____________________avalaleVitl iteTrstes it~ taffe roeding n nVie pro.:ber noad îaqued f fie pro eciuon. eeksinJuly; Vema Walsen M ay rry enreaneaoet'bis ea~O<~~spamd some money lu adverliia posed 4W etension wéud have Vo dethltereeve etofte Townstiptand il(,dGl -amb -i a, w w~s crinstoi iebeok "Mr. Joue !,lan e. 0Other featuneSte board fei, av a plteNwcasle cleleamf Va ssthe reeves feeling thauaIe n îun-TnpsYu .ýi]J-bc e 14~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ru ws eiavesligated and e-arieon higlitay 1,5. Tniistraffidrd pensonswldpesiiyson t~hîlaTains YugPepe t-tlie\,,se( aîie TreKep IUC W acl~~~ei upen if Viîbin reason. IL was îhought, siteuld proueed V Vte fo trreeto, ner AvclsobyKyCtpa"Ifuiredadmsiansigt Thvh er~lruieis h oAbù uscA sVieÈfisla twe weeCsaiangu.1ret'Vie angs," t hwas beaut.i' Ii ais e sù the- intention o et' i jn con east et'f te V illge w ene as wee voied iowever ne acton butithow wel, nemring Incorpration, Pedlar% l accommnnodate Viose travelling Southt castle council are Vo coaidetah.nejenni e Norton to t eoiharge et')fihanfks telte speaker avic'hieeventyolle ite fine agreement from $5'0.00 V fr hsetrvelngwe ol0,ib ows~ rrdiiulpoelty« I.lheadeinr ortrieWat Hm ien Ov rU eaVo JLnchandslal ai' er ai. - 10.0.bng tepceed nontiton i115. j nrs. 'lei Vt tey" wasung. Jeaie Vok 1joyed1. TI - - - ---------

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