- i r s i -4 I g g g r -4, -r J o 4$~ -4 g -4, o r - o -, i --4 g r -t 4; -4' e- --'g e r 4- r -4 g g -t- 4- -4, ,4' -o -t- 'n -t- g t- g -t g -t- r -e e- t- g o g g g e-, g Q o s 13 -t o r 4; 13 r o Q o s, g g s ~ r -' e~j \~- ~ DE~ LIj'UID, CERTO 8 oz bottie 29 PARAWAX, lb. pkg. CROWN GLASS JARS 12 pi1?i size 12 quart size $1.59 $M79 MASON GLASS JARS 12 piiit size 12 quart sýize $1.25 $1.39 RED i dozen RUBBER RINGS _. 09 CROWN dozer, GLASS TOPS -n. 2 ZINC RINGS, dozen -. HmEgus Aw T~urkey 1 î11r lb 49c agrel SIde aeon Ibpk& 890- g ECNOMCALand N1'PRITIOUS TO P G E T PolkLiver ' lb 29c, P G E Ta 'nAPELE COO-KED L AZED MAy Pzcrk R#cks lb 39c MEAT BALLAI fi TABLERITE. GOOKED MAS MINCED HAM silieed b oz pkg IÇ35e. QcooKE'D AU 6 *Z : a -"590Tna s ýY1TH FRE $256 BONUS BOOSTER TAPEI LI-RliýY CI-OICE TEEN'ATO JUWCE......... .... 48 oz. tins 2"c C AY 7N (COLOR aui TASTE DELICIOUSBVREREH SAICOil once tns ~Seedless Granes l M¶ANDARIN ORA-NGES.....2 for 31c ÏIGA CNEFRSDU G DAýLY,OUAINVLE BONELESS CHICKEN, ,, 7 oz. tins .33e -NUWt POTATOZ1 l bb4 SOCET0 ouuce tins -13 CAULJFLOWIt /age heads eac L>OG FOOD........... ........ 2 for 27cê AIONI ECA-eddwt uc STARLýAC INSTANT 0N - SKIM MILR .........4 pQ'und pkg. $1.59 0iIS ST. LAWRETEE TIME FOR ViESERVJ-NG ST.LARNCEL...........2oz.in9cAiving »aily Prom1 ASSORTED FLA1VOURS OAtratieS KOOL AID Drink MViixes......... 6 for 29ec AC'40 7/ --I 0O 0_1ýCWT' REO2ýÇ BNI GLOVER VALLýEY SLD-RT AC CIIEEZ PLEEZ.....8 ouce jar 33)c T ihf y7 FRZE 0015IS fnny Co of fée F'IlSII andQi CIP'S 24 cunce 59kg.-AllnsT 14p~ WIT F E 2.50 BO"NUS OOSERTAVE 1 1P1 CT SWEl-ET GlmTotpat giant si, LE&AE6 ounce tins.... o 7 HT RS IMEURLAFE In-riake 1 oiikt i ssues I Wôn B AIbë ta Man Thi B-avle Lici1s C1ib Carni- the cýhiiren ik a mfagniet.Th de.- fval, held ithe grounds o!< the Cent- liciuý pies, cakes, cookies and other srai Shorei on Sturday evening, was tasty itenis t the home bakitigý booth (I ~nq -adnu cess, tsi sold ont early n the evening. Mm,. Ze dok the R~oy al-aiUn Air Force Fred Cole, wif'e of the %iuLb's presi- SBani-pradied throu.gh the town. The dent, ami d the eher Lions' ladies Wr stirrJng miartialt music drew the charge of this booth wee kept basy 9fcro'wd. On~ arriva]. at tihe carnival the re5st o tihe time serving cofftE cî grounds the -RCA~F Band gave an ex- tu a steadv stream o01 patrons. 9celientprga. The numhers were Fred Cole,- president of the cu varied yet ebh eli ehed the bae igh was in~ charge of the big draw wh sta nda rd. took plare- at 11:45 p.m., He callled' oin O Hundreds of pieople enjoyed the Sid SImith, 'star hockey player of the- booths vWhid.h the Bowifianyiile Lions Toronto Maple Leafs, to make tâhE fiCjub had set up for their entertain- draw. The winnf r of a 19*57 Oldsirio- Sment. Thle giafit bingo gamne was e.x_ bile four-dloor sedan was G. Marce' Qcçýeding1y popuflar. Other centres of Martineau, Fa1her, Allber-ta. A port- o attraction wer.- the crown ami an- a1b1e televiSion1 set was won 11v!Ms2 aý chor, over and under, ring toss, iiee Sylvia Runde, R-R. 1, Non Quoný Rd., omoney, the baam bootfi, gariden dihair shawa. Q hoth«, the lassie booth, home bajdýng Th11e chairmain in charge, of ar'range- O ad ccffe hooth, retfreshment stand, mients for- this %welI org-an-ized anid Qhojt do- ce'ntre, tjhe bail, throw, andU enjoyable carnival was Caec Ic 1) the Cca Cola booth. The lar~ge and' ki. The carniival1 treasurer w- a o 0gailýy decorJated m-ýerrIy-go-r-ound drew Dillin.g. ---A ~o~o~oc~Y N13G ,c ig (JA good sfart, sop ... keep it go*ng!" oz 3C"I tell Ned ~ the same thin ies to saving, Nia 18 U ~We ail1 made 'a good start' PW2~d13 ~by saving re-gularlIY at THE CANADIAN TAPE o 13BANK 0F CO)MMERCE", TAPE 765 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READy To SERVE yOU tin 29C O o oR a c A. L.ROOE, Manager ag a9 4It~r -j houid prompgt -yo-,tri eau u -por, -Is2 c us in Uirrne of 9,rrw We strs annie beatiul ser-vàces that prove eornoling to the bereaved. FIJNERÀL HOME Q Phom 1187 Orme, Out- PIu Hlie ---4 '~'1