There is belo-w &et cut, as required by iSection 6 (5) of The wadian Elections Act, a surmnary, signed by the olficial agent, of e returu of eete expeises made to mie by tii on behaîf of hn 'Mason Jameijs, one Gf the c-andidate-.s at te reýcent election of a tinber te serve in îthe House «f (oÔrnons cf Canada held in tne )ov&etiýontd lectoral district, which said returit is on file at my ioe and may, oni payment of a lee 0f twenrty cents, be there in- eted ançI extracets taken therefroni ant any r-easonaibie tinte doing e six months net afteýr the 3Oth day ef Juiy, 1957, bingth day ofn whdch the saîd retoern was furnished teunme. Dated at Port Hope, titis 3I*th day of Jtîly1 97 Car1rolI~ Niehol, Retaurning Office]. Sutnmary ùf Retur. of Election Expensýeî; of John Masen Jamee Rectipâ s Number of Amotant persons f ront whom ireceived Receipts. cnteblin , ec..... ......$8ZI, 6- .Pxoiised upi oitiuinetc....... Total............~2i6 Pîityments Aen Postage................219 Petty ais............... 4 prernisea ... . .~. 760MB ln, Ptda ort lHope, thîýs ',,th cday rd Juiy, 1957. C. T. ue, ffi.ciai Agent. llýmiuqi M e-S Pa 3 Number iof persoens paid C.~ À 'Il N z- /9 1 '1OFILî HLLABARN At ti busy seosonen on ii. fomir it,. ecsy t., nea).,ct tire Ercuii.S ut rernr5r...Y0c K1EYA' 'e RK CM-t BE DESTROYEU TýIROtGrH A MOMENTr 0F CARELEStNESS i you con p-eent fire on YOUR FARM by takirîp these simple peci :in HARVEST TiME tS DANGER TIML DO ground aIl machinery driven by a flot boit DO0 moke sure your equipmervt ie propeily lub'icted DO moke sure your cutter knives are shorp -~.DO have an odequate supply ot water oaNilable USE OUJR FREE INSPECTION SERVICE IF YOUI ARE IN D>Ou5T . . . 1T7 COSTS YOU NOTHING . .. IT CAN SAVE bu 50 MUCIl. HAA4E T. Dirlet & Son Bownson & Gibson George . Edwrds Ronald A. Eloi M. W. & Ge. Emnierson R. H. Howdý. John 1. jc- , H. 8. LoLL Wei~$l .Pt ~Kn prenice Rex Smith George M. Viçk Arthur T. Wite s. Iveton White A60RESS Stortfviile Whtby Sunderiand Gornley, Port Perry e-iumnbus ttewnark£l Zephyr cron. morkhonm QueensviFÊe Whtby Brocok-in, Uxbriiige 6,oci 24R' 1 ,Mount Albert 48 si Eoýwmqnvilc .R. 4 Mrket 3-2270 Bethony ~ 24R4 - 23RII îLLE EA G N NAR YOUI NT I ULSE AS A PUBLIC SER- LEST 0F GOOD FARMING EYERYWIIERE 1111E1 ,t~ A ,z2t tva flflfWnrth In nignway i1ilà AccidentI tu'<IU' #Pf %Vuuu VUSI i da ty fto laeeieno:00gh Ite f Ir adMr. arlOGfsn Protection Sh~ tIy be ore 5:0 > p ri, Wednes.- J etty Gibs <n, age 19 years, dauil- 1 way 115S, south #f Orono, claîmtd Melsinatrht istii erîu OVIy a I linvestnient giNee qUp to $50,000 Iiabglity isur-. 0fr V~ yong B~mav llgis in ao ordt on to i s p ibs n ame hïru I noe 'Protection for yourself and family, through Co-. and seriously injured a third. The ae- asaccessful emergenrcy operation operatoré Insiirance Association, CIA. Liability insurance cident happenied at the intersecton Wedesday niight 4nà Tortoxrto. protecte agairist financial loss resulting froin sene accidenl <f Highw,,ay 115 and 35 at Tricky's Tecî,divnboisGisnw- n your property, or through aut oct of your own, or a fami!y Comiers.j la total wreck. Vine accident occured [I ntemfber. Those dead are Nancy Mitcell, age when the car and a trailer clCAepiyi~idsp~Icieea amneadfmf 19 years, daughbter of Mrs. J. B hded at the interser.tion. It is be- itndicel paymnent coverage. lA popular option is triacter iii- Mitchell of Silver Street, Bowmi' vdthat the car was crossing the ville and Thelmau Lar-son, 15 years of Highway when struck by the hLeavy F surance, for both- self-propelled a.nd traefor-dramni famu Church St< c Btt*nïiie truck, impletentsf. Canadians Not Making UseROETMFA 0'f National Parks ~OOOPOE3r "Can ~adisae 