-44 ,oRO0No WEEKLy TIMES THBURSDAY, AUC'11,ST I, 15 VORD.PMONARCH SALES And SERVICE, AI1 Used Care' Our complete ser-vice guaranes year round Plier CARVE4H MOTORS me 3251 Nfeaetle, Ont; tario P 0 IcM NIMy. and Mrs. J . A . cnys4cadd') d ingIý -A nniÎversarý,y Sundia,, Jil y 2let. hm.Tetablews eoatdwiha le ota gft o Mrs. T. J.Cars- cadcden andé a loveiy cake Fied wtEe prsn rmToronto, Oshawa,' ThiorhillBowmavilli, Oono and Kenal.Man1lvely glfts were re(- M.ndMis. Tal1bert Fiinley of Thornhiil vjîted bher co,,ixsin., Mrs. T. J. Can-scadden. Mr. Jameý:s Foýwler of Olslx,aa was also a istr Mrs. Mae Gibbs and Sharon, Dun- batnare u ingaf ew daYsý-with i. su Mis. Ed. Grahain and faily. Mr-s. Anaile B. Henry, Newnmallket, NEWCASTLE MERCIIANT'S B-ASETBALL CfýLUB - JUýVE'NILE AnnLiual ôSports Dayw C!VIC HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUGUST Çth Newcastle Bail Park LIOCAL NEWS- -4.4 1:00 p.,m -NEWCAS",TLE JUV vers urs . BOWMANVILLE JUV,,E NfL E Sj' iie u i. .Fynadfml 3:0 p. - ENAL ers s E TONVILE M14ndmiMrs. FrankNMorrvis. ý,0 m -KENDL vrsts NE TONILL M1r. Pau! Leamen of Scaîh-Loro spent ýiv naywith biîs an,i Mrs. Aie Adis(n50 cents; Public Sehool Free oCrih ___________________________________________________Mis. Myna McCullocb is iitn ber iece,ý Mrs. Elda Suctt, Columbus. C AN V A [ Mrs. 'Neil Porter and M2iss ý,de ILO ' Bîilîngs spent a few days wvith the R A Lorme n other,, Mrs..E. Oliver and gother relatives in, Bohcaygeon COMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS AT 8:00 pm Mr. and Mi1s. Roy Forrester, Eane and Nancy spent the weec4kend! BINGO - GAMIES 0F CHAN CE - LUCKY DRAW at 10:0 a'CearHaiboui, Lake Simcoe. In case of ramn Carnival wilI be held in the hall - Refreshments Booths Am Cutteli and Mis. lione Forrester 4 motored through the Kaw-artlla Lakeo ~ ditric1onSunday. Summer Sale Continues LADIES' DRESSES We s-tili have a few, Summer Dresses, gýreat- ly reduced in ppnce. There are good styles in cetton, linen, shanitunig and dacron. sizes 9 te 2VRegular price $8.95 to $27,50 ON SALE' $3-95 to $ 14.95 HOUSEDRESSES Weare clearinig ail (if our sersssat Dne pu.ce- These dfresses were oiia 39-49 YOJUR CHOICE $'2>.95 SKIRTIS -SALE PRICE -S".95 te o 5 Slimi Jims and Pedal Pusher' Plain iaad str-iped lu ifille cto Crdsof beig, blckturquoise and p(Ywder blule. Sz1 te 0. egular price $,'4. SALE PRICE$39 LADIES' SHORTS Sateeii, denim and fie cojtt(n, pIFilaiad striîped, var1ions colmurs, size 10 ta 20. YOUR CHOICE $2-95 LADIES' STRIPED T-SH-IRTS Seeles ribhèd band at watist aaîd, eck, ourmtful stripes, sizes suisîl, mdusand large. Regular pruce Nwas $.5 ON SALE ,5 Armstr ong 's stwor p. An Day M a4da y - I -~.oe.oe.e - -, -Dr,. and Mrs. Har-vey Br-anton, of Wind(sor., speolt the -weelsend with Mn. and Mhs O. Cowani. M.and Mrs. Win. Caîmian, Miý1chael aznd Mar-k, visited relatives at thejir soummer cottage, Apsley, ou Sandaýy. Mis. Campbell and fam-ily, M-Ion- treal, airevisiting ber parents, Mr. anUMs. H1ector Bowen. 1tMiss Aima Cuttell lesves on Sat- rdyto speind holidays at Long Beach, Califoi. Mrl. ind Mrs. Fred Vagg an-d fa- Gananoque. Mr. and Ms.Tom Beddin1gton, of Toronjto wisited on) atuay-wthjM. Alex Wtsonand Mi. aýnd Mrs. Hr. J. Mrý. adMs.CrTnatjooe to London, unday. Isn. Robeot Cooper And family seurned home wý ith them aýfter atrewekva- tion in prono. froni vi5itinig in iag'ara Fls . St. Cathar)înles, Burilington andý( Nia- gara on the Lake. UJNITED CH URU# ch4.woe Rev. Basil Long SI'NDASY. AUGUST 4, 1957 icheh Sevic l1eath oJ her son, M.Ross Elliott, 2t! Mrs. Ajex Eflictt cf Sit (Jf amot, ..He lavshis vwi ~*JB.wh hs spet th pst wek Janand 3 chiidi-en-, Debra 5, Mahrî' i- with hrSiste, (M. Rzý . E Logan. 