ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THUUSDAY, JI7 Unveil Four Plaques AtCobourg' Ten Errors To Orono Ganaraska Auth Comneimorate Historical EventS ivCburg A 5-2 Victoryý Assist I Elmare cittilfCamieliard ha wilivleteu~eln ffu n teso oor.It natwihwntoobngyascro asasrue»letbcedhe suc-et, a fomer .alReeaofHpe ,,rn plaue tocomeuorteperý,--San o c . t etiboogh rosng ce 5-2. KcthWestanti Stanley Waged'up wi-th gilt-etigetipitceh-ing asho~hplasbe ebforfv r sites c ipoacei n te twr's hisý-Laanal ong ,and peaisbiga pt 'in Ldel with both pitc' hers elosers dwnwith jus- wesingles-yars and vc-chimnfor the past tor. t s xpcttitht he-eou -Iruewa toe ib-,ie- i 180-aieingny four hîts apieýe. In-y abl1e Wliam niA. Gufea wI n- 6,bttesoýutheraisectL*in ani-tinud fîderrrsblew thie hope of the Io- aru-eoig thpatthroh . Veil eane (J ' he plaques. Amocng thîers in use until' the I 89'sý. Cnierbecal nîne. trul hràb ajtnCrih--,A etn fteAý yi who have been invited te attend is quntitieus of 1umiber as ell s iran *Ye -)th West 'look 'ive trikeoiuts trutit i yCamnConsh r t aope eting o the upehori Mri Etwi G *GMiet~ as*l-ko --ae fram Marar assed over it. anc, gave up f ive walks. Stanley Camne th tir. P fort oe,, Hrbnowne duprvsero uthr holis on muh a n-Heevrlikesamn te ph-o with six strikeouts and two wvaîks, ffet fiesfrýedprnetc earth aind pubiciehe hisor o istie ventures ai il-s kinti, the lime was Cobourg took two runs in the sec- ~ b planning anti deveaienpId îri aNorthumberfaand, andItb-urbad v.eMayoreraof b Arnctang pat1ural. ltt was acquiretiEerby ondrowhbue an erreranby eArictrong cput JD. u- of C'bourg wijll nt as thýe CG«rnd Tirun-k ix 18938 anti closeti in Mclvor on base. Twitchett then sing-- ashe enly walkedu twe and fanned sbuv-te i t he0Ryan's serie a o-,h m1aster (hf crmne.19 daderasb etat a-eleve-n. West gave up three f-ree pass board was set up. The Ganaraska "ias' Thefinl laqe s t Te iemry anCornish al'wdth unest lsatid rc out thrree. Each side been ulseti as a guixea pig andt te ex- rThese pîxoues Pare eecteci by thecofWlia Weller, k.ing cf the provi aivýaxce ýVwth Twiýtchett scoring. -c it1 hrenice. eîet arit n ere aibe r Àcheolgial nt HitoicSites ýnices ~ae~oc rmea His Ivor camne in aon Twitchett's single. invaluable for other systemas. Board u t iLaria wrnicb uctosun- Ryl alLieian r !om aitn Ooo gi rue orerisThe Otaýrios tiet the gaine at ene relJert Olan of M*ilbrook ,vas api- der the Deparýtmsnt eTrvlan dti taMont-reaith 5'ks e hr e-n- ail in their haîf of the first as Jex pon0iVc-hl-ta xM.Sct' r ulbiity, eatieti by the Honourable tres. In Ferar,1840, WFel]er trev i the sixtfh ta allow Cobourg three tabeiad erdo elWkl' place andi J. L. Sylvester. Port Hepe's r Brya .L. athca t. C h ir m an f the the G verna -G ener l, Ch i-les Poul- farther'runs. N u C obourg player te- ene bas e blow . T hey g ot a nothe t ix n ew r p e e t t v , w s m d e Boardi isMi.W H. Cato f M ti t Thomýî-son, from Taonto ta)Mon-gstered a, hit in this ixning for the the second as Gilriter diouitiet, Ballett: ber cf the ativisory board. ! and anti it rluissomne cf the r- t,,eai i te rpýcord Urn-e cf 37 lheursthrsPe runs. Jh Selr ae u sflyadBnaroTeprcaeo vine' mstprninex hstrinsani ati40miuts.Welleý,, r's-heaqurt- with t-wa erraorsanti Harrl Eeyd at utisflanntdoxadosrlld Terctoshcf30lcrst cln Careess f te xers- cj Tro-a erCgewe. 