ORON(> WEIZÉLI a TheKe held theiri ýeening, Ju! cart, vice-pi( Wmn. Mere) inig, concerni of Samcaria, al %va-s gven WOLIDAV mayonnaise for Crisp w cool - 12oz jar 3Sc Fresh SALA DS !S Mr3. C.,iD. Curri-n (sister l:f Ma.Jomn ail garne betWeenEIm - H. ostzi aughiter Joan. and snbeh iwld cats and Kend.il 3B.ece Ben of Roano-ýke, Virginia, are visit- 1 eýain,gr.reat -ýeilterneat. Ke ing w.mithn Mr. and Mrs. Hat-cher Foster won the cup against Newto-nvÀ[,irlla ~iaion andfmily. Pat Foster, who ) had been AIl Stars lost to Orono n. the viiin-ith them ifo)r a few we2eksý Cesah rturned with them . Miss MN .. Chýapman of Peeig Mrs. Friends of Miss Merle Stplton-, acn ne Mrs. 3. P.Smt whesi reaj- ho is married on Friday, Jilly she came as guest spealker to tha£ read-who ~beingW.A. meeting. vonian 26th, held a c.up and -sauacer shower otion- for her at the home of ber parents, Mr. W. Webb of Mar-kham is ty on the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton.ý ing wxith Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevana, treteby Mr. and Mrs. Jim Short o:f Brant- adhlin ihsoeipov1et ford and Miss Joan Bullock 0f uf-1 around the oe Ha r- faloar visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Miss 'Mary Stevens, Toronto, is mlt amus- Roy¶ Foster andi the o>ther Foster present staying with her parents, Mrr. 'as ien- rtes and Mrs. T. E. Stevens. Duringh- lY eaker, It was sports day in Kendal last nurse at Doctor'sHopt Torontsi, T. E. Satunlday andJ there Wzre r-aces and Herzý assistance as piainst ar the, W.A,. 1ether gamn-es foi, the young fol*ks, a marremetJing was appreciated. Fresh Produce cRISP, FIRM, LAGEHEADS) Lettuce HOME GROWNýll T o mat o e LA rGE, GRSP, . LARGfE SLICERS Cueumbers. TASTY, ROSEBUDS)Î, CELLO) 2 for 25c lb 27e. 2for 9e! 2for 2 5 c Radishes 2 fo 9c Coleslaw 8 0 cello i5e SELECT, GOLDE-N RP Bananas Ilb 2]c Lemnons- 4 for i19C g - ar1G hite 'una FiA Cream Corn 20c 10M 1 Wh Che.er Detergent Culverhouse Fancy Olarkes Irish Stew Kraft Dinme' O---u ality Meats SWIFT PREMIUM RED OR BLU Prme Rib Roast lbC L~EAN MEATY - BAKE OR ARBEIR S>pare Rdslb 7c 16 oz bottie 39c z bottie 2 f or 29c 2 s tin 33c oz 15 oz tin 2 for 29c pF ,ý uU PRE I ROWN N SERlVE 6ýûz, k Sa u sa get lb 37c I SWIFT-"" EML M y te iece H dcheese lb 39c S IFT IDITCH LUN.CHK - sficed .Or iby te piece, unch Salami lb 69c0 Check These 'Ta of the Town' Values Urono Creamery Butter fietIb 60c Dessicafed Cocoant Sockeye Salmon GoId Seal R eda ind -ordC Shop With Confiîtemce At Cornish's Red & White - .- -~ * glant pkg 73c i.n 2 for 35c 2 for 4 9c celio pkg33 h in 43c Iloz boule 2 1c- l 2 oz tin 3 7e White TLmato Catsup Corrned Bfeef 0,-- -ID aýý @ma*" 1 1