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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1957, p. 6

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, t.,.~, I. t -~ - . DarAnne flirst: P my i1,mnther -brought b'reakdown îsix years aï w1hen I 1recover-eed I, mc my rnarried brother's weeIimprcoved,j woui stydbut his wife mn in-tol]erab1-e--to get rdd sha econfessed lator. I 'lir b lke me(, so the wc becarne the kinder 1 x wokd part-time, pai boa d, h elped with the wradhe chîldren,a but 1I W 50 minra r- 'other imad~ e consuit chiatrist, vvîh i made in de-spondleat'. "Now I ar-n back jus, started, physically ernoi and spir-itually il. MY f é.verybodëy is f ailiîlg; o)thers, selflsh and cruc are healthy andi contenltE done rnybest b c)be g kind, and ah I've got health andi misery and normal Jf e. Iknwyou cannot lia solution but I've go t oeodand 1'111 certai pranay comen~rt yc print. 1ESPONDI AIHHELPS * t s hard to believ *you), an intelligent yoiu m a n prsued by trou?. conusonwi'- etyoui *defeated by circuinitan, * antchang-e. Where *self-respect? Everythi *pends on your will t( *conte tihese supers, *tendlencies that plgt * Fts, i ry opinion, ýy *a guiding hband to Pc first few steps aheati, hsi likely t(hat is al *q Ui r'.jUst now. 1 urge you to talk tU *frankl'y ith your ir FiHe wHi show you how '~gain self-coindence, ai <' you positive assurani * we are not goven burd * are too weak to carry, * lar church attendance * imbelief i the po *prayer have rogh * nany a troubled soul * newed theiýr faith la Cool for Sumt» PRINTED)Pf g-- K K K r- t- g- K K K K MC- g-- K K g-t K g- t- K g- -r Mg K t t 4- t K r' -c- r r- r 4- K g-- -r c 44 c r K g-, K K t,- K t- K t,- K K K r K r K i r 4 K r -r --r g- K K 4- g-g- Mg -t c- t- 4- -r t K g-- 4 4- K -t c r g-, t K K -t g' -g- 4- r -t- £14IRSTJ N uiésing l selves and ail mfankind. With on a ~your minister-'s h elp, it. should b, ad *do tesamecfor you. )d toa He can suggest activities home, within tÎhe church that wil id have * ft you out of your sea ýof 1ade il *troubles and copen your ee of me ~t1 the importance of being a wanted friend. You will meet somne rse she* people ,vorse ùff than you; -n as. 1 * ellping tliemn yo-u will forget d ïmy your own difficulties andtat hoC;u seÇ- the joy of serviece and the and did * satisfaction of feeling needed. aundry, * As to your sistr-in-aw, sh 1le My * isas she in. Certain tempera- a ý PsyJ * neýts can neyer assimilate e ifwore *wit opposites, and it is, the -victim who mnakes allowances whçe 1 and buffers without bitterness. tionally * You have muade encouraging fath ]fl progrEstoward that goal and 1 sec if you .bild an armaor about 1. Who * yoursellf her slurs will lose 1d& Ive *j heir string. J dand * is por *Perhaps your mother (or an a- *your rmister) knows somne Rn alb- nearby family who will wel- we af 'C corne yoq as a paying guest; 10e aeliy tere you could n- a nor- .nly ap- *raprasa.CüaL DO* ýny~ .am)i1y life and shroud make îENT" long stri es towvard a happier outlook en thre wold you !iye ~in. T-he ý>idea miay repel youl te that \at t~hrnnent, but it is worth Etigý w0- cons idering. ý,sefble nd * antimnei seek help thrrough rsel e faith, Cultivate an interest la- cesyo *othier people. If you- wifil your- is Your1 * self to, you cari dig yourself ing du , out of this selfpityin slougha io over- *in-to a useful and richer Ce. ensitive * My earnest good ishes, le Yeu.