__________ RONO W1EEKLY A numnber of neighboiirs entertain- ed>4s aencnan, prior to ýhe1 Features For The Week îeain1g 'Oinoto live at Ottawa, at, tlhe home of Mrs. Wý!ii Co1hbedick Clothes Baskets, Oval Laundry Basket las', week. A pleasant eveling was strog rinfocedhdlproo, lghtspenit with a presentation of a lovely stogrifre andes, snag Hameed owinu Taya il iweight, no liner needed, lasts indefinitely, can't to mird uanrm beraynaeighout stain clothes. Colors red and yellow ......... $3.98i A delicious Itinch Was oervdbt Ms ýL. Barraball. an.d Mrs. Wmn. Cobblýe- Bir-thday Cards - 21 Birthday cards boxed 98 !"dick.addagteý M -rs. JackBysnadag¶tr- Skiit. tafeta.blac andblue ackgoundTrento n are v4stig Mrsq, Mif1freitt Skirs, affea, lac andblu bacgrond erwin and Laurenýe. ithi white polka dot. Size 10, 14, 16. Each . ... $4.98 Mr.NelotramMs Ady Bihings spent a few days with Mr. Misses Slips - Everglaze cotton, permanent and Mrs. Jttk Bail, Londfon, pleated, crease resistant, three tiered skii; bow, John and Ross fTaniiyii, sons cJ trimmed, Lace edged hem, top and -ude Mr. and Mr.J. C. Tairviae straps. Elastic at sides. Size 8, 10, 12.....$ 1.98 pat:ents iii the Bomavle r, Sun Dr+îses, Ladies cotto rjint, assorted ' Mr. a)nd Mýr.s. Doniald Duncani, B colors and patterns. Size 12, Z4, 16, 18. Each $2.79 jim aýnd Shirley 0of Ottawa spenit a fe! das wtb riejons ihn o Midriff, ýirIs cotton, sýsorted c olors with ReAnMs.Jn thean frili trim. SiAes 1 12, iPri(e..........79c ~ns nOoo Parin nife f Iserrated, stainiless stee J~ eehn-n'~l~ ShitsMens cttn, ongsleveand oket assotedcolors and patterniis. S., M., L....,$2.98 w 'dMN.Fs~C~<'s~Pl ýis--S BottjeC25e alastie and a1.50 fu- eralcf he-i a "absorbenti reduces presing teniwoodawho Edce...... .98e S~stan u, No~ea, gloiou's tnkw+ithutLbur URONhiO k5c U$1.00 STORE Rv OPEN FRIDAY EVENJNGSNOSRCE Summeri Mises' & Ladies' De esse Reguar to $24.50 on SAL11 Ladies' Housedre 'ses 95 ale Continues Girls Cotton Drt sses size 12 years -Regular .9 ON SALE 95e. Icegular- to $4.9,5 ON SAÉ $12.95 Girls' Cotton Iýr sses Lde'Cik rp Si1zes 10 --12 Ye _a ~Pyj]a as lgua t,4-50 ON SALE$.8Rglr$. ON SALE $2.2_5 Mse'& Ladie' Hats LADIES'ý SHORTS iRegular to~UO.95 ON L $2.95 . .Seveli stylesnfléotndnm and saenR, plini shadie o01r-es. Misse' & Ldies resse Size10 to 20. YOUR CHTOICE$21 ReguLar ,to $5 05-N ALE $.95 Lades& isesè0to LADIES' T-SHIRTS Ladis' &Misss 'otonKnitted Cotton in plain colours or Skl»rts coourf ut stripes., Sîzes small med- Ikegular to $T95 ON SALE $495,1 ium an~d large. YOUR CHOICE $1.39 GIRL'S BLOUSES ANDJT Sleeveless, plain cOlors or stipes LADIES' HALTER TOPS eý 8 to 16 years, Reg. to $2.95 . .Straples. navy or white, sizes 34 YOUR CITOICE.......$ .39 to 38. SALE PRICE ........ $1.39 pra-7&2#»à VMsb& mta4a orm m Dow Armstrong's store Op.. An Day ]go"" r1ctn, r. ami lrs. J, Mr,1. and Mr-S. Alber't Cia] 'tsiW1 wih Mn aand Mrs. Mrs- MW'.W. Harrison hiOronlo some yVears 1 away 'nn Ottawa on July Mr. and Mrs. Edl. ih visited recently with Mi mrs.Robt. Allin spcfit Kintgston V*siting ber dauý G. Gtamshy. Judy Garnsb to Oronlo for-a, week's va,<l Ml% and imrs. George ' Mr-S. Morris visited wijth 3izý Morton and R(f friends in t t] ~ere to Algonquin P~ark. Also ~ Mark~ham visited in Orono. roronto on Siinday. f iag friends in Peiterborough, Milf. Rev. J. R. Smsn Mrs. Simpsoin brok and pontypool, and littie daughter, Ingersoil, calied 31r- and mrs. R. E. Logan ,ýpeCt or her aunit IMrs. H. Walsh las't weeký1.lat week a,, "Thland View, Ric,. Mrs. J. E. Richards was a weekeýnd Lake, Visitors duriwg th'e week were visitor with _Met and Mrs. L. Mjc- Mr. and ?drs. J. Rfckaby and Norman, Iý omb at Lildsay. Mi'. an'd Mrs. Neil Porte-, Mr. and Miss Edith D-unn, Cobmartýg and Mliss Mrs. Chas Wood, Mr. and Ms Bertha Caïn are holidaing at Tali- Norian AluJan a-nd Sharoni. 3imes InninJr the Halibrnton, Higli- Mr'. and Mrs. Harley Billi:ngs of aS Philadeljphia are visiting hisbrhe Mr. John, Pattn and sonRî_oy spent 'r. end Mrs. Carl Billings. asst Saturdiy at Fenielon- Falls arid Mrs. A. Morgan of Oshawa spEntî Vtended the 269th anniversary of tihe a few days with Mrs. Rowena Dleani. oyaý1 BlIack Knights of Ireland from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goode u Would You Like More Gonveniencèenmd Lie WoDuld 'you like to have more tiîme c>" e.ich day to cdevote to yurchildren, to rtecreattionp, to gardçig rSOMe Ž~other summertime pursuit? Labur avig eectical appliances cangive you thi~exta tie;2t the flick of a switch th1-ey whitl dwnto minur.ltes time-consuming chores. ÙO UT WITH HYDRO FOR ONLY. A FEW CENTS A DAY Fov- one cent you cn "o ,_e cetf you ca:n u-se on eIectric ir-oner for Use un etrcfio 53 minutes. polisk.r- for 2!/?, hovpsi., For One cen,! t- ouan uise an e!ectri V'acuum zbeaner for 11/4 hours. Fieures based eon the avêragk cese per kii4wolt- heur te dmestic customers i. Hydre municipvltie$. MCZ RiOI-ID0 yo Modemn... Liv. Detter Elotricuall I fi ~pi~ »c=:m>oc=»Oc:="C=ec=e 1 Wbczmo - 1 N. 'N N. N. N. 'N N N. 'N N. z N z N. N. N. N. N. N. N. -s N. N. Nj N. N. N. N. N. t' 2 ~ N. 'N. 'N. N. N. N. -4 N. *'1 N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. -N N. N 's N. j N N. N. '-s 's N. N. N. N. N. N. v~ N. "N ~ N. N. s N. * -4 N. N. N. r N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. --s N. "N