lob Hope Featwred At SrygOf .p EàCr Nddl Ç.NE. Grandstand Show TPy iauM aRdigml heOld .,i. i "an ounce cd pré- JHighn uality in mDik intans ean _______________________vention is worth a pounid «f cure" flavour as -well as freedoin rom ueedi- lot I{~eraioTV nd il co-~ h4nel'O5~ema& ~ stili, holdas good, end fortunatelyynient, points out Prof. W. 'R. Spro.ulf .dian, wil arrive in Toronto, Aug. 21 getùher at the dreis5 reheral into there ls still time t toapray oýr dust Head o1 the Departrnent oit Dairy te egn iereharal fr te~Ca- neiniished spcal.turip crope topreyênt 'Water cor.e. science, Oritario gcetrl olg.I adizn National Ex'hibition Evening Jacek Arthur sayn that soûme ol the Furtiier, because 01f Pronged dryeThe flaveur en Le affected by bac- C4mrn<tand Show, "Jn"aiaa '57ê.haia innovations tuis year will weither in niany area8 during recent terial contamination cariied by ",,di- ( But 't.e late arrivai of the Grand-1 give the' show added INIe. SUd '". leeks, the need to do this tirnely job m nent which gaine entry te tihê niilk is inore important than èveti*fore, jdurng its piroduçtioin ,f st.an<l Hea'diner does net niean that j Coistiuhtioii e7lgÎnee,,rs are coin- according to thi Fieldiýý0pe Branch, reheareals, are being dtiay 1. o pleting fou,> outsize sets mALunited on of the On'.tarlo tkpartm&iit of Agri- No person she'uld nrilk -wit}h dirty mnore than two 'weeks now, uthe c's threfeectrieally.. controled_ t&ri- culture. lit is during these dr spelI {clotb,, ri)îi*>mwIhiçh dïzeý e4 ça of Canadiana '57 has been rehcars- tables,, whîch *ill give each dtangitg, that turnip ýplants dail to obtain their niay fafl inheo open paile <or ceon- iiig the nnnibers for what is consider- srene the etfeet «f metlting juto Vhei ProPer supplies' of plant food nutri- taining niiîk. Heavy -woolltn uwtgters 9 ed thue wor1d'e bîggest ai 1 orev eoe that follows. ents in ýhe usual imanner. Sfpraying or and other tyipes' o< apparel to which oD .New thrills, new mufsi<, new danrkm They are aiso at würk oýn the size- djsti tuiwnips to enevent water dust tends te cling should net b. iwüoni andi new Lehniques will briig rew able prcoblemnioe giving the acres of core is a coL-perative joýb, for e'very during milking. ýDust ehould not le tlriJL5 W th ue audience t this e', grandstan'd stage, a "eurtain" - watecre turnip that is produced disituibedl when mifik can lids are re- [ ~>caclrprodured and directed by paneils whieh'wlll' dide into lce on ca01se be a black inark against the whole nioved, Or wheni the ilter is beinrg Jack -Alithir. a hidden track. industry. Aetually, the inost f<,ieent changtd froin oe can te urietbe,. [ ,time te spray or dust turnips for 1 i['her-e wil' Le a potpourri of ballet, This year there wiIl bfe noCanuWa«Y,ter core is when turnips are ab>out rnusic, draina, and uomedy ftie 1957 butcherss moving through the. sudýi'one ineh in dianieter. Complete information oDn the pro- edition Mf Canidiana. ence te distract from tihe penforni- duction of high quality milk, ýinelad- [ Rfeadlined hy old Skî-Snoot Hope, ance. nstead, for the irst tme thel While soil 4a ïatin,, ef buronling the proper care and use cf equip- tii. show williidiide Geoiffrey Hold- show wili be br-oken with an iter-.I.soitimes do t.he job, it is not gener- Imient is given i ntarù Departniient [ erCalpsoKin, Pylls areallmision Ths iîîgiv ti. adieceaIlyrecoimmended by authorities of ArclueBulletin 484, obtainî- 0 ~n Wal IoteCaaia ocl acanetesrec i eg 1dg even though water core xnay be con-* ahie at the office of the agricul.turýai ists, Mar'tiha Ann Bentley, the baller- eut for refreshments if it wants thein. Ifiined to certain parts of the field, In irepresentative. InVelyn andd LaVern Frenlch, aa-d ai order toeniake sure of control, it ifs cast o(Jhudsed, W E vening Gfraielgtand Show, beast to -spray or dust the whole fi'eld. hbeadlining Bob Hope, will ho seen îjemmeircial bora~x sprays or diists whh are available without charge Tiie 56 Boys aid Glirs who imaýke ngt Aug.