TRURSDAY, JIJLY 2eeth, 1957 THE CANADA ELECTIONS Acr Electoral District of Durha M &mSrnary si' Retoraeof EectoExpeises 2There is below set oui, as required by Section 63 (5) of The the returnof election expc'ses made to mie by hixu on beha em-f Sber to serve in the House of Comm ons of Cawnada held in the bOe Ilmentioned electoral district, which said return is on file at ry office fiand may, on payment of a fee of twenity conts, bc ther 'insý-pectc, and extracts takien therefroxu at any reasonable tinte duriug the six Smonths 1.iext after the 15t aly of July, 1957, being e day uîponâ which the said retrnt was firnt hed to me. S Dated ai Port Hope.t s lSth day of July, 1957. Carroll Nicke, l, rzng Officer. U SnnmMary of Rettutof Electien Expenses of rnest Dent Number of,( Receipts Autoi t Pefople f rom ~ Reeips, ~itriiutius, ..........,.. ~ whom rectived Promnised unpaid contributi ns, etc....... Payetn s Aount Numbher of PaymnîgArûolit persons paid ( Canwiidate's persontal expen 's...... Postage --........................170.48 29 ( STelegrams----------............... Petty cdaims....................... ------ Ri ire of promises........................--------f-45.00 2 1 SServices ...............................%-------- -- - 146.59 16 f Travellinig expenses and hire1 vehicles./----120.92 2 ~jAdvertising............... ~8 il Tota~l........83.7 6 Daited at Port Hope, this l5th day of July, 1957 L. Nicholîs, Officiai Agent.( -.A Meketing of khe Rat epayer of Pl 3.S. No. 1, rkL k d W-ili belie din theS. l j .FrIday, ual/ 26tb AIl interested are ask to .tend as important business will discusseci A E. B. DuvaU5 Sec-Treas u Hi-Teens Tc Friday To-orrwFriday, theF Club wfl stage another danc Oddfellows Hall. New Recux purchased anid also two niewi have joined the Ransn Square Dance Teaut. Theye Glad Broewn and, )Mr. Faye Mrs. BrowNn at the Pianoa stringing along withi Ken Nq band ought to put Lawren and his orchestra out of Speaking of the farnous 'W club HI-Teens have purchase that wil put the Lennon S shamne. This nect. comprises and Prudence singing two recent hit songs. "Tonight bon". Patience and Prudsnc long to mue" sud "A Smile ni- Nesw York? I don't believe we wviii sec when the timei the Dance on Friday Night. acLteIIow s illi IAttend Twilght Meeting At Tamiane Farms,& Hi-Teens NO fllf W t< JThee huIndried HoIstein brleeders e in the and fr.endetooic part iin a T'wilight Ords wr . ~ C , Meetrng at Tamilane Farms, Oroio, nie nber U 1 5 on Thursay eveinrg when -Mr. and aery-Neal - Mrs. Carlos Tambly-n were hosts, to are MI-S. Everything except two deod(orized.,the Durham IosenCl!ub. ,Adams, sýkunks was ceeared at an auction' and Faye saýle sporisoied jby Hope Towýnaip Many of those present entered~ in Keal. This Junior Y'àriers at Gardon Hill. !1hese the judging _co-npetitiOns and ail: en- ice Welk, would probably have gone to a bid- joyed the address by the guest speak-ý business. der as well had it not been for a or, the entertainmont and lunich of Weik, the faint aroma that lingered on after donuts, cake, soft drinks -and c'hoco-, sed an act they had been oporated or by a vet. late rnilk. Sisters te the previous day, Patience Ir, Everett iBro>wn coe*ited a of their Bev. Gray who acted as elerk term- gradin-rg- demnonstration pointing (oUt tyou be- ed this first venture by th Young the main features in judiginig'ar ani-ý Ice? frotm Farmers a roaring success. The Fale mal. Keen interest entered in the nd a Rib went on fromn 7 p.m. to deark and drew judlging competition with the major- eit. Well a crorwd. of more than 400. The orignal ity presýent staking their knowledge cornes at idea was to clear old machinery and against Vhos.e )f the expe2rts. antiques Iying about farm h ousýes. David Staples tied for the cQveteeÏ,. top rung. The Juniors thengrte& ýagain for foui-th spot in thIe emLeo- tition with Brian Tamblyn, Lioet.. *Folcv, Barry Tre-win anrd Bar7übariý Muir ail r-eceiv-ing an equal number te Points. winners. Theseb prizes were dnt& by varjous businessffnen. throuçtxu?