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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1957, p. 6

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'Uf my husband nd 1 culd be alone, live In peace, and 'keep our door oý,pen t o -Ur friends, wvhat a wonderf Ï 1life it would e!It îs, alas, impossible, be- cause my mother bas livied with us for two years." Tbose years hnave resulted in near-bedlamr, for tbe writer's mother opposed lier narrying anybody and has done- jher best toý create misun- derstandinig "and suspicion be- tween husbaýnd anid wife, "Since she came," continues the writer," he is so mean and ugly te my husband that I1an fliot take à it-an longer -- but Wbat can 1 do? -He is a gnl Soul and 30 sweet to, ber that it. make mée furlous; that only eggs ber on, Our marriage has been a lovely experience for sir years, but now 1 arn thoroujgby miserable, .'I grew up feelîing my miother wvas my enerny. She waS so ice- tatorialitwas impossible now to submit (J'in easy-going as -ny fatber iwas) and I ealize now 1 grew up bating her. But wbien Dad died, my only sister refused to take Mother in. and j was w-eak eonugb týo do. just tbat. She wouild not consent to go anywhere else, tbough she b1as an adequate inconle. "She wvas neyer a popu-lar wo- ýina n; she doesn't get alang wt any of hber relatives, and sbe hasn't a personal friend left, She distrusts people and delib- erately tries tLo causie trouble. (Please do not print details)11' Now 1 arn at the end, seeing ,ý1yi busbanid ïhso rmiserable, tbough he neyver comiplairs. Wfhere bave 1 failed? What arnl 1 to do?" MAKE TUE BREAK * If 1 could print thîs wf' Yentire letter, M~y readers w,,ould uinderstand wby i ur-ge i-ertose hber mother * eaves. For years 'th,. wif e has *gîven bherself to ber fml' *pro'blerns, andi borne with ber * rotber's idiosyncracies i- Princes-s Ensemble ?RINTED PATTERN iî % F U > Z 24~ez %11 2 14Z~ ~ Sunrne in!,e. Es,ýp.ess" t) * cn, ng fù.horerfli e C g Y,ýe ! o l c * rap c.'e, -.ýS ý e nu owPT p 1 ï ,c piil'n 450 il ues Aiz coo, greu ndress;e *out a wbipr Tbe olderw- * man bas visited ltbem ree 'for two weeks at a timre, try~- '~ing to dcisrupt their harmaony, *being rude to tbeir friends, *and sbrewdly creating almost unbearable telnsions. Her ini- 'fluence is little sbort of sinis- * terý. Sbe has flot succeeded in h er intent, but the borneat * mospbere iîs tooý strainied tW *continu~e, *The wifce will bave a bat- *tle on ber bandis, for bier * mother is baving herseif a fine *itime weaving ber wvicked web. liHer bhusband bas been. so *generou ,s andl sweet dlurin g *thes;e two years that he de- *serves a better life alone witb h is ,vife, and I arn glad that * she finally realizes it.' *TO "DAUGHTER RACHEL"9: *For years yohave tried 'to *take over tb)e continuiing *problems your mnotber's un- *fortunate nature bas brougbt *jpon you a!I-l, and taking ber *into your boîrne was tbe final *fine gesture. Now you realize *wbat a mistake it was . *Noýwhere biave you failed, my *friend, rather bave. you donc * more for your people tban, > anyone else bas done ý,. *You)r mother 1i11 object loud-1 * yand cry for sympatby, but *you will be firm. Your bus- *band bas bhad enougb; bis weî-. *fare now becomes your first 4duty and your pleýasures. *Make ,-tbe break, and findi the *life you, botb deser-ve. GAMBLER CURED? "Dear Anne HI-,st: Soon after wemarried I f ou4id by busýband ,was a& confrmed gambler, risk- ing rxnoiley we couldn't afford an d geerally 4oiiig. For tbe past few m-ontbs, fhougb, be bas refrainedc almonst entirely,anI wass 50 baPppy "!Ilbave noticed, thouigb, that bie still likes to lay srniall wag-ers wïith friends on trivial issues, and I arn set afraid it will post- pone bis u_ýltirnate reformî. "I