Op ening Dance 0f Hi-Teens Met With Succesi SINGOERSM E CLEARAC Saveupt$60 On new C met Model" PortableBran e Low As'79.50 A5to-Matic Mlachiaes Reduced $3?900 Used Machl 1 nes $19.5'Ù up For full inforr atioyn uitact your 81 King St. W.* Cobourg Phone Frauklun 23549 0OU, needies, bobbins etc ar& avail a t PRolph's Hard-ware Orono. For s vc ca , rentais -or new -machines either contact t& ng centre, CobaUurg oar Rolph HIardw7are, Orono. Su mmer Clearance Sale 1LADIES SHOES Leather Oxfords wÎth rubber soyles Cobors f geydark grceeuaud whitE, Size 5-8 Reguar picewzs $.9 przewhchwas n letrc or pp- L9CAL NEWS n ~ ;i~ rtatrtoda h engr v per kny dnatd b RlphRai- gou~undr ier± y aofaen- tecuty The palty was Chap-. wae Taks rs aryRoeisapaintl Ilyd apea nd nmal ra ed by' 11Il Mr. andIl Mrs-. Don ald wo p"zs orth1i, cncrs O on Thletic Association andeitake Gccie -'~ delclou luîch f ~adiwces nd M. an Mri. Gant offa ofOak-partin eenigtsprtsitethpak Itwas earnd o Wedesda ev wa upie yVs eseryNs~rs .Pwepeet'for the hayr 11(lndthey tra - adowns. Th-sis me an t tlthelo- el ed hoUgh the Onitaio R eforesta'- 7al tamWill have a lay-ov\er for' te-n Sqar Dne ea~Mr s. Br-ns Cof PrlnM ine s tion endingîin esar were te asbefore they agaîn go intoaciu end ach aaeenewrecods wll b Matin mi M. Matin 'wa suplielby rant Tamhlya wlh Mr. nd MrS. W. W atadduh thepo4 Ula sie. Mss, J C. Gamiey entertained a Menibensips re nw onsaie r.a n nÏe r f ladies to aftern oon)te,' at __________________________________ ce b prcasd hrug te Ex e :,he hom-e Tuesday, la honour of Mrs. tie c, 1h.ae Brun rei n utad Prsiet~An es erearDo- Mils. Jeaný Bairs o Erie, -Penn. __ _S enA'ldredý; tesueWaye ooyspt a ï,few dayc wthM.andMs._______________ pub 1icity i co, n aisy j-Aex Wýatsonr. To-day,. Thnrsdlay, r I etaaenro-ig Lycett, pop cOm- arran( Mi. Watson, leave o P NF miteBodWood; Lunch co-miitteIe tnp te GS'in FrnsiTo Shile VagMr., aîn uu M.ed r.W. Fairburni, Lak-is.Hm oyNm odad R A E î' '. f 1,eldvitdon Sunda withACE an Joa I ded oot om iteMiî Mrs . .Loga'-n.E Rany Mrln obedcWPCr adMs.RgBell,Ohaw m lis~~~~~~~~ Ba1bî nCN, arba1 e er usso Sun'daty of 11M r su cord ~ ~ ýýÈ cmîteJonoo;plann.ing Ms omnAllun andfamily, ommiteeDoren Whte;recod Mr WiliamWatson is :n the sh M Mr Care HttnhaLknLycn Ms.Pryiiiunn has b(een confinOd te t eice urdace.We 1o i bdduigthe pa)ýst week. uuj s for;" stos pln obee il- ofour _M s elPo teil dace adhave a godtre. Ms.GarnetGmbyKigonisHaig Prîzs wre dnatd fr lat St- iitn.ghermothr Ms. o-bt. Allia1.R A I T-;, lSDrgSoeidl' Mr.Pand Mrs. Jim RickAby nd Maglls ak ShpornoE~etrcNoma ar senin ~ dyse%'\e care off eïring Special Su mine Bel- unturelý. O '4haý f1f ofthe Ms.!Id Ms-s. C. Wý. Billîngs Mr Clbo iTeesIws onatl a'yBieMs .Gan Prices on inistallationof -~ Wedding Annive-rsary of Mr. and Mn R N~F R A E Are You Protlected j nto or S;tUrday lst. sein n O M.Jack Wilsoýn, Paris, is Convr& Brner hoiayvith his parents, 'Mr. andAn 01 ovriiBu es Against rkre Lus. Mrs. V. Wilso. a n MisJoan Vagg,, is a patient in thee Bowmanrville Memorial Hor;pital av Furnace at this sg ai 1summer price are limited eusa f swe. F fi' stimates wÎth no obligation see thankthesemoejchnits for theirge- A. McLaren or phonie next ence hiChwill poBbyb JL n àiv 26tb.An adid- I>r nol 0 Faul & Luniber Ltd. ed atratjo illbe, a floor show', Thr In h a metigfaIlthe_____________________________________ U: aeye cdalantoe thxe e the Phone 14816 Oropo, Ontarlo in~~~t ~house o -__________ ___________________ Thusa2, July\>18 h, Vo com1plete - deasfo the next dan1ýe. N.F. 