ý. the County. The gathering then retire4 d t h spacus lhiwns at TamnRanie w Howard Forder, president of tLe wý ham County 1-olstein ireeders Aa~ ciation, aûted a,- chairman frt enttrtainment portion_ of thýe êei People puttiflg stufI up )te StlCtiorb In the ladies' sýection Mrs. Law- 1Mr. R. I. Grahaim, 0f the LivestU, THE DATE IS FRIDAY, JIULYý agreed to give tne young farmers a .,unce Stapies and Mrs. J. T, Bron rarnch, Toronto, was introduced tet 26th., dancing fromi 9 till î Place: ten Per cent .commnission to spOIt placed in a tie for- first place. Mrs8.ithe largegahrg by Mr., E..A Orono, Oddfýellowvs Hall.,- district projects. Alex Muir, Mrs. Ruth Pasceoe, Mrs. Sumimers. Mr.Gan, who recenV Brucý-e Tink and Mrs. Howard Forder ly retur-ned from an extensive tfour e- Everyhody over 1,.5 years welcornie, However, Mr. Gray said that in- f ollowed in ,,uccýessiûon. Europe, pointed out to his audife4*- orne and bring a f rie.nd, or ten, you cluded ini the auction were two calves,, many interesting highlights observ- donv't have to have a rnemlbershjp. a do.g, and svrl fowli as weIl as A fjour- way tie resuîted for. fïrst edl while on the continent. Hils Sui- the afore mrentioned skunks. There place in the judging cempetillion for j't revoived. around the Eurcýpe. Admission with Memhbership 25c were plenty of fari iplernnts, ma- the men when Don Cathcart, J. H. mnethods of handlinig livestock, L What, more could you ask for at that cieya iatqesa el idrgJose, Bruce Tinii and Stan Malcolm their farming and living ia'bits_. price? WI'PHOIJT Memr.ber-ship 50 e. was keen al through. Mr. Gray est- alil earned 98 points out of a psil Best entertainment bargain in town. 'imlated that f3100 changed bands, 100. John <ýIickshank took fou-rth So we will see you there at the Hall éith Francýis Jose and Neil Malcol-m Further enjoyyment foi. theeenug Din Friday Night. Theyongfreswrfotnaeten rsxhpsti. was provided by the ever >pmr Jim asb.t have the ser-vices of a memiber 'Country Four" Quartette. Refresýýh- wta rfsinlauctionîeer's tenent.s, pro(vided by the HIoîstein 1uý cenith ifa p rofesol Jui t iorelass, under 21 years conj(,cued the evenia3g. r~ enc, Ciffrd risow.Orgnizr-of age Jim ombs Gail Baker anid E veîlmg Auxiliary Lfljo7 in-chief was president Goidon Wil-I fl7~n tLk that incinded June Wtis in Out'ng t LakeSc-ott, Bonny Wilson and Elmet-Ell.. iott. Twe%,nty-four miemb er s f the Eveni- Tlho local 4-1H club supplied' the- re- mng AOiirf the Orono, United freshments. The success of the fiîrst Chuh- btraveiled to Lake Suo on1 auction is likely to lead te a repeat ( Th)ursdlay eening of last wee we'reffr later, By Gray said. they eoeda sca and entertain- igevenîing at the cottageo, Ms( of the ladies on a tour of Uhe lake, Dlora Mri.wchwa- much appreciated. The, eveniîing was a joy' ou's cone foýr Lunch was served and a hearty those presenit with the mnany con;)tests vote of than'ks was exten)ted Dora and(j gamnes cauSin1g a great deal of! for lie generosity of opendng her cot- rvey. Mr-, M. Haill lso took înanyjtage for the enjoyable on tiig. ýj!Driver Education Seen As . o '-i . ..when Ï01 buy insuraice. CI. is first in service and at the top with depeu.dable p , or. See your CIA rep- resentativf for helpf ni inf o ation on A uto. Farm, ( Family, 4ability and Accidea md Sickutess Insurance. O RO ERT OFFAT ORONO PHONE 33r7 Ce-,operat* mls race Association ORONO TU INHOP Time To Paint And Save COSTLY REPAIRS There Is A B-H PAINT For EveryPuoe R. E. LOGANP Prop. Pu 181-o.lon A Need In Ontario reatson te explain the disparity be- The high accidient, rate ln Onario twen the tw, countries - driver edu- is n mnystery. A visitor fromi the U.S. cation, particularly liigh sehool driv- wtuld expect our- rate