At C.N.E Ts Year With prices that are comLpetitive -a- > cross he ard,," your IGA S-tolreof frs savinigs that reveol! thuemselves ini the most imiprtant ay- Uth TOTAIÀ-~~ Make our on"OA TEST" and pro e te yursl ha you SAVE AT !(GA. Mid drinkc mix 6 Pl HPNûCHA Tin23 211o BLADE BONE ente PRAsts Blade anBCVcAPRMVDf Short ib or lb 39 IfIDRSPCI AK- Package Containing IIFC ruuschieg*troi 8 o07 Lvr toIl 8oz end t 25c ic Spreud rol 8 z pkg 69c Il aWITH FREE $2.5o BoNUS uI-OosEIR TAPE OTABLERITE SMALL LINK jar 47c Pure Pork Satsage i1hb pkg 59C FOR BARBEQUING for 29c ParkT Spare ftibs side lb 55c (j f Q FROZEN FOODS kgs 29CPCTET Strawberries 15 oz pkg 37c 40 jFAH1o'm Sole Fillets lb .39c --D=-OO "BONUS BOO0STER" FOOD FEATURES J Gane Ib 29 fi EA CH W1TH FREE $2.50 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE d GrpeO 2ROBIN9cHOOD) VALNCA LgeSiz g White Cake Mix 15 oz l KIST ORANGES siz 113's doz 45e ASMLO in REH ROM BRÂADFQRD MSH IGA Baanas 7 oz tpkg ic ,0 CARROTS 20z zpkg 2 fOr I190 UAEA r OCO(NUIT TIIJ-BITS 'D GRON g Îa't uîs.pkg ford CELERY STALKS >, for ig j MO)N [CHi COLOR QIKk ami TENDER1 g lvicrgarine 1l k 1c'BI-à,G1, local gro-,4F each 10e cenltSL Get one for 1 cent whecn you buy 'CABAGEg CLGAT BEUTYSOAP -1 bars f or PALMOiVE OAIP4 bars for ~oolng efrehin Sumer rin fl5 pounid bag FRE ~2tl ONU BOSTE TAE IARDWOGD CACA lZàWMTNSFR-EE TEA TOWEL - 8e. off reguflar price USTLEMNS 50SIZ 39 g FAB giant sizve box L. YOU NERD DO -- Be s folder at your IGA Foib at your IGA Store slip> rsafe keeping. Just k-eep ou] have enough to equal in IGA's Bonius Gif t Cat ed in this rnier with not 29c 29c 31c 33c 29c. 42C. 45c. 69c. re you pick Up an lNarket. Then, each îr cashi register ire- ýving IGA cash re- ýhe value indieated gue. AUi retulunis ng extra to pay. is a ýÇew Lrook about the N iniExibiioa this ýieh wili intriguergua visi- he Worlds Larg1est Anniual )n this year, tht E x. an d - wlll e ;p r'e s h a q a t r duiudng the sbhPow. The frmrPrets Bild'ing ha, beei~ torn dowý-n to make wvay, for moreieýxhibits. shouId prompt you to -alp1arl us i n e of sorrow. We afress simp!e beautiful servit-s tha prove consoig Vo the bo-reaved. HAIITLEY He . 5ARL@W ph.Ms 1187 FUNERAL HOME Oroena Omit. ONLY une? With"*n iiLadd and Virginia Mayo 1T1E GREAT AMERICAN PASIMAE" Phonse 1182 With, Academny A MtTom EwelI anld INGR'ID Bl AyeFrancis YUL RYN Award Stars3 NINER lbti cJuic, 'S GOOýD MORNTNG1 48 oz 24 oz às 2Ooz tin 2 orree ooz lar all fla,'.»rs 2 for 19&ý-- MOU hç ta êlt cc--Unta 1 i The M',idiw'ay-, al'ways theý mecca of S Durng the 14 Days oftheEx., ehildr-en- and aduits alike, has been Aug. -Sept. 7, there wiop be any padedand rm )eelwitlh two m.-ore things to sec and d than ever pctcla e rides. Onle is the Ujbfor, ad gnerllymor atrative Wiid Mouse, an pimp ort irom Ger- flPlacs in- vhbioh toiew them and ldo ariy, and thedei1eof very 'Mid- Oway operator lui North n-eý_e Vatty Conklin wsfortunate il, be'ing T i- New $3,500,000O Queen' Eliza- al ooti h nypass a fi et Buldng,-will be opened for the atoie yt~ivno o ot o fi~s e this year. It houses the Ex,- Aeia 9euieOffices-of the CNE, the Quenl OElizaýbeth Theatre, acmit 3O TeGadsadwi ri tw fi ~at heareeqipped , with al!ilte or attrcin hs er at fi Hall,eehe activit ies of -Ïthe W- iELarthini'lglinig Bros. adBru O men'.s Depaýrtment wl edisplaýyed iey ru willhbe the feature Iti fi ndr neroof for thie firs tme I lte1 lmorof the 1fig Toqp, urder O jIn- thre cvening, Canias(iýia '5,,p"ro- Eqnipmet Bui'ng, whre theanId a host of oÎler!netnr ah g buidingwhic houed te inerna o tinai e~ibit lat yarwns otiTruy t i, e*rthe 17 t ftj x gi-Ï- 1anIe eugh foi al thosewhu sedhii ions isto, wl b 1ge n o to take part this year, 50 it \was nýc~- better thian ev>er'. gessary VouUse both buiilings for this 1 puripoýSe this ycar. 0fail the csjuttries of North nnd- South Amilerca, oly Canada gaîned. nIAnothier innovaition this year, is tie ntoho efgvrmn ih ~icw Cana'Ua Spor'ts Hlall of Fameadoure:ton The Atye(rican Revolu- gI Avenue of the Proviýnces. These tWo tluin of 1775 gýave the New World its bhave been mbinied lu the foriter ifirst indopendlent nation; within fifty Aii;stri on E Bu-illling. 0dh4h'e grofivlumd ad&tryd h Sfloor', oneha1f ilas heeii de11ued Vo1ersevlio hddetye th 'the H1all of Faine and the te to Spanlislh andl Portuguese empires and the is~aysof te oher estabiÏshed the independent countries th iply fteCanladian prov- Iof Central anmi South Ameyne,_ iaa îii2es. This peî.vanent location, per- ICnd efgvrmn a cir o mits grealter variety ini disflays oft both 1,,I)jects.ture of Co-nfederatien, 1.8-,7. the rea1 The ecod foorhasauthorty ini eaeh priovince rested with ý1 he ;ecndflor hisbeen taken appoînted group that furictioned as a' over by the Piublicty Department of c-abinet. SEE R. E. LO 3AN O SHEET 41A fi For t)-e e O Istali it y'ourself in 3 h Cornes complete ._ needs no brji , mortai. gfouridation. upported ati rq i end 110a1s.EXR Non-corrosive stainles tee 'f!te with alum- i num outside casing. Fits f. and 3 ztorey hýomes. Cus( m-but. app'ýved by recoq- g nized reseaech organi ations and heatina ai'uthorties. gThe Selkiek Chi ney saves heait, saves LC money, an inctes lire hazard' De- veloped und manulactured ini Canaida and proDven for 20 yer! Made by SELKIRK METAL PRODUCT LTD. 6i 25 WALL ST. - WIpN[IPEG, mAN. -MW Ohr Dra;ýas of ihe Year 4èAN4-SlASLVlý