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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1957, p. 7

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'Il haven't a imillion," dcaimls Lady Dockerý, "l neyer have ha-5d amllo! Once, when ask-ed how mruch monecy shle had, she ~onessd,"Abut£ 150,OQ-and Lht&at's better than a slap in thie face wtha wet fs. Qf course, niobody is partîcu- larly înterested in thic precise sulovely Norah Docker is; worth. The world is co tent have ber just ns sheisesa- vally dmntaighow ta p!lay abesslapping faýces at Monte Carlo and always fabulouisiy blendlingcair and cotr- versy, l is comm-on jknowvledgue, hvow,- ever that her fim-st husbànd left £17'7,500 and- that her -seconýd %usband left £955»0O. Death duties depleted theseý fortunes, but they rrnay have beenr, e- trievecd s!nce. then bjy, shrewd mvestmeicnts. Twice, widoWed, Nomali Docker lias known eatbea as well as hapnefiss. She also has knajwn wvhat il is ta bu îin a shop, se'l- ling hats, fao. fifty shillings a wVeck. Mayhe thiat is the secret af hem vivid aïppeal. Even- before she kad money, sýhe was afraid of siobody and nathirig. 'Now that -Îshe has cash, her unconventional tun daunts the acid 1brijgade.ý There was that won)derful Oc tesion wheinn Lady Docker visited a coal ine and afterwarçis ïld hieminera, "Noxv Youi rust Camne Zo e me!", Surie enougýh, thirty - three ,doth - capped straight - talking tlliery workers were duly ush- ered àboard Sir -Bernard 'Dock- e-r'a luxury yachit Shemiara, the langeaI British private yach t registered at Lloy-d's. "It's a simrple ahip, really,ý," Norah Docker- explained, as she- Chowed her guests aroundth oýpulent staterôoss, the seVenl iled bathroomis-and Che deep- tarpeted lounge with its huge, open fiRreplace. She kneW they wtould thoroughly enjoy thîs private peek. Libemally they feasted an sa!- Fron D anid lobster, cold roast pheasant, thr.-ee addfles of lamb, a baron 0fi beef, gamne pie, chick- en and duck. The nls Chan- nel was afterwards littered with scores of empty chanipagne baot- ies,,, Pè~rhaps the highlightL of the occasioni was the delightful spec- tacle aif Ladly Docker herseif, in beil-hýttain. slacks, dancing a homnpipe whlle the guesta oaed applause and Sir Bernard beain- ed bland approval, She made a hast of fniends, eijo, when she ans wered the chtai- Wpnge issued. by the girls of a Yolrkshîre factory's mnarble team., a gýýlamnoraus gown of peacock blue- for the "reet do," Korah showýed unexpected abil- fty tao win. a decisive nineteen, points ta twelve, and b-camec un- Ofl1cial VWamren's marble chami- pion of the world. One can have nothing but ad- mnirationt for the way Lady Doc- Ïker rallied ta herhuan' cause duinig the B.S.A. contra- versy. She autagraphed more than ten, thousand phorîtographs ef herself ta accompany letters the sent ta stockholders. 