Jam, JeIIy And Jam, eyan pesrigsao As~ really wvith us w-ith the arrivai at the Ontarie ,Fooud Termna ltis week SALESAnd AI1 Us' Our complete service w drivng Ph( Ion 010ONl WEN&LY TIMIF,$TH'URSDAY, JIY 2btb, 1957 Preses vin g LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS I Trsonoase nd n rian eofl Wednesdaty in the cmavl, r. Gorg Midietn Sr v' Miss, Marjian McKelve y, Torontao day with her parents, Mr'. and MIr.' Rcevnt visitors with Mr, and m Seas n I He e w~r eorg Mîdi4tonSm.v sted .spenit the past week with Mrs. FJs idltn Viecr Robinson and faniily were wih Mr. and Mrs. Jýs. Middleton PQfl Brtmyacomfibe. MJ CoJgraulations iso Mr. and Mm. J. ____________-Aernoon,___'_1 Boyd on tne b-irth of a daughter on1 Belfa-st, Ireland; Mrs, A. N. Stý John, fM.and Mrs. Ross Taylor- n Of red an'black currantsoe br rand Xrs. BueTennan't Ievle istd iur ries in six-quart 'baskets, and ap bys, Randy aind Craig and Mr. and enita, Mr. and(! Mrs. Chas. Taylor. bernies 'ec meore plentiful. If Mrs. Jas. !Middl¶eton 'lsited ithll Mr.jI youi bavenl'tccoinedred currants and Ms ler Middle!o n la- Ms HryRwertredhm and rasp:berries to miake jelly, youlflene at Crowe Lake last Sun.day. on Sunday firom Bow1marvi lie Mem- I _______________ have M.,sSed a treat. This jelly, which 1on-aior Lwiospital.et ikte..,)1ý dates ýback to gra-indmnother's, day, bas o Lwsi ptetinteMRO N FI RE M AN beent knw ymn aetefi- Memiolial Hospital1, Bowmajnviile. Mis MropikbTrno oeiküv miynie lem spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. I est of which, at ieast in the )p*iofl Mr. land MArs. Elmer MLdd1etoni and Jimn Rickaiby and Noirmian. U of pradýe jely-.F U R N A 'C E S' of mnyis aradse eli. dughter Darlenle Cof shawa are Red curans ae aailblein uart spending a eelçs holidaly at Crowe Mr. 'M;ilton Elliott, Bwavll, Redererartcent -.vilatoe n wjthdiMr i.-F11M E boxes~~~ osi-utbakt. a»-Lak.e. Mrs. Thonipson and Mrs. Alexander bernies are selliniig in 'plat boxes; 'Mrs. Heher Souch returned homle Brimacoinibe. quarts sbould be available any day. fromi the Bowmiaiville Memorial' Bluebrnie madean apearace jHospital on Moniday of this week.rs JW.eelMsMaye- eddls Ms CronL(, -s.i ,PalMelbourne Wight, lomn last wýeek, 'but ar e stîli in sh-ort sup - M. andirs.Gro(emnalviladMs ar aieOoo uuju lily. nd Juy als Mr.adMs. IJenry motored to Nor-th Bay on Fridayv lastE Scout blatk cherries are lair emnsetth ekiwthM.rtrîgSatur1day aeconpanried byý' supply. Most varieties are seIling jnd Me. W.J. egadaen. ud foi- Mary Ly'an Bailey, \who ad been Huti about as reasonabie as they will be. w kshoiay oliayng tere.sx-uat aset ad riesarr.g ve wthbe ganpaens or R Montmorency cherries are also avail- Chas. Wood were Mný. and Mrs. able insi-ur baskets. Lusclous the ippl.