don't want to m-ention it uniles I m 1 Wbat do you say? TROUBLED" "'Tbe tr ffambler believes *that success is accidental, that *it caning riches and even *power, He kniows it provides * n escape from du-ll routine * an-d tbat init -self hie f(eel i *wortb tbe losses lhe meurs. It *is seldom, I1rn old, tbat lhe * eforms for good *Your bus'_iband is to be ap- *plau-dedC for oevrcomying -tbe *weakness be indlulged fr5 *jong. I arn nriot a psyýchiaýtrist, *but1LI1see no barm in bis *wageFring, a bit witb friends; * e gets a kick ouIt OF it andA * be is not bectting more tbanl ne be cnfford to lose. Per- * aps I1r wrong, but-ii) yoûu r *place I sbouii'ld not worr. If your problem is wearin1g yau dlown, îask Anne EHirst to lear the scenle and guide yvou theou,w . . Write îher a't Box L, 123 Eîghen-,th St., Nev Tor- !CRISB CRITIC--' Wearýing a chic ifL-atheré ha t, Pri ncesýs Majr- garet i% una-wre ý,of acirýitical alppraisol by littie Paul Hclon, 18 rIn!nhs. The Prin.cess was visiting the nreyof the Tai- bo etimetHaste! for West Indian wome2n in 'London,8 L0NEI4IRSTj Stung To HeaUth Nonie of ber nieigbbourýs was sui-,].sed to see BEýE numyber plates on a, new car irecently puir- cbased by a woman 'ho lives iin Kent. For she is a bee verin specialist and uses dthe car tei carry the 4,000 bees ada need- ed by ber patients ,who receive bee-sting trea-tment for rbeum-1 tisrni, artbrîtis -andi nervou)ts dis- Orders. She is particutlarlyv proud of bier car's queen, bec mascot, thie gift ofa Portuguese mlliciniice who is one of ber formner patîints. Saiys the, specialist: "My ýbeues are doing wonderful work and tbe newv car witb BEE plates iW miy public tribute ta them." It was nearly scventy yý.ars ago tbat an Auistrian doct-or narne Pero first claimced that rheumnatic patients cauld be Su-) cessfuilly treatedl by exposing tbem te tbeý stings of beesý al- tbougb b le admittùed thaýt in sorne instanc-es the stings prJedeven, tismn. Soirne doctors declare there is stil! no scientifie evideneto 'Support dlaimns that bee-stings c-an cure rbeumatism -or artbritis, but a London doctor states: "A bee-tsing migbt possibly cure ore persan, but would not neces- sarily cure eve7crybodyý," -According to a Sussex bec- keeper wbo was string tbousands of tirnes by bees, the bee poison in bis,- blood prevented hïimi fromn suffering from rbeurnatism.. At the age of seventy-foui Uho saiqd- ~'It's nothing for me ta get f ifty stings a day%: and I don't everi bother ta; pull.,tbern euit." Mode rn by Roberta Lee Q. Wat are the courses that make up 9 formnai diner? A. Tbere are five or more courses. Firjst, oysters or dlamrs on the biaîf sheil, or, canapes, or other igbt reisb; or ýgrapDefrutit, fruit cup, or mlelon. Second, soup. Thiird, fisbi, Fourith, am or raast wifitb twa vyegetales Fiftbi, salad. Sixth, dessert, fol- lowed by fruLit, nuts, canid, and Q. What is thie correct size of the place card at a dlinner? A.Usuially about txVo inchies long and an rcband a haif bigh. It is uisually plain wbite, but, it ma-y be embossed in wbite or go',d wti a mionogramr or crest. Placeca rdis are inscýribedî ni langbiand. Q. Il a grlis t(,e be arricd te a man wbo lhas been married prv sl it pruper for ber ta hiave a z big wedding-, wear a white gawn and veil? A. Certarnly, Tbe fact that bertbifegroom as been mair- rîed bef are does nat alter t 'he fact that this is bier first wed- ding. If she bas been m1arried previo sly se sbould not bave Q.Iwas receýntly in1troýucez1 ta a yeau.gng an aild since then hie bias tried seýVeral times to tee n meat nmy home, but every tUrne IYhave been eut, Wulit be4 propler foýrume to telephone bish»q? A. It wvouild be ai1rg:i for you a phne im and say, " beýar you bave b2een calling me. 