7it mkîgfi,1uil ago, NainlPnkv ;u~ ith the offtceers of the Garri- C~ prtv nuac so ite cd Lý,â)nJ a rýq,1on so tn gtheir ladies through the Latii, 'well kn-own. tra-vel expert. (Miss stieets of tne' settiemyent." I Shli 01, asashercahunexpri- Other, equally-interesýting, nationa1 eï,(ýs ',ýs ýJmnie w :1 eparkSa and sites,,insclude FPort WeAi'ing- som ofthecoutrys ~ Ntioal .ton, Prescott, O)nt., For-t Chaaiajbly,' someof he cuntv's28 N tiniChaiubly, Que., and Port Royal .Nova r: Par-ks which cover a totld of almost cta. .e hefr ot« 1it y 3,;c00ù square milesfrn coast to ISoiweeteftfr uitb ocast. ~ Smiiuel dle Champlain in, 1605 has been -Every.swnmme.-, I taike 1field trapsll rstoril to gather mtra for my Falt speak- But if you prefer quiet relaxattion Ing eingagemelnts on travel. Thayerspots, Carol points out tht there are co.ncentrat'ed on National Parks in the uor, to visiting hsto4jc, where Isa literally hundreds of c!ars lakeshore an-d island park ufllts, ent- with Amnerican licence plates but few dowed by Naiumre -wit advantages Caniadi'an cars. It's a shame thaàt so that enhance theiir reputatiion as Out- flew Canadians have seen tue bat tnigrecr-eational and' camping of National Parks sucit as Point l'e- areas. Along the coast of the Gulf of lee in Western Ontario and Fort Le"- St. Law-rence, the Baly Qf Fundy anld nmx on! the Richelieu River near St. the Atlantic Oceon re-arkable sea Johits,, Quebec,"~ says Cal1. shore areas have been set aside as These Parl-,s, estaiblished b-y the National Parks. Beaelhes beaten Goenetto preserve forev-er the smooth and hard by the surf, miles sclenic beau¶ty, native wýil4LIfe and of rugged« coastline xiith a mountain tiatural wonders of the landscape, bacground, Landi quaint fishing rvjii- ar-e ideal vaýcation spots, the t-a.vel ages aufford1 a vctoln nqein, expýert daiýms. They, off or the enJoy-- Norrth Anierica. nent of mjestic mlounlta1;Ins l wer- pituesuesteths by "hIf ravit tola Natioý na Piki. bedeecked valey, sarlig Lakeyu-actosa tl aedo foa mring strea mis, viigin forests an d you,0 - ays C arolj, " by Il e n , c n llund)1*eds ot ails te details of ai parks a da ledt hIlhiiights, aurd 110W t uentTÈ valBureau, Departmle'nt of sods i Caadas tored ast ~ures, ttaaor from -'1Sheil Tour- Louibour inNovaScoia.t ~sAnd hnJOu do vidit a Natial here~~~~ LhttI 0nh rcedapw Par, remeinher these. rules-of camp- erfu ot{os ad'wale ctyfrmit I g etiquette; share pcale reas, acar- 1720 to 1740, and up says CarOl, "t yandc use refisse(bagbek ace as ne) trick alt ail to vîsualize the after use, crush cig'aýettes and seoak Fort as it must have been 200 -ears Campifires before leaving. ht Fishing .. . and th-e Future "Saving made this holiday possible. Continued sa'ving will help me look afrer Debby's fulture. Sh7e's on-e good reason 1 sâve regularly at THE CANADIAN EBA NK 0 F o mMERCE" 765 RNHSARS AAD ED OSREV Orono Bac AO Le.1ROMOEY, Mnage OeRO0NO TINSHOP Sheet iMetal Work Warm Air Heating Air Cunditioning Plumhing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Cutting and Threading Fire Extinguishers Selkirk Chimneys B-Il Paints and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. ?h.m. 11816 Or~~ OrnÉ. if model CLO OIL FIRED WINTER AIR COuNDITIONER at RL pH A R'DWAR E Olr@no Ont. - Pone141v and examine a few of the. feotures, son,. exclusive, thut bave mode, Fli N D Il A Y tihe eboke of tbousands sisace 1860: 9 Attractive, tvo-torie baked enamel casing that fite into any color schemie,- flly ýsealed with solid steelý bottom, to keep bajsement dust fromn circuilat- in- througliout the bue * Te extra heýatîng s-urface and long lire tavl f i e r a pa rond d ato 1r dsgnof heaýtexagr ,o-,, -»Wïw-