ý mid LongL chlerry de.sserts fn-om pie to, cot-liber . ooin flOfSSauit; M and Ms rdBok willgac maniy tables this week end. tarloi farms !are in and fair prîced. and son, Oshaw; Mes Davi Bradi beans are the newvest arr,val Cuicumïber-s are il, excelln suspply adsnWye Mlansh. and priced to suiit the most budget and shasey1 vlel e arj pecial Summe at the Food -Terminal. Like green cacou.Godspliso eclet ss Esliaeth nd JiNth , St. oh and vvax beanis, tbey are selling ,by g1ruemenelery are coming in feoi iss-lc il el,~Pr ces on 1 stallation of jtnong.Mkr an Ms. .Dawyerr- ,e po uind. Leam iligton irea as well as Hioland V r ikn o 4 ' r. D vd A n-A fuI.h green top beets, are pienti- on to. I O I V M r4 irdSaundirs -and Ms A ~ ~ Îur A C~ Leamngtn tmates ae i far fViola Smith visited wvith _Mr.. and Mrs. suqppy but the demand still exceeds Js idetnoWdesyofat.And '-ili onversion Burners Are u ro[eied wee and Ms Jas. Middleton v'sitedi- - -~~~ ~ Againit Fire Un.s? jwl M. adMs.Sev N ol ! Furnaces at this special summer price are imited iiand daiuglter Bonnie in Cobourg last Friday. For Free estimates with no obligation~ see mikIL r â im wirMr. and Mrs. H.E Mlai-iad AhIl, Ellen) are hiohidayitg at Deer Lodge A. MecLaren or phonle -~,,in Ha1libur1toný iipd :lCar m Bantams Begin Orono 0%Fuùel& Lu"inher Ld ~uaan yarrondPlaydowns Phone 14816 Oreo, Ontarto >Ieasur -- -~~~~01Yinsu ~C'raz gve y«u Th'e Orono Bantan-, Cluib cmeto ______________ C ýAR VET. JOTORS le 3251 Newcastle, Ontario Ûiaring AUlOur Su-erGoods atBargaîns LEATHIER OXFORDS GIRLn'S S'and SHORTS )ýihrubber soles, colours w e, green, grey. Tomth-uLylotuqiosnv ~it hebrkensiesCWren's Celoto T-oSITSv Rgular- price was $6.95 z7e 7 years to 12 vears Clearing at 3.9 riced per set $2.95 C'ria Shoes ini beige, hm- and white Ail different patterns Priced ai $1.95 Priced froni 75c. to 91c. WOMENS ~SORTSGIRL'S SWI SUITS ]l n begg e, red, lack aýnd touttrpuoisehIC ours of fushia, navy, stripes, ligh blue, white, Priced to clear ýat $2.,95 2,5 per cent off reguilar p'rice InIt SLEIM JÉI d a LADIES' COTTON SKIRTIS Colours o01,curai, browil, grey, ]Mue, cecgreen bnlgFtjlue, black, ftou-1,uois4e i an'd yt'ail, fi Prced a 4.50Your choice for $5.25 PEDAL PUS ERS ,CLEARING ALL OUR SUMM1ER In tan. with stripe tri0or stripes DRESSES Priced at $ 1.50 g Fadedl Blue and Tàý Jeans LESS TRAN COST g ine a Si 4esï ON L, Dresses, size Il to) 20'2 S 995 fr $3-95 g Pied t 4,10 ONLY- Summ er Dresses, reg. $9,5 to g * GIRL'S COTTON S RS 1.5FROY........$.9 0 W;th ipper pocket, colors 4)f wie n il ONLY- Reg. $13.95 to $16.50 for ~ 99 red.Sîzs 7to 1 yers -Piece SPORT OUTFITS, Pedal Pushers, g Prced t $250 hortsý and Top to match, reg. $16.95 flce n'(b$2.50 FOU V OO G WOMN'SSTRIPED JERSEYS Wlhknitted waist bamd. Reg$19 Priced at$15 u,~Lu VrIda~ & ~aturda W.diioe~a7 Opea Ail Da~ il ONLY - Dresses. These are real b)arganis,. Reglar p1ceS17.50 lto $21.50 for ----$11,95 Peint Houýse Dressýes, size 14 to 48. Your Choicfe for only-ý---.