v C ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Auth.riz.d m«S.eSmd C la Mil.Put OUt Departztmt. Oftava Pamder. ILA. Ferrouter F'uhlbher. E. C. Forreutsr CABINET MINISTER FOR DURHAM? Trhe Olaw islaan eitorial on Juiy l9th noted the fc that there eýxist a great possibility of Dr., R. P. Viinbein!g appointedc to the Federal Cabinet. Dr, Vivian- won the DurHam ring from- the Liberals in the reentfd ai ekection. Tirce edfitorial points out mnany soundi and eaon able poin t such a selectin by Prim Minister Diefenbakr 0Of coure the Cabinet portis n one other titan Miister- of Heali \vich at the prosent tUme is vacant andtA be fiile sihe the rimne Minister returrs tro Mtw. Frti MLoking aue: ie vilbeSae-a,.t-erea SifD.RP.V -ia.lastheinsie tracï,k for th be leifa 1 nd- ,en es a- s minster of1ealth forrntarin. lie sennid in tAC postIe lw te Dew Gaverannt hc. mcam rtopowr i 1943 Latr, he rtîdfaipo ca oic aacp Pa 1 tun unu 11. VIea 1a u epentD COVi au t h~ix V acatieoen Lai-id0ra ai Teoula asr ron a of .at mr e te asrm n cvup u M. 'iinbarej I anc r a' rvtht lartlof Mrre' cainet. uncfMakcec an 0 Gma- ~ n~, s n nbeîun labound Di. Viv a s nrmi-z of aeaîfb and nelfare thrs secno: naow~dlew reprsenrd wihlnthe nnercirce o liegavenme t; w W-.illam Edw d, At O AS IF D ECTIONi h,' t dence, Orono, Otarjo JuIy Z4--th, F957, illaffadSy mr,.belo ed husbiand oýffEttie M.ay Fl SAilE HAIL INSURANCE McLeod, ae8 er.Iused l 1. Gade rctrwiliaaia l o Resting t Th wFure -ai atcmnsre retc APPLE CROIPS Home, Or o..Fu erleriCe W 11 b,3 ]phHrwa ,o o OtriInquiries invited lied n S .ur-day J y2 7 th a t 1 :80 HAMILTONS INSURANCE L..interm lt Oro'oCýýeeery. SERVICE Oddfe1-1 H-ll,- Oro o p hione 1 R 16 RODSOi he B 11e-EEN STRAYED) Hosita o riay Juy 9 ,197 F1 , L2SStrayedroLt35,oeson, Aida Irene Rbnsn blve wife of Ad ion 2o ?.Clarke, oneloiten W- Mostly W. . Rbin.Ae Oye~.white, tip0 righnt ear Reseda heBa FnealAlbert A. r one. b-C Home, ParSt., Oo Ont., untll COMIN EVENT AlMonday, Ju22nd, atil.. TJen The Ana iadPc il GF.NBRAL WELDING' 't rooUitdCu hfr serviceý be lield Saturdiay, Uuust31" in the- (Arc âmd Gas) at 2 p.m. I termelnt in a rooOrono Park. Com iand br g ypour ramnta rnRilne o Cemter, Pcnc ~asktblades repaired and shlarpened. PI.w éhares poinitinc ani hard i3uifar-ng. ICHU DREN î PT f SPORT(llS EARWEDN (Continued from Page 1) Mr-andMcC. Wlsa e'bt hn l' r a n n o u n c e t h e M r l [ ,,g e t I r o n e r l yCsr n s W l i a a È o tegropsbr î.Fo-heyunet-on alseerick firs twoweek thedaul attndane (Td) t thefa e Maij l aud month proram f rereator. îgînd. -p TLEVISIO URIM ~ Dont figet Wdne~dy niar Tg Ilnvij1Oataý 'urrrge-trI .S a r e u ta",n e th e , a it i ~ ~i a Lrese e u gfm iT e. ~Cte easlau ee ofk errserien,, Tir lege r x hiix h~y are1î cae I s heaI sarlie t ak t lt Lctr~fr 41f Tu &~~e] i~~~~~~ a i h eey fea Ke ierai- n offia taff W.91o'e CAiFrHAme t .- .,.~. t '*'*i*'**'~~" -. .~s'-r. '-t'.'- t.- - - ,- -, hi i-e som.-e of thie maID CoVerages w e an of fer: Aiutomtobile, Lite, Accidmet ani ESikoemU,Plt GlaffaE, Liabît7 Fhe, MUw&4w7y REe#kaâBO Li %tee fBlierWkai Polio, mail, Ftdelity Bonel t. 1ORONO. PHONE iRIL 7118T MQORTGAGB LOANS Lcroy Hamilton REAL ESTÂTU BROKES PI umblmg CALI, US FOR ESTIMH }IAR RY E. L-YC,-E¶' phone 33 R 12 (ORONO O NT. m- kNE THE REST rr.<uàua Dfroet.ry A. T. MKUNIIE, M.fl. PITU~~ÂU ual 8U~UBN Uh Hum., LiS p..a SiS ~ 5*15 i~. -. ual s- -~ vu.au un DE. IL J. TAGGAW ro~m ovou- m Lawrence C. lamu, RL etc. UA S$-ma nm* R &- IJOHN REGAN B.A larriser, No -eylle Fuuture Sale. CeunIt me for em and dates TED JACKSON CabdMtm.oemsoe en mm CmdetAua«mo SaimE lcg".04e&l*tm go*iWu Ch% B«Uutu.% at O&,fer&e LIFE INSURANCE P*>te"Uft .ani savin&j u"la tu cul.. m a" Adulta-; Na~ F. E.. LYCETI' Orouoý Ont. Phasp e 11110 -STAFFO-RDBOS 'ma haS@e WitY«Âekf" à NONINTA"» P~bot Tevuer 21 02K Purt Hqo, Ostais Oý.rono Electric mims Graveta«, __PHONE î IZgrvmg GMeat CONTRACToRýs FORU "B* d ectami e. £easume FARM and HOTJ8E WTRING Pr e- Egtimatea APP 'NCE SA3 y-BAL A4TE FOR SALE PýYWApt a!-murnta qwdr. ', » t. à a cfd 1i~atia Equi - evais aMi Aplasau Suh w fo~m- Yto *'... If Obk~ i IfdI UB