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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1957, p. 7

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LIk-es Williams but Not Rabbit Bal Ted Wi saa ayr, Ty Cobb, îz one of the nicest fellowvs he rver met, a boy with a tremner- dons heart and a healthy, downvr- to-earth outlook on liie. SO said the greatest player h-I t.he histo-ry of basebalI, at Kali- sas Cit.y for an oldI-timers' night before a gamne between the Red Sox and A's. "There has becn an attemrpt i the past, te buiid up a sort of feud between Williams and me," biegan thema whose re- tords still doinate the Little Red Boa.'But anything in thait vein written in the nrewspapers (jr sent out aver the radio is lxnst unfair and ehtirely incor- "I remnember the first timneI ever met Ted. lt was before a World Series gaire between t'he Yankees and t)odgers. Grant- Land itice andl 1 were walking ap 9a ramp and 'Grant' spatted Ted ahead of uLis. When Rice in- troduced uxs Ted asked me if 1 could teach him ihoaw ta hit to ieftý field. I saîd 1 couldn't teach ha but I cauld tell hUa how 1 did it. "WeIll the ne-xt day .- and 1 itill don't knowv how they go.t any part of the ot,,ry, because thy didn't get itfrmRc - a story came out that. when 1 trIed ta show Wiliamns show ta bit ta leIt field, ha popped off and lklittled me, as well as al old-times. It wasn't trueý. I have talked with him twa,, or three Urnes since and he has always been just as nice ta me as any'. une cauld be."ý Ccybb a told that Williams hms beeni hiting ta the lef t side more ta ever this seasQn, ana. 0f the reasonis his average has been ever or araunid the .400 mrark. 1 figured Ted loses about 20 base hits a> year because tbey Éh-if t onhi" Ty said. -'In one ram)e alone 1, saw hJim lýit three Iune drives right aàt the- secind basemian, who was playîng in short right field, But a£ I've Iaays told himy, he can break it pUp ifhe hits ta the opposite Dýeld. Bab Ruth did. The Babýe ,vould even bunt when they ,.hifted On him.I 'm glad 1te hear -1ed hasi bees-î ng ti) lef t imore. That's heec neKded ta be One ô t'he greateSt. He hbas0.1l tht Ceobb told how a Cali;forïirl writer had cailed hlmr on the telephonie a f t e r Cleveland's Kerb Score haid been khit with a line drive, "The f ellow wanted mie ta biame night bail for 2ýcore's accident, but I couldný't," lie went on. "How can you rap gometh-ing that bas clone saj much for basebal-1l-- that maakes Il Possible4 for the working mani to go out te the park after vzorklng heurs ? 'The one thing I dan't l-ike about the modernl game îs the lively bail. It ha, taken away the value o! the angle rua and eliminated the smart, scientifie garne. The low score, close 'ICLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BEFORE LEAVING FOR MONTREAL. on her maiden voyage, the 22,000-ton Cunard iner Sylvaniai is put through her paces during ber recent trials off ihe, Isle of Arran, Scoticand. Sylyaniai's de'but marks completion of Cunard's 90,000-ton Canctdianl service building program which has d,-;iv(red within three years the Sylvania annd her s1ister-vessels, Saonia, Ivernia and' Carirnth;0. Memories 0f Those Penny Candies From aur home on Metro- poitian Avenue, it was on-ly a skip anid a hop tw the store., You neyer stuck to the sýidewalk, howevýer, for it was far more fun td walk along the gutter and break tar bubbles, The scorchling summer sun formed them i in soft patches of tar the edge of the road. Some had beautifulfly cuirved, shiny black canvex surfaces as large as a half dollar. One pake with, a sýtick would release the trapped waý,er, a sight that neyer failed ta please-. (Just whty, I am now iat a loss ta Breaking bu,.bbles prolonged ,the trip an' your anticipation. but if yau broke evex-y bubble ion)ïg the wvay, you couid stili reach the store hin less thail ten imilues, Whén you came ta the corner of Metropollitan and Wesýtminste;r,. you crossed into theý center of the street ande- tered the little park that crre- ,tes an oasis of green. The grass.wais a bit shabby ta bLu 5ure; the young oaks ai- t-hough resplenjdent in their green g4,arb) usualiy had a'broken 10W- er 11mb or two, and the cross.