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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1957, p. 6

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NE H1IRST lHaw man.y other daughters must give,, up their- lives ta take (,are a)f theiir maothiers, Anine r lirst, whiie the boys in the- aiySailioftf into matrimany and leave the girls holding the )ag? They oniy thin)k it is her duty" Saexciaims one younlrg woman -,jwho is grawingwey carrying the Joad alone. -My maýther Is ýpelfectly healthy 'Ind couid Livene safeiyf and pleasantly, if siae wouid. MY brothers insist 1 assumerle - sponsibility for her just be-Cause 1 have inot imarried-andha ,couIld 1i7wjj-en-my rmother haý discouraged every mn, 'veme tind prociaimed far:<j14%.ide that we couid neyer separal becauise Mary needs me Sol', M Y eeds lier like she nieeds a h*n the hea-d. "My moth-er 11-stCea f bing ,grateful for hiave made, stîli te hat ta wear, where- I can , a s1h-uld say ta my boss-and! then smîugly f olds her hands and s;ays, 'I don't know what Mary wouid do without mïe!' "If these brothe-rs oaf mine oudvisit Mother naw and then, or eveni write or ',telep,-hone, i coald fargive a lot. But they -Ire toc, wrapped uip their job5s and ftheir fmle:they are lavish with t.heir advice, but thiey neyer tlink of the loneiy existenice 1 mu-Lst lead. ,,j know you can't change these iný-equ,]alities, but perhaps yau can make on)e mother (mine) realize what 1I arn reliniquishing for her'. ilË I ant--ïather urdenied %women could feel that what we do for> parents is notý in vain, i-, would elpbut alil weC2get iS a pat- in- aid womran wý,ho wears her feelings on heýr sleev;e and takes timbrage every time the girl goes auit for a wal1k We old-mnaid dauýLgterS don't 'a,0tagraw cynicaI, or sound that wbuIt aren't we enýtitied ta a sýinglce Prumb of a3pprýec'ation?" SImand Snmart This PRINTED Patterni s ra wonderitully becoming style for hUaif-siz gue s imple diress , wear for suÀnning; caver, with ,,heite biera A silhatutte. thfat's neat, simart, shm-.ming! Printled pattern 4682: Hiaif $Izes 14h 6'-,8, 20i, 22,, 41 Size 16M! dress reqluires Ysyards 35-inch fabrie; baiera- E~yards. Printe-d directions an each pat- terni part. Easier, faster, accutratfe. Send FIFTY~ CENTS (00) (tampirs cannat be accepte(-d, use p ostal note for, safety) for, this- pattern. Please -print plainIy SIjZE, NAMIE, ADDRESS, l;TYï-E 'N;MBER, Send o<rder ta ANNE ADAM111S, S1, 123 eigzhteenth St, New TootOnt. 'WT MARY: Y our plaint de- "serves the space I arn', givïng it. 11t expresses the dlilemma*, of ahundreds af thausanda aI0 elald-mîaid dJaughters" wbo are *being cheated af lave and mar- riage beCause thieir self ishâ moüthers absorb ail thecir ener- gies, and apar-ently regard it Sas a ciia offense if the *girl mriýkes onee move toward a a hIe aofher wn , Andbe *cause hier sans go their way, * beedless of the circum'scribed3 *the burden îl, beavier. Even le in ber awn home she has na Il freedoim; her rother directs el her comîings and gaings as 1thougb. she were twelve, exer- cising bier austere authority, *antagoniizingc the girl's friends anaways any possible suitar. * t you eypect ever ta escape, * rmthîz, treadimili, yau wili, b ave toa ssert yourself. Cail - a council aI yaur brothers andý *tel l tern you intenid ta leave *sooni on the vaa,3ctiôn yau de- *scribe, and that Mn your ah- *soee yoti, expect them i tber fo tainvite their mother ' ta their *homes or, keep in daily t-Duc!- with her. Also that on your *retura, othier arrangements *must be mnate ta share her re- *sponsibiiity. If you are Iirm, *tbey wili have ta change their *selfish ways-fer what woui * hydo if you left homne for' *goad and moved in with a, "irl frienti? 1 do salute you anti ail ather *yaung wamen in suçh an ex- *asperating situation, flot with *a"rumb" aI appreciation but *with the whole qale. DON'T lMARFRY 1111 "Dar Anine Hirst: I ar-n really in a spot. I don't go regularl-y withi any boyv, ant inow a mnan in his late 30's is in love with mre, 1 don't ýrespond at al, b1ut iy nmother an-d father keep tel]- ing mneFlil be foolish ta turnhm down.i <1 don't evenr feel at homle wvitýh hlm, Anne Hlirst. H1e is kinti, bowever, and takes mne anywer .1 want ta go ...shiotidI take the hnc? AFRAID, * Your parents, like ail others, *want a seculre future for thecir 'children. They are haping yau "will flu in lave witb the