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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1957, p. 2

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dlid Dean çhenDon Mercer doeout The Oronjo Inteiniediates tOok a b!s triple. The Cobourg two couniters %vwo gaine 1eadi over Ccybourg in, th'e came off three single hits and th-ee semi-final round of thb' feague Play- stolen bss ioffs. The second gaine was plaved in Oootokaoern edi b Cciioiborg on Wednesday eveilig fifth when Roye West was waiked to iwhicb favoured Orono 7-4. Thec ser- ft.Saln seodRy scrd ies is the teast four out of .even. Thbe frs.Sebgsc aesoe thirdi gante is to he piayed in Orcioo wheni Don M-.ercer hit a single. Thte this tomning Saturday afteinoon, tonr fàiurry in the seventh put thc gaime con lltcn t four-thirty. ice for tihe locals. Cobourg seoredon mfencng a li this frame off two its but this was not enouigli to shake the lead Ion M-da1et was the wi*nnin'g pib- built up by t rooclub, cet erging the fuil eigbnt innings for, obiRbnsnw ehdte tine loca cl. In bis hurhing duties Orobbipat e tbnon was behindJohne lie gaN/e up eight btfive waiks and Ooopae u oijuyWJh 4 oixsrk-ut.SalywsteShtier. Only one rn error was ýuok si tler iin eifcoùgrstrired throughoute wa- he ,gýante ond fiom 1Mittlt hen-Cobourg clt f.neOr- eldr or(o book twdv itsfroi th ffr R H E ineOroio 10IOUO3 > 7 12,1 inga0f he oborg urlng taff Coour ~ 1~0O10 S 8 5 DonMereour-d bis hîtt;ing -balt and drove eut'a triple an--d two ingle!' in hiafourtrips to th,- platýe. Deug S4mnpSýon -an,(i R'aye We(st followed thirs rec-rd Witb a tac for for.n Sigie is wn oRon West, j-De'an West, Oi-iuck Ausrn, obeRb - inson anjd 'j n Mallelýt. The victorcy was put onic for thes loéýsis In Ite sevenith wlhein thr-ee runs couned~ iRae West scngi;ed in iis framle 1o e"uart Vh bleÉail rlling, Don MelCer fil wwth a singie a s did seet yWest homne. R o bb i e obinson then drove in iMrcer adArmstronàg Orono rcgijstered their first count of te game henRniWet was safe utn firsttbuha Coboug eror.le scored wben. Rye -West bitn thre bagiger. Cobourg tied ýite score in t.he se.oýiJ z ,t me alwe hyrcie tw its. r Botit teannis scoüreýd o runs ---inthe seodfranne. Ron West wswie ii tirst and sole semcd and thar. lie zcred oU Da Ws'ssngeaýs N TIG CE 8 Oon ly 10 onSmers The On IHydra OYf i ce wiII only be I open on Monqav, Tuewday and Friday Il afternoon dturià- the ekbeginning l9th 10of August.o ORONO RYDRO ELECTRIC E. DENT vron o Ban tains Shadce elcoliemo=O Now To Meet Cuhc For Sl $50,000 Worth The Orono Bantam Basebail Club C o r ieiae f P o e to troucedWelomeon ed1sda wev lon numnbering eighte'en. The Or0nly a emall investiment gives up to $50 00 iability insur- ening lby a sýore of 20-7. ¶Th'is winl-n boys took fourteen hits off the anelce rotecti0n for youirseif and fa ;iIY, throuigh Co. I oferingis of HaskiIî with Waynez1 gave the local boys the series t"oBalyan ým own ohree u opera ,,rs Insurance Association, CIA-. Liahility inmsurance g'ares to oine. Welcome had wôî the 1ie n o ownbt eev pro aè,l3fgaînst financiai loss resuiltihg from soute aceident ( ing three bits. Petei maertense sand [) opeerbu ~Oon wn he olowngRoss, Tamllyn and Hans Bosgraaf aJl à onir Wpntperty, 0F throtsgh ano' 'f your own.or m fauniy <. two. The victo-ry gives the Orono boysseudt hsS1 htwnto imm rU th'e right to iow rmeet the Cour tice Malre wo i'ýkKn. n yct entry for thbe rîght to advane-e into jci fiMKni.Dni yetOCIÀ's policy incits public pe ial PaYmeats.and family theOJ&1 ladions '1isseresfiv tmes mdica payment coverage. A popular option is tractor in- Cwt ourtice is expeuted to open'[ within a day or 5go for it is to beljTeOon lbrcevdal hi ulrn for both self-propelld and tractor-drawnf farut competed early thiis cominig week. rn ntefrtfu nig n mi na were neyer threatened by the Wei- ~m The Wednesday niit game in cone boys.U Weliome was a one-sided affair with 0 e O UB E R T 'MUFFA T everything being in favour of Oronio. WéoeC rtcan ooaeOR NPI NE3 7 Donnie Lycett was the winnintg al etreïn the O.B.A. piaydowns'oO pitcher giving ,up ten bits, seven At this tinte Weicom-e Jhas i)een eutm- IOC~ p ruuac so ite waIks and tkigfive strike-ou-ts. inateil 1eaviný,-Orono and Courtice-flsârlfctosocato Sat Iakif was the io0sing pitcher battie it out for the right todvnc ani( was plagued with a miulitiitud of irïto the Ontario lplayoff sý. Average Motori!s't Figures in Majority_0f Accidents Mr. Average _Motorist wfo !lias neyer beeni convicted f or- a traffic driving ts lb fasicallv differenit thlan violation or been in a preVi,,!us ac- that of the accident repeater or Ir- cident is invýolved in nnOst of the fatal ic viltor.