Sig Field For Soap-Box Derby The -Ail-Amnerican Soap Box Derby ai Akrený on Sunîday, Au- guast 18, will have flic largest t,,ie3d of contestants- and fle icnil- est array ef prizes in the 20- year history etffthc famnous boys' i-aing event. The 161 champio,ns from tlic UnitedT States, Alaska, Canada, West Germany and fice Philippine Islands wîll vie for $15,000 in college sçh.olarships, 1M beautiful trophies and valu- alenmerchanidise anwards. A special added prize this ycar în observance of the 201h anni- versary et the Ail-American ia a two-week al-expense paid trip te Europe for the national c.hamnpion, W. G. Plower, eeu ' tve director of the Al-Amreni- can, said. Power, advertisingý manager of Chevrolef which sponsors tIe Derby, stressed that tlicttip fe Enigland, Irel'hnd, Franice, Bel- gmGermnany and Ifaly is i n Pddition teflic $5,000 firstplc teholar-ship and other boriors f0 lie bestowed on flic winnuer. The ntoa champion also wî1llreceiveflic Clievroief fýro- phy anid a gold Rnmsc ring similar te that given to- the wjin- ner otf lic Itndiana.polis '"500." The lisi of 161 champions tops thse prevîous high of 155 who ered in, 1956, Power said. The boys, 11,te 15 inclusive, wîli Crive homiem-.ade gravify - pro- pelledî cars on the 975-foot downhili course at Derly Down,-s Ï11 quest ietpizes and glory. Chiamnpions showing oufstand- ing ski!] in car cntucinand dcesign wvill receive special &,arcis ai flic Banquet of Champions ïf.flowing flic race. Five tcrephies wiil be preseni- ed fth le boys wliose cars h-ave thse lest brakes, les-t constniic- tien,,, lest design and besi uphiol- etery and tofthe driver with flic tssfs let of the day. Besides ýal this, cai l ocal ehainfion is awarded flic spe- eilaly designed -E. N. C ce Plaque. Alog ith if goies a Soap Box Derby racîng dip1ima a w %rist watdh, and, -of cour-se, ikcoceted Derby weekendi n Akroni with a full calenda-r et excfemntand enten-tainment. Jt twý,o days followinlgte rac at Akron, the new cham.- pion wili leave0on lits European tour, departing fer Irel-and ly Pan-Amnerican Air Clipper, Ris journey %will f ake hlm tf0 ud - frned wold cýapitais- as DU')- lin, London, Brussels-, Paris and eoi-ie, and te Frankfurt in Wesf Germany. Before leaving for Europe0 flic champ will le flowni te New York and enfertained tlene. 1 - 1 -i 'Power said -a feafut'e of ti 1951 race wiIl le a speciai race e;r- the contestants from , outsde thxe Unit ed States for an inter- national trophy. The All-Ainerican is co,-spon-- - soe& Ly ,Chevnolet, -lcading ,ieWplipf s- Tdio- and tlevso staions and frafernal adcivîc, aervice erganizafions. SKIN CANCER Skin cancer cen be caused by varieus ag,.ents, i:ncludlng- ultra violet ratdiation, arsenic, some e 'l, and sone forns of tan. The worker- whosc job involves co- tact with fics-e hazards- sliould yeport t teicplant, dector or Lieail clinic if fliere are signs ALL IN FUN-"Sleeka", one-yeor-od ,tair attraction nt the St.. Louis Zoo-, sec&n-is to be havýing a very goed time- wi îh ber play- fui antics. But Dick McGraw, zoo lion tamer, is in a more stoical than amuseçi mood. McGraîw's trouser leg was, ripped open- but he wasn'ti inlured. Rocky Wilderness Hides Vast Wealth Canmada's Pioneers Neyer Suspected Atheflicfnn of the cent ury an Am-erîcan schr)ol geography des- cnled Canada aýs "a countfry, cold, barren, and unjinhabîted, Jlpg f te nùronfthîe Un-îted Stafes; a vasi expanse 0f" c n muskeg (*og,,), with grcat of if -tworthlePss 1 a c ek Thc auf hors etf this pipýcce bieak prose were preceded and follo-wed ly imany wifers,ecn omists, and geograpliers wio took an equaily dlim view ef Canada's future; fon approxi- ïmat ely a hait ot' thisý country lies wifhin îlhe rocktiy, infertile embrace or. one of fills plaref's anceent pre-Cambnian, shields. Unticîl recent banes nef even fhe Canadians tîemsý,eives -whô trom carliesi b--eginnings have loved their s51cm homreland wiih an ardor n-of readiy un- dersfood ly their Amnerncan und Britishl cousins - could find much ic, say in defenseofT,0, 000 square miles etrock, osy granite 0f a quaity toe-inferior for cmm rcilurpocses..