tman, '~but if yau don't 1 arn sure t'hey, will nat want ý yau ta marry lmr. JDo't say Yes ta any mian- * ou don't love, fia matter wa inmatrial aivntge ie can *The fact tlhat youi are, not n t home wvith this one is proof *enougb ta Me' that yau ýo1_la *never ý find lqny satisfaction in Smarriag, M ano and vwifeù *shoui first be real campanýa- Sions; the Iact that hie i s so * much aider lanti inter-estetinl *tingis that do, nat appei tao * ou imakes you feel likýe a *strainger ta hlmn. That, yoý,u *won't get ovier. *Go about wvith boys and girls yourownage, ani. through Sthem you lwill mneet other *yaung people. This association, le mare thani anvy argumrent, wilI *soan prove hpw Iooiish yau *would be aven ta -consider m,-arryini This ltier man. If you have etarried parental resonlbiitesbeyonti reason- able limnits, make a break for a better arrangeemt before you are too ttlc ta care. Anne'Hirst is symupathetic, s" write ber frankly. Address ber ait Boýx 1, 123 Eighiteenthi Street, New Toronto, Ont. MODERN ETIUETTE Q. What is considered the mnost proper way to et a banana et the table? A. Peel the banana býita ac plate, then eat it withi a fark. CARLOADINGS DROP FAITH OR FIGHT? - This coke-cutting scene is; misIeodirng. Jus? .before Kathryn Ann Kelly and George P. McCarthy cut the coke it their wedding reception, they pledged their foith in ecich other by plocing their ring hands oDver the wedding flowers. But, what's that ot Ieft? A closer look reveols a fightng fist on Kathryn's other bond. Perhops -it -wos just a reflex action. Only George will k(now. ~n.~otrveP. CtIr"Ký Summer starms hvematie the nesin 50 many vlocaities dr iing hlc ast %week. Ia thiîs Part1 aI Otria wve hat ig ins heav,ýy rain, heat andtIi hUicity - noting t-oo seriaus, except for the faýrmers3. Lucky are the Iarmrers wha wvere able 1ta get aIny dry fhay sakdaway lan t ïhe barn,. There are lenty wha dlidnr't. Drive atang, the country roatds atiyou se fe fldialter fieldi witb bales piiet in lahreýes anti1 fours, or in sinigles just wbere the malchine hati droppeti thm.Wbatis bgnigta tura sa owfarmiers ,wJ1J bc pray- ing that damiaginlg stormrs will âsot Iljatten ýthe crops ,anti makýe future operatians Stil., manre -ltf- ficuit,. How can anyone epe harmers ta be other thilan we'a- thiEr-conisciaus? Alwýays th-ey hveta hope for the b--est - but prepare for tie worst. Onel gooti thing iappuIEed lastw~e - ggs atiàvanceti la -price by I cents a dazen. The poutryan illmake is f, or- tune yeti But nat If he depentis on us. We use less than a tiozen, eggs aweek - that is, wben we are ahane. I suppose we have been surfeiteti with éggI's ilathe past anti would rather have othier foodi for awhile. For years cur standby- bas been eggs - devili- ed, poacheti, boileti, scrambled anti sometimes frieti. But no mat- ter h-ow, they were cooketi they were stili eggs - anti of course ,excellent footi at bt Wbat is there that the vintniers buy onie hbaîf 50 preciaus ius 0the wares> th-ey si? That is a gooti ques- tion aniapples ta ali nds of farmn pra;duce. Perbaps ins the paist we did not makce enouýghi ,use aof the stuff we gfrw Or raiseti. Anti now we .can't >- this year we hali,:ven't even gant a vegetablie gardeni. Wewres butsy gettinig settled !there wasn't time ta get the grouanti into, con-, ditLion ta make gre.Next year2 we hope to ado better., Last Mconday we wenit ta Mil- tanta to ak-e part iriithe 1.inel Cenitennaal Parade. We hope everone pjoed i as uchas we dd. Thýe weather was per- fect ant i moat -peaplsesndto be in a gala mxoodaý. Our Institute float wvaa in the f arm of aid- time activities an the farm. A -quilting party was, in rges with ffour mrýembers dre-ssed ll badce-igt fhilength dre'sses, er builyqu.iltl-nE At the Afour ýornecrs of the fîaat ana huse- wif e was mnaking br-ed, Ëarnhei, chr ina gy yu thing wag occupieti with an l-ahne gramiaphane and 1,I. asamblack-. bonntetigramothr, at i N uaklgchair wîfihMykptig and ockig a.ba4by W aa In O wýrootien cradle As we passeti along th-e streets I couldC see Dee poîning me riout ta IDavid. 