- gamne was a thrilling thing ta Watch. ù' ften wonder What Larry Ljoie would have done against this lively bal,» Ty said, emiilng, "He -had aà,wondferful strokezr, like Williams, and Would almzost tear the legs off the týhIrd basemnan, even wth the dead4 bal.", ISAFELODRIVîNG heurS eté betýveeu 4:N MOST LETHAI. lime of de> It> driwe la k.M end 7:59 k.M. Ilu ft sperîaod lle 4:00 PWM, because tht's aiea lie "iaren ee qi ta tseffk accidemts iap. rchance*s for fatal cciïdents are grealet. I peu, yitl, Ofly .19151per dent of tie trof-,' Setaecrn :0 AM And 7:59 P.M. iz when fic 'aluna. on tic raad. 27 pet cent ef fatalccidents Saoppen. SAFETY TIME - Ojcd you know that the safest time to -drive your far la when. the traffiç is heavîest? That's the surprisîng conclusiocn drawn iy Dr. A. R. Laue'r and C. 0. Swanson of Iowa Sîaîe College's drïver-tralning Iaboratory ffo ig ex- exhausflve siudies, This and s5ome of their other firïdinigs ar& Iliustrated or. Newschart a'bove, patirswre rý.,rkcy, but it "vas a great spot jusit the same.1IVanly a game of mu.inibletyý-peg had been played an thýe turf; maany a braken j acknife 'blade resulted fromi striking a rock tirat prior drsuitary probing had failed to locate. Directly across fron tire up- per end of the park, stoad large duplex irouse. One corner room had been used as a gro- ca-ry forass long as I cfare- m-embar and it is probabl'y su occupiad toda<ýr, As yatu entered tre door, tire penny candy coun- ter with' its sloping -glass front, spotted with tire sam-i-t.ranspar- 4--t impressions of smnall noses md sticky fingers, was at the left. As often as niot, tire romn was rnipty, for tira owner lived ir. an apa.rtronat aboyea and be- liad tefi store. A sinall window la tire rear wiall opened i.nt( iris k1tchea. 'Whean thz bel! over the door jan-igled, a face woiuld ap- pear, and sean lie - or she - wauld enter fromn a irailway at the right, Tir-ue spent waiting for Mr. r,.- Mrs. Pomner -was neyer wasted. You irad a great array cf cady te look oývar, and 1,f moare than one penny was yours to spend, many difflcult deci- sions t(; rhake, comrpouLnded by tire n-umbers of cappers iavolv- ed. î kniewtire contents ,,ifthat case by heart and tira precise location cf each item, but tris neyer seemed to lessen the mag- nitude ai tire problerin. Tlhere were .-nany factors ta be weighed, Somie candies Were three for a cent, sucir as tire iragrant green' mini beavas we ail liked, otirers such as- Boston Baked Beans ,vere measured ciit iný a sinal woaden bean)- pot, and quite a numrrber (ef clu- clous candycoated peanuts were yours for a cent. Long.- strips ai jet black lico- rice were a great favorite and probably gave you as -nuchr value fer a penn'y as any itemr in tire case, Thre real licorico was great, but I recall thiat tire red and green items tirai as- ssuned the shape af licorice wirips irad a taste that leit miuci tabe desired., If memoary serves mne cor-rect- ly, an ahi-persuasive odor Of pickle lingered la the vicinity of tire candy couniter. It cýame fro'm an, ornato Jar, once used for candy, that stajod on to)p oi tire counter, A whole pickle wàs five cents; a generaus suice was a9,mare tirree pennies. Pickles anid 1 have. neyer been" great frîends, but l'Il readily admit that a candy counter can oiîly ire tira real thing if yau, cani sniff pickle smnell around t. Closing miy eyes and scanning from lait ta right, 'd say tira Une -up la the Pomner candy casa went soietirng like th1s. Firsi carne rmini juleps,a tangy candy that was two for a cent and had a tiavor that macle themr dang.erous t'iirings ta eat in, a 'cla-ssromr. Any teacher could detect tha smiel]ofai a int julep, or the green leavas, at a go.od hali mil1ie. Or at - least se it seemned, Next hintire row caeano ln- pareils, tire littie chocolate wafers with the white jimmy. Next came bull's-eyes, which require no description. if youý- have neyer eaten a bull's-eye, yeu-'ve neyer spant a childhood la Massachusetts. Maple sugar cakes came next, followed close.