- Today this roeky wiiderness is thc estallished eoemecerner- stonip of Canadaïor most efthîe tauosminerai wealfh et re- cent years lias leen found if- ïn the shield's stern crusi. Borne 95 pe-r cent 0f- Canada's cýopper, 85 per cent oe tsli onl, alof ifs niýckel,paiumiian ium end uranium, as- well a lithumcelrnbumand the rare canfîs, cerne tfrom the slàIk d. Aise withmn flic shield lies mxost of Canadas fabulous hydre- elecinic power potentiaL. Buto-e1t l h Cindercella .sur- prises 0f recent years thie su cd toresis cofhefli hid ea thic Il is tFor, puip and iPap er mae rom fln- ic culby sad etf spruce, popiar and jack pine have lecome a mainstay olf the Ca-nadian cconomny. Pujip andý paper now fake preceýce oDve-r wheat as tf(e majQr ,Source ofe c- 'Dort, revenui'e, Cru (le fforseshoe TIc Canadian re-aîra slield is a vast plateau,une- iy dofted wtli ilîs, lakes, and -uskeg, In soime areas- if a-eut witli fiords. In Lbraerhei Tornigat Moujnfainis rean lleak lieads ,000 feef aý,bove sea lvl In oufliline, fhec shieidl is a crude hors.ýeslioc, wlth ifs ends on the ArfcOcean. Emibnacing flic whole oif Hudson Bay, il stretl,-ics East and nonilicasitof nld Labrador ,andl norfhernnQuelec. To tlic seuil it narrows fw a peint on licheAmeCiý,an sîde souili et Lake Sujperier£. Tdc famous imon depoisits oet he Mesali Range in .Minnesota are in fhis extension of bbc Cana- dian shield. nature of the ores when dis- covered, Metallurgy had to catch uip with- the prospecctor before the shield could corne into its Own, Pioneer Curage Today Canada isythe wocrld's second largest rodu er of uiran- ium and one of1 this century's recognized "atomïic -pôwers.ý" ýover thewidrss looýkîngý dow,ýn on the endless Sforests and mnuskegs, the lakes,- and myriad tiny potheles, it is difficit to grasp the courage of pioneeýr fur tra-ders exploe projsp-cýtors and geologists whe by tl3ieir tireless traveI anid en- during -interest ir, a (d e thee things possible. With respect f0c nation-al unity, the s'hield hias been a problem child, complicatin.g attempis to reconcile the divergent pro- HEY, MARTY! .- Ernest Borg- nime, star of ciward-winninq "Mcarty,!e looks pretty ebaCPPY about bis page-L)cy bob. Actu- ally, the false locks are for hisý ý,test mnovie role, fito c brutal sea, war lord in "The Vikinigs"' whià béil be filmed în Nor.way. HeIL i lso wear a brîstling beard. blems of East ýand West, for 1,000 wilderniess miles ie;, be- tween the fieavily populated.- province ef Ontario and theý prairie provines ef Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Incaie times rmore thun one Canadian argued the folly of trying te build acos-- cfeast nation becýause o h shield, with? is geor)laphic in-, gujal, and religiaous sectionaIýsm. In lthe pasi decadle fthe si hias paye eVerseroe n bri-nging about za doserreai- sh,'ip between Canada and te United State-s. This relationship, always greatly Ihandicapped by Ameni- cain Jignorance- of Canada anid indefference ta the truc nature et a complex ro-untry and f viewpýoinits, IaRs been joilfed out. o! traditIoýnal a ttitudes in botlrj For interest in the mencsures of the sil has done more than Just attract the Amierïcan capi- tal whi1ch has helpred S.peed up their developmrent. The rnew in- teresi has already m-,ade some. progrýessinM breaiîng tlarough ,he- old stuborn "soiind bl-arnier» (Amercan esisanceto acqi-. ing any serious kinowledge of the rortlhern neighý1-bor's viewpoinfs.) For there have been man-y hopeful indîications thiaf Amne.- casare beginn,'ing te undiersfand'~ theCaidas pride in hisow rparsely settled homielan.