'msorry I was not at on. Q. IU one bas just rmaved in- ta a ncw negboraoand samne of the negbor ave paid caîsý , hvow sanshould one re- turn ,lthese cals?, A.Witi abut twIo wem Failuire ta retulrn these calîs is ai strongi, ndlication 1tba t ti* fricndosbips are flot desired. Q.Is it up tj the mian or the This columun is being wvrittcni nieither at Ginger Farnii nor Halfway Hlouse but from thre city of Guelph. Partruer and I left bomne Tbursday miorning; be ta spend a couple of days- with friends on a f as'Ti near Puslinch and 1 ta attend the annual con- vention of thre Ontario Histori- cal Society lu Guelph. Strangely enough wve met history on the road - colourfL bîstory at that - in tbe form of a Stage-Coacli engaged ta advertisc- the Milton Centennial. The genial Mayor of Milton wvas sittîng up front with the driver, bis round face and l9th Century tge naking hirm look very mnucbl ike tbe illustrions "Ms. Pickwick"e 0f course wý,e had ta stop in Énla ta, do a*o shopping -5anc] a bit of ing - and thcrn we bad a lovely drive across co)untry to Na. 6 Higbway. At the fairm wbef'u Partner is stay- hng wu found evilnce of a slight twvister whicb struck during ta terrific bot spell. Haîf the roof was gene from thle drîiving-sbecl tree branches scattered here aind, tbeeasd standing hay justl1e- ginning to sirihtcn itself~ up again after !baving taken Pa tre- mnrdous poundîng from wînd and rain Repairs were uinderýway Bo 1 imagine PaMrtnr an't hae ny trouble in keeping imsel occupicd. Dininer wasz just about ready whcn vwe arrivcd .- and Oh, m, it is a long timie since I saw a roast of 'beef so big, or taste so good as appcared ou t'rat table. Genuine bome-grown, biome-killedi beef, tender and juicy, as different fromi butcber's meat as bamnburg frorn T-bac 1%t wa-s a case of cet end run foir m& as friend Lillian and I w,ýere due at the Convention et two o'cIclck Apperently pro- griamme-ns areewy slented te.- wards bistory of the distrýictini wich the co)nvention is held so f r orn excellent s p eak1ýer-.s we, Iheard brief eccounits of the nis-, tory of Guelph, Elore, and Fergus. Dr. Hugb Temnplin sbiowed over a h3unredrc- beauItifuil pictures 0ft teFergus and Elcra district- Elo-ra Park, tbe Fer.gusý Dam anid meany of the h'-istoric bornes anid buildings. Now it is wcvell after mdih ut si2leepseems ta b.-ave ,venissh- ced Sa I tho)ugb ýIigb,-t as well, get tis calumn sarted anywey. Writing is better than lyig Sa-ke wonderig if Pertner is maikinig eut al rigýt. That imay sudcrazy but wben a mnan basn't spent a nigbt way frorn homne-- except for" a speli i hoL(spitel - for aver tbirty years the chnge might well be a somnew a ixed up peasure. Weell, I gue'ss this wvillado for tanigt as wc b ave tô be uip and_' îazway by nine in the nmorning. Friday. A most ejoabe ay. Lunch at Eloreexcellent speakers and then aP tour ofithe parks andbulig Dr. Tepi- lin bhad showu us i-pictureste nigbt beforPe. Ou'r group iuc1lud- cd that well-knowu ýýwriter and hitreDr. Louis BaeDif eider in years fram the lest tirne 1 saw hM, but stili young in spiritand Wh the same unfeil- ing sense of humenur and 'kJindly maniner that bas endeered hlm tc, so, Yan people for -y geat oube f years. W lofduis Mr.EWen ýIn a nejw 1role, hýelping U ,thlcal eýxecuive of tble His.