3anid Aiex 1, besicles bis nmo4her, two anitda.Lgn wscle homden01IlbOthers, Mr. Douglas Elliot ana Mi.ý rhurday ast ewig tothesuddn jTed» Elliot of Saint John, NMB. MNr.adMr.Aln ors'ad fanily, Tcýorucnt ,.vsited witnhbisï pa-rents, Mr- and Mis. Henry Gornish. Mr. ad Mrs. Glenn Tambly a 'nd daughter Diane fromi Van Nuys, Cal- ifornia, are visiting s parents, Mr. and C4rs. M. J. Tasuîblyn. Mr>. and Mrs. Jas. Gilfillan ï.nd failiy, Moniteal, vsiedwith Miss Viola Gilfillan o cver t1he wee Mr. and Mrs J. W. Rcay Tor- Onto, vsited A s siter, lrseHeber Souc'h 0onThursday. Mirs. J. Flyïnn of Htitingdon-., Que. and Missilvia Moiris of Knso are visiting with t'he fre' o !11f r.iad Mtis. A.Flynnanfmiy MasterRandyTennanit,yonso of If. and lrs. EBrceTennant was tan1 to ý o t manieMeoalH- Ptea! on Saturday for an appeen- Monday ArguserDUth bs been d- nn r.Albrt Westandfm y Ajayxisited with Mr. and Mrs.W C. H.Mitcell 1ýand ther rendsin t ono te forepart (if the -weak. u P ME M E R c I A L We are offering S'pecial Summer Prices on Installation of IRON FIREMAN FURNACES And Oi Ciyversion Burners Furnaces at this çe lsPei3fn'mer price are TIimited For Free estimates with no obligation see A. MeLaren or phone Oroànod Fuel &Luinher Ltd. PisOu, 14916 Orono, Ontario Features For The Week 11Bubble Bath Saits, Orient Perfuimes, Apple Blossom and Pine Scent, 16 oz.......2c Flashlight Batteries, Diamond S, fits ordinary fashýIlights. Each for.ý...... ...... 1......5. Leather Moccasinis, foami cushion insoles, childr-en sizes il to 113. Pair f or .........$12 Special Woodbury's After Shave Lotion and Woodbury's Men's Deodorant, both for .... 89 e Toasted Mar-shmaiýllows, V/2 pound cello bag ... 25e, Genuine Natural Seqa Sponges, excellent for- was- ing walls, cars, Wodwork, floors etc. Each in cello bag for>....... ..........55C. Baýbyv Soap), Johnston 's Cas1le, contains lanolin S pecial price... .............. ..3for 3c Lades'bus Slppes,~furtrimimed, beadled sizes 5 Lto)8. Pair for ...... ...........9 ToesSpSmerTowels, size 24lx415 ces oe colo only ellow ýwhite adtan stlripes. Each for . é').. C5.1or2 f or....$1.15 Plastic Sp)oonýs, disposa-ble, cheap enough tLo thr-ow- aw-ay good enoughi to use againi, 10 in b ox 5c Donna, the new veeiîng new dressisg ob a new7 exiperîence in grooming and hair styliîng,. Each 25eý Dishi Cloths, checked pattern, size 16x16 iches co'ors of red, yellow, green or multi co)lor., Ea 19c. Dr-essýes, Children's Cotton-i, assorýted colors und styles, sizes 2, "D and 3x. Each............ $ 1.98S Pic-Nic Supplies, Paper Serv-ýiettes, Cups for hot or cold drinks, Tin Baskets, Coolers, etc. etc. OJROMO %5 rT 1OOSW OPE N FR 1IlAY EVlEN iNG MRON FIREMAN FuRNACES LADIES' SHOES Leather Oxfords w-ith rubbier sosles. Colours cîfgey green and white. Size-s 5 to S. Reg. 69 SAEPRICE $3.95 LADIES' SUMMER SANOALS Mo(stly cýavas, a fevy leather, bro'ken sizes, Reuar valus toc).-95. OYN SAéLE$19 LADIES' PYJAMAS Good qulîtykîiklecre-pe. Clomrs navy. 1,ý red r eien wîth white pokaots. Szsl small S -A LE P RI1CE $'2.5 0 L4-DI-ES'BATHING SUITS 5 en1ý - sizes 18, 2 20, 40 42 and 44. i'OUR CHOICE $7.95 CIIILDREN'S BAl GýÙî SUITS Lastex faille and a various colors. size 4 to6x and 7 to 4 yeas. 25 per cent Off NEN ST-SHIIRTS Tt7ycloth and k-nitted cotton, with collars. sizes mledinin aad large. Regular prîce was $2.95 ON SALE $1.95 E~m.~ga Fdd>., & ~atar4aV Oie. AH Dmp -4 -4 4-, -4 r -4 -4 4.4 -4 -4 -.4 -4 -s -4 -4 '4 -4 -4 4.4 -4 -4 -.4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 r -4 44 -4 -4 .44 s -4 -4 -4 -s -4 -4 45 4.4 -4 -4 -4 -.4 -4 -4 -4 '4