-d. - by HIelen IGordon NCMcherson pin The ÇhnisfianScienceMoir. UNCONQUERABLE Ait hiough most ofthemr se.rlous diseases have been con0ri-. quered, the great ililer on the& highway lias yet to be confrol- led, Every year, traffic accidents fake a greater fou ofi lifie; every year, more anid mo-re people are inJured and otten crîppled for lite, The mnotorisi who die ennotiolly upset or ethÈrIsý-IVýe' imnpaired l -n mdor body, iS a mnenace to r hrimselfId b te her dIrivers,. Anyonie who hams heart trouble, diabetes or any a-ilment w-jhich could 'sudden'y icaac-ï fate hm, should nýeyer drive lno dstan.ces alone. Sche-dule ail - our worrying for aspeciflc liaihora bo0ut the middle 0f, the day. Then takeý a niap dLri;ng thiâ period. BE YVOUR oWN BOSSI IMEN o(r wom-encan %work ýyouron horand m1ake profits, up te, 5001% seln xclu!sive houseweare pr0oducts and applian'ces. No compe,,titio0n, flot availabie ln stores, and they- are a necesty In every home. Write eit once for free colti1 atlgushw ing retail prices p)us cniete wholes1cale rice llst, Murr'ay 'sales, 38'22 St. Law.-rncýýe vd., iMon ,treal. AprTIcLEzsFOR SALe SA,ýLE Fencing gamres, safe, di-feren and exclusive $1.98.SocrFtbl lganes $,9.HeliopteLr, files up 10 6 feet $298. Smaill compact porýable lin- mersion hýeater with case $1,'98. Post- paid, Guaranteed, RmcSales,5î15 Beliechasse, Montréal. BABIY C*ICKS JULY and Auigusi cbicks and trkey pouits.Al breeds, Non-Sexed, Puflets, Cockereýls-, Special egg beedluel ptr- pose breeds, broïierbrd. Place your o.rders well in avnc.Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHIICK HIATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTA,1RIO Ordter ahead for your brollers, and for- Ames i-rsschiAcks. Wide chiolce. BRAY HATCKERY -020 John Ny., imilton FARM~ MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE: 28x4C Huiber roto ra,ri 1er beariïng grain separator, like new' Also two 8-fi. Jonn Deere gra5in birders. Leo KMeCleLan, Davison,Mîhgn NEW i Mildmiay Thrcshers, iused thrch- ers, grain throwýersPatent straw cut- ters and shirediders, fits aMiniakes uf ibreshers, you1r grain aid îstraw put inà the barn ai Iess cost ,188 years off Pro- duction. GetDouvrpriCes anld ternis de. lvedaniywhere in Olniaz7rlo. Lobsinger Bros., Mldiniay. FOR SALF,. Cockshut combine S,P, 112. Godconidi tion. Cecil Disher, Fenwick. Onitarie. GRAIN AUGERS Save labour wiih a 4lc SUPER SCOOPER. Basic length il L i ih ft - 10-fi, extensions ito mank(e.6fi. or 1 fi. or longer. For fur7tiihinforriatiGrn w;rite or phco e Lrne . Dowhaxn BoxA118, WJOodstock, Ont, Phoýne Lennox FOR SALE MODERN GENEnAl, $TORE and hom~e. Th1rlfty business. paved tig'laav, i!ydee, ztelep,!honieEBus Servlices,' cbGoL o payncent ý$4'000: erilcn owing to health condition. Apdply E, Buckley, FULLY eqvjlpped Wefing -&r, le smitii Shop in sure crop toba1C'Co fis- trictr, sddisg excellen!t business,Fie pocmnniaodern house, garageanid gar- den. -Wlflsel] sep,-arate or traqde flor part cash and large bouse iv' good con dtion in Cliy. ieason for seillng, i heai. Contaact -Agent, -Marihea Reid, 304 R 30, MJount Brydges, Otor coughtrey Real Estate, 14 Dudas London, Ont. EXTRA GOOD VALUE ON river, 172 acres tillabe bank bhem 80x46, 6-rooýni frame house, about i mlle fr'ntae o 'rier, viclf 'r~ rent va4- iey ceaa, near Gameb.ridge, $19,000. Cash $8,000. E. , O'ByleBroL, 8 inglewoo&d Drive, Tornto, How vCa n J? Býy Aune Ashley Q.low Ica" 1 prevent linen froim getfing into the e dresser washirngs?ý A A ft1er1th e JJlin1'. Iba S be e launere, ~laceit t ficbot- tom Wft1he draw&"Výl'using ti% otlier first. This gîves il thec wear, and prevents any picep from bheco-ing yellow."3; Q. How 'ean lI preýî cntarothls frorn getting 1ntùo 1h. e drawers and closets? A. An ecletpr7evenivo k te moisten a cloflhi in furpenfine, aldl wipe out the de rwr occasionally. Q.Uow ean 1 !emove ýscorcli- ed marks fromp clothing? A. Onion juice wili ecfien re- move scordlied ma-rks 5rom gar!