1 e S iaa f enorsheVhs frame.Gilmrer triblet home B-own anti Mer ,wsapeei.M.Ra em V o w il l -, eý p rýe e t t 'e Bo a r, d P t t h t e , ta w n t hrb e e t m e , c h i m a )f O o o s c o n s c a m e i x th e 9 t li e r . P r t H o p e t u r ne-ti d fiv e b ts n to t e p r h s r c f $p r a r o f thle CbugR Lake Plank bourg error. Shetier foilowýed w ithlie gamne witie open. Boncrosnle1 lmrl rsrngpoetasdVine T h e i r s t p l a u e t l i u n v i e d e a t C o m a n y a ti i r g a er c f -e 1 a h i t . C o i ) ( u r g c m m tt e e t -t w o e r r ar s i J e x s a c r i f i c e t h -l m n a l o n g t o s c o n d , I A t o t yw n d a a c t l n d i V ici, t p l o e t o r i H lle a v r o -n t a ti o a Teeg r a p i C o m o fpa n Y V , h ie S e t le r w a s n ma k in g i s r o u nd-e i W k e l y s in g le , L o w\ r y s i n g le ti H p e a n d i C a - e cemmmai-testhe ase ant bah Den ati Jhn omýe Bencardo, Bro'wn doubletijj a rultx aeapara e fine exnaiple cf mdVcaiaa-h' Fo.['ysor u esi.JondShetieanpiaked uJton xr, aey rn, wryscoretport on the' water sto)rage srybe- Îtec t'u e. t wý a s dsig neti' b y th e J o h n cf thrO r n o fo r b tseT h se ti etss W e t bikeiiMe-,an d u î g carrie t u t n ea r, O sa a i x th e te- fainsachtctv ivTulantiits Resigo Jobs wn aGimxCril niFree ans West valketi, Mercer fanneti but bcogowa naPeiia- x connsae!a-li y Sir Allan V Setîer drýoppeti the hall anti on his v es-rgatiOi-s showed that this regiox1 MaaýNab onDeebr 0,1856ý. t Lct. af-sBaw ae oe eetis axe inchimore rainf ha I L. tt1,1 iewoDelliregion cf Neïfollk Gounty. VIIaus ý1e &ýa ,1on Se - n Wdnsayte reigna1tion0, cf Por H b Vctors a Thiere is lenty of storage wstof tecber 7,i , inu naetiafer hs'eomIxtttosMInister FoGt ots t .F5Hopme îlmr esiie Pri-ts-but in parts cf Maniveris, moh~ f parti lr n erest a a ti Mine 1'S M itr K ly _gooti ga eled is nates Vto icto1y th poi on s tse g o. »totb4 2 . ar wthisiUVf Ir"O . 1itia erec our -for-four n*ght I Moso i-.Br wgt so raid.ta a 10ft'y pfrione-r's boy adVsvr h rme at atthewL"LB.e1 h- cuieýdabsaniaguages anti stream g -uages 'hatibeen a u d t o r u m r a h n o m .D y n o n i, o o t P r y e b r f e ri- l n g t r i p l e V o(, r i g li. N e il W a k l y h a d p a c t a t s i a e s o s . M r - 0ntaia rtiin, liaý2s been r enttlupigo i-m e t fo or~- a tia f aftiswhule ro ndoub- foumtioxiýi would be reguýiret. One i- - t0 urceeti~~~ýt aorFoôte, teen bits, mcýst oef them nfoi extra bas- ei'¶siaigieti ant 1i eandttwo fres edit eut ftesrvywst T h e Ysec o n d 1agr'cl-e týý ,, s t r s-leom oth ate s Is h a r i t o i a C l e e n o-w T e O t i o a j o r F o1- o t , 5 2 , i t i s 5an e i s j i x s , a t t e oïP r I o n a y e e xitc k t