5for 100 -IB','0 OZ. TI-N Cookte dSagh et ti 6f or 10 O 1 LB. PKGý.' 4for 1.00 lRed Cohoe SaimonS for, 1.00 GOLIJMEDAL - PURE - 9 oz. Tumebler PEANUT BUTTER 4 for $1.00 KING'S HAN» PACKED 28 oz, Tin Ch'eTomatoes 4 for $1.00 Y~I FANCY - 20 oz. Tin (LENPEAS 5 for $1.O ~ CL ANC -20 oz Ti n CRAMCORIN 6 for $1.00 XOR COiCE - 15 oz. Tini .Dessert Pears 7 for $1.00, SOUTHERýN CROSS - 7 oz. Tin ,Solid TUNA F1511 5 for $1.00 KELLOG's $pecial "K" Cereal 4 for $1,00 _ LBYS-15 oz. Tin 21PRO Deep Brown Beans 6 for $1.00 IE2"X4! CULVERHOUSE - ~20 oz. Tin DICED BEETS 9 for$1 CULVERHOUSE - 20) oz. Tin DICED CARROTS 9 for . 00 SWIFT'S - 15 oz. Tin U *I W U PARD flog Food 8 for l$1..Ot *** *OW WE U 8 f or $1,00 JOHTNSON'S - GLO-COAT IlARD GLOSS Qt. Tin $1,00) LBYS-FANCY - 48 oz. Tiia TOMiATOA,4iICE 3 for $1.00 BIRLhSE) E - FROZEN - 12 oz. Pkh- .FRENCII PFRIES 6 for $1.00 RIED & WHITE- SUPER SOFT TOILET TISSUE --8 for $1.00 VEAL W iFTSPEMIUM - RINDLEý-1s S - CED BROO?(KFIJILD ALL THIREE :W'ýýlssSalage,Il. Pkg. MNacaironi & Cheese, 6 oz. Pkg, Pork Liver, 1 Lb. RIED & WHITE - 7 FLAVOURS JelIy Powders 13 for 1A4 LIBRYS FACY - 20 oz. Tini Tomatoe Juice 7 for L .n attractive stripes Regular $.12! value MADE 11N CANADA F 'Jranges ING WITH FLAVOUR" dez 21c New Potatoes 'bas 35c 9c Lemons CucmbesWax 1Beansý, Greeon Bean.s, Etc. Redthe Toronito Daily Star f 4or Week, End Featuires ýShortening 4 lIbs 1.00 1.00)fl SUNSPUN - 16 oz. Jar Salad Dressing 3 for 'isue6'for1.00 1.00 SImop With Confildence At Cornish's Red& Wite 4 / Z7-~ ,.t , i p g g o ROYAL THEATRE S,4 VE Il Oz JAR Ayqlmer Catsup g-WIltE WOVEN FAlimb EC BUY CA-NADA CEMENT '5 A R'i 12S BAGDelivered moo R.Ipk "L.:rg'YOR BUILDING NEED Ii 1 Ielp Hadwae -OronO I43~ vio /-olia, »etweeu Orono an eca-stle on Ilighway No. 35 Viger Standard olfine 110Oc per gai -tax Vigor Hligh Test 4 21%oc Per galle - tax imchu a, ,kic aded Ltd.i STOVE OIL-4ï your cewv0nience in siuaR quan±itieu av aliable st the Station Open Eveumlags auud Sumdays KENDALNEWS Visitors -with Mr. nd M%. G.Cah ar an Mrs, C. Thomipson anid Ar- thu'i r onSunday w\er-e Mrs. Bu'rwa1 1- MiMo EBide aM i su . M Brdej ACbur n Mr. McBrjide's son- Regna. M.adMrs. Paul Mercer and dagtrMary, of Guelph ami( vrs, HdaPritchiar-d ofToronto N;ere v -s- itors l'ora week with their p7airnts, ýMr. and Ms.F. V. War,en. MWr. andi, Mr.P. Mrersson, Atuiwonc hLs B.A- dgree at McGillUnvsty Monitreai i, and Kpeýt-s to goont ChicagoUieriyto get hisdc tor's degree. Hlaving fun uat Ken3-G-r-1Iii camp Qhs weekare Apri Towney, Harmy raTodd and Y f r Dabhi, Poppy Gibb, Lindy LAi Redford, Lin- dla Terryýso4i, Susan LadlwCrlf Withey-, RHonn-i Matl iy, JaneGrr, Mr. John Pattoni of Or-ono br ught Rev. Lonjg, tne minister f iýnoUn- ttedl Church to, visit Mrs. L. Toa and Mrs. A. Swýarbicýk on tra 1last, Visitors wththem n Thursa were Mr. and Mrs Wlfe4Roghe and Donie and Dnl' redP Paterson, aE i o shwa Wmn. n iii burned dow on Friday night. Fortutelty itwas a wet ngh, so no funther damage was done. tMr. adm rs.F. Miler and fml who camne from n-iLîg4and a, year ag sipent two lay-s zt Algonquin Parký this weekend and motored arcund in that part of thePone he an,- Iialyy the big 1bacý,k ears and1thei youag ffprngsan te ideers. They vîsitd th musum ad saw,-pi ctu of the preisr i nmais of Canada.a M. and Ms.C.loladhav-etke up reideneat their home here. Vi-- iting them u t the weedwr hi dughter Aid sn-i- iMr. a MR». AlecThompson ofToronto. Mr. n Mrsý. L. Vnn -wh-oar bidng ahome inKealeevi- tifor theweknd Mrs. Ted Coathamý andfalyo Oroo sentSunay ith h Ierpar-eine Mr. and -Mrs.Wm ecr Mrs. L Boyd;f of Enniskillen and dýauLghter Mrs. Graham nin1d Mr. C. Grhmof port Perry ere vstr on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. iaelU lexanider and Robhie,' The iiiorning service is Sun-daýy in hýe Kendlai United Church wastkn Rev. Whiyte,wo took for his lso the 1,3th chaliter ofRoas "A soft, aawrturnepth aw'ay wah was th-e topic for his, stor-y to teyouLnger niersei of thecoreain Th Suinday serv'ices for the rmine ofJý Jufl'y wiil be at 7:80 Fp.m.r. Allen, Posteýr was at the organ and the an,- temby the chir vwas very m h ouýn n- g- RER J [jj ~~ ASA Srinoa uf t7' gMONDÂT TUESDA - JULY 15 - lb g M. Last Show 'ý9:10 WEDNESDAY- THU SDAYa JULY 17 I8 g IAN S9 E o Last _oipilee*show -834 RKose Margarine SOFT RITE - COLOURED TOILET TISSUE SWIVFT, TENDER, PINK VEAL"URT Rib, Veal Chop -%lb 6"'g" unkist TREESWEET - 48 oz, Tin Orange Juice 3for 1.00 LIBBY'S FANCY - 15 oz. Tin Fruit Cocktail 4 for 1.00 BO WMAN VILLE To-Ni te Fetiirnat 7:15 and9 2 "Barret, of Wimpole St." FAIDAY AN DSATURDAT -JULY "12- 13 MATI 22,g SATURDAT - 2 p.mn.