- ments, if appliedinm iaey Q.Hoi can 1i remnove -tnldew frorn linlen? A. Wet thle article wif'h soit. water and ruib îitlelllT white soap. Thert scrape -, somi-e fine chalk -m*i opowder and rub tloroughly iitethe linen. Lay lit- ouf in thie sunshine,keig moisi wýýith soft Water. Q.How eau I preventshèe. hosiery from wcvarlng out so quickly ut thse tocs? A. Some -people are natural1y mnuch harder on hosiery àha others, but One th'ngIS aIse - lu tei1y necessary. K&eep the to)e naîls cut short. If is niot Gnly more comifortable but a.Iso more ecoilomiîcal1. Q.low eau 1 make a substi- tute for bakýing powdcr? - A n excellent su;bstitute for baking powder can le-, made ly nixîng l/ easpoon of soda, With lUY4 easpoonis cf cream 0fIll tlartar. Tisequals toteas- pooris of laking pQwder. 1 Tc H-P or ey back Very fie se cf otî a ooiglui your drugist lar 0. -DD. 0 aIaPIM FOR SALE 100 ACIRS day soit; 80 acres Ïbusha. rest eleared, Tourisi site. Bilding, Byie- sto0ck, Lmactlhiery, etc. b5,F.oo, ½ ash Henry O'Nell. Sturïgeon Falls, GOATS PUERDSAAEN GOATS - Import- ed sire. JOHfNSTON BROýS.. R..Z, MITCHELL, ONT. MED-CAL- DON'T DELAYI EVERY SU.FFERFR 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURMTS SHOUID TRY DIXONIS REMËEOY. .MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 35Elqin Ottciwa $1.5Express Prepuld POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISE hetonn,.enýt M dry eczemsýe rashes -an.d weepinîg skin týrubIe, Post's ozrma Sa--ve wll ot d!sia poinlt ylîIclng, scallnýg and hu, 'eÏ Ing eczema; acne, ringwormj, pimpleq and foot eczem(a will respond readily to0 the siainless odorless ontmen e garcïless of how si,'uhb0mn or bopelesi they seerni Setpost r"e e onRecelpi of price P-KICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2B5S.Clair Avenute E MEN ANDO WOMEN En'more!î Bookkeeping9, Salesmn.n hiShorichandl, Typewrltlng, et. LeLn sos50e Asit for, free circuler No. 3. Canaian Corresporidence Courses. 120 Bay Sireet, Toronto. G re t pporiunlýty r.eari llair-dre.ssln(g Plaeidigikif lad rfein;g waes rousands of ucesu ïMarvel Graduates. America's Greatesi systeni Vllustrzaied Catalog FÈree Write <ùr Caîl MAItVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 PBlor St, W., To)rontù - Branches: 44 [ins St. W_,Hmlo 72 Rideau St. t *tta Wa fiXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNiTY CILS. GREASES. PAINTrS AND Colloldal Gra.pite AdtvsDeal. ev ented le sel i te Frmera Fleei 0Iwers îAnd service 4tos rt War'co ree& 1 ldeé oi leFTHIEUSTO-NIIA UGHI & C o ntpaïi3 Paien-,t tdrneys ' EsabIlshed 1890, 00Univer.sIty A,- toI'routco.ftet aUcountries. MEN cave fmonfey ifygenlo SuIIpplias, Write for ocur price. Answer sent by ýFirsî CiascsMailprvael.NŽo obiîge. tIon. Send nlm e, addresc, age. yMsibc 21. Write Ralnhbow Salesý, 171 Haiord ,treet, .4, rOni a rio. $1,00 TRIAL offer. Tweýpty tive de*uxe personxal mequiements.L stestcataîL ;ct.e ' lcldd. --Tlhe r io gny 80, 22% Ter(tinïal "Qg' Trontoý, Ont. RINDRCHET mported Landrece for, qaiyand type, flor thene brceIEder weCen sýupply tînrelated stock abd for commenrcia try a indrochiet Boar sud sea tCc difference, Apply: Joseph Beruard., Wet'erford, Ont, UA FIDYorkshlres - servIceahie eged hobars $75; wieanlilngs, either sex $ 25 Rgseef.O.b, J. E. Dsn moorefie]L, Oiarîo. IT PAYS TO USE DUR CLASSIFIED COLUJMNS 41Tii.last tUrne they raheared hipi he caught cold", "Te Relieve Torturings ITONI'F EGZEMA 4Týr This Easy Wny Tomgi Sop -n at your drugst and ask for a s-maill riginal boittle of MOOE'S EMERALD OIL. Ap-, piy liberaily at bed.-time and ge>t real relief in double-quick ti1me. Neo ale what yo-u myhave tried, fhere's nothing quite li 'ke EMERALD aIL, Inexnsvad Sold at al drug stores. 0 SLEEP AND RELUEE NERVOuSNEss directions 4s a lcfe way tca inducqeîseqbrn orque . nerves when lne CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING N N N -r, -r N N -r- -r N -r, N 'T N N --r ~~1 ---4 N N N N N N N -s N N N -r- N N -~ w~ -r N. N 'T N N --r N N N N N à - q N -r- N N N N N r- N -r' N N 'a N -T 's N 'r -s ::.7 q9ffl 1 - ý - - - 1 - - --- v