- !y by littietn dishes complete with a small tin spoan. The dish was filled With a soit sreamyý mixtuire that usually praved ta be tougher than tihe spoon. You;i wound up scraping tire swee-t fram thre tin with your teetir,. but this was considered alil part of thre gai-e. One of my favorite candies wsa small bar about 'two inches long, one-quarter incir square, a muddish brawn li, col- or and rather coarse in texture. Its flavor was a bit on tire Minus sida, but its na-ine made up for ail deflcQe.ieies, With typiceal Yankee farthrightness it waý* called a mud bar, and it was worth a c,,ent any day, Ir, fact, I'd giad'ly pay alrnast any sum for one right now, - You can't wvrite about penny candy and omit sucir items as the sinali candies which camne fastened to a narrow strip of whîte paper. Memeory fails ta, produce a name, but the amount af paper consumned along with thre candy kept this item from being held in high esteemn by miy s et. Along tire bottom aif the case were such delicacies as imita- tion ice cream canes, Mary Janes, Boîsters, and small botties which contained a sweet liquid. These "candies" gave you double value, You bit off thre top aif the bottie, drank tire lîquid, and then chewed thre container until the wax crumn- bled ta dust. Not one of rmy favorites at aIL, Next ta tire wax items came the candy peanuts and banauias, and just past them the candy which every youngster Uiked - old fashioneds, Creamny Wite, they had a sort of bittww.eýt-t cirocolate coatin.g, a~n unbeatable combination. One or two other select -ebild- hood swveets rriust be ineationed, Tirere was Oh Boy Gum, a gîaat-sized stick la a brilliarit yeilow wrapper. 1t was prob- ably tire frst appearance àf bubble gumr. Just the size af the stick alon)re made Oh Boy Guna a bargain; the fact tirat you ecoutld bowbubirles with it as well was sheer largesse deliv- ered by a benevolent mnanufac- tuTer. Oh B3oy Gum prabably got more into hot water in schoi than any gum since - but it was warth it. I oniy wish tirat my boys migiri hiave the plensure ai being able tao b,-uy peniny can.dy at a neigh- barhoad grocery. A gracery run by friends and rieighbors, - fot sýtrangers, who considered boys endi girls with a smile on their faces and a penny clutched tighf- ly in ,Dne moist palm as amiong thieir nost vaiued custamners. Fromr an article by Philip Brady lTho Christian Science Monitor. Keep your better SIL VER FROM TARPNISHING by wra 'p- pin-, and storing it la aluminumi foi. Heavier gauge foul, suci as the ncw quilted. type, May ho used again and again for this pr,11rp os e. AGENTS WANTEO BE YOUR OWN BOSS I MiEN or womnei, cani work Your ow-n hours, and make profits up to 00 selling ,exiclusive hcsusewar.e produets and appLiancesý, No competltin, rnt available In stoýres, and tbey are ae nlecessl.ty la every homre. Write at on£ce foýr free colour catalogue, show- ag retail prices plus confidential wbo!L- gale prica list. Kurray Sales, 3821. St. Lawvvrce ]B1vd.. Montreai. BABY CHICKS PROPT bipentchiks.Pu!le, cockerels. Dayold amd started. Wide choice breeds, crosses. For production on your best paybg g markets. Bray I'atchery. 120 John N., Hamilton. WE lhatch and seli a lot 0f ebicks and turkey peults iii July. Ail popular egg breeds, dual purpose breedq, broiler breeds. When you purchaseý chicks and turkey pouits from Tweddlu, y ou can be sure t1hat you are getting th best cbicks ançi turkey pouits that. money willi buy. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHI1C!K BATCIIERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIC FARM MACHNERY FOR SALE EBERSOL straw and hay Shredder and Blower, good condition, 100-foot drive belt. Ford Buckrake good conditionl. Ken Lusb, Rockwood, Ont. P.honie JL, FOR SALE FU-LLYeqipped Weldlnig & Black- smlitli Shop in sure crop tobacco dis- trict, dolng excellent business. Five- roox moem ouse, garage and gar- den iii-csali separate or trade for Part Cýash and large house in. good con- dition in City, Reason for selling, ill beaitb. Contact Agent, Martha -Reid, 304 R 30, Mounit Brydges, Ont., or Coughtrey Real Estate, 141 Dunda,, London, Ont. ON4E huzndred aicres. house and bara 40' by 46'. water in stbie, impiemieni be.And guantity W timiber. Good sugar bush. Appiy 'W $red C. Ncdll, Burks Falls, Ont. USED beebives andl equipmnent In good clean Condition. H. J. D O) W N, ]Kincardine, Ontario. 10)0 ACRIES Clay soul; 50 a'cr'es bush, rest eieared. Tourist site. Building, Ilve- stock, rmachinery, etc. S5,500, 1/2 çash. IEenry C0'NeilI, Sturgeon Fails. sURPLUS EZQUIPMENT ONE Cedarapids 10 x M6 Jaw crusiTer. One Cedara.pids 18 x 30 RoIl cuhr (M4cuntedi tandem witb discharge conveyor. Screens used on13, on. imonth. Çrusbers Ai -Condition. PrIce $6,000. One Lapianite Choate Tractor scraper X20cu. yds. AI condition, PrIce $5,000. One UItile Gbit ~cuý yd. Crane, dragline, pullshovel and zabovel. Prie. $8.500. Oaae 6" Jaagar Sure Prime water pump with enrgine on stands. Pria. $ 1,200, Will finane. Ail price f.