* * * oun th WISE MOTHER )int tho "Dear Anne Hirst: ýi)arn 16, an l and going wvithi a boy m-y age. yoûI re- Rumors hauve beenj going aroundi his over high school jus before it closed vînter.,0 been visiting the liouse of a girl i t re Who everybody talks about. cd ive "I askedI hir q bout il. and he e that denied it. He has neyer told me egu-w anything b-ut the truith. His famn- and a ily are nice people and hie has aer ,f alwiays bharved imrself wt "Mother wants met ra Lhr- up immediately and I can't te- bring msi to do it because 1 like him toa i-cb, What do you say? CO)NFUJSEDI" mer * Unls ËIthec rumors have 'ERN *beeni proved falsc, you should *sfop seeing the boy promipty. *Where smioke is seean there's *usually a fire nearby, and no) *nice l~i- can continue tci as- * soitdvwih a lad implicated witýth a,,i of no repitition. v;it h a ýgirl of no reputation. *if she ýdoeýs, lier own gocd r ame si.fers. *If yaurifriend is innocent he *e should Cid a wm a reasure *your 1mother. Untillhe does, *Iagriee with her 1 unde-rstand why you be- *lieve i-n l, but you ;ara toci * iexpriece nlathe-wa3ys of the wrIo10realtize thaï, th; *lad rna k the perfect gentlie- *man wit you, yet sow bis *wil oats with a cheap girl *Your mocther knows this, and *woi-ld pr tD yu from gos,- il Il is always shocking to * arn tha somecone we hik * e tif týLe boy is noL ) -* u1lty, whywas his lane in- WhVen Mie and love have let, you dowvn, tL'tm for Comnfort tce t h 1a t understaýnding un1s2ee 1t.*rlendl,A3ie lHîrsIlMer sym- ~ ~ pathy and wisdeowu hrow Ghehr i t n your d(arkened paith andi hep guide you toward pence. AddrePss her at Bx1, M2 50C; EhentStNwToron'to. A, Glimpse nto -The ITeen-age What doos the Amierican teen)- ager roally think? Dr. H. H. Relmmers 0o.,Purineand bis e- soaîrch. associatos have spont tlie lst flîtoon years tryhng te find out by quierying some 25,000 high-school studeats directly. Thse teen -agers' sit-portrait, Remimers believes, has sombher tones, anti "somne of it will alarm every Amnericanr." The young peo- pie have hi good poinits, too, he says, but "hr are lots cf things I'm happier about than miost of.1their opiniionýs." R e imme rs' report on some alà'rmingý teen attitudes: *More th a n biai1f(8)s e e ine j harrn in tbr-ege police 1 nethods. * The mai ority (0% vwuiA censor books, niewspapers, and m agazines. 0*I Most (M 3%) appmove o)f -wiretappingi by FBI. *» Atit 3% say those whco refuse to testify against themf- selves sh-oultci be forced te talk or be unshti * Another thirti (34%) feel that theé ovmnen should problibit some people trem mak- lgspeechIes. *A gooti quarter (26%l') be- lieve that sonetîmes it is al i ight to search bouse and per- son witbout a warrant. @ Somne(1% think rehig- iûus belief and worship sbouid. be restricteti by law, ç-ertain c,-rminals a lawyer. 6 Alirnost haf (4 )believe1 that Peoplar naable cf de- ciding v,-bat is goed or bad for tbem. a One segment 1(13%) woLi den-y the right te know you c cuser la a crimninaI case. * More than a third -39%) thlnk- visiting. foreigners shiould net be ailowedti t criticise the U.S. *A su1bstanial !thirti (8%) feelter is nothing- worse than _beino considereti an "eddi bal." * Another group (30%,,) be- lieves that, one can't be a scien- Lst anti ralsýe a normal famnily. *Almost baift 46)don't anan more womnen holding1 public office. A few fedeemin i featuex wchRemmiers uncovereti: 4k A vast mnaiority (80%) lk * MIore than two-thirtis (30%Iý) go te churcbre once a wee'k or moe. *Almost al (00%,ý') feel that the family shouiti get together te taIk over each otb-er's p-rcb- lem.