- toZ.rial Suciety. W. inimebers wlllremeber rsEwen us tIhe former Annia P. Lewis, oetm Director o0f Extensîin services, And there %was M iss Mabel Buirkbrolder, weekly h istorical contributor to the Ifl.milton Spectator. Amon., tbe vicitor's xvas a getlem-rani and his wkfe from Ný,ew Zealand and the rea- son for tbeir coming wa a littie unusual. The gen-tlem--an owns a sheep ranch witb appraximately 3,000 sbeep. A son, keenly ýrn- terested in agriculture and wish- I in-,'to expand in knowledge and interest went first to Essex, En-land andi later came to Can- ada to attend the O.A.C. à% Guelph.So wbr alonig the way lie rnet a you-ng lady fromi CaIedo&n. -Tlbey.becamne engaged to-b'ýma'-r-ed and bis parenjts bave a-rrived in time for tbe wed-i ding. Later .tbe Young folk are establisbing. a borne-- but not in New Zealand, England or On- talbut in Nova Scotia, 11a less. jNow, it is Saturday, Last nigbti I ,vent to bedi and slept like a log, followýinig dînner at The Royal Hotel and a most enjoy-i i)ble eveniing that folowed.To da,-y we attended sessions i e garýd to enicour-aging juveniîes in Ontario bistory. DuLring, the after- i noon we wvent on a bus tour odf tLe .2ity stopping- at miany ofibe .historic,,-pinits oM tbe place. lit ibas been-i a -rnoszt woniderful tbr>ee- day con-vention,. not onîly be - cauise of thie places -we've been but the peopleI( we've met. But aLas, ai!l good tbinigs must, corne ta aïn end, 's0 I bav'e just packed niy duds anrd airnalrost ready ta start out for homne, pickiIg uop P'a)-ner on the way. And lwb'len wýe get home tbere will b tbrcee days' m-ail and 1probly lýsomne of tbe faimtily sitting on the door- step. BuLt no, tbhey won't bhave to do tbqt because we b-av-e provid- cd! botb of tbem wit l eyýs. M1aybe by nextI week 1 shalI ba-ve collec ted m yyw\its anld be able to)wite a little more in- RIBOFLA VIN Riboflavin, a mem-ber of the vitami B f aily, keeps certain eye and skin tîssues belItby. IU is fouind especially in liver, kid- ney, beoart and obrmeajts, as Well as in 'cheese andmik Cookinýg does not dJestroy tbis vitarnin-, but exposure to ligbht is damagJng,. There's a ra art in o de w ork - just sce tbe lavely'tT ict embroidery gives this nailture swene! Single, outline stitches x&kup quickly .nix strands, Pattern 808: Transfer ofý deer panel,.4x9 inches. Calor chart; directions for linîng- or framing. Send iTIRTY-FIVE CENTS (tpscannot be acceptedi, use, postal note for safety) for this pattern ta Laura Wbeeýler, B-ox 1. '123EgtcnbStI, New Tor- onto, Ont. Print PATTERN INUMBER, your NAMllE and AD- DU'E SS. Two FREE patternsý as agf tai aur readers--printed rigbt lu our NEW Laur-a Wbecler Needie- craft Book for 1,957! TDozens of other niew desligns you'll vwant tai orde-r-- easy, fascînating biandw.orký for yourself, ya)ur borne. Be sure ta send 25 -ents for your copy off this book nocw don't mniss it! IJNWELCOMED VISITOR -- At Samagohorac, Japan, Mrs. Wiilliaim irrthe iapcunese ewifc- of U.S. Arm-ySecai.3/Wiim Girard, n, deriîed entrance as 5he visits the farnily of the,-ma ~ te deoth. MArs., Girard wanteci tevisit he grave oif th an ociln, but theeldes? daughte of the SaÀkal famnIly, Kcyaka IeftX, 18, said, I don'! undecrstarnId how yeu can have the nerve, tecorne here aftWf' maryln ~iard M'oIs such c hateful persan." il centre Î Koossister, YeDriko, 4, RUSSIAN ROCKIN' - The Russians mnay neyer claim Rock 'n' Roil as their own invention, but they have dances Îust as lively These Soviet teen-aigers ' ik ~,gay folk dance at a youth festival in Krasnodar necir the B1dZcks5a, Don't C)iangd>~ That Dial! A Tallahassee, Fia., announcer, des 1cribing the advantages o! ownùlg a certain'new car, said: "This i s the automobileý that bs~ desig-ned Io give youi years of DLuring a station ,break over Station WABC in New York, opecra narrcator Milton Cross, ad- vising bis audience of thle news, program thiat was to followý im- meudiately, said: "And now, stay stewed fol- the nudes" A Paterson, NJ., disc Jock.ey, urging listeners to take advan- ,tge of a, special of-fer: "Merely Wàrop us a postcard and giv7e the postrnan only $2.95 wben 'he de- 1ivers your 48 unibe arable chul- dre n's reco.rds." Lovely Needie Art

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