'The fabuîaus Nomah gained Imniense popularity but shack- «d the snobs by~ signing auto- graph-books aIt the Royal Asce4ot race meeting. "If Il gives a littie' apns, she said dellantly, "f dojn't tcare,ý what same people think." An-d ehe startleýd millions olt viewers when she appearedl on thpo tele- 'vision screen w-eariflg jetvellery that loaked like( a queen's rn sont. "What do ycu tiniik?" she ?tbbbýLed. l eost onily £3, 4s. Ladly Docker helieveýs that a womat's rst du.ty is te bho a voman, and look -Rs glantorous nshe can afford ta,ý Most people fnd her galety quite lùfect.iaus, and 5sb îmalkes à very e-vident that rhe thor- ~sg1y rijysbeing Cnd- Ta understand MNorah Docker you have to 'reemY6ýr hat her father diaS when she was anly si-xteen, ,ird that1 she aud her mother faced abitter struggle ta keeptinsgng They had ta ru-o ve trami their big hbýuse &ft Edglbasýtan, and ougNaraâhTurner heliped hler 'lhsther ruii a amaili htel. Hard timeý -canttiî nu edé ud Norah thotud-itthey could do bitterlu Landau. DIl was, ,irjr1ng the dLce-mnad 'twenties, anCî _,orah farcied bier chances as &a rpfessîi6 dance tece.She spenît ý-ar i more thau she cauLd a 5ff0rdaua"orlPUse Of lessans ,,ith Sauitas Casai. "Naah ssmy best dancer," he recslled., His ambitiaus pupil, ihowever, soon discavemed that threre were far tao many dance teachemrs ai-ici100few pl1ptls. Living with hemrrnotthpr -in a tiny fia t IrBayswaft, .Norah kicw what il was ta be unccin- fartably poor. She took ad job in a big departm--ent store, sellîng bats, witb a sales commnission af a penny in t.he pound. She was laid Ibere was a atome rule that girls af the staff sýhauld wear brown dresse,. De- term-rined taloksmart, Norab aplurgÏelI ou a brown, satin frock -_ om: taý discav;er thaýt store dr-esses had ta be af browu cal- ton or wool. "4You - will have ta go unles you follow Ihe ritïes," Norab wans reminded. "I've goe!'he relortedt. For a timne. she worked in a little gown shop u in iminghan aud msybe sýhe vWas juat one 0f many 'girls, dreaming that anaý da-y they m ïght marry mrillio-- aires. Norah rid't imarry amlin aire, S he was twenty-eight whenl, at a party, she mect Clent Calingha, a Pdirector ai n wine fi.rm. The couple feil deeply in love, and soan wïere- married, Their marriage lasted for sev- er years, affording perfcect h ap- pîness, and they bhad a son, Lp.nce. Duning lite war 7Norah drove an amrbulance, but spart fronr that her oiy inlerests iii hf e were hier husband and ber Son 1Narah was stunn1ed witýh deep grief -when Clem d er-. "But ïh e had tld her: "If anything .,ap- penis tae,- ausoudremar- ry H1e lad introduced her ta Sir William Coîlins, who ihad l 17is own Wif o suly two yesrs befojre. The wiïdokv and the w- dower found comp anion sh.ip in their mutual grief, and they were msarried; but the union of these twa - lonelly people was taý prove tragically brief, for Sir". William died a year intfer. The gay Lady Docker r.emeni- bers how, in those days, she used ta cry hqerseif to slee1p. Har lufe enrtireiy 2changed onýemoe hoWeor, we she met Sir IBer- n.ard aI a charity dance. Thr'e Colis oney had copie frami jani, pickles, tobacco, a deparîment store and o. ether h.- CAVE MJ~AN - George Kendail ýstores; som1e record!s *n a file 205 feet beneath the ground in a for mestpn meinea Butroom, Pa., The atc-mic-age record room hàsb-en mode for songrecords of the Westîng- house Electric Corp. Ken-îdalitanid three other wo-.rkers care for soe105,000 file boxes. vesent. Bernard had inheri- ted aiIrestimateçi £3,000,000 from- his fahr, chef 0f rà, a car comnuny; and hie had mar- ried a fl abut divorcedj %1er iii 1934. 