-Forn"Newswecek." Wrnkl e Sit er's A to-ea esearcbi proJecit is u intdC .,, ier wa eein.g te improve the natural wrinkhle-resistant prep- orisofalwolsurner-welght suits. Tne stutidy is untier the, di- rection _of the Wo7ol Bueafa NewYrk Thle program abims te finti eut why sone al-wooi summr-r weg tisits are rinkle-resist- ant.?L riso vrigcon-struc- tien willbe iuseti tetietermine ,what relationý_s exist betweea yamn icoýunt, wýeave, yarn struc- ture, fibre cbaracteristics and Whený you go on yourvaato tnip, 1t-ere= wiIhl'be-ne problern of renernbering tI he itiïresses o frienis te w-he!m cards antisu ve nirs aete b e senti, if a loal "LONDOI4TOWN" - Ta' what Julie London is making of Hollywood tlhese days. The sultry blonde hit roadblocks on ,w-, tries for Hollywood star- dom. Her third cttempt bit the bul's-yejust like her sing- ing. Her Iatest film is "Saddle the Wind"ý with Robert Taylor, Loalthe big news this w,ýeek is centre» nd centennial!S-- Centenna Milton and at Oak7ville-in labth7 of which w7e are s1lghtly invlTovEd. 'Nedidnl't gel to the officiai opeiiing of cither but on Satuirday vi4e went 10 Milton and- saw- the ig par- ade. The rest of otir fa a there including our three grand- sons. Il was really, a wonderýful p)aradle with f ioats and antique vehicles, bands, Indians from thec Brantford Rsre war veter- tns, guides, scouts, fire 'brigade, 7owncunil, 4-P. Clubs, and of course,, the inevitable Beauty Qýue-en. Usually one parade iS mnucb lJike another but tb&re seeined te be sornethimg a ittie different abouît this one - it shwe ore imiaginatîinand ing-enuity thanrn ost. sýtance, there was an od dero- crat drawvn by a team qof rmu]1ýS WVhere they gelthffem fromIr1 do)n't know for mnules th'ese dy are few and far betweex-thiat is, the four-footed v2ari'ety, the two- legdtype are notc quite so scarce. Probably the young people had neyýer seen a demio- cra)t but in the oAd days it waS the favoriteL conveyance for taking the faiyte church. There was a genuine olid stag'e coacb that had alrePady been touringp varlous towns, cïies and villjages eadvcrtising the Miltonri Cenenif s passenge-rs 1wýere d[ressed in 1ý9!. century t'ostumeus 11ndjr e al-,y lo oke-d ,he par. ýt. Teewas also a coverdA wag- on, complete witb pioneer seft- iers anid terchfildcrjusi *as they iust have ap areda un- dred yýears -ago. Possibiy a tý1w dtiswere' mot ,quite perfect but the ef fct was the! Samie. Thrvere genuîine old-type fire reels floe by thers comnpar- aDble to the chFanging years, Iltokabout4 .4sbour for the entire praeto pass the Spot hrew wer sadigso that is surely an indication of its size and len1gth. Thiere wiere. of course, a numnber of clowns andi 1 arn begicnng wonder if clowns ar uha good idea. Some of cur form-er aecighbors were with u.s, amoag tihem fveyer-l girl. Miarýy is absolute-y ti --~ lt "Which et us w-lU propose fir ~, ficti of con.At oný eztoa Chls para"de a cllown) came up aIc nd ook berbaatiishe was almjo ' t petr-ified,. This tîmte di- rectly s'le saw clownis on thie road she stprteti 10 screarnani ran off and bld behiând a car. There she stayed tbrouighout thie parade. Sbt just wud' on nêar the road again. Dav id wasn't too bappy about the con ih er but bhe stooti bis groun-d. Plenty of other cbildren 1I no- ticed were more orlcss scareti tee 50'I arn wontiering if some- tbing couldn't be done te change the sîtiation. Coultin't they be required to stay ini the mitdle of tbe road *wbuere their antics wv7oould-1pr7obab-ly amuse but net frigbten 'the cbildren. It is the close approach of tbe clowns that scares the ýttIle ones. I, teit So sorry for IMary, missing al the fu-n becaurse of ber fear of the clowq-.s. Before we watecd Ibe parade wve went. up to Ginger Farrn and, fouad 3thie house occupied by a yo-(ung couiple wihtb four smail ehîdrea. They had m-oved la only theý day before s0of course tbey were only baif uinpacked. But, oh i der, the things ti,-iat happen when a place is left un- iccupiieti. Plants and sbrubs hati been lifted and tak'e away. And, in sPite of the f act that tbe bouse bad been boarc4ed up, the mnotor and parts of triwaee pressure systern had been taken a-ý,y. Aidyet, n la ahte tinie we were living, there, we could be away all day, leaving1 the place ualocked and nothiag w ýas ever touched or stolen. We w'ere g-lati te fiad somn ei tu, the house because tbey av alrcatiy adoýpted Joe. PoorBlk Joe casa prob1emY. HL was sucbn a miervous cat w knew he woul-âJ neyer settie tioSn in new sr rounidiags 50 we teft irlm eisi n-Id baunts but weat u p once a week to) take hlm ýfootid, wbichý, incidentalheneyer seernied to tvnHe wsfat ai\-I ingot condition .but we thoughtit would finally bie necessarv te have hlm nm ercifuly putt to sleep before the cold weatber Carne arouinti again. Now we cîon't neeýd to werry. Thec family bas a cat1 and ]Joe bas a famnily. On Suniday we wenit 1te 0k- ville for the day anti Bob arii family took uLs to see the uinve-cil--l't ing of an addition teo Cemo- taph and th e ceremionial ard of seven bantis, haidby - he Lomne Scots witb theiÀr kilts anti bagpipes, witb the usual follow- ilg of veterans ani others. Tbat is; some-itbing, we reahlly eajoy, al- thougi-l tmakes one's beart achce te seecit brave sbowiag tbe "vt"put on, p)artiecularï5 the 1olti sweats" of1 Worlti War 1L somoe of tbiem l imping and sbiuf - ling ant i ng their best te idei it, tryingi to ke2ep step ,vith tbe1 of the Commiiyoniwealth at bearo.t, o1rave festimnonry 1th be fact thatg i ',,! soldiers neyer die." TodJay I take 1--y-)7part as grand- rmoDf-er on a float represent'ing., Our 3sçtch BokWomrea's 1Insti- tute, 1feel qito qualif.ied teI take that part! -Noting dds te a mran's lei- sure limre ike doing tbings whien they5re suipposed fo be done. Queen1 of color -tepcw displaýys alilits vivid bea 2-1 thjis enbroidery d eig!My Sdifferent Poses, each a lv decorat icn for1,to0wel' s, ar, Pattern 6L2: Transfer oi r , cocks 5x6'-'2te 6Xl1 chs Emibroidery you'Illberoudtlc c show! SedTHIRTY - FIVE cENT (stampins carnnot be accepted, use postal n«t for, safety) for hi pattera te Laura Wheeier,Be 1123 Eigbhteenthul St., New Tom- onto, Ont. Print plaily P ! TERN NUMBER, your NM arADDRESS. ~Two FREE Patternis aSaii to- our rveacers-priated right liu oaur NEW Laura WheelerNed- craft Book- for. 1957! Dozens 0ft other new ;vdesigas you'll waait t.-ý ordjer- easy, fascina-tiag b and- work for yourself, your boneiq B,3 sure te sei 2 5 cent.s lfor youÈ copy of this bo o o~ issi! ISSUE 30 - 1957 ME WON'T SURRENDER - BOI "Patchy" Cook, 73, cornes ta th* door of an abandoned Armny pilîbox at Thetford, England, t4 receive a gift cf milk from neighbors. The aId geenlmn keep<; the homo fires bu-rning ln hi% unique tliggingis rathor thae giY, uP independenceý for ecurity of an old fls home. 'Witb PRINTEDiireci eacb patterii part -- ti ,ool, smiýart sundfress wlt neck, wtie-faring skirt. pattera angain inext seaso, jumper witb comÉ,ànioný Printled patterai 4500: Ses10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 16 tkes41kyardis 35-lacý Prneidrectios onc loma part.Eaies ,faster Sei ,FORflY CENTS boefmsafety> for ti PleaseprïitI painly SIZE, ,!ADDRESS, STYLE NT1M 'gSeti, ordler tc.,ANNE S1, 123 Elghteenth One e ar 0f .if'e WheýLn you mak'Le a 'phone cal you're REALLY moving.., around 186,000 miles per second in fact, Fit lesat, thiat's the speed youir voic~e is travelling. Ancl furthermore, you're probably go- ing to) spend a whole year out cf youir ife on, that telephone... aibout 8,U0-houirs, Staggerîag? Noüt when you thimký how m-aay hours il saves youL. You can be ani arm-chair sheoer , . cal hr, folks miles away. . . chat wi friends thie other side of toewisr -reach the doctor, police, firet department, . > . ail through thO magijc of your telephonie. Color Beauty

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