- 23 te Sept. 7. Adv'ance for turnips are available frein dealersi 4e(m office-,s cf Agrieultural Repres- uptp he cýhorus es l have beenin !-ticýket sales indicýate tha.t this lear'5 jin these miaterials. Full particulars sttvs in each cointy and district, rehea,r-sal under the iecin of Alan shýow wi be a sellout. Already ad- toc.niaterials, oyantit-e>o ue, ç ro lweld opsBrchOnj aoj Rineh Lud snceJul 29h, anc tiketsales arýe ia runnmg oe- ,may lbe abtained <rom "Turniip Pro-1 tario Departrnent of Arclue and other iaets have been readyi-ng third ahead ef last y e ai. cionGie<r197,cpe'oalaet uligTootO r O NTA R i O IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ONTARIO MOTORISTS1 from the~ Ontario Department of Transpo4 11*11LNAU iu risk v evryting ouow 'f you foUl to carry, on your motor vehic-?-' qmE 1' , I youL are involved in --ii accident cati'Ilg/1dea th or injuiiry, or proýport y 'mgevou risk lusing everythin.g you own ,uiéss o re poece b iabili la in the event a judgmrent aga-zinst youl , yoUr )p per-ty or othe(r a~t could be sie to, pay the jegment. You moud lose your h'o you oo vce your svna n aPlge part if your income in Nhe yearsbuhe YOur drier'licnsewil be sulspended Pan ou wi l beprohlibitedfrmongamor veh-iclei o euale to mceet the ju mÈerent. *LIBI~T ISURANCE neans insurance a inst vour- legal obZgations arisng [rom bodi!y iljuy oi death, or damage Ae proprty of hers. A policy ior Fire, Theft and Collision isNOTLaliyIurn. $5.00 ADDJTONAL CHARGE -- If you cannot pj-rove that you carry liability insurance w1hen you bay your 1958 regisration. plates, a $5.00O dditional charge wiil be collected as required by iaw. This money will bep intÉo the Unsatisfied JudgmentFn bihaset- lished by the Government to pay judgments against uninsured motorists. Such motorists are indebted to the Fundè for the full amounit of the judgmnent. CtUT .fWIN >OU hNSUlANCE coSvP*tv>04ti *EN;'tOVA D»I iL ONTAftI DEART orTQPTRANSPORT WO*,,JAI KN. AAN 1lnt. v. l~ COUJNS, DNpuly â»O For Sale $50, 000 Worth 0f Protectkoi Only a&aiai invcsftment gieea up te $5d$O liability ing,>r- anft Protection for yeurî;elf and family, throuigh C.t- operatorg. n§uranCe Aseociation, CI ýýLiability isurarâe, pretecte £ inafiaeWalIo" resultinifront sonet.acidntj mentbCr QI' g, y ncl4d" puic 1 p&yiqmta ud fantlyý miea1 c&l entriaàge., A popùl r épliin t toetin %Uranmceý for boUtif-pAndle traetor-,drawn farmn RitBz R% MFFAT i FUONE »oer7 C.-se uy l.C,â 'ce Assuciatisi OA'eRONO TI N8HOP Sheet Metal Work Warm Air lcating Air Conditionîng Pïumbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Cutting and Threadîng Fire Extinguishers, Selldîrk Chixnneys .B-1n Paints and Varnishes a. E. LOGAN,Pfp s11816 orme, out 1 - ~- - -- ai1nâ, l2eamne, a few e4 features, some exclusive, thi have mode f i H D L A Y the choice of ti,ousancfs sunce 1860: *Attraictive, twýo-tonie baked enamnel casing that lits into any color scheme,- fully sealed wvith soid stceel bottom, to keep basemient dust froni circulat- ing throughout the house. * The extra heating surface and long fire travel of the wraparound radiator design of heat exchanger tmat keeps fuel costs to a inimuim. ,b The Copper Bearing Steel that resists corrosion, insuring longer life. *Comnbustion, Chaniber of special alloy mietal thaàt re>.Pondaý quickly and absorbs flamne noise - for M serqietrouble-free operation. Isela FLINDLAY, and enýoy the best, th. finest lin Wderm A41 LIA7 C 1 4 pîcwwl% 1 mm ORONQ WMLYT rwusTRITISDAY, 2WGUST l5tlt