'lhus Norah had ,imt ýp ays bet-.ien r idBernard kadfnot alWays been happy, No ah knew ithat Bradwas the r, an for hýer Iwhen she saw~ hini c -ýe homne oîe day from pg Shootisig expeditioin, with h i- arm , affctionately round her sons' shoul1der. It th boy fh-riself wio ask em he- the-r thiey watc to marry. To-day young Lance is the f o- cus of the famrily. Lady Docker is nlot asha,ýmed ta live t he fuli life that is every wm.' sec- ret dream.ý And Sir Bernard in- dLilgentlj, shares the fui Witl' the qar ofa rman who knows, dleep, -inwa.d tanquïility. EAY NSER A man browsbin J a et shop was asked by an a eyaung clark if she could assiat hini. ~\ Wel,"the ci-stomer replied, j thiinkfrig 0f gefîing a Pet fer -eclient of mi ý ~Ha is a semiivald;can't go out. Man about 6O; -very %weaithy; nice cha;p. -ehas ne relaiyes -50 the ide9,Of a pet cam,_ïe It' me." The girl onsid3eredý - then brigtcni~,said, "I think I haive j>st ethg! 1 Ind 0f pet du you Suggest?», Replied he ý01ing ady.- "ME!" la these d o 0w-eu goir ttakes of wifl power ta look a womun in the -e, BE YOUR OWN BOSS'î MEN or womie au work yoi r ovin hours, and a ri-e profits lUp t 500 sellilng exclusive houseware o'ý(ducts, and aplace. o colmpeti.tldn. not availabfle in sýtores and they are, a necessit'y luevery 1hoe, rite at once for free cwoo catlo9e, how- ilg retil prices uýLs ofidential w:hdisale 'price la. ySales, 38P22St., are Mv. ontreal. ARTILESFORSALE SALE FesIcinS ganes. safeP, difterent and exclustive $.8 Soccer Football gain--es ,R eicoter, f lle< up to 60 feet $298. Siar o pactpU Ie lim- mersion hviater wth case .,9,, Post- (a I. Gurainteed. IRomec Siil"S 53 elcaeMontrea1. ORDER ahead For ycur brollers. Or for Aies lu-Cross. ýHave wide echoice started chlcks, prompt shipifeut. Bray Hatchery, 125 John- N., ýarmiItOfl. iT'S flot too late tc, ordgir your 1957 C wc d Tul~7rkey . IPoilis aud it's, flot toua eary to ohter yeur Chickýs imld Turkey pouits for 1958.ý We hl1t ch every week lu the year and hatch lyý top quality clcks, for eggs or uieat. TWEDDLE CRICK ilATCHEýRfES LTJ-D. FERGIUS 'ONTARplo PLUME Anuual, 1957, ilustrated, Blg- ger anud Better. 70 pages, Exhibitions poufltry, Wild Birds. $1 Postrpald. Plume,ý Iroquiols, Otario. FARM MACIiIýNERY FOR SALE ers. grain thýrowers, Patent straw ecut- ters sud sbrediders, fits alil a sof ibreshers, your grain aud straw put Îlu the barn aI leas cost, 85 years Of Pro- duction. Gel oirprices sud trais de- livered auywheme lu Ontarlo. Lo)bsinger B-ros., Mildmay GRAIN AUGERS Save labour wýitb a li-incli SUPER SCOOPi-E. Basic <engtb ilJI. twitb 5-fl. - 0f.extensitons ta mai-,re16 Il. or 91 fI. or langer. For furîber information write o phone Lomnie A. Downharm, Box 168. ole, Ont. Phone Lenox, FOR GALE- GENERAL. Store for sale, 315,000. Soth- ern Ontarlo Village. Brick. Cornxer Lot. Business flisopeaîlon. Ownem netlning. Tarins. Box 161, l23 Fi1gbteeutbh Street, SACRIFICING cmit bsnshome, car taler. Ratail stock, furniture. No spectal tmairnug needed, Ouae or more familles couildîmaIre goodlivna spare lime. No comnpetition. Pzices midi- cuiously slashed. , Goingta coast must salI by September. Write or phone. Alvin Keen, 58 Nelson Streeft, Barrie. M.ODERN GENERAL STORE sud haine. 