ý The sanie attitudes ont road accidents, atccord(ing to a report speed, drinkling, and other aspects of issuLed irecenit-i by Hon. Jas. N. AIlant driving behavior, arc to be found, in Minister of T ran sport, 10otht groups. Tbe fact that sots, fdiver keep fr-ee of accidents may be "Durinig tbc six ntonths froml. lasti du e to the alcrtnjess of other drivers OntýobLer bo March, 1957, there were or, because their actions are flot Ob- 7318 dr-iveils involNed in fatal raffic servsd by te police. For, these r ea- accidents ini Ontario and 500,' Or1sons, a clear re-ord in ibseif is niot' 678,of them had nio pr-ev.ious re- necessariiy the sign of a good an,-d I por-tsd accident or conv,\ictio oraskilfui driver. ývîioation cofbbce Highway Traffic Act" Mr. Aý-lIan reportedf. "Ani additional "Thlersb were 5 .9 imotdr v-,eidlle fa- 124 drivers, or 168% f the total talities in Ontario during bbthe firsti had a iprevious recor'd of oniy sititer six montbs of 1957, an iees of 80ý one accident or one conviction, r17 ~froun th4e correqponýding' l" There is a commonmionpin S in te ntinds of imany motorists tihat1 faý,tal cietsuulyinvoive wNild,1 reckless driving; or acciduintrepeat-11 ve ]: ori ofÉhe truules peýriod of 15. ii is a reor o witicbe no one can be prouud. Thne one briglit spot is the fact that in Juile there were fine fewer deaths -asa reisuit of traflfic ccdet than in Julle.19~56. Mr. AIla stated,"This provýes tnat deaths asd cc dlents can, he reducedd e2spite. increas- "It is tre that sornedivers have icg traf ic" Nu4. AMon swatd m n rak- more Tj n Dhirhare of accidents ing an urgent .pia to each indiviual utthe figures sliuw that it is just mlotorist to use extreme care in the as true that the wajority of fatal operation of his vehicie for Mihe re- accidents happen to s-called 'aver- mainin.g nonths of 1957. Reasonable age' drivers. care, decent courtcsy, conisiderationi for others and an appreciation of the If such divers have no previous itragie resulbs of negligence, chance- acietor convicýtion recýord it i-stan and iniattenitin wiil give the not always because their uianner of best assurane of safe highwnys" Higher Powered Cars' Needing Higher Octane Fuell 1,3the past îfew vyear, a quLeenly qm-( aslteso ;-bý2i voitînay n od egie e-I igbrquality. AMn atdy are signs, as coregoffsteaissehey un to pose citical new efininlg prob- ginig o Worid War- Il. T'he gs lems for the ilindustry. (de se b utmoils10 yar 1a'go ud euseiess iin today's 1cars Tite new shioulider-higb model. it om xpirnna1crsad a fewc th -pwraoLwd windows, autom1atic h otowiu otnnoaycr onrscolo rful' interi ors and jet-ihv mse iif hog h c liedeslins have engines witb com- 1 -ne scale, se ,tbatý theidsr a pjressýion 'ratios as bigbh as 10 to 1 and had to come uýp w a le'w cefo fraction more. These bigh-compression engines ar- ut etuto manufadtLurers' ase 'wo a pubIc :demand for more powe- fui cars. The copeso atio ofani eieisameur of theexen t beior cheres.s fired by the spark, pi,,!-, the moreefien the engine and the mr pwrthe car. geLs -fîomi a galon ofgaso in n acar with a compesson atio of 10 to 1, te air- fiïel mnix iure in',the c YlindeSrs And the "sueee" has ben gAtbIng greater every year. Compression ra-I tios still rising by ab"out baîf a point a year and are expected te goi I on isin at titis rate foirbietet ~I'c ig~rconpression ecng-i.nFs bave made tite cars of today as fa.- ickly about their diets as a aey beauty eeeking tfie Miss Canada titîci ITo peieform air top S'hape tbey a. use the Classified Ads To Rent Notify Buy Sel] Etc. ORONO TINSHOP1 Sheet 'Metal Work WamAir lleating Air Conditiuning Pluimbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Cutting and Threading Fire Extiing-uishers Selkiîrk Chimneys B -H Paints and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Or..., O t i*72~ -OIL FIRED WINEýâÈ'R AIR CONDI' !Ï a C t/ Orono1 Phone r431,-- anrd examine a few of thse features, soe exclusive, tisai have moide FIN D LA y thechicef thousuds since 1860: * Atrctietwo-tone baked enamel casing that fits into) any color sclee,- fullyý sealed with solid steel bottom, to keep basemient dust fromn circulat- ing throughout the house. w The extra heating surface and long fire travelJ of thec wraparound radiator design of heat exchanger tn-at keeps fuel coýsts to a imimum. Q The Copper Bearing Steel that resists corrosion-,. insuring longer life. e Combustion Chamiber of speciai ailoy metal iLàat responds quickily and absorb)s fiam1e noise - for whiser-qiettrouble-frec oupvraipn. InecuN a FIN DLAY, end er[oy the besf, the finestinii moderriwý 10à,plus oetanéý gasolines.

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