ê.b. Wiind- #or yard and eau be Lnspactad there. CENTRAL, STONE & AQGGREGATS,ý 30 ikward Ave., Windsor, Ontï. Sula .CAL5 SAT1SF Y YOIJRSELF .- EVERY SUFFERER SHO'ULD TRY OIXONWs REMEDY. MUHROIS DlRUG STORE *35 Sfgmn, Qttowe I.5Express prepaid. POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tormaint 0f dry eczemna s'ashes and waaping skia troubles. Post's Eczems Ssalve wil l ot diuap. oinxt you, ltching, scallag anid buma. ing eczama;, acnie, vingworsu, piinplez atnAl oot aczema wiil respond readily ,t tihe stainlese odories!a oiatmnent r.. gardlass of how stubborn, or hopelesa they satin. Sent post Fre(à on Reeipf of pri ce PRICE $2-00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St, Clair Avenue Lest TORONTO OPPORT'UNITiEs FOR MEN AND WOMEN WI-NTER >Ira lorida! Our two ata~ tivo. moderna aterfront cottages fer reat, eacis $50 a month. Lovely settiag, Excellent fisblng. J. ],. Hltcligs, Southport, Florida. BE A HAIRORESSER JOÎN CANADAIS LEADING ICHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wageàe. Thousaads of sucvessfui! Marvel Ora2duates. America's Greatest Systern Illustrated Catalog Fria. Write or CaUl MARVEL 1AIRDRESSING SRO0LS 359 Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches;ý 44 King St. W., Hamrillon 7,2 Rideau St.. Ottavvz ,EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS,. GREABES, PAiNTS AND Coilolcisi Graphite Additives. Deal- ers wanted wo seil to Farmers', Fleet Ownars andl Service 'Stations. Write Warco Grease & 011 Liiaited. Tarontç 3.Ont. PATENTS FETHERSTONBRAUGH & C o nm pany Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 UnIvarsity Ave-, Toronto. Patent& an lcountries. PERSONAL YOUR lIOROSCOPE for 2,U- includa, birthdate whesn orderlng. Your nama,. andad dress, iK. Arsenauit, Box 4, Ambaerst., Nova Scotia. $1.00 TRIAL offer. 'Twenty-fiva eux PET STOCK BUDGIES WANTED aIGHEST cash prIces palAl tor any 1uatity sex, aga, colour of healthy biUrdsl . re shipping boxes surppied, transportation paid. Write, giving fuIt particulars to Viobi (Canada) Lmld t.Thomas, Ontario. WE have juat receivad two irnportad boars. One, of these is the best and loagest Landrace boar wa haave cer gean. These two ouitstardÏIg animlaIs wiil addl to our string of seven nerd boars, Pil from difierent biood fines, When you waat the beat la Landrace, comae to tha top breeder and îimporter,. Our Assocllate in Scotland i; on the 100k out at al timas for tb.e besi and newast biood linos for us. Weanhing, frour moatis olAl, six moath old sows and boars, guaranteed lai pig sows, eerviceable boarq al froxa importadý stock, catalogue. FERGUS I4ANDRACE SINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO LANDRACE ,X Yorkshire Glts bred tu Landrace $1.Raistered Landrace GIs four moaths $125. Woanliing Land-. race boars $50, Bestwvood Farm, R.R. 2, Newrnarket, Ont. Phoý-ne TWilanlug 5-44,53. QUALIFIED Yorksbires - senvdceable ktgedboars S$75,; waanlings, aithar sex $25. Registared, f.ob. J. E. Dixon, Mioorefield, Ontario, BU1Y your t.aaidrace froixa s breadar tisai salis oniy Top Quaiity Lnrc and ai, reaso0nala prîces. All froua Umporte-d stock. Apother large lai. portation on tha, way. Weaing, four monts old sows and boars and a limited number Df outstandlng bred eows, catalogue', T.ýONRA STOCK FARM R.R. 3, Holland Centre, Onat. ISSUE 26 - 1957~ BLACKHEADS Don't ïqueeze Blackhecads end lbave tugly Fay d-cissolve thaxa vith PEROXINE POWDER. Simnple - Saife - Sure Cle.inses tihep or es deedo ,giviag Forsi italty a dnd nr. Ai your SResuilts gueraniced. Price PEROXINE POWDSR ALu O INSTALL ' - Az - - - V --- SAFETY CHIMNEY i-ý lem pefab cl-etsb doto bIfo Sck, nebloda., as mrtsc,,nosrepaifs! Ufeijn t zi siool steet 0Urs.Flu Ioetr er lire praol and acid-prool Eco- nsmicat, sagioseredI and borsfeed to! ilfu els. tJsderwýritm ansd CMtI approval FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REliQUELLNG Iducts Lmted antforci, Canada N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N5 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N --4 N N N N N

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