0f courhse lhe tidn't recognize '4Gran" in ber gtu.Wben I waved anti I ,aw'bewI'Idernent fo liowetL i by rcog-nition, anti finally bis face broke inito a Y e t -t i y J o y a n t i 1 t o r e t the historic houses oPen ta the public during Oakýviile's Cent- tennial, Par;tner camne alan1g to but bec took on, a baby-sitting job wýith RoswheJoy aniI went gaddinig. Ross very oblig- îngly lept iast 0of Éthe afternat0in. '1'e oueswere mast interest- m ,g but wbat striuck me was the fact th'at there are many simil-ar vlid bouses throujgbo(ut Ontaria antinobady tnotices tbjem. It takesý owners wit m raginiation afun i Plastic, ZIPPERED ENVEL-. ish and pýreserve themn in such way tamae -temcomnfortabie ta. live in and attractive tao the public. The f irst post office al Oakville is now a smiall but mast faiscinating munseumr, nat crami- med wc ýithi antiques, the three roomis beîng furnisheti only with flhceqesenitials for pioneer living such- as thec eariy settiers woui have deemnet necessaý-ry- A huge Stone firepiacec om.-rplete with a crane and cauildron. (We hati the same thing, at Ginger Farmn but cur firepiace was boardeti up.) A hand-hewn- table, four-poster bed, washstand and iran-stone toilet set and of course a num- ber of smaii furnishings of yari- ous kiinds., In one privateiy awnied house that we visited, the awner point- ed out the peculiar glass in the windows. At Ginger Farm wve had that samec type of glass and how I usedti tabless it! It was fui] of ~ras bubbles and other -imperfections. You couildn't see through it properiy and after it "Ias cieaned it nieyer loaked dlean. I didn't realize it should have been treasured andi dis- playeti as an antique! Well, 1 guess centennia1 c ele- bratians are aver once anti for al for districts a hundred years aid. What wiil happen befare each af the celebratîng districts reaches its twaý,-huntiredth birth- dlay? WOIJder is alil we cani do - certainily wýe «wanr't be around ta see it. We can only be glati we were able ta celebrate the first century bi'rthd'ay. Naw 1 must see ÎIfaur visitars have been able ta ntertain themselves while I1haeubee writing. Sisteýr Kathleen anàrd nephew Kiemni are visïting, us for a week or twa bi-efore mvn an ta make a newnome for themselves in Peterboraulgh where Kiemi has -been aý,ppoin- eti music instructar att 1he Co.i- legiate. Anrother reasorn fqr stop- pin,- - a man is paund.,-'ing at tu7e back of the bouse iistlling screen doors. FI'esh- air wtihut fliles . . . that wiii bIe wondcýr- AIR-BORNE SPORT OnLe ai the mast fascinating sparts for those wha. have 'the courage tatacleit, says the ooak af Knowledge, is riding on a glider, or sai-plane, the high altitude pressure wvaves that samneti-mes form a ver mnoun- tains, Sai-plane flihý!ts have been m iade uip ta 30,000 feet. At these altituîdes the pilot imust hiave oxygen eguijpment and par- tkilarly warm cotes ati the cackpit i, b is plane must 'be in- sulated. Devatees'of tis spart clirm that it is a uiul weird and thril ling experience ta fly siiently five miles !ip con the crest af a huge, nibe wave of air. c ,Sor. 5 or Vs terPOA pe~pçGv -Oal Steaspo'0o ppY ie ggb~ rv4Up ~S'lad cil ¼ cup >. corn tarch, COM~ Bt4S~ or c AA _D ~nI~n alk, n itgweI ture thickefs anti bo1tS COOK2 lnI >veIriigcoStflîY 2 mïnoIte a?$c, k2 entO* yrn ro boa> god.lY oa en vnej s1gR' tybt oe WD ýjZrAjSu d 1, olnautl 'n 5D2 pjpl ý0Tl e ,t wbu,!O' i1 nl t OPlasticset oftreDeail r- ingS in esiz, are ealTaRAV- ELLING COMPar ,erailNSTRUs- tELN smaler nes forc Usetis the iarsowiisefre as a each; ba*.getiil ev s ec One f the major attractions at the Quebec Winter Carnival is the unique ice canoe race acrass two miles of ice f iaes. Heasjust theq chair-set ta ap-ý peal toa i masculine ý ,heart-far bis studcy Or bis favorite chairt Filet crochet ia a naiýisome iude- Sigam Mayuses !forthlis cý ochet' a scarf entis toa. Pattera 536 bas chairts, directionis ,tur chair-set 1î2Vz x 16 inches la Na. 50 cat- ton. SentiTIRYFIECENTS (stamps cannot be accepted; usi postal nte for safety) fo i thi pattern ta LAURA WHEELER. Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Stc. New Taronto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NMU. anti ADDRESS. Tvwo FREE Paitteras as a gili ta aur readers-printeti right if, ur NEW Laura WelrNeeti iecraft Book for 1957! Dozens od other new designs you'llan' to, order-easy,' fascinating hand- work for yourself, your borne Be scre ta senti 25 cents for yens copy of this book r.ow - don'l mniss it! For free foldor of other 'doudzous recipes, write tca: Jane Ashley, Horne ServiceDeatet tHE eANýÂA A ARCH comëÀNY LUMITED P..Bx129, MnreP.Q. ."Corn Starch makes creamfier dressîngs"

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