-------- ---------S2.95 Armstrong' Store Ores Au Dmy weuljay w I lie ýast %week when tlýey defeatedi IWelcome by a good marj-gin of four-l teen to seven. This gmeby the local1 team resembled that of thein previous, form and it oVould appear -that they wvere agaiin on the marcb. Wayne Bailey took to the mouad for Orýono. and turnedl in a fine job I with the exception of a few waiks in 1the sýecond frame which he'lped the WelcomIye crewv in scolring £ive of their. sev7en ru111s. Tomi Cowan was the- batting her.o of the gamlne whenl he registelred f its. His record was closely followeâ by Peter Maar-tense. In the ma]Zjonity motof thie Oiono boys wvere hitting anid the team ir had etunned. The iodai baintanis have beýen absentl over the past feîw g-anies the-ir regu - Jar catchier, Ross Taniblyn and short stop, AI Quantrili. Both boys wîll ce- turi sbiortly to the lineup.1 Thisý week in Cobourg the Banitam, wene put dowýn 10-.5 however th.ey puti up a good battie agalinat the entryl ýfrom thlt lager centre. Agin hl sc ond innning was their dlownrfaî' llor it was inithis framie that oor scor-1 ed six of theýir teni- uns. Wayne Bai leyl hiead"dcd b rnobtesWiti h tbree bit. ans Bsgaa ad Uleie bp-1 per bothI receivd twohis ENTER PLAY DOWINS This Fuiday eve-ning i'ut heloca park thie OooBnasfclCo bourg w'-hen the bosire o)ut to re- verse the decîision of Tuesday ngi at Cobourg. The play--offs for thei Orono Bmans be-inig next w, kand( the locals are grouped withi Welcome1 with the fli'at 1borne game to lie play-J f ed ini Orono tis (comînig Wediesýday, iiglit. Plan to support theu local club at both thesýe gaimes.i UNITED CHURCH c«""Paatel Charge xirdtt 11ev. Basil Longl Church Services, Sunday,. July 28th1 9:45 f 11.00 2:00 11:00 11ev. Basil Suniday School at a"Ii servics £., Features For The Week Bubble Bath Saits, Orient Perf-umes, Apple Blossomi and Pinie Scent, 16 oz.. ......... 29c. Flashuighit Batter-ies, Diamonid S, fits ordinary fashlights. Each for..........15c. Leather- Moccasins, foamn cushion insoles, children sizes il1 to 13. Pair for.............$1.29 Special Woo ,ury's After Shave Lotion and Woodbury' Men's Deodorant, b 1 for ...89C. Toased a hallwsi2 pou cello bag . 25c. Genuine Na urai Sea Sp"onige xcellent forls- S ing wvalls, cars, woodwor , floors etc. Each in cello Ib gfor.. ......... ....55C. BabySoap ohnton s Cstile, contains laniolin Speialp c.................. 3 for 39e. Lades'Hoe Siper fJur rimebeaded sizes 5t K8.Pair)r..............8 To w els, SumeToes size 2)4x45 inches-, onle color on-ly yello w whitead tan strip-;es. E ach for .. 75c. or 2 for ...... $1-45 jPla.stic Spoons, disposable, cheap enioulgh to thro-w away good eniough to use again, 10 in box ,.1A5e. Donna, the newý exciting new dess ob e expr-ecei-oo3iiig,.andl hair st-\1*n-g. Each 25C Dish Cloths, cecekedl pattern, size 16-x16 inches coWors of red, yellow, green or multi color. Ea 19c. Dresses, Cide' Cottoni, assorted color-san slesizes 2, 3and 3.Each ...........$19 Pic-Nic Supplies, Papjer- Serviettes, Cups f or hPot or cold dIrinks, Tir, BasketsCoes, etc. etc. OPEN FRIDA-Y EE G 'w lin .4 4. 4. N 4.-. N 4 -4, 44 45 ~<~ 44 N N N 4-. 44 44 4' 44 44 44 --4 44 -.4 N 44 44 's 1~ 54 44 -4, N 44 4' 44 N 54 N 4' N 'N 54 N 4' 4. 4-4 5-, 44 s 44 44 4., 44 N N 44 44 44 44 N N s-. 44 N 44 N N 4., N. 44 k 44 4., 44 44 4.4 N 44 N 44 5~4 44 '4' 44 44 4- 44 t.4, N -4 44 .4 44 N -4 4, -4 N 44 N N N s