V f - s .Fa r e s w e r e e i n g m- a t i e a w a r e f r, ~ oep ai. Is crnes'to wa lad Snnyrou M~ltar Hopitl i Ta-- ow tliey Miglit irrigate their taris ïïfauto s e mg f cmn arFt heart aliment rc à P o p u l a ti o n ax 1 Fn what _helc p the Autlirity ul 01ix n7,1832Fiat prtt a cai bidfle aiLIIe~O L poie on, rm x.u orm Pop laton epo t. The board giýves ia suib'idy up ta, byVsesleyan ti.ssta"mIcasy i enscxm edn c hrt ered s a c le e in 1 81. Its j a es s reea s -5, $50 for farm ponds. M . C r-ow n state ti f i a t p r s t i n t w , h o e t v . E e t n M j o o t , w l o l a e n i I iy tt i e p a r t n r , - u , d e .s ig x a 1? 'sn e spprediter anti fount -MOnajra l eisîxtu was - th ee d L a n g e r u s y n c re a s în g ýpoth , setting ut eails f ai-ni r n fOnaras aten dunt'i-lapantei eg 1ît--sine 19448, vaspond cnsrcin systm'.manyfanous igues i th appil-efo s i iste.iNo--TerptofheZn oesr jsteneruber-, Rprsfo Bra'nt C Dni' -~at Lintisay slIteweti iiat 83,000 gi-anatti rom i-jiF g. rsyelxmnitr i niVs igr si :lndicate T ree c a ns trees hati geen planteti tas cpr*2ng. befoe I wa mavti e cwantheVctra Cross~ fer ,;al1antr-Y th-at the arimyworrniipiptlitioru l isj 1hese were reti pins 25,000, white 1892antibecae pat cftic mîvn xthe Dieppe raid in 1942. bilding -up taý dangereus proportion"D U Upmé4,0 niErpa a-h1, r styoJf Taranto.DrDyxt,45wsfitelcd in somneai-sas. Sa fan, this mennber B un a da-00.Teeteswr eigo el D r. -i nI,45 x s -.s liI>t(lndh s a te t ee bona nri The thirti plaýgue relates the historY in th e gener aïl'eletien cf Juxe, 1955. et'tfic cutworm if aniilYlbas inultipflistir*iidsytl tebad Rail'way. hîs liminashau and152-54tnfieveds.tDro-i geerny cf the C6boYurýganti Pete-uboro ugli Bac ni-n ixAbeiexshlrc, S2ctlanti , le x ayant wleafel e ,tis aaged-ta Canaa, bouieti ly thi-se 0et Railwey. Ts liredate lias noV54been serausatbutr accord- woi-îçl's four oceanis anti crosseti oy ~ng te offici'ais cf Vhe Field Ci-eps sevne i ol' wnyfu Arn'ei atee ant o,1aria Departmntcftrle zoneRs, is second in size only te oiet Al~,lruitreatikxxl ~giulu1 a Sofiet Russia; Bra-zil i> the wurld's Representatives, as tbe hay 1s CJtthird largest country, anti' continental h!d],ls O -' -N - T 1 - P rrywo-1is ill start te mnove te t,,,, n u id e C n das Vta n-T C h dren's WS "U~W- U WM '"nire succulent pastures sucLiejas hse hs ée firgt under deop oat anti corn fields. Farmi-esare aaliu eîE ss thl e &iit p ,cet itetclatSsonffreonuy T IL 1-%e To Paint And Save for any igration from eone fieldtu tl~antzn il qa na osaieiThis Act requires anotther. uiaol oin tannilîng Is stîfi Uuccu- modre chltiren are le<j r STL wv'I AIIRS woieQ.reisterud. The req4 LU D LI1çLro1I- af hse geyh o w newos nProvincial StatutesU fi-rna hit-mci e Vo melesin Sucli are Soule U.t trieitemis (et jrf-yenare the ;p( length ai-e ount inix by anti wleat formnatâi ocntaineti in thc l3a! an chiltiren, you should Th refiAýeltis in blarge xumbenqs, it is likely miuai etiin e Quick Canadlianl Facts, Application formis a] There IS ~~~~~~~ that they will sonstant teonigrate tEl, c - nua ftcs b~teegarrc Thansds anadra Creleaýsedth iis week by the To ronto. - I -- anti ~cheapest ,methoti (d retardixg publishers.Vorc-erti M m IN Ttheil roprcge.ss anti thinning out tîir coxplete tini ~ liii ~ >1 * N I umîibes i: te pbDOW a furraw around cTers re fwer haneournitial c ffie ineste wheator hay fieldis andti --,eatfNe ta orodly For yýýurp secattier pason bait in thc furrow. Per square mile of land aia ixan.- Poison hait Ca-n le prepareti by mix- ada comiParedte Vomore than 50 ýr l tIc Fo E er!Dros g 10C Ibs. f bran 1 gallon et moli- Uitzeti States andtimore than , C4p inOF R.E.L I IN' M Pro .ase,8gal;ons et water, anti cxc cf the UnitediKngim 8'. L. aop folowinig: 4 lbs. Paris Green, 1,î Lisr jlS. actual Aldnin, Dieltirix on Hep, The xpost- ignifiecant chanige le, VheS 1816IleSiCULtachier, or 2 irI's. actual Chiortianrpplainptaimi h - - - 3 Ibs. ~~~~~~~actual Toxaphexe. rni~ raiate hd a c 'reind tic court'-v's gusat nu- v igor 911 Strve Oil 21 Fuel Od 1713 Fou' D.iivery Phone The wex-nis usually bece activ about tour 'ocil'ixthe atron Therefore, tic h ait shoult le put tiown i-r oon te four p.m., se tînat Iis fieshaninioist. Ilthte wormns are arayin tFe ont antI coi-nfids the sanime po* son- hiait can be scattenel by lianti a e h fieldi at tVh raýts cf 225ilb s. p erc; orAdii, oapee., ptcie r Cilorine can -I nue,,s a aspray or dlus accr.inn Vomanufacturer's dir- 'l'e spraMy rig travê iîng th.i-ugli the fielci wllcause sanieda ge Thisý cani be avetied în laigsi- fiets by the usec of aireral7t. Wliere aiarrywoi-m ifsatosare founi, ftaimers aie iequesteti Vto nti fy the loca Agrieultural Represen tative anti ask foi- Oxtario Circalilr 280 which istat methOd C.f contrel. tnia~iexpa-nsion: iP-nnufa-tu mi-g nuw emplioys abou~t 16 001Cana dians In the eui-i-et ycar ffui] tinie xi erlyent-obfnient ixCandai~ si- Vhs p-wanfigure; In 1456 as cotnpnx'd ta ,1955 Vh'# valus cf foreigm g-odts sol i ix Canada increasedti o $5.7 blinfront $4.7 billion, thé' value cd Caxada's expoits increasedti t $4.8 billion from i$4,3 "liereare.~9 dalynews~PaP5ir 'pubisheclini Canada with a comlbineti cirýculatio etiabout 3,850,000 2ani a- bcut 1000 weeiy xwspaprs wtha conmbiierd circulation etf 4,000,000. In- Farm Ponde JSE THE, Classified- AD Section -r- e --j 4 >PrOprietors of 4oa1rding Homes dgHoes Aict, 1957, pa&ase-d at. Ci Otaio L.egîslature, came into jhatý any premiafe. in which fivp or gd, boarded or cared for si~. jimrent does not apply t U ~sdor supervised u ther oprietor of a boardi g homne "for L ive your prerni registered, cid'information are' vailable fromi C ýi1dren's Boaràing Homesi, dic Welfare, Paria eut Buildings> m i enable th e Department te~ al r' gitratioiiwith a miiinmum ITARIO DEPARTMENT f PUBLIC WELFARE DepeS y Biit«. WORDeMONAR H AlUsed leteserice gu ntees year round drivn es-sure CAK HMOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontario . .......... .. . .. ............. - ------ --- ---- --- --- ýý C«lk, QC-, wr