'ORTER Pbitiydirector, Jin Grby LZ i516Sa e n Ren 152 Iantaffis lut hin1p Surfer T we DefeatsD cnine N mbr L'eather and Canvas SANDALS wht~black, matural and mlioor ie4-8 Rgarprice w;as fnrm$2.45 te $495. ON SALE $3ý,95 Y0. T OICE $1,95 AIl our Spring and Sum r DRESSES re g-reatly reduced. There are good styIes' lu cotton, polished cotion, linen and shatnie 9t 2'. Reg. $11,95 to 2:nfr n 1 9 Reg $1295 to $15.95 for onl'y $95 Reguiar,$7.95 t& 1195On sle foýrN LY . . . ~ . , .$4.9.5 4~JDIE1 IOUSDRE ESGIRLS' BATIIING SUITS "CATALINA"_«, lastex fallekattd otonand nqylon. Sizes 2tu 6x and 7 tc 16 yýears, 0f g'eod uiality Pirint.Sie 14 - 48. - ar 25 per cent DISCOUJNT pricý foni$3.5 ý S550.GIRL'S COTTON DRESSES YOUR CHOICE $2.95 -'M tyes and materials. Sizes, 4 te 12 ye'ar7. Regular $1 T e $1.50)iý. COTTON SKIRTS ON SALE 95c. to $2,9 Plin mi nov0ýety designs, in size's 10 te20. 3-PIECE OUTFITS R'eglar prices were fro$49'5 tep $10.95. Mse -2oly-Sors lm jims and 'toPs. Sizs ;cî ud14. wite wthblack stripjes and SALE PRICE $3.95 to $5.25 gre w'h htU atrîPe-.Je' 8~.5and $16.95. [OUR CIIOICE $9,95 LADIES' BATHING SiJITS Meo er lt -wt lrzppe-o Lasýtex faille su igur taffecta. Sizes 3,1 to 44.Lbto(n oeig white wit.h coloupred trim.Sze Up iii $10,95 vailues.,du and large. Regu'lar price $3e0 Y'OUR CHOICE $«95,N SALEFO $1,95 hIid» £ S&at4w*v Storeeopet a- The OooBnenbaseballub!1' has lun 'h1e past few g1aies sliniedl with, the- result that Bowm7,iianville nde Courice ave akendecisivevtri, ovsthelocallub. hn Bowmianville on Monday the local boys wrede- feated hy a scor~e of 15-9, The bîg. edge for Bowmaniville camre lu the first ipeiod wheu tlhey senfýt lm si unrs. Donnlie Lct was the best for j Oronro ) 'lute lhitting depariet On Wedilnesday evýeningl in Orono an ac "tive Courtine,ý team dusted thie locail by a suor-e of 224-8. Mfter the 4th i!nnini-g the gaine was a -walk awayv for, thec Courtice nine. The OroOno pitcýhing fe apart at this Lime and hswthnurner-ous essors' by mei- eroftesqýuïd allovýeed the 24 ruas, toers thie plate. Leli ~-,oper proved the rmost suc- ceîsulOrn boy at, the .plate. Do, DanhukandTom Cowan came Upc v7ith te next b)est efforts. TheOrnoteanlackstblesar sud esie Vowintha itkd in -t-e fs Cprt f te seaso!n when they wereplaingtip-toýp basebali. UNITED CHURCH orff. Pes" chargre hYUMr Rev-,. Basil Ln Church Services, ,-uneday, July 2s 2:00 .m. - -Leskerd Sunday School 1:0a.m. - - Kirby -Rev. Basil Long wil-1 be thpreae.r nt al*rvc -f 'f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 'N -f -f -f -f -f -f -if 4 --f -f -N Nf * -f -f -f -f --i -f -ff -f -f --i i -f v--f -f 4, -f -f -f -s -f -f -f -f f-f -f -f -f f-f g g g g g o g (j o g B 8 Combs, Rat tail, met-aie top, regular 25e. for 19e, Pantiesl, Cotton dlou ble thickness, c entre panel stretch, size 4 only, regular 29c. for....19c. Sun Suits, children's pique and waffle cloth, sizes 5 and 6 years. Regular 79e and 98c. Sale .. 69c. kitcotton, szes 3and 4 only, reg 79c. for 49c. BtigSuits printed cotton crepe, sizes 1, 2 and 3. Regular/$1,0 for... .......,9e Extr Spei --Sli~e ades'House, fur top, beaded tr-itI, coor Ied rNue, sizes te9...98e Suntan Lotion, NoNem-ya, a glorious tanWihu burn. 3 sizes......... 0c, 75c. and $1.50 Cushionis, Wedge wt ete ette and plastic coverings', very popular for boat, carý, tomi.e or- ctage use............ ach 89c. Toate Mrsmalosfresh to-dlay. ',/ lb 2e Special Feature -- 6 ouLnce Fruit N'appies with eut design. This is exetoa ai1.. 4 for1 25r. Picnic Lunich Boxes, tir. With two handies ... $9 Coocler-s, large size.......... ........ 18 OROO e.TC $1.QV 1GSITCRI OP~EN FRIDAY EVÈNINGS t -- Armstrong's ORONO WEEKLY TIMES -THURSWD-AY, JULY l, 1957 - ------- - ------ -- ----- . ........ .