'Thftmuiness, paved 1bl.ghw,ýay, Hyd,,re, eelepbonie, bus Services, SchooL. Dowsi payment $4,00. Sacriýficing owIng te hiesitb condfitüi. A-ippiyý E. Bcdy lledbiidge, Çaisnio. frUREeLD SAAEN GOATS- po. V s Ire. JOHNSTQ'N 1BROs.. R., à-C1, ELL, ONT. MECHANICAL PARTS, RePAIRI MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB Whlle yTou drive for eniy $8,00.;'o cars -- trucks -- tractons, etc. n conditiolly gaaîe.Effective o wie cf car. Mataloy s Yeu mny Motala0y Sales Ca., 24 MWest ïStrýel Goderich, Ontsnlo. Dealeir iqlre PROVEN REMEIDY - EVERY SIfflffl OF PRHEUMATIC PANS OR NEuRiTIs 3HOUWDTRY OIXONIS REMEny. MUNRO'S DRur STORE 335lIie, Ottnwa- $1,5 xpress Proid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH -the t orrenit of dry eczem-Ya rashes 1sud weýeplng 5km robls Pe-st's Ecze111a SalJpvewil not disap- Point you, Iteiug, s aalàug u u- lng eczemna; acue, rnwrpimples 4nd foot eczem-,a.wil respoudi readily othe stalulea:,s odorles outnet e- gardless of bow stubbomn jýor hopeiess hbey secin. Sent Post Free On Receipt of Pri4e PRc-E -,3.0 FERiAR 2865 St. Clair Avenue Eastf TORONTO OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND OE EARN moreî I Boakkeeping,Saemn ehlp, hhn, Typewrtiting, etc. L-es. sous 0 Ask for frea ircular No. 33. Canadïan Corresýpondence Cours'es, 120 B3ay Street., Toronto. LEARN prof esalonal"Foritr" n d 'ieehus" by m wail. Comnple ct e ecourses; l0çý briu.gsliterature. Wrl$e Walter Giessier, Eganvilie, Ontarlo, .IOIN CANADA'5 LEADING SCHOOL GreatOpotnt Leaiu Hairdresslug wageîs, Thou s aof ,suecessfutl Marvel Gradutates. fliustrated Catalog Free Write. or Call MMREL H1-AIRDRESSING SCHIOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Brnches: 44 Kiu, St. W., Hamîitlto 72Rideau St., ttawa EARIN big mroney. Sales background( esetïl Exceptional ,earnings pas. sible t, qualifled meorwomn.No inetnn.Write youýr qualificatlons fuilly for free d!etails, Acmie Distribu- tfug Service. , hhr M linois, EXCEPTONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS, GREA3ES, PAINTS 4ND Colloidal Graphite Additives. 'Dealers wauted tc, seli to Farinera. FIcee.t3Owners aud Service Stations. Write warco Gr bgw 'Oî1LiMited, Toronto3,Ot FTHERSTONHIAUGI , Cainp n Patent Attoriieys,. Estaýbiished 190, C00 Unl-verslty A1e'ýs, Teonle. Vat-euts, al countriesg. CîG~ET~5IT;ranésssd nicotine con- tent, . our brand revealed by scieutifîc isbomatory report. Send brand narm-e and e1.00 Researchers, 210 G rov e, Clif ton, New Jersey, MEN aya mnoney Hygenic supplies. Write for aour 'priceAnswem sent by Flrst Clas5; Mati plvately,. No ab)ilga-. tlion. Se-nd n, address, ,âge. Must be 21. WriteRabw Sales, 171 Harbord Stret, omataÎ, Ontaria. SEDICiI4 t lâtake ccordieg t àiretions I4 a af. w0y t0 induc* %sie.p SEDICI-îNt o FRED i1-WALSHI, Preýikeni 31.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluixe personal requirements. Lateat ca ta- lo:gue included, The Madico Agency. Box 22, Tiýmmiuai "Q" Tciornt, Oniit. WYBeomwe Bald-Headedý? Gua- teed peetvMai, 4 hais r cïmlc roscopy, 47 years exp)ertence. Fýuil c'harge ouly $1,00. Dm. Cotiiam. 100 Beech, Cisco, Texas. .MANT aveasked us iF 1It i, true th(at 1Landrace have miore ribs than othwr hoý,gs. Yes, Il ta true. Mlost other breeds have A4 rîba. Average for Lnrae16, sud somne with 18. Even lun crosslng lu- volvmng Landrace the bigher cnb couzzt prevails coànslstentiy. il meau's more pork chopa per careassa. We bIave onue 0f the largeat sud the )est lmporte- hberds of Lanidrace lu Canada. Wtean- llng, four monUtb ad, sixý montb aiod sow S asud boars, gukarauiteed lu plg" Sows. Ser-viceeble boars for rlmitwd-iate delivery. )11 stock registLered. Cata- logue. FERGUS LANDRACE SIEFA1SMï I1ERGUS NAI KINDROCIIET iprtdLandracefofr quallty fiud type, for the ucw breeder wje can suppiy unrlated stck su ad For comriltmy a Lidrch 0 Barý sud see the tUiffemence. Apply: Joiseph BenrWaterford, fOnt. TEACPERS WANÏTED e.