to be lower& er education. The dovecenit te educate than it is aciross the border because dèivrs in correet earumling and in overaîl behaviour Canadians seemJ car-thinking at the .igh schoel leveé miore courteous, mnore considerate of La.e before tey have timieto "pickf obier, more relaxed, less in a hurry, p" wroiig 1tbits and wvrong attitudes less violent in their reactions; these- begain in the U.'S. in 1933. To-dayI are attributes that, applied to con- there are 10,900 ihîgh) schools an d col-4 duet on the highwvays, shouild result leges in the U.'S. offer-ing driver edu-'m in ,saIfer-drivilng. I ratin courses These courses turn'l out the boyTs and girls w~ can be- But the opposite is te case.Ont -corne the best and safest dBiv\eîs in aio kil.s nmore peeple pro rate than the world 'becanse they have been any of the Eastein SAtes àf te UMS.trained and developed seienidiealy. The death rate (per 1<0000,000 ve-j There Yis tl a long way tu go Mn de- hidle inces) iii oîe-third hilher in veig liih saoodriver edlucatir Ontarlo than it is in New York State. in, the States, but nevertheless there Aspplyig this to the road fatality are hundreds of thons ands oufdivr figure in Ont"arlo. for 1966(1180>,i the j on U.-S. roads-who have, been eduLcate1d coclsin.mgh be reached fithat e! no the highest known standard of killed 100 people on the roads un d(riving. Theýr drivng kowledge, niecessýail if wve drove even as mell! habsits, attitudes and skills are dernon- l as New Yoîker (and Dr. Cainpbel s'trably supeir to those of the self- does flot in';ay way hold up their taught dgiver,. These driver-ed grad- SSta bd as a -Aîde) we cou l'nave- ae keelp tliems;elves out of mainy savd 3' lves, 900 inuries, 1U0 ac'iente, and tiy heip to keep ot.ers i jnîllon poet darnage. ontt of accidietsL. Somie of their super- or skill and behav-ionr "ruibs off", on This tragie, and humiliting con- othes - class nî sfmiliefriens, en Son mght b ediputed on suveral felow roadusers. Alhougl the rnnm- conLnt:s lt is obvýisly ail over- ber of die-dgraduates is smlall siînîpification to suggest that qualiity "ompaî-ed with the total population, of drvn asthe only ,faýtor1_atune exisPecir.11 nthe U.S. of a "hard could have acconnted for the d Wff-.o" of corecty eduated drivers enc ~ c:.e~ ~ .for the past 214 year(s imutst havýe rais- ton, cinit coi.~~OiSengineer-' ed fthe national stanidardi of automio- Jing adaýeet,(.g. the Now Yoýk i bile handling in the ILS.; it miust £auayentorcement standards have -won sornlethîig te help develoip Idensity of populationsproposto 1 f.the nation'lsdrvr nauiy A- cars tu popuataion are a4l f-actors thonghý1, says Dr. Callipbelilit is bard tnat mgl lv a bearng on accidenlt to digify w ith the foim "mtirity", rates in dfstret locltes u it the, behaviour of a country that, in miga be itfiult o arue tat)n- ,spit oail existing efforts jiicu trois se\vereîy handicapped jj in any cation, enginieering and enforcemient, cfJ the'se respucts by cîprio ith mnanages tc) kill one of its: citizens on N\e-w York ýState, the ronds eey 13 nutes round the JDr. Camipbel can) adsvauice only conedok INERAI71CfONDITIO NER RO Oprono t w AR DW~AR E - Ploae 143 a few of th?ý4ectures, m'ere exclusive, that have macle F iNHD LA Y the choice r'thousaads since 1660: 0 Attractive, twe--to e baked enamnel casing that fits into auy color s emie,- fully sealed with solid steýel bottompl, to eep basernenit dust from circulat-. ing iroýugh1out e house. eThe extra heat,Îng surface and long fire travel of the ý%raparouno radiator design of heat exchanger tha keeps ftic costs to a miiinium. *Thý Copper enaring Steel that resists corrosion, mns ring lo er life. w Co nbustion Chamber of special nlloy metal that res ýpnds q>cki and absorbs flarne 'noise - for whis ,er-qu 1t, trouIbie-free operation. la FIN L a nd enjoy the. best, the finestin modermo ý&UTOM1ATiC HEATINO! _ 'w ýà