Authrize asSeconrd Casos Mail, Post 0f ficee Department, Ottawa Fener . .Forrester Pbihr.R .Forred §ter Anci Lie-Logce r isa sirpe, one, but itexpresesàago. C dea. t is wara ai mo'.t, hte n a lorg to c-, or meeout fra shrtdreto "loUw adJe Lne. 7À, Camnpaign h%3 theendorsation o'fsExcelle cY Go - n~Generamicent Massey and former P imo Miaster7 Et. Lau es. Thé lattei in is endorsation says: woicy per- sCiet vgîlnmec aa ecethe t ,gc oî o 1erods-ep e«YiAll uèrg the holiay season." We agree heartiy vsrith Mir.St. Laureat in is plea for "persstnt vigilanece! Wlethe applicat ion of thîs slojgan ta'drvn onte iihas l of primle imnportance, it can also he gveaa mueh broder application. It can be ap'plied to those w,,ho gne no tbioght to slowviag doJwa. the pace of their business ]HinlaonreAtoie longer, 'Me Pare of MAf in business aad ia str aalso taking a heaýy to f hum-aa !ives hecause too maîynieahave neyreiýIaraed to relatx aaid so o They live under consant rtress and strain, refuse to heed the parmnags offntue ad l il t'oo maiay cases dier-, -8 maueybecause theýy have puash-ed tàýýhe human enIgine ttoo bard., Peope of this type alsoj need to pay atnint h iga, "Slow n ad Lire LnerThr sotmc satX4 atiol l e driedi4om ein o wrknga b..apneck sfpeed for sustained perïodse nit is Hable to Li-ni ',lao egna-ve ahe-ad of binre. WatrSfeèt'y At Chrono Water fAlitles are cama numerous lives every weekdu'i~gthe summier nionths as familles take to th? mater Mcr enjoyniea.tand rdeef This taking of lires is un- ucsayand for- proper eeati and water saffety knLIO-W. l- eg fpatcdcudelàiiania,,y drwigs Fo poi nthis area the OooReci Cross will gau sonissummer give lanstructionïs ton th'le art of safe wmma and ý tasft ratce.iPr ntsshuld mkeevery efr for threir chuiliÏren to) attend thýsýe classes which, are to stairt wtna vweek or two. Paric-ipat'ilg Jla such Classes cou!--, mena a sa i ý f aHfe. ~i -, MeOror Woo rD,'Ca. adran Lgion, ~ac178o oU nn Pluniblag AND CALL UTS FOR ESTIMÂÎ,%TES Pb~e33 -R I2 ORONO &Ît4T, O N EEKLY TPMER TIIURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 195 Piceic At W1ýaloaPI Drfogtt ET Fti Fedas RSL J'L urge- t1c S ame W.S Fee Op sale. ood quality. Val, hlliClïh i tase i à. JW. Bas mephoti -4, Ooo ThSir al nicac held by Braych Wedneeday, Julf 2, from 5.3O on. -T____ 17 o te andinLegion flownian Also aaietv rogrammen. W ýTO T9RENT, vile t Wlta ak, oNewcastle, 0, Amisin:7pyc;5àI; 25!. am.c o ~ouat of hu - Sudyiat as most sue-es_,fUï. Poe1a1Ooo the evuent. Mny 5-icpte n thel AWanetoAnLE~T~n iae nd FUR E$AAdane o srE contets, port Progammewillhe hed %a- AtLIuShamcourtsi aeArena ait urday, June 29tc in th, AiMau-e-iOrono on Fry, June paat 8 po. Free pp was istibted tothe a ..Bdom itro.adk e hidead each ehild also receied 'ote Ow u a re icket for ice-cream and Amiso -ccriaî fliurdshs la~ e we nree ticsfor other treats fronm MtOc. lectry p-,ic s to ae an, Sestrf booth during the af ternoon. Ab Mayan chased at t he Ancd Was the chairman la cchrge 'a-ofr as LJA G RiAc ragmnfoi. GENERA ELDINGder ranemets hepicle.Othr RBY ANNIVERSAIIY (Arc a'nDr Gas) memsersof the olnmtte wee Ma &ram~nal ronRailige, Mower AnaPiperp resient of the Legon KinY United Ch71ch l're'ary' Ladies Auxiliry; George Graham, "lUl~ e'd" s na - Jr OhbaesrPie n saP~.Po worepre1tsented the branh, and Anat 7:-DO ýp.mi. (e.M. oei o hrsplil adhr u'aig Bokreretigthe Legion Ppe' Bia4kstm1k wî ,Il bethnguest speaker LESKUARD WELINNG Oon and BScSbks chak rwill furnish Phone 1ir',5, Bond. pca ms II'ac FormerlyCarn'We T'hy eeasae at the picnic ¶ BAY! BITING« by a l arge nmber of vluness ,,hD4TO) OUR FRIENDS IN-Yo .e2pedwith te races a nd at the sup- ORONO COýMMUNITY Fo Cstm ay BaigPoe hi-,ýwe taan ucream ' 1Fred Rerr-Y, 1 Orono. b- Iprhur ea eaad ce wre Ido aat tola k ailon behaîf of _________________ Mns. Kithen, Ola and myseif for the myany, gifts anid tihe haest wishe-s sent 2,9 HOUR EXPERT SERVICE A peýanut scramnble was the firs t to us on the ocso of our leatvimg A il P81TS a gu&8»o %tm on the progrm and provd very Oon nWMmiJu 3rd. IWe leay'"our Phono 8.8818a popular wih hde scores of children. work and thl commuaity hee wîtht »Vu -onii jýesn aes os hepithing feelingsoïf regret. Our 5î/1,L ers stay 1,1l~Ot&I and several gamnes of basehail were in this omtnt have b6een anmon, piayed by different age groups.After the best year of our lives -- we have sujpperý a tre isure hu it w-is orga ýçizýý' secured mnaay woadafful frieads and with cypîren and' aduits Woh taking have been Pleused.wiuh hem. Our part. It was rua with fasn'lies com- d&or, ai 1985 CaIton Avenue, Nia-' utn petmg as unGt~. gara Fls iaiasbe copen ïtot aay aail ýof( po,-. We pray God's The family «uhoe m br bogtrichbest blessing upon You e lanthe largest total of eggs that had Sincerely John Kitcýhena ..p Insurance SemC been hiddea throjughit the 'gUnde; ,,as Tom Carter's faiily -1h10won a Eý'AEET!VT aso Iax beautiful table lai-Pp. Er. GAGEMENTn- MEve er 1a8 f ns L ' H I SAE io frdaughte Jne Johana Fato c«ofiezTe.olw gm at his premises, across The mnarria e wi:ii take Place onD,t- rgae soe c h the roa4 ro Lakeview Ce-metery urday, Julyi 27, .19,57at 3 o'cLoek in main coverages wP, mn Lot 9 and 10, concession 2, Newton-,Orono United Chixre. hý' ôîer toaville, Wedaesday, July 4th at 6:30 offey :un, àbout 50 acres of mixed hayi CAI.O HNSmma*LteAcdnt d standing lanfield. Ternis cash. Lloyd, -We CARD 0F tHAxtNKS tmo>u.rL ehAcidatsu Clydedal, Actioeerfelt thaaks aid deepes.t ape in dme..Pligt. Glaae, LiMlity, Ffor msagsof zsympa 1ý and ffe k% Swguwy. Iqimp&tai Cemta¶icommences 1oj eautful lflo1ern eevd Livesteek, Doiler, Wimd. P0UÛý ! froni aeîbmurs and f' ds. n Ri, Fidelity Bondga tf. (CnrudfrmlPage î pcilt1kst) . ent ch0mao thyomtee r elaig sýa, whtethe decease RN PHONE IR13 Porter is the scetrand Col. ore>îor(- he/acaof 'iind4esS aeyis the Tesrr An account - a-àrcatsd braeet FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS It At Bank has been ,o'penýd fo)r te rsAlldread 1'aad fail.. aceiviag ofdfuads. Soon a c a - oôr fuade ill lie niîade, _______________ T l -ý j Leroy Hamitom 1I -ou]dlketo hal myRAL f nds09FÀ and weihrs füthe, love lW- ELETAE ROD ers, ar s, strt and en iiires fo ___ _______________ me whle i h piai aatnd ome. 1PHýONE 1081 oiGNe. oeoe~ »OVIU2mLL, ONT. fos MA 8-l Um e. NA 4M JOHN RE,,tAN, LBI larrister, Notay Publi as Ttmpoeam.. St., Bewuaavilb JACK'REID Ooo'. licemm., Awtmeear »4d VoïcMr B"d"ai. h ru Fuuiture Salo Comuk me fer mmim and à"t ph... 5 r 1 . 0mw TED JACKSON sëdfat rsamvtbl. eais e. vftt*tt o, t O.fer dstla LIFE INSURANCE râi*,osud Adïûts; Martgs » b IF. E. LYCEW' 1Ogres, Ont. Ph.. IT Lm çeomt aba 440 mtft.d memumt ««w tiapu*-~ yis mie" oeuzee Orono Electric MonuxzlEsts, Gravemarb~ PHONE -129 ~igraviiig, Go1dIeuf~ -.---------------- j "Be' ret aud mave coa~ul~ £ONTRACTORS FOR FARM and ROSSE WI1RING.. APe. Ne S REAL ESTATE FOR S13ÀE Fr.oeissS UNu Prompt a-id m»lut«d RuqMdm #W .tat. Prkow t. au ind Md ï.1*«â l Pk *16 .Ngau b4 sud àiasiss i degw» 1 SW a-, qtt *atmpUêB«à*mwo~i Us * -bu ' v JLL . TAGGART VETExNAT BEJO sud « trutu. * t boIý*