ÂWK JUN;CTIGîN, Algoma ,Centrai !tùIwy ntamia, requîmes 2 teachers, mnai eor fmale.Principjal ta teaeh Grades 6, 7asd l8. Min. saiary $3,r000, Teacher for Grades 3, i snd 5. Min. salary ",600, A pleasaut rilwa'zy coin munIty 164 miles nortb of Sauit Ste. Marie. Apply ta -Mrs. Ed. Mfetvedt, Secretary Hlawk Junetion, Outarla- Please ïta.te age, eXperleucee, qualifi.. calions sud au-y speciintras ~yftfl&mTfU /tes- ,uikl top iunsol usetbieshat ras, ecrea, hveapimpeascalea, scabies, tit. foot sad oter externailiycauseci. kin tro1bles, PRESCRIpTION. G.reaseleas, stainless. Stops îles or wmouey hsck, ýDon't suifer. Tour druE.. qwiist bas B . .PRESCRIPTEOML 1 NOUS! 0F CARLO iNTRODUCES FOR. WOMEN OVER 30, NEW LIFE and vi.. tâiity i Feeda lifelese akirn, feele, lookug youn.qer. Fades .swayte-alwrnes crowz feet. NEW LIFE. Firma flabby throat, chin muscles. Send for éa 3-CLý lar, $30,plus 31.00 postage. New qulck 3-minute facial pack - -MINT KOOL, 3-os. iar $3,00, plus 31.00 postage. MINT KOOL Face Lotion, $MO;0,plus Bf.l SUIMMER SPECIAL i Get ail thrýeê for 58.00 complete. MAikDAME JAYE'S, 4-5 72Ce, FîlUshlng 67, New Yor,ý Whe. Skin Itoh Drives Y.. MAD Ça ada sMOONE'S HMER.ALi OIL-that disrlght lu , ditrs I cee trza,,iiig that thàethlnýg le prozmpt- ly eaed, anYLd wlh cnlwdUse ynur troubles may sËoon beover. Use ý MERÂL2 D II ïnlgbt ana on.e isuR eek, Il la maf ta us Ime and in -relarare indeed, MOONE'S E ERLDOI anl be btailned Ilu lb. o riginal bttl, at assy suodern irdug store. IiRAM E. MCCALLIM. Qeneraî Manlagar seclcret of The Fabulous Lady Dccker *CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSING MERRY MENAGERIE AFamniIy Adventure Plan ;now *0 e, niy on. oS the greeat eventsoet'four. liftîm, .. teCanadien i fonal Ehbtoth, lara- ,est annuel exýhbIti i tbewold, openins August 23rd, Yourteen îglorlous days zf excltlng itrtimetfor 5h. whoîe famlly. BOIS HOPE, Wrd-fme omsdy saheifneà ihe iaish Eveming Graridsta-nd Spc oua very nlght os 8-.5 p. * . , cpmoxed by egganim flerks dispiQy. ORDER TOUR TICKETS NOW MAIL ORDERS CLOSEi AUG. 15, 1557- RINGONG BROS. and BARNUM & IAILEY CIRCUS Teexclllng Affernoon Gadln hw FIRST WEEK ONLY AU>g. 26, 27, 2c, 21;, 30 and 31? at ýï:3O NEW MULTI-MiLLION DOLLAR QUEEN ELIZABETH4 BUILDING OPENS THIS YEAR iRiSHGUAROS g8AND, Wrdclertdbond from Eng- tond dally 9on the Sandsbel. INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW Sept. 6 mi 7 enly. SPORTS GLRECndqsOympk roe plan. VtSIT CANADAIS SPORTS HALL 0F lAME WORI.DS LARGESi AeRICULTURAL BUILDING NATIONAL HORSESPOWi Aug. 23, 24, 26e 27, 28, 21l IERNATioNAL. EXHIBITS-The 3fametd produvcta a'f cos- tries al aven ite woer1d. MILE OF MIWAY WORLD' 0F VOMEN FOOD PRODUCTS IUIWING -Centracof attrction for siciosi three million peaple eveeyor -- CANA DIAN NRûATIONALOIM IEXHIIBIION 01 AUGUST 23 TO SEPTEMBER 7 CANADA ON DISPLAY N N N N N ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k N N N N N N N * N N N N s. N N N N 'N N N N N N N '~ N N N N N -4' '4' s.' .4